I’m In Mist Shinobi: Practicing Water Style With The Pacific Ocean

Chapter 373

073、Let You Open Doors Everywhere

Body wounds are painful and itchy.

Of course, that’s all, and Zoro doesn’t let it go.

Sanji held back his breath, and finally let it out, and kicked Blueno’s back shoulder unceremoniously.

And Kaku, whose nose is as long as Usopp, is the only one so far who has practiced both Iron Body and Tempest Kick to their peak.

No matter how impossible it was, Sanji really did it.

And Sanji was waiting for this moment.

His figure shuttled back and forth in the space gates.

When Sanji felt that the touch on his feet was not right, he immediately resorted to his own special trick after coming down from Sky Island.

If it was a little later, I’m afraid they would have to be trapped by the collapsed tower of justice and couldn’t get out.

Because of Sanji’s personal attack, Blueno couldn’t find the space to open the space door.

However, as soon as he got out of the newly opened space door, Sanji immediately chased after him through another space door.

“Devil’s feet!

He never imagined that Sanji could be so good as a Master in such a short period of time.

Then Sanji flew out of another space door and hit the ground.

“Finally caught you” [!”

“Shoulder Tenderloin! 9

He could only turn on Iron Body and resist Sanji’s kicks.

To practice a trick well is to be called a genius, it takes a lot of hard work and sweat.

Sanji spat out the bruised blood in his mouth, wiped the bloodline from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, then kicked the ground and jumped directly into a space door.

Suddenly, Blueno caught Sanji’s flaw and kicked Sanji’s chest.

While continuing to kick Blueno, he began to rotate his body, the speed of which became faster and faster, and the force of the kick became stronger and stronger.

But just now, under the circumstances, I personally tested it once and found that the space gate itself is simply a gate-like existence, and there are no other traps.

Blueno was about to get up when Sanji was already following him.


“I don’t think it’s necessary, let’s go to Robin first.

This time, Blueno just opened the space door when Sanji kicked him and lost his balance.

Sanji didn’t think that he could use the space door before, because it was summoned by the other party, and he was not sure whether there would be danger after entering.

Nami made another suggestion.

“Impossible, impossible, how could Iron Body be defeated so easily, this is impossible.

“Yeah, well, let’s go to Robin first.

Sanji flew out obliquely and passed directly through one of the space doors Brono made.

Blueno flew upside down for dozens of meters, crashed into a house and stopped.

When Sanji kicked Blueno with his reddish right foot, Blueno screamed, and the Iron Body, which had always been as strong as a wall, was crushed.

Someone like Kaku, who practiced kicks five thousand times a day.

Sanji thought about it and agreed with Nami.

Sanji spat out a mouthful of blood and staggered to his feet.

Blueno, who fell in the rubble, could no longer stand up.

But no matter where the exit of his newly opened door is, Sanji can always find the nearest space door immediately and appear beside Blueno.

Without any chance of respite, Blueno’s offensive continued to come.

The blood on the corners of his mouth was not worth wiping away.

Because, Luffy and Zoro are facing two extremely formidable opponents.

“That’s great, now it’s Luffy and Zoro’s side. Shall we go and see?”

“Luffy and Chlorella can definitely handle it themselves. It’s better for us to get Robin back as soon as possible. After all, it takes time to go back and forth. If it takes too long, I’m afraid it will be too late to get to the Rocketman.”

But then, his advantage over Sanji is gone.

Sanji aimed at Blueno’s head and kicked with his legs interlaced, causing Blueno to get dizzy and back again and again.

“You played really well, from now on, I’m going to fight back.

Although Sanji doesn’t know the relationship between the door and the door for the time being, it’s not a big problem.

Once or twice, it doesn’t matter, each time it is so accurate, Blueno has to pay attention to this problem.

“Three-level ground meat!

Sanji’s battle had just ended when he saw his companion walking in his direction.

The key was hit hard, and Blueno nearly fainted.

CP9, the combat power was reduced by 5.

Gradually, an incredible look appeared on Blueno’s face.

Three legs in a row, kicking Blueno’s throat, chest, and abdomen respectively.

Before fainting, the mouth kept repeating a sentence.

Usopp carried Chopper, Franky carried Nami.

The offense and defense reversed, and Blueno, who had been chasing after Sanji’s fight, was now only able to run away and open the door again and again.

It has to be said that they made the right choice, and it was time to go (for the money).

Because he finds it hard to entangle Sanji already.

Don’t you know if you walk through it yourself.

So in the next time, Sanji went from fighting and retreating to taking the initiative.

Needless to say, Lu Qi, who can become the leader of the CP9 special team.

“Three o’clock!

Blueno was only one step away from rushing through the space gate, and his hell experience was imminent.

The fact that the six-style Grandmaster is enough is enough to demonstrate its strength.

Use his shield to give him back.

The most important thing is time.

After being stunned by Enel at Sky Island, Zoro has been training as a devil.

“`. Sanji, did you solve it like this?””

In the end, Sanji’s right foot turned fiery red.

The strength of this kick was extraordinary. After Blueno hit the ground, he rolled over twenty meters and stopped.

Because Sanji found out that he had dealt with it, he couldn’t help showing a bright smile and looked extraordinarily handsome.

Sanji lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, relieving the pain from the wound on his body.

Without 100,000 times of use, it can’t be said to be an entry.

Sanji’s speed increased sharply, and his explosive power was comparable to that of Blueno who used shaved.

Before Blueno could accept this reality, Sanji finally circled behind Blueno for the first time.

In desperation, Blueno could only choose to close all the space doors and only open one when he needed to use it.

There was definitely no way to chase Blueno for a while, but he quickly understood the relationship between most of the space gates, and the process of traveling back and forth became more and more proficient.

Usopp didn’t see the enemy, so after approaching, he opened his mouth to confirm.

After the confirmation, the five people went straight down the stairs, headed to the Gate of Justice first, and supported Wayne.


Forced to cheer up, Blueno opened a space door directly below and hid in.

Sanji suddenly had an idea.

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