I’m in Strike the Blood, Inheriting The Template Of The True Ancestor At The Start

Chapter 2

2. Good Guy, It Turned Out To Be Waiting For Me Here

“Deng deng deng-”

The sound of footsteps echoed in the dark alley.

Nangong Yu was surrounded by the bad trio in a triangle shape, and the group of four kept walking towards the depths.

After ‘inadvertently’ glanced at the fat man and red hair behind him, Nangong Yu exhaled softly and asked inwardly.

‘system? ’

“Hello, dear host, the Infinite Dimension System is here to serve you! Please call in your heart when you need it.”

After confirming that he was not really hallucinating, the heart that Nangong Yu mentioned before is finally put down.

After calming down a little, he continued to ask.

‘Is there such a thing as a description? ’

“The function of the system is as the name suggests, that is, it is linked to infinite dimensions and can take you to any world. At the same time, because you have successfully bound this system, everything you have will be protected by the system.”

‘Protect? ’

Nangong Yu frowned and asked with some uncertainty.

‘What do you mean by…? ’

“Travelers, that is, outsiders. If you don’t interfere with the fate of this world, you can live in peace. Once you interfere with the world itself, certain coercive measures will be taken.”

‘That is to say… if I am not protected by the system, once I interfere in the original process of this world, this world will destroy me humanely? ’

“Natural disasters or man-made disasters are all possible until they are cleared.”

Taking a deep breath, Nangong Yu couldn’t help but secretly pinched a cold sweat.

If he does not have a systematic start, since he knows the general situation of this world, he will definitely plan the power of the Fourth Primogenitor.

Once intervened, the consequences…

After being silent for a while, Nangong Yu calmed down and continued to ask in his heart.

‘What are ability cards and summon cards? ’

“Every time you go to a new world, you will get a random ability card or summoning card. Ability cards are divided into semi-inherited ability cards and permanent ability cards. Summoning cards are divided into one-time summoning cards and permanent summoning cards.”

“Semi-inherited ability card, you can get all the abilities, equipment and blood of the character in the card within a certain period of time. After the duration expires, there is a certain probability of inheriting the character’s ability, equipment or blood.”

“Permanent ability card, after use, you can get all the abilities and blood of the character, and there is a certain probability to obtain part of the battle memory of the character. Note: This card has certain fluctuations, which may be strengthened or weakened.”

“After the one-time summoning card is used, the character will be summoned across the world, and the summoned character has a certain degree of goodwill towards the host. The use time gradually shortens with the strength of the character in the card, and when the duration ends, the card disappears and the character is sent away. back to the original world.”

“The permanent summoning card is to permanently summon the character after use, and the summoned character shares life with the host.”

‘I see, the setting of ability cards and summon cards is quite interesting… Wait, it’s all random! ? What about random ranges? ’

“From the most powerful person who created the world and destroys the world in a single thought, down to the old man who is about to die.”

Nangong Yu nodded secretly, then immediately realized something was wrong.

Good guy, it turned out to be waiting for me here!

Up to the big guy who destroys the world in the wave of his hand, down to the old man with half of his foot in the ground? Thinking about this screening range makes my scalp tingle.

This golden finger of my own is just ridiculous!

After a long silence again, Nangong Yu asked in resignation.

‘…What happened to my two cards randomly? Give me joy directly. ’

“Ding, the ability card and summon card have been automatically sent to your personal space! Please pay attention to check.”

“…If you can draw a character card from Grandpa Uwtong or Red A, it would be great, even if you can’t, it would be good to give a second pillar.”

Nangong Yu muttered in a low voice, while following the guidance of the system, a blue light curtain that only he could see was displayed in the void ahead, with two tarot-sized cards on it.

However, the pattern depicted on the card made his eyes widen.

The one on the left depicts a Loli wearing a black cloak with long blond hair fluttering in the wind in the dark night, she is sitting on the crescent moon and the corner of her mouth is lightly raised.

The other is a blond woman wearing a blue-edged dress on a white background in a sea of ​​white flowers with petals fluttering in the wind. Aside from her doll-like exquisite beauty, the most eye-catching ones are the vermilion moon hanging high, and the earth held in the hands of women!

At the same time, both cards have a string of gilt-gold letters on the cover…

‘evangeline·a·k·mcdowell’ and ‘archetype: earth’!


At this time, Nangong Yu’s brain was a little down. He knew all the characters depicted on these two character cards!

And they are all strong enough to explode!

The loli on the first card is Evangeline a.k. McDowell, a very powerful vampire ancestor known as the “Gospel of Darkness” and “The Magician of the Night”. She has the pinnacle of ice magic, and she can eliminate hundreds of high-level magicians at one time with a single large-scale annihilation magic [End of the World].

And that’s not what she’s best at!

Her strongest point is the dark magic that she is constantly trying to develop based on her own evolution by virtue of her immortality as the true ancestor of vampires. After using it, she can turn an originally weak magician into a melee magician who can fight against Gang!

In addition, she also has a very strong puppet technology, and even made puppets with self-awareness.

What’s more, she is the true ancestor of vampires, with amazing magic power and unmatched physical fitness. Just melee combat is enough to give her opponent a headache, plus magic and dolls, a proper all-around player.

The second is even more incredible.

The True Ancestor Princess of the Moon World, the second daughter of the ‘Way of the Moon’ and ‘Origin of the True Ancestor’ Julius Brunstad, Elquite Brunstad!

Of course, judging by the vermilion moon depicted on the card and the name marked on it…

This is likely to be the second personality created by Zhu Yue’s action concept after the main character of Elquite fell asleep!

In a sense, she can be called Zhu Yue in this state!

The main character, Elquite, was originally a special ancestor who was born to hunt the fallen vampire ancestor, and she stood at the top of the pyramid from the very beginning!

She also has a “charming eye” that can imprison, brainwash, and memory operations, and in short, a “realization of fantasy” that can achieve everything she wants, enough to run wild in most worlds.

And what kind of strength the archetype who is more powerful than her and nicknamed “Earth Ji”: earth has, anyway, Nangong Yu can’t imagine.

So the question is, which of these two is the summon card and which is the ability card?

He wants Evangelin’s magic and puppet skills, and he also wants Ji Elquette’s abilities…

However, before Nangong Yu could finish researching which card was a permanent character, the blue-haired delinquent who was leading the way suddenly stopped.

“Here is the place.”

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