I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 101 - The Seventh World (End) (1)

In the alley, the phone was on.

Sheng Yi: Aren’t you also in the first city? I didn’t find you at school.

Hang Qing glanced at the phone screen, and moved his finger silently and struck a few words: PE class, I was at the school gate.

Sheng Yi: Wait for me?

Hang Qing looked at these three words and could almost imagine that Sheng Yi had no expression on his face, but smiled sullenly in his heart.


Hang Qing followed up with another one: I was waiting for Liang Yun.

Hang Qing now has no worries about the protagonist’s acceptance and opposition. After all, from the experience of several worlds in the past, in the end, no matter what it looks like, as long as he can successfully attack the villain, it will be considered to complete the task.

After he spared no effort to pull the hatred for Liang Yun, he did not return any information.

For the first time in life, the big villain became depressed all over.

Hang Qing didn’t care if Sheng Yi had returned the message. When the villain liked him a little, the villain’s strong self-esteem would never allow Liang Yun to approach him again.

Hang Qing put away the mobile phone and pulled the wig on the slider.

Not worn well, a little bit piercing.

Hang Qing glanced down at her own dress, which was perfect, the standard beautiful young girl who can arouse the protection of men. He likes himself a bit.

Hang Qing walked out of the alley.

Liang Yun is really a person of excessive restraint. Since his mind was exposed that day, he hasn’t revealed half a point, but when he was with Hang Qing, he intentionally or unintentionally made the action closer.

With the first few worlds to set the stage, Hang Qing is almost numb to the protagonist’s love for him.

Hang Qing was not very good at actively provoking the struggle between the villain and the protagonist. When he was thinking about how to intensify the contradiction, an arm suddenly extended from the back, and embraced him firmly.

“Why do you look like this again?” That was the sound of Liang Yun gritting his teeth in his ear.

Hang Qing glanced down and opened his mouth.

Without waiting for him to speak, Liang Yun took the lead: “It looks good and looks good. But you can’t let others see it at will.”

Hang Qing opened her mouth again.

Liang Yun gritted his teeth and interrupted him again: “It’s not enough to show Sheng Yi. How can Sheng Yi’s scum know how to appreciate …”


“What are you doing?”

Liang Yun heard the sound and conditionedly released Hang Qing.

Hang Qing turned around and found that Feng Feiyu was standing not far away with a complex look, but when Hang Qing met his gaze, Feng Feiyu hid in hiding again.

Hang Qing didn’t feel angry, after all, not everyone could accept men’s under women’s clothing.

But suddenly, Feng Feiyu hurried forward and yanked Liang Yun.

Liang Yun sank his face, and pushed Feng Feiyu out with great effort. Ding Ran could not see that Feng Feiyu was wrong, but he could see it.

This is probably the man’s instinct when facing his rival.

Feng Feiyu let him protect Ding Ran, who had a sense of crisis in his arms.

So Feng Feiyu’s handsome face immediately became abomination in his eyes.

Feng Feiyu didn’t expect Liang Yun’s response would be so great. He knew Liang Yun had a good relationship with the teenager, so he glanced at Liang Yun and talked directly to Hang Qing.

“Why don’t you answer my call?” Feng Feiyu asked a little unhappyly, his two thick eyebrows tangled together, and he was sulking.

Liang Yun was also unhappy.

Ding Ran didn’t even answer my call. Who is your number?

Hang Qing silently took out his mobile phone: “Have you called me?”

Feng Feiyu quickly grabbed the past. The phone did not have a password, and Feng Feiyu quickly unlocked and transferred to the call interface. Before he could take a closer look, Liang Yun seized his hands again: “Don’t overdo it,” Liang Yun warned.

Feng Feiyu then reacted, his actions were too intense.

Feng Feiyu could not help but regret it. Will his move make Ding Ran angry?

Hang Qing reported a series of numbers: “Is it yours?”

Feng Feiyu nodded.

“I thought it was a fraudulent call …” Hang Qing blinked: “I just hung up.” His eyes were very innocent.

“Then I’ll call you …” Liang Yun asked.

“Should also …” Hang Qing blinked and didn’t say any more.

Liang Yun grabbed his cell phone and took a look, only to find that Hang Qing did not save their number on the cell phone.

Feng Feiyu couldn’t help approaching, raised his hand and rubbed a hand of Hang Qing’s hair.

It was only a wig that was worn on his head, but Feng Feiyu rubbed it, his heart suddenly softened, as if a beautiful girl in need of care was really standing under his hands.

I must be crazy.

Not even gender can be distinguished.

Feng Feiyu thought.

Liang Yun had a black face, and kept his number in it.

Feng Feiyu raised an eyebrow: “I want to save too.”

“No, I’ll save it for you.” Liang Yun said that he would return the phone to Hang Qing.

Feng Feiyu snatched it again: “Liang Yun!” He yelled, “What have you saved me …”

Two childish ghosts.

Hang Qing rolled his eyes: “Give it back to me.”

The two men who were just like cockfighting just now stopped short. Feng Feiyu obediently returned the phone to Hang Qing.

Liang Yun also smiled a little awkwardly, and some regretted that she was impulsive.

Hang Qing retrieved the address book and took a look. On top of the original Sheng Yi, there are also “annoying people” and “Ayun”.

Hang Qing’s eyes flickered, and no adjustment was made, so he put it away.

Liang Yun’s heart was shaking up and down. He didn’t dare to see Hang Qing’s response, but only stiffly shifted the topic: “Why did you come out earlier? You have to wait … who is that?” When talking about Sheng Yi Liang Yun deliberately vaguely.

No man can generously name his rival.

Hang Qing nodded.

“You just wait for him like this?” Liang Yun’s eyes moved Hang Qing from his head to his feet. The more impeccable Hang Qing’s look fell into his eyes, the more it made Liang Yun’s heart fire.

Feng Feiyu noticed the person mentioned in Liang Yun’s mouth.

“Who are you waiting for?” Feng Feiyu asked.

Liang Yun closed her lips and said nothing.

Hang Qing said plainly: “Boyfriend.” The innocence of the innocent didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

“Men …” Feng Feiyu forcibly suppressed the inexplicable anger in his heart, and closed his lips tightly by the way. After the mood calmed down, he couldn’t help but ask: “You, you are also a boy, how do you …”

Hang Qingmu turned around in front of him with a face.

Liang Yun was helpless. He knew that Ding Ran could always dismiss other people’s objections in a naive and calm manner.

“Not like a girl?” Hang Qing asked.

“Like.” Feng Feiyu looked at him, his heartbeat almost missed: “But …”

“No, but.” Hang Qing interrupted him.

“That … that boyfriend knows that you are not a girl?” When Feng Feiyu said this, he realized that his tone was a little bitter.

“do not know.”

“Then you are not afraid that he knows?”

“Don’t be afraid.” Because he will know soon.

Feng Feiyu and Liang Yun didn’t know Hang Qing’s thoughts and plans. They listened to this sentence and stared at Hang Qing with complex eyes.

Has Ding Ran’s love for that person reached such a point of disregard?

Liang Yun gritted his teeth jealously. He looked at the soft long hair of Hang Qing and squeezed out a few words from his tongue: “Little fool …”

“You go first.” Hang Qing urged.

“I came here to invite you to dinner. How could you just let me go like this?” Feng Feiyu said, standing firmly at his feet.

Liang Yun was even more reluctant to leave. As soon as he thought of Ding Ran waiting for Sheng Yi, and left them aside for this reason, Liang Yun felt a sourness heading upwards.

But despite their reluctance, the school bell has rang, and the students have started to go out one after another. Sheng Yi’s figure is particularly prominent in it.

Sheng Yi locked Hang Qing’s direction at a glance. When he glimpsed that Hang Qing was surrounded by two people, his face sank immediately.

He does not exclude Liang Yun, but excludes Liang Yunming and Ding Ran having nothing to do with it, but he has to call himself a boyfriend’s overbearing act. Liang Yun is nothing more than living with him, why die Ding Ran.

“Ran Ran.” Sheng Yi approached, his always cold face was a little gentle, he took Ding Ran’s schoolbag in one hand. The schoolbag is black and looks a bit out of step. But where did it go wrong, Sheng Yi did not pay too much attention.

“I’ll send you.” Sheng Yi said looking at Hang Qing. He ignored the other two directly.

Feng Feiyu squeezed over, his momentum was more open than Sheng Yi, he stood in front of Sheng Yi, like a ready-made male.

He whispered, “I’m going to take Ding Ran to dinner, and you’ll take it away if you don’t want to.”

Sheng Yi looked at Hang Qing: “Are you going?”

Hang Qing considered the look of Sheng Yi and thought that there was still no favorability, and nodded: “Together?”

Sheng Yi responded without hesitation.

Now it was Feng Feiyu and Liang Yun’s turn to get dark.


The three thought invariably.

Such a landscape soon appeared on the street.

Three young men of different ages who all looked good, tacitly protected a delicate and beautiful young girl in the middle.

These four people are enough to attract attention no matter who is released alone. When they are put together, the attention is even more terrifying.

The boys who come and go from school are envious of the three around Hangqing. The girls who come and go can’t help but admire Hang Qing, who doesn’t know where they came from, and can actually surround three handsome boys at the same time!

Hang Qing turned a blind eye to those eyes, and he was slightly excited at this moment.

After all, according to plan, his identity will be revealed.

Whether it will succeed in increasing the favorability or attract Sheng Yi’s rejection and disgust, all depends on that moment.

Feng Feiyu became the East and wanted to thank Hang Qing for saving him last time.

Liang Yun heard the words very disdainfully, and it was clear that he and Sheng Yi were also present. Later, Sheng Yi drove in and scared people away. Feng Feiyu only thanked Ding Ran …

Everyone knows Sima Zhao’s heart!

Four people were seated in the restaurant, and they seemed a bit out of place, attracting frequent waiters.

Hang Qing sat there just like a little girl who took good care of her and brought out her bodyguards.

The dishes were served soon.

According to his previous experience, when the protagonist attacked and sat with the villain, he had to fight for a meal.


As soon as the chopsticks were set up, they had a fight with chopsticks for who actually served the dishes in Hangzhou. Liang Yun and Sheng Yi have the deepest festival, naturally they are keeping an eye on Sheng Yi. It turned out that Feng Feiyu had found a hole.

Feng Feiyu moved his stool to sit closer to Hang Qing, and at the same time diligently filled Hang Qing’s rice bowl. Hang Qing whispered and said to him, “I thought you would never want to see me.”

Feng Feiyu said, “Why?”

Feng Feiyu smiled awkwardly: “I was a little surprised when I saw you changing clothes …” I was even more surprised to see you hitting others.

“Only surprised, really!” Feng Feiyu emphasized.

No fright.

After Feng Feiyu finished speaking, he turned his eyes unconsciously to Hang Qing’s face, as if he had been poisoned.

It is already clear in his heart that Ding Ran is a teenager, not a girl, but the other party ’s beautiful features are still deeply imprinted in his eyes. How can I look away?

Feng Feiyu’s hands and feet were stiff, thinking rather helplessly.

When his mind was being disturbed, Feng Feiyu felt the hostility of the handsome young boy not far away.

Of course he did not know this person, but he knew that this person was very close to Ding Ranyan.

Feng Feiyu’s repulsion came from nowhere in his heart.

“Ran Ran.” Feng Feiyu couldn’t help but want to be closer to Ding Ran.

Hang Qing ate the dishes without looking up: “Huh?”

Feng Feiyu looked at his white as jade face, but only said dryly: “No matter what you look like, you look good.”

“Really?” Hang Qing actually didn’t know how to talk to Feng Feiyu, so he just said something casually.

But Feng Feiyu looked at him steadily, and said quietly, “Huh.”

A “click” sounded, suddenly.

Hang Qing looked up.

Sheng Yi slowly folded the chopsticks in her hand, threw them into the trash can, and said frostily, “Waiter, change to a new pair.”

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Liang Yun smiled gleefully, but when he noticed that Feng Feiyu was getting closer and closer to Hang Qing, Liang Yun’s face collapsed.

Feng Feiyu glanced at Sheng Yi and said weirdly, “In the end, he is young and can’t hold his breath. Where is such a boy suitable for a boyfriend …”

Feng Feiyu deliberately raised his voice. The waiter just handed the new chopsticks to Sheng Yi’s hand and snapped again.

The waiters were stunned.

The waiter said quietly, “I, I’ll go get the new one.” He turned and said quickly. I don’t know if it was her illusion. I always felt that there was a dark tide among the guests at the table, which was very scary. Do n’t lift the table later?

Hang Qing swallowed the rice, and he whispered: “It’s good to be young.” He paused and added: “It’s better than old.”

Feng Feiyu, a few years old, suddenly felt a poke.

Sheng Yi at the other end didn’t hear Hang Qing’s answer, so he remained calm, staring at Feng Feiyu like this, and the food in front of him didn’t move.

However, his sharp momentum was mostly towards Feng Feiyu, and he was unhappy about Hang Qing and never revealed it.

“I’m ready.” Hang Qing finally dropped his chopsticks.

Liang Yun took care of Hang Qing in the early morning and took care of the experience. At this time, he put the wet tissue into the palm of Hang Qing at the fastest speed: “Wipe.”

Hang Qing nodded and wiped his hands with wet tissues before wiping his lips with tissues.

Liang Yun stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

With Feng Feiyu and Sheng Yi, who can eat? As long as Ding Ran is full.

Apparently other people thought the same way, so they stood up without hesitation.

Feng Feiyu settled the bill, and the waiter watched them walk out the door, so relieved.

Fortunately, there was no fight.

Feng Feiyu and Liang Yun walked beside Hang Qing side by side, Sheng Yi glanced at it, and then inserted it in the middle, and Feng Feiyu crowded out. Sheng Yi also took hold of Hang Qing’s hand, as if swearing in sovereignty.

“I’ll just send him.” Sheng Yi said lightly.

The black Audi stopped not far and saw Sheng Yi come out and immediately honked.

The protagonist was attacked under such a scene, and was immediately shabby.

But where Liang Yun was willing to step back: “I’m afraid you don’t know where Ding Ran lives, or I’ll send him …”

“I’m clear.” Sheng Yi cut off his words and took Hang Qing to the car.

Hang Qing always feels that the fire is not enough. Although he is not good at provoking contradictions, he knows that staying with the protagonist and the villains will always intensify the contradictions. This is the fundamental setting of the whole story.

“Let’s go?” Hang Qing blocked Sheng Yi’s further actions.

Sheng Yi’s insistent look on Shang Hangqing immediately softened: “Okay.”

When Hang Qing was about to get in the back seat, Sheng Yi grabbed him and forced him into the co-pilot position.

Liang Yun and Feng Feiyu glanced at each other and followed them very tacitly.

While Liang Yun hoped that Sheng Yi could discover Ding Ran’s true gender, he did not want Ding Ran’s secret to be discovered.

He was so entangled that he could only convince himself over and over. If you don’t follow Ding Ran, who knows what Sheng Yi will do once he discovers the secret.

For Ding Ran.

Liang Yun sat firmly in the back seat.

He turned his head and glanced at the position beside him, and Feng Feiyu also followed and sat down.

Liang Yun gritted his teeth.

Sheng Yi turned his head and glanced, with a slight contempt in the corners of his mouth.

It doesn’t matter how much thought they have.

Sheng Yi was very positive. He drove Liang Yun to his home first. Liang Yun reluctantly got off the car. He asked Hangzhou Qing with a stink face: “… be careful on the road.”

Sheng Yi interrupted him: “I’m here.”

I’m not at ease with you.

Liang Yun pushed the door and went down, but didn’t rush upstairs.

As soon as Sheng Yi’s car was gone, Liang Yun immediately stopped the car for rent and followed it sneakily.

Sheng Yi is so many years older than Ding Ran. If Sheng Yi does not hold back his desire to do something about Ding Ran, then everything is exposed …

Sheng Yi was so keen, he glanced back and suddenly stopped the car: “You get off.” He said to Feng Feiyu.

Feng Feiyu raised an eyebrow and did not move.

“Going to the back car, I see Liang Yun can’t be assured of you. It’s just right to let him take you back.” Sheng Yi said lightly.


Feng Feiyu scorned this open-mouthed man in his heart.

Everyone knows that they are not assured of him!

Sheng Yi didn’t move.

No one moved, and there was an unbearable silence in the compartment.

Feng Feiyu suddenly shook his lips and said, “Okay, I’m going down.” This boy is too fool. Since Liang Yun is behind, it is better to follow them with Liang Zheng and Liang Yun until he watches Ding Ran go home.

In fact, Feng Feiyu didn’t know why he was so persistent, but he obeyed his instinct-if he just watched Ding Ran go with that little boy, he would regret it.

Feng Feiyu pushed the door and walked down, but instead of leaving immediately, he raised his hand to Hang Qing and said, “Come here, I’ll talk to you.”

“What?” Hang Qing responded as he got out of the car.

“Come here.” Feng Feiyu clenched his wrists, and as soon as possible, Hang Qing’s feet were unstable and fell directly into Feng Feiyu’s arms.

Sheng Yi’s face sank, and almost a fire broke out from her head.

As if Feng Feiyu didn’t see Sheng Yi, he hugged Hang Qing tightly and whispered in his ear: “Don’t dress like this next time …”

Hang Qing didn’t speak, anyway, he knew that the purpose had been achieved.

Feng Feiyu’s sudden move angered Sheng Yi.

In fact, he did not expect that the effect would be so good, Feng Feiyu’s action was somewhat unexpected.

“It looks so good, my little brother.” Feng Feiyu stretched his hand and hooked his waist. “How can this make you think of you as a boy?”

Feng Feiyu released his hand after speaking, and when he looked at Hang Qing again, his eyes struggled.

Hang Qing was not the little straight man in the early morning, he saw the hidden meaning in the eyes of Feng Feiyu. He didn’t go too far, pushing Feng Feiyu farther away.

Feng Feiyu was so tall that when he stood in front of him, he lined Hang Qing very petite. At first glance, it seemed that Hang Qing was leaning in front of him. If Hang Qing was dressed up as men’s clothing, this scene would look nothing wrong, but at the moment Hang Qing women’s clothing is worn on the body, this scene is a bit more eye-catching, without affection, and can let life see the affection.

Sheng Yi unconsciously squeezed the steering wheel in his hand.

“Ran Ran.” Sheng Yi shouted.

He rarely yelled at Hang Qing like this, and when he suddenly shouted, his voice was a little deep and charming. Obviously it should be a cold villain, but Hang Qing heard a bit of affection from it.

Hang Qing took a step back immediately, but the car was behind him, and he suddenly knocked over and fell into the door. Feng Feiyu reached out and hugged his waist.

“Slow down.” Feng Feiyu patted the ashes on his body.

Liang Yun held his palm in the taxi.

Feng Feiyu, don’t go too far.

Feng Feiyu knew how to score, he let go and turned towards Liang Yun.

Hang Qing glanced at his back. This is the right way. The protagonist should stay with the protagonist.

Hang Qing turned back and returned to the co-pilot position.

“What did he tell you just now?” Sheng Yi whispered.

“Let me not dress like this.” Hang Qing stroked up and down with his fingers.

Sheng Yi glanced at him.

A close-fitting sailor suit, white stockings … I don’t know why it is reminiscent of a uniform. Sheng Yi frowned after realizing that his thoughts were a little dirty.

But when I thought about it, Liang Yun and Feng Feiyu looked at the girl’s appearance, and Sheng Yi couldn’t help the strong jealousy in her heart.

She wanted to hide the girl so that all the radiance in her body could only enter his eyes.

Sheng Yi depressed his heart-moving desire and restarted the car.

But the car was driving forward, and Sheng Yi suddenly felt that the tail behind him was a bit annoying. He asked, “Want to go to my house?”

So exciting!

Take it straight home? !!

“it is good.”

Sheng Yi turned her head again, and the girl sat there smartly, forming a very strong contrast with those paintings she usually paints. Sheng Yi’s heart softened, and the jealousy and unhappiness in her heart pressed down.

Behind Liang Yun watched Sheng Yi’s car change lanes, turned in a different direction, and went up another road.

The taxi driver was unresponsive, and Sheng Yi’s car quickly pulled away from them.

Liang Yun shook his fist and rubbed his back: “I knew Sheng Yi was not a good thing! What did he want to take Ding Ran to do?”

Feng Feiyu is much calmer: “Should not do anything. After all … Ding Ran is actually a boy after all.”

Liang Yun glanced at him with a scornful look: “What do you know! Boys can, of course …” Speaking of half, Liang Yun felt unsuitable again, so he swallowed.

Feng Feiyu realized it almost immediately after he dialed so little. He frowned: “… homosexuality?”

When these three words were spit out of his mouth, Feng Feiyu realized that a valve seemed to open in his heart. The emotion that had been blocking my heart before was released immediately.

After seeing Ding Ran’s men’s clothing, he couldn’t help being moved by Ding Ran’s women’s clothing. Is it because … he has a homosexual tendency?

Before waiting for Feng Feiyu to think clearly, Liang Yun slammed the back of the chair again: “Master! Master, you must follow!”

The driver had enough money and was struggling hard at the moment. He quickly stepped on the accelerator.

“Here.” Sheng Yi turned suddenly and showed something.

The guard looked at it and let go. Then Liang Yun was stopped strong.

The guard was unsmiling and looked fierce, completely different from the guards in other communities. Liang Yun tried his best to fail to break in, only to watch the car’s **** farther and farther.

Liang Yun gritted his teeth and scolded again, “This scum!”

The car was parked in a humble downstairs.

The small building is two stories high, with a separate courtyard and guards at the gate.

Sheng Yi suddenly regretted bringing people over. Maybe someone is at home … Sheng Yi drove the car to the underground garage.

There were no lights in the garage, only the light from the lights illuminated the surroundings.

Hang Qing got out of the car curiously: “This is your house?”

“Of course my house is not in the garage.” Sheng Yi followed.

The shadows of the two men were pulled out by the light of the car lights, two slender, one shorter.

Sheng Yi embraced Hang Qing, and the two walked together, and the shadows immediately merged into one.

Sheng Yi thought of Feng Feiyu’s actions before, and the jealousy in his heart gradually turned his head.

Under the light of the headlights, Hang Qing’s face with the girl was still soft and well-behaved. He pursed his lips and whispered, “A bit cold.”

The temperature in the garage was lower than the ground. Sheng Yi reacted and took out the uniform jacket from the car. But his coat was really too big. When Sheng Yi put it on for Hang Qing, he covered almost half of Hang Qing’s body.

Sheng Yi stared down at Hang Qing’s pale lips because of the low temperature. His hand was still on Hang Qing’s back.

Sheng Yi suddenly felt that the temperature under his palm had risen a lot.



Sheng Yi’s throat moved, and all the emotions accumulated in the bottom of her heart twisted together, and finally they couldn’t wait to erupt.

Hang Qing was snapped on the front cover of the car, Sheng Yi leaned down and kissed his lips.

Sheng Yi’s action seemed to be wrapped in a stern gas. At that moment, Hang Qing’s small heart shivered unconsciously. But in fact, Sheng Yi’s kiss was very light.

Hang Qing, who was originally prepared, shuddered, and for a while it was difficult to get used to the sudden tenderness of the villains.

Feng Feiyu all approached him like that. Didn’t the villain have any jealousy?

Hang Qing’s faint look fell into Sheng Yi’s eyes.

Sheng Yi frowned.

Men are always too sensitive at this time, he asked in Hang Qing’s ear: “Who are you thinking?” The tone even brought out two points of anxiety.

Hang Qing blurted out: “Feng Feiyu …”

Sheng Yi didn’t say anything, he just tightened the hand holding Hang Qing’s waist.

As soon as the blood of a young man comes up, it is difficult to extinguish it.

Sheng Yi couldn’t help but shouted, “Ran Ran.”

Hang Qing trembled slightly, and was slightly dizzy by Sheng Yi’s sudden intimacy.

Sheng Yi stroked his back and forth, as if to be satisfied by this action.

Is the villain alone satisfied?

Hang Qing almost couldn’t wait to get forward.

The two posted very close at that moment.

Sheng Yi forcibly pressed back and forth in the blood, he just held Hang Qing tighter and tighter …

Want more!

Sheng Yi looked at the girl’s face, and the girl’s eyes were only his figure, which was full of intoxicating colors.

When the girl just looked up and looked at him like this, Sheng Yi felt that she couldn’t hold back anything.

He paused on Hang Qing’s back, and then poked in from the skirt of the sailor suit.

Hang Qing was a little excited because the time to witness his guess was right!

He entangled Sheng Yi’s waist happily.

The maiden’s waist was such an unprofitable grip. When Sheng Yi couldn’t control and slid his hand to a softer and delicate part, he suddenly felt a little strange.

——It seems that something is frayed.

Against him.

Sheng Yi grasped the instinctively.

Hang Qing blinked crimson, leaning on his arms, as if relying on his whole body.

But Sheng Yi was already dead there.

Through the thin fabric, the touch of the hand is clear. Even shapes can be drawn out exactly.

It was the same organ he had constructed.

Sheng Yi suddenly felt a little hot, and he let go of his face with a blue face, but he couldn’t recover from this heavy hit for a while.

Finally found out.

Hang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but still leaned softly in Sheng Yihuai, still looking crimson, looking at Sheng Yi innocently.

Sheng Yi stood upright, he looked at Hang Qing, his throat moved hard: “I’ll take you back.”

Sheng Yi has never experienced such a moment in his life, and his mind has become a mass of paste, which is difficult to turn again. But there was no anger on his face, nor did he show disappointment and resentment.

Only indifference, even the facial features are almost cold.

Hang Qing has been waiting for this moment. Naturally, Sheng Yi’s response was prepared.

At this moment, Hang Qing heard a prompt sound: villain favorability-5 points.

Still this kind of operation? Can it be reduced?

But now it seems that he is not wrong. It is useless to oppose his women’s favoritism even more. Only when his favorability for men’s wear is increased, can he receive the system prompt.

Hang Qing tilted her head: “Go back?”

Sheng Yi looked at him still doing the same moves as a girl, without any panic or shame. Sheng Yi could not help but feel agitated slightly. What went wrong?

But even so.

Although he knew that the other party wasn’t actually a girl, Sheng Yi didn’t feel that his actions were disgusting, but still took it for granted.

“It’s time to go back.” Sheng Yi said coldly.

Hang Qing worried that Sheng Yi would overstimulate and played a counter-productive role.

“Okay.” Hang Qing dropped his wet eyes in a loss.

Lost Hang Qing’s attention, Sheng Yi was also a bit unspeakable for a while.

The two returned to the car again, Sheng Yi was extremely silent, and was no longer happy. Hang Qing still pretended not to look, he leaned on the back of the chair, squinted and rested, his hair fell on his face, and his face became more delicate.

Sheng Yi couldn’t help but remember his sigh.

How could there be such a thing in life.

Yeah, how can there be such a perfect girl?

The other person is a teenager from beginning to end.

Sheng Yi clenched the steering wheel and stepped on the brake.

“Here it is.” For a short while, Sheng Yi’s voice was hoarse.

Hang Qing opened his eyes and looked at Sheng Yi’s face.

He raised his hand and tapped Sheng Yi’s face: “Are you uncomfortable?” Hang Qing asked naively.

“No.” Sheng Yi was still cold. But instinctively, he didn’t avoid Hang Qing’s hand.

Hang Qing nodded: “Then I leave.” Hang Qing opened the door and was about to go down.

There was an impulse in Sheng Yi’s mind, and he reached out and pulled Hang Qing back suddenly: “Why lie to me?” He suppressed the anger in his heart and asked calmly.

Where has he suffered such a big loss?

Why lie to him!

What abacus Ding Ran hit?

“I didn’t lie to you.” Hang Qing’s face slightly staggered, because of some sleepiness, his eyes were slightly red, and it looked like he was crying because of being scolded by Sheng Yi.

Sheng Yi held Hang Qing’s hand tightly. He had never doubted Ding Ran’s gender. One of the reasons was that Ding Ran’s reaction was too natural, so that his feminine response was uncompromising.

“You are a man.” Sheng Yi squeezed this sentence from his teeth.

Hang Qing nodded.

Sheng Yi was crazy.

How can you nod freely? Don’t you feel a little bit guilty and ashamed?

“Men wear women’s clothes … Why do you dress like this? Aren’t you deceiving me? If you are a man, how can you and me …” For the first time, Sheng Yi, who was calm and self-sufficient, completely lost his grace. I didn’t notice the disorder of the words I spoke.

“It turned out you were angry about this.” Hang Qing nodded: “I see.”

After speaking, Hang Qing turned to the floor.

What do you know

Sheng Yi froze with emotions froze there.

Any anger is gone.

He watched that the figure of the “girl” gradually disappeared into the dim corridor, Sheng Yi stood at the door, a breezy wind blew through, and Sheng Yi suddenly felt that his chest was like someone who had digged something hard.

How did Sheng Yi go back that day, he didn’t know it himself.

When I returned to the small courtyard, there were many more people in the courtyard.

Sheng Yi walked in with a cold face, and immediately caught attention.

Sheng Yi is the heir cultivated vigorously by Sheng Family. Any wind and grass move will affect Sheng Family. The Sheng family has seen many looks of Sheng Yi, but it does not include what it looks like at the moment.

Sheng Yi is precocious and can always handle things perfectly.

Why is it suddenly a face that looks like the sky is falling down?

“What’s wrong?” Sheng mother couldn’t help but come up and asked.

Sheng Yi passed them straight.

Sheng mother changed her face: “What happened to this?”

Father Sheng touched his chin: “… in love?”

Sheng Yi’s mouth moved.

Love is cheated.

The other party didn’t feel cheated at all.

Now that I know the other party ’s true gender, the places I did n’t think about in the past are clear.

Why can’t I find the girl named Ding Ran at the same school?

Why Liang Yun and Ding Ran are so close, but have never seen her beside Liang Yun before?

Because he’s not a girl at all.

The figure in the back of the mind gradually overlaps with the figure of the girl. The young man he first saw beside Liang Yun was actually Ding Ranba.

Sheng Yi masochistically walked to the first-grade teaching building.

At this time, Liang Yun just waited outside the classroom of Hang Qing. As soon as Hang Qing came out of the classroom, Liang Yun grabbed his arm and took him aside: “You did nothing last night

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