I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 11 - The first villain (11)

It is indeed the biggest villain with power.

Hang Qing looked at the medieval castle in front of him and gave a sincere sigh.

Probably this year, the net worth did not exceed 100 billion yuan, did not own an ancient castle covering an area of ​​100 acres, no helicopter, no full house child servants … that is not eligible to be a novel male. So the original author put down such a cruel hand.

Hang Qing had never seen such a magnificent old castle in his whole life, and ordinary people might never have seen it once in their lifetime. So when Gu Xingduan took him in …

Ah, suddenly I didn’t want to leave. Hang Qingdun stood in front of the door, watching the beautiful women in maid costumes, and couldn’t help coming up with such sincere thoughts.

Gu Xingduan probably thought he was unwilling to go in, so Gu Xingduan stepped forward from behind, and one hand strongly reached Hang Qing’s waist, pushing him inwardly: “What do you think of here Gu Xing paused, adding, “I’ve made a big swimming pool … you’ll love it.”

Hang Qing didn’t speak. Gu Xingduan finished talking, what else can he say?

Gu Xingduan’s gaze was cold. He arrived at the position of the hand behind Hang Qing’s waist and shifted it to Hang Qing’s shoulder. He immediately became a half-carrying position. Then he almost forced Hangzhou Qing into it. The maids bowed together: “Sir!”

Bad review!

Actually not shouting at the master.

Even if you call it a young master!

Isn’t it all written in the novel?

Gu Xingduan didn’t know what Hang Qing was thinking. He took Hang Qing upstairs. When he reached the stairs, Hang Qing’s cell phone suddenly rang. Hang Qing found his mobile phone. Gu Xingduan glanced down at his phone as if inadvertently, and whispered, “Who called?”

Hang Qing looked slightly surprised at the name on the screen: “… Wei Guang?”

Gu Xingduan’s eyes immediately became cold. Just after Hang Qing pressed the answer button, Gu Xingduan reached out and grabbed the past, and threw it downstairs. With a crackling sound, Hang Qing was taken aback, but then he calmed down. The villain, this is probably the neurosis.

Just guessing that the mobile phone should be torn apart on the marble floor, Hangzhou Qing had a little pain.

He turned to look at Gu Xingduan, with a thin layer of anger on his face: “What are you doing ?!”

On the contrary, Gu Xingduan buckled Hang Qing tighter and said with a smile, “You should play thoroughly when you go out. What mobile phone do you look at? I will pay you a new one the other day.

Hang Qing pointed back, “The door is over there.”

Now they are in the door! Where did you go out to play?

Gu Xingduan turned a deaf ear, took Hang Qing through the long corridor, and finally stopped outside a complicated patterned door. Gu Xingduan opened the door: “Take you to the swimming pool.”

Hang Qing took a look inside … this is clearly a bedroom!

Black and white is the main color of the room decoration, which is completely different from the outside style. The most conspicuous in the room was the large bed that could lie down for dozens of people.

Here, the legendary president ’s kingsie bed!

Gu Xingduan took him in.

Hang Qing felt tight.

Where’s the swimming pool? Obviously there is only one large bed! Does the so-called swimming pool at Gu Xingdu actually bring a hint of hints? Is he going to push himself on this bed?

Seeing that he was about to go to the bed, Gu Xingduan suddenly took him to the right, and then Hang Qing saw that there was a huge floor glass in front of him, and the end of the glass was really a huge swimming pool. Through the glass, you can see the rippling water in the swimming pool.

Gu Xingduan is sick?

Hang Qing was shocked.

Does he want to lie in bed every day to watch himself swimming? Still watching?

Gu Xingduan opened the glass door in front of him: “Do you want to try it in the water?”

Hang Qing turned to look at Gu Xingduan, and saw that the flames in Gu Xingduan’s eyes were astonishingly bright, as if with a temperature sufficient to burn people. Hang Qing was really curious, what did Gu Xingduan want to do? So Hang Qing put on an unhappy expression, raised his hand and took off his T-shirt. “Great swimming pool …”

Gu Xingduan’s eyes were wrapped tightly around him, and Hang Qing even felt that the position of the waist and abdomen was staring faintly.

Gu Xingduan stared at him with a low smile: “There are better …”

What could be better?

Hang Qing froze, and instinctively felt that this sentence seemed a little sexually suggestive.

Hang Qing didn’t get too tangled. He bent down and took off his pants, walked quickly to the pool, and after simply warming up, Hang Qing jumped down with a thin sweat. Gu Xingduan held his breath instinctively at this head. He stared at Hang Qing intently. Even so, Gu Xingduan still felt that his eyes were not enough.

He’s here!

He’s in my elaborate swimming pool right now! His beauty can only be seen by me! I could easily do anything to him … all the things I wanted to do before, but couldn’t do it, all poured into Gu Xingduan’s brain at this moment.

Hang Qing swims in the water, and the more he swims, the more he feels happy.

This swimming pool built by Gu Xingduan is really good! Hang Qing likes it!

It was only when he was enjoying himself that he didn’t notice that Gu Xingduan’s gaze became more and more enthusiastic and more and more arrogant.

Gu Xingduan was like a hunter, and finally watched the delicious little white rabbit step by step into his own cage. The best time finally came …

Hang Qing was a bit tired, and he crawled out of the pool. When sitting by the pool to relax, Hang Qing suddenly remembered that he had to take a leave with Tang Jiang … Just thinking about it, a footstep behind him suddenly sounded. Hang Qing looked back and saw Gu Xingduan walking slowly over.

I don’t know why, Hang Qing always felt that Gu Xingduan looked very powerful at this moment, and although there was a smile on his face, the light under his eyes was clearly cold and gloomy. Hang Qing frowned, feeling instinctively a moment of danger. He was holding up the ground and was about to stand up. Gu Xingduan had already stepped on his legs and came to his side.

“Gu …” Hang Qing had no time to make a sound, but Gu Xingduan fell to the ground firmly.

Gu Xingduan’s strong and powerful hands prevented Hang Qing from moving.

“Ah-” Hang Qing sighed in a hurry, and he unconsciously struck his body, trying to relieve the pain of the back being numb. The sweat on his forehead mixed with the drops of water from the swimming pool and fell into his eyes, and Hang Qing’s vision suddenly became blurred.

“What are you doing!” Hang Qing drank lowly.

In a blurry vision, he watched the man tear off his tie, and at the same time a large hand with a thin cocoon rubbed into his underpants … Hang Qing froze, and his handsome face suddenly became Distorted in his eyes.

Hang Qing hit a stunner, instinctively raised his foot and kicked Gu Xing Duan.

Gu Xing did not move, only glaring at him with hot eyes and a strong desire to occupy.

Hang Qing was numb with scalp.

That hand quickly broke through the last line of defense of Hang Qing. At that moment, he heard Gu Xingduan said quietly: “I have been waiting for this moment for a long time …”

Hang Qing was slid down underneath, while the man on his body was still well-dressed, only torn apart his neckline and unbuttoned his pants. The two types of strong contrast made Hang Qing unable to hold back and swear “fuck.”

The desire of a man came like a violent storm. Hang Qing thought several times that he was going to die by the swimming pool, but he was awakened by intense pleasure many times …

Hang Qing slept for two full days before barely bracing her body to sit up.

Shit writer, blindly write about Jijiro a night!

What pile driver!

What male dog waist!

Go to your mom for three hours!

Hang Qing looked indifferent.

When he found that he couldn’t open the bedroom door, the expression on his face became more indifferent. Thinking back to the sentence “hanging with me for a few days” that Gu Xingduan said, Hang Qing felt that this sentence had a deeper meaning …

Damn system, we didn’t say it was like this!

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