I’m in Strike the Blood, Inheriting The Template Of The True Ancestor At The Start

Chapter 260

259. Can You Eat Melons On Yourself Too?

On the bustling and bustling street, a black-haired boy suddenly appeared.

In addition, many adventurers wearing weapons kept passing by him.

He covered his face with a wry smile, Nangong Yu didn’t know what expression he should use…

The guy in front of him, no matter how inconsiderate, is the other half who got the marriage certificate from her!

“If there is nothing else, go to your place first, I have a lot to tell you.

Although she said so, her blue eyes were filled with undisguised joy.

After all, with her strength, there is absolutely no need for him to worry, and they will naturally meet later.

With a sigh, the card also turned into a spot of light in the sky.

The space is also full of starting point ripples…

Immediately, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

It looks like it should be his.

“Didn’t teleport? Or for some reason, she didn’t teleport with me? Forget it…”

In the next second, a continuously rotating magic circle appeared in front of Nangong Yu’s eyes!

Without waiting for Nangong Yu to think, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

“Summoning card…”

“It seems that we were all summoned by this beautiful girl… My name is Subaru Natsuki. As you can see, it is a male high school student who is about to become the protagonist. This place really fits the setting of an RPG game. Ah… as future partners, let’s work hard together!”5

Nothing impressive about it other than looking a little bit vicious.

“The magic factor in the air is not low…and what about the . . . Edelweiss?”

Is it important to gather intelligence about the world?

And there’s no interference from those guys in Aurora!

“Although I don’t know what your situation is, I wish you a peaceful life in this world.””

“Hey—!? Let’s not talk about the summoning from another world, what is the reason for the two protagonists to make trouble!?

This is a medieval-like street, in addition to all kinds of human beings in robes, there are also demihumans such as ‘Cat Ears’.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you should… be my partner, right?”

Nangong Yu was away for a year, and many things happened in it.

This answer also made Nangong Nayue stunned for a while, and then sighed.

And it seems that from the beginning, he was ignored by these two!?

Immediately, he seemed to remember something and muttered again.

In the inventory at this time, in addition to the two familiar tarot cards, there is a new card!

At this moment, Subaru Nayuki said a little embarrassedly.

Shaking his head, Nangong Yu cheered and smiled.

But what Nangong Yu didn’t expect was…

About Aurora…

The magic in the air is not right, and the surrounding buildings are very different from modern society.

That beautiful girl definitely has a lot to do with the black-haired boy in front of her!

What does this transmigrator called Subaru Nayuki have to do with them?

She couldn’t be happier to be able to see Nangong Yu, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Speaking of which, Aurora and the others are now…


He kept thinking in his heart, and finally Nangong Yu gave up thinking.

Speaking of middle school sickness…

However, thinking of what happened to him in the past, there is nothing to be surprised about.

“That month sauce…”

After sending Kiriko home last night, he and Edwins embarked on a new journey this morning.

About Hase Natsuon…

Subaru Nayuki is a normal person at all!

Is it important for him to find a place to reminisce that month with Nangong whom he hadn’t seen for many years?

“That, that…”

“…Not yet, this is another world.”

About the woman Gada…

“There is no need for any reservations, just use it directly…”

Even if Subaru Nayuki is squatting at home, he can easily see it.

“do not know.

“Could it be that we were summoned by this beautiful girl?”

“Forget it, let’s collect information first and then make plans.”

Accompanied by an unbelievable murmur, a young man in a rustic sports suit with an unusually vicious eye walked slowly over with a convenience bag…

good guy!

Nangong Yu shook his head,

As a teacher with rich teaching experience, she can know the general character of Subaru Nayuki at a glance.

This is a small alley next to the main street.

What he needs to figure out now is the world he is currently in!

Looking at the empty alley, Nayuki Subaru’s face was dull and his eyes were full of confusion.

Nangong Yu has never heard of the name Caiyue Subaru.

Going back 10,000 steps, even if Edwise didn’t send over for some reason, Kiriko and the others would have arranged for her.

But before that…

If it was a fan who traveled through a different world, he knew a Hiraga Saito before the time traveled.

“Magic, magic…?”

Also, Cain, who used Itogami Island as an altar…

However, before Nangong Yu could finish speaking, a footstep sounded from the darkness in the distance.

——Edwise was not by his side!!

The alley was unusually dark and filled with shadows.

Nangong raised his brows that month and asked Nangong Yu.

“never mind…”

His black hair was like satin, and his azure eyes were full of endless majesty. The petite body, combined with the black Gothic dress, gives people a strange beauty.

Taking the tarot card full of faint brilliance into his hand, Nangong Yu couldn’t help being stunned.

He glanced thoughtfully at Subaru Nayuki who had no idea why, but Nangong didn’t continue to think about it that month.

After thinking for a few seconds, the black-haired girl spoke again.

Just because the character on that card is an existence that he is so familiar with that he can no longer be familiar!

He looked at Nangong Yu and Nangong Nayue with very incredible eyes.

“Other worlds…?”

“what’s the situation?”

His right hand swiped lightly in the void, and the azure blue screen also unfolded in front of Nangong Yu.

“I also just came to this world, and then you came. How could there be such a thing?”9

Nodding to Subaru Nayuki, Nangong Yu took the black-haired girl’s hand and disappeared into the alley instantly.

Did you really eat melons on yourself…?

Everything, she has to explain to Nangong Yu!

After the cross talk performance ended, the young man seemed to have nothing happened, he twiddled his hair and raised a finger towards himself at the two of them.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Nangong Yu couldn’t help frowning.

Nangong Yu shrugged helplessly.

Sighing slightly, Nangong Yu’s figure suddenly disappeared.

As if he had noticed something, Nangong raised his brows that month.

“You…you know how to come back!?”

After leaving the main street, Nangong Yu appeared here.

Slowly opening his blue eyes, Nangong Nayue was stunned when he saw the figure in front of him.

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