I’m in Marvel: Just Become A God

Chapter 352

Chapter 195: Hammer Industries. (410)

Often the more huge amounts of enterprises, the higher the requirements for the capital chain, especially for organizations like HYDRA that spend horrific expenses.

Alexander Pierce had always thought that they had some money in their hands, and now hearing this, everyone is stupid.

“No, how could this be? Didn’t we have more than 10 billion before.

Alexander Pierce felt that his scalp was numb, it would be funny if he had no money, dignified HYDRA, an organization that wants to overthrow all the classes in the whole world and rule this world is going to have no money.

Alexander Pierce felt like there were 10,000 words of My Fake in his stomach.

“The project of researching mecha cost us a lot of money. Anton Vanke and Ivan Vanke have very high requirements for the research equipment, and everything requires the best, and the manufacturing of the production line and the creation of various molds are even more expensive. A lot of money, more than 10 billion has been invested in the research of the mecha project.

Dr. Zola said emotionlessly.

Alexander Pierce:

Spending money for a while, spending money all the time, looking at those handsome and beautiful mechas, Alexander Pierce still clearly remembers how high-spirited he was at that time, and now thinking about it…

But don’t think that the cost of mechas is very low, it is quite expensive, the cheapest set is around five million dollars, and a mecha group like Tony Stark can’t be established by anyone who wants to build it. At least not everyone can play around, the original HYDRA is naturally no problem, even if it is turned over to the previous generation, it will not be a problem.

But recently, with the launch of the Insight Project, the construction of the Tongtian aircraft carrier, and the sudden increase in funding requirements of various branches, so many things have come together, and the current HYDRA ten are really poor.

“Do you have any ideas?”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Alexander Pierce felt that he was going to grow old again. This Nima is really spending money like running water, and he can’t stand it anymore.

“Anton Vanke said that he wanted revenge, and Hanmer Industries is currently pursuing the orders left by the Stark Industries from the Ministry of Defense after the delisting of the market. They are desperately looking for talents in weapons. At the same time, they are also quietly researching imitation Stark. Warframe.35

Dr. Zola’s voice sounded.

He is almost the same existence as J.A.R.V.I.S now, but it is obviously a higher level. Anyway, it was once a personal existence. Today, Dr. Zola basically does not exist on the network when the network of Millikin is gradually rolled out. News he didn’t know.

Now, with the use of the Internet more and more frequently, many companies are habitually putting their confidential things on the Internet, which is convenient for viewing and also considers themselves to be hidden. Little do they know that the things on these networks are not as secure as paper documents. , And the secret of Hammer Industries, the invincible existence on the network of Dr. Zola, can’t be hidden at all.

Even a computer that is disconnected from the network is the same.

“I think I have an idea.”

“For Hanmo Industries, if it collapses, how much money can we return?

Alexander Pierce’s eyes lit up.

Money, a lot of small money, he seemed to see countless money beckoning towards him.

Hammer Industries, although the military enterprise in Milliken is not a giant, but it is also possible to become a giant after the fall of Stark.

Alexander Pierce felt like he had caught some new money.

“One trillion, that’s the least!”

“We can completely take over Hanmo Industries, accept their weapons manufacturing department, and take orders from the Ministry of Defense that originally belonged to Stark. Our technology reserves and weapons technology reserves are enough to deal with the officials of Millician, and at the same time, we can get a big contract.

“It’s actually pretty much the same effect we got from Stark Industries.”

Dr. Zola said lightly.

“Haha, okay, that’s it.

“Let the people from Hammer Industries recommend Anton Vanke to that idiot Justin Hammer! 35

“By the way, all the battle armors and weapon production lines that have been produced have been eaten by Justin Hammer, we need money now.

Alexander Pierce smiled, with a very comfortable and happy smile, rich, and soon to be rich.

As for whether Justin Hammer would eat what was in his hands, he would not have the slightest concern.

Justin Hamer, that guy, he knows too much.

The people from the intelligence department thoroughly analyzed Justin Hammer.

He may be a genius and a successful businessman. If he didn’t meet Tony Stark, he was normal. With some connections in his family, he created Justin Hammer Industries. One can imagine that this person is actually quite strong, but since Tony Stark After his rise, he seemed to have lost his IQ in his head. He had to compare everything with Stark, and even his weapons began to deliberately imitate Stark’s industry.

As a result, the prospects of Hammer Industries were not as good as before, and they were quickly abandoned by those who originally admired their company’s unique weaponry.

It made his position start to become tasteless, not front and back.

If this is a sensible person, he will obviously realize his own problems and change his industrial model, but unfortunately, that guy, Justin Hammer, is a dead brain.

It seems that Stark is not reconciled if he doesn’t die, so he just wants to fight with Stark Industry.

This is no secret in the upper ranks of Milician, and it will become a joke.

After all, there is an idiot who has to imitate other people’s Stark for everything, and even wants to learn to pick up girls, but he doesn’t look as good as other people’s Stark. .

HYDRA also had the opportunity to bring Hammer Industries into control, but the idiot made them dispel the idea.

And now, it seems that the time is right.

As for that idiot Justin, just go in and stay there.

That might be the best ending for him.

Because only then can Justin Hammer Industries enter the auction process.

And their HYDRA will be able to use the least amount of money to eat the whole of Hanmo Industry in one bite.

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