I’m in Strike the Blood, Inheriting The Template Of The True Ancestor At The Start

Chapter 38

37. Is It Really Good To Give People Cards So Casually?

Although Nangong put forward a suggestion that month to let Xiao Nagisa learn some life-saving skills, but this matter finally came to an end.

What she knows is not suitable for this girl, and Nangong Yu’s magic is not so easy to learn for a while…

In the final analysis, there is no such thing as magic power in Xiao Nagisa!

This has also led to a very troublesome thing to solve this problem…

After Aurora and Xiao Nagisa left hand in hand, Nangong looked at Nangong Yu that month and asked.

“What do you think? That talkative kid seems to admire you very much.”

“Even if you say that, I can’t help it…”

Nangong Yu couldn’t help but shrugged and said helplessly.

Although there are some moves related to spiritual power in Ewenjielin’s memory, it can be imagined as the opponent of Ewenjielin, the ‘dark magician’, her own strength can be imagined!

To put it simply, Nangong Yu has “high-end goods” in his hands, but that kind of thing has no effect on the current Xiao Nagisa.

Even the basic spiritual power application is not enough to touch those things, a bad one will only hurt her…

Instead of this, it is better to think of other ways to be the right way.

“Wait, I’ll ask that stupid dog to see if there’s anything I can do…”

Nangong gently rubbed his forehead that month.

No matter how she brought Xiao Nagisa to Itogami Island, once the little guy was injured on his own territory, I don’t know how Nangong Yu would make fun of her…

Except for space control magic and some spells that only witches can understand, the help she can provide Xiao Nagisa is extremely limited.

But if you leave it alone, let alone Xiao Nagisa, she can’t even get through the level of Aurora.

Not to mention her profession as a teacher, some things about the Itogami Island Guards are enough for her to have a headache. She doesn’t have so much time to pay attention to Xiao Nagisa’s situation all day long.

“Let’s do this for now…”

Nangong Yu exhaled softly, but did not reject Nangong’s proposal that month.

Seriously speaking, the most suitable person to teach Xiao Nagisa is actually her grandmother who works in the Lion King agency!

But after so many years, her grandmother didn’t do anything.

To say that she doesn’t know Xiao Nagisa’s talent Nangong Yu is absolutely unbelievable, but she still did it…

Perhaps, while helping Aurora prepare her trump card, I can only see if I can find something to save her life.


A day passed quietly.

Except for lunch with Aurora at noon, Nangong Yu spent the rest of the time in the office on the top floor of the teaching building.

After school in the afternoon, Nangong left the words “you go back by yourself” that month, and left the office alone, not knowing where he went.

Seeing this, Nangong Yu had no choice but to take Aurora on the road home.

“Yu, I want to eat ice crystals.”

Aurora looked at the roadside store and tugged at Nangong Yu’s sleeve.

“You really like to eat that kind of thing… Forget it, eat it if you want.”

“Mmmm! You are such a good person!”

“Don’t! I’m not a good person, don’t put this hat on me, I can’t afford it!”

Mentioning this, Nangong Yu twitched the corners of his mouth.

He doesn’t want a good person card or something, and he is still issued a good person card by his ‘pet’, no matter how he thinks it is too strange…

“Ice Crystal ~Ice Crystal ~Super Delicious Ice Crystal~”

Eating the ice cream that Nangong Yu bought for herself happily, Aurora took Nangong Yu’s big hand and jumped up and down, humming inexplicable tunes in her mouth.

Therefore, this combination of big and small has attracted the attention of many students on the way to school.

“Hey, look! Isn’t that the ‘blonde princess’ from the junior high school? I heard that it is Teacher Nangong’s family. How could she be so close to a man?”

“…Who is that man? Holding hands with Aurora-chan… I’m so envious…”

“No envy, no envy… I don’t envy at all… Damn! I’m so envious!!”

“I remember when I was in the shopping street some time ago, I seemed to see this man on a date with Nagisa-chan… What a scumbag!”

“Are you talking about Xiao Nagisa!? Really fake!? Damn!!”

Facing envious glances from all around, as well as various whispers.

Aurora tilted her head and asked Nangong Yu with a puzzled face.

“Yu, are you a scumbag?”

“Enough of you… I’m wholehearted with Nayue-chan, do you think I’m like that kind of person?”

“It’s not like! You woke me up from eternal sleep, bought me delicious and fun things, and handed me a lot of knowledge with Nayuki-chan. So, you are a good person!”

Aurora shook her head with a dull face and denied it.

But her words made Nangong Yu twitch the corners of his mouth again.

“Enough is enough, don’t send me a good person card…”

Sure enough, it should be said that all natural dull cuts are black?

Immediately after thinking of something, Nangong Yu glanced at the students who were whispering, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Orola, you have to remember! Men other than me are bad people, so no matter what they say to you, you just need to reply ‘you are a good person’!”

“Well! I remember!”

Aurora nodded her head vigorously, keeping this sentence in her heart.

“It’s so good… Anyway, I don’t know when Yue Sauce will come back. We’ll go to the restaurant you’ve always liked to settle dinner later.”

Nangong Yu stroked the girl’s hair with relief, and Aurora also squinted her eyes that were beating with flames.

“Hey hey… eh? That’s…”

At this moment, Aurora suddenly turned her head and murmured with a puzzled face.

Following her line of sight, a figure came into view of Nangong Yu.

Under a tree in the distance, a figure in a blue and white sailor suit was squatting on the ground, and then she stood up abruptly and ran towards the mountain behind the school with something in her arms.

Is that… Natsune Haase?

Looking at the retreating back, Nangong Yu couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

He had been interested in getting in touch with this distressed poor girl in the original book before, but he had never found much opportunity.

And looking at Aurora’s appearance, it seems that this time it may be a little gain…

Immediately, he looked down at the girl beside him and asked.

“Aurora, do you know that girl?”

“Yeah! Her name is Yase Natsuyin, she is in the same class as Nagisa-chan, and she seems to have a good relationship with Nagisa-chan.”

Aurora nodded lightly and said cheerfully.

“She’s a good person too!”

“Although she is indeed a good person, is it really good for you to hand out good person cards to people so casually…”

While complaining in his heart, Nangong Yu’s eyes flashed a gleam of light.

Since I happened to meet it, let’s get in touch with the ‘Saint’ in the original book!

PS: After the normal update is completed today, let’s see if we can find a way to make up for yesterday’s update.

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