I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 22 - The second villain (3)

Han Yun is a very talented person. Hang Qing turned over his score, and the lyrics he wrote, including the songs he recorded. It is no exaggeration to say that if Han Yan was not dragged by his personality and sexuality, he would be better than Song Yan. Han Yun was able to compose himself, write words, and have a good voice … Sooner or later he became famous, but in this way he was blocked from the good life.

The first to block him was the agent cK.

So, you have to kick him away first.

Hang Qing’s eyes were cold: “Then you can wait.” Of course he was prepared. He squeezed a USB stick in his hand, which contained the tunes and lyrics written by himself, and the recorded songs. He can take them to find high-level officials … he might not be able to find anyone better, but now has the best candidate-Jiang Moyang!

By the way, destroy the beautiful first encounter of the villain and the protagonist. Maybe the first encounter destroys the clean, and the villain naturally has no interest in the protagonist.

With this in mind, Hang Qing turned and walked towards the elevator.

cK didn’t expect that he really turned around and walked away. He jumped angrily: “You have the ability, and you have the ability to cancel the contract with the company?”

“What the **** are you? Why should I terminate the contract?” Hang Qingchang said lightly.

Just then the elevator door in front of him opened, and Hang Qing strode in.

Hang Qing had already understood when he came, Jiang Moyang was on the 18th floor.

With a bang, the elevator stopped on the 17th floor.

You need to swipe further up.

Of course, Hang Qing was not qualified to go up, but the Secretariat was the wait for the elevator. Hang Qing adjusted the expression on the bottom face to make it look more arrogant, and then slowly walked out. Han Zheng was not famous at this time, of course, not everyone knew him, everyone just watched a young man with a very beautiful and cold temperament stepped forward.

The Secretariat is all human. Of course, they can judge each other’s status from the dress and temperament of others.

And Hang Qing happened to belong to a well-dressed, outstanding temperament, a brand-name category, it is easy to make people think of a family member. The people from the Secretariat greeted them immediately.

“Hello, what’s the matter with you?” The female secretary asked with a smile.

Hang Qing bypassed her directly: “I’m looking for Jiang Moyang.”

The female secretary froze. Few people come to find their boss … After all, not everyone dares to stand in front of the boss. This person … is cold and arrogant, has a noble attitude, and raises his hands and looks like everyone came out. The female secretary gritted her teeth, and raised her face with a smile: “Please, please.” The female secretary then took him back to the elevator and accompanied him to the eighteenth floor.

After leaving the elevator, Hang Qing heard a whispered voice: “I don’t know how long to wait …”

Hang Qing glanced up, Song Yan and his assistant stood in front of him, and it was the assistant who complained just now.

As soon as he saw him, the assistant’s eyes widened. “Why are you here?”

Hang Qing frowned, a little annoyed and winked. How can such a person follow Song Yan? Oh, too, Song Yan is the King of Heaven, even if the people in front of him are extremely arrogant, they may not offend people.

Song Ye also looked at Hang Qing at this moment.

The female secretary looked at Song Kun suddenly, and then looked at Hang Qing. Leng Khan immediately came down. She thought she had been cheated by Hang Qing, and this man went upstairs to haunt Song Kun.

After all, Song Yan is a popular king, and there are countless fans. There are really many people who entangle him crazy.

Hang Qing opened his mouth and was about to speak, and the door of the president’s office not far away suddenly opened.

Jiang Moyang came out from the inside.

Assistant Song Yong’s eyes brightened, and he screamed lowly, “Mr. Jiang.”

However, Jiang Moyang’s gaze fell directly on Hang Qing’s body: “Are you looking for me?”

Hang Qing didn’t expect that there were several people standing here, including the protagonist, and Jiang Moyang’s eyes turned straight towards himself … Sure enough, he has a good face, is he dominant?

Jiang Moyang didn’t wait for Hang Qing’s answer for a long time. His eyes circled from those present and finally fell back to Hang Qing: “Isn’t it?”

The female secretary behind her has been stunned again.

So who is this gentleman coming for? But he and Mr. Jiang knew just fine. The female secretary’s mood experienced ups and downs, and finally she smiled back aside.

Where can Song Yan ’s assistant tolerate others ’snatch of Song ’s limelight? He immediately took a step forward and smiled and said,“ Mr. Jiang, King Tian has been waiting for you for a long time. Let ’s talk advanced?

Hang Qing almost sneered after hearing this.

In the original plot, there was no description of who Song’s assistant was, but in the current situation, this person is too bad! Speaking in front of people like Jiang Moyang, dare to call “king of heaven”, and dare to let advanced to speak … Can Jiang Moyang have a good face?

Thank you passers-by like him for assists!

Sure enough, Jiang Moyang immediately sank his face: “What are you?”

Assistant Song Zheng blushed, trying to argue, but shrinking back in fear.

Song Kun frowned, apparently a little unhappy with Jiang Moyang.

Seeing that he was about to open his mouth, Hang Qing immediately opened his mouth and smiled slightly: “Yeah, I’m here to see Mr. Jiang, don’t you know if Mr. Jiang would like to see me?” What Song Song won by Jiang Moyang? Isn’t it a gesture of arrogance and unwillingness to yield? Coupled with Song Ye has been a superstar for a long time, he can’t be underestimated. Natural energy attracts people like Jiang Moyang.

Seeing that Song Yan was about to show his indifferent arrogance and refused to bow his head … How could Hang Qing give him this opportunity?

Jiang Moyang’s attention was instantly pulled back to Hang Qing’s body. He grinned and opened the door generously: “Come in.”

Hang Qing’s heart beat fast.

I didn’t expect the villain to speak so well.

Hang Qing looked at the resentful and disgusting look of Assistant Song Kun, and walked in generously.

Jiang Moyang turned and sat down.

In fact, he didn’t expect that he would put this person in … just looking at the young man, he thought unconsciously that the young man smiled a little, and pretended to be a shy face … and then unconsciously let out.

“Mr. Jiang, I’m here to apply for a broker.” Hang Qing went straight to the local road.

Jiang Moyang said for a moment: “Agent?” What the hell?

“I believe you will not tolerate a pimping agent in the company?”

“Pimping? Here you are?” Without waiting for Hang Qing’s reply, Jiang Moyang’s heart had set off an unknown fire. “Who is your broker?” “Forget it.” Jiang Moyang pressed the phone in front of him and connected to the extension. “In the company …” Jiang Moyang paused, looked up suddenly, and asked Hang Qing: “What’s your name?”

“Han Yu.”

Jiang Moyang pursed his lips and said to the other side of the phone: “Call Han Han’s agent.” After that, he hung up.

The person who stayed there was blank: “Who is Han Yan?” After mumbling to himself, he immediately checked the internal information.

In just one minute of work, cK was called to the eighteenth floor, and this room, Hang Qing, had already outlined the process of cK pimping to Jiang Moyang.

The cK trembled open the door.

This is the first time he has entered the eighteenth floor. Of course, cK does not think this is a good thing. I believe everyone will think that it is not a good thing to see Jiang Moyang. After all, this person is really terrible. Even if cK has never seen him face to face, but has heard many deeds of him, taking one out will make ck feel soft.

“Mr. Jiang.” CK did not dare to look at it carefully, and bowed forward.

Hang Qing said coldly, “Mr. Jiang is over there.”

cK suddenly heard his voice, and was shocked to hit the door panel. He didn’t even dare to cry, and after standing still, he looked at Hang Qing, and he blurted out, “Why are you here?”

Jiang Moyang frowned in disgust: “Is he?”

Hang Qing nodded: “Yes, it is him.”

cK suddenly softened his legs. I heard that Mr. Jiang likes beauty, and Han Yan’s face is really good. Does it mean that Han Yan is Mr. Jiang’s person? cK stumbled-it’s over!

“Let him get out, get out of Xingyang.” Jiang Moyang said to the people outside the door. Someone answered the question, and then cK was dragged out without sitting on the floor.

Simply sharp!

Hang Qing could not help but glance at Jiang Moyang.

In fact, pimping and hidden rules are really nothing here at Jiang Moyang. He was not clean from the beginning. A person with a black background would care about this little thing? But today … Today is different. As for where it is different, Jiang Moyang didn’t even think about it, so he simply didn’t want to.

“Who do you want to be a broker?” Jiang Moyang asked.

Hang Qing first put the USB flash drive in front of Jiang Moyang: “I want Chen Mei.”

Chen Mei is Song Ye’s agent who can bring out a king, and this agent is certainly not a simple role. But Song Yan was about to cancel his contract with Xingyang, turned his head to find a genuine attack, and Chen Mei stayed …

Jiang Moyang frowned: “It’s not small …”

Hang Qing didn’t speak.

Then the door was knocked.

“Is Mr. Jiang free now?” It was Song Yan’s voice.

“Come in.” Jiang Moyang’s voice was unpleasant.

Hang Qing pursed his lips, Jiang Moyang thought he was out of control … Hang Qing’s eyes did not squint, and his posture was almost more proud than Song Yan’s.

Song Yan walked in, first glanced at Hang Qing, and then made it clear that he was about to cancel the contract. Hang Qing watched them quietly … alas, the villain did not show the expression of being shocked to heaven, love at first sight, and unable to extricate himself. In contrast, Jiang Moyang’s eyes flashed with anger.

“Then go.” Jiang Moyang chuckled coldly. After speaking, he immediately turned his head and looked at Hang Qing: “Aren’t you going to Chen Mei? He’s gone, you should go to Chen Mei to report.”

Song Yan’s face was pale, apparently greatly damaged by Jiang Moyang.

Song Yan’s assistant was even more ugly, and the look towards Hang Qing was even more resentful, but the assistant was more afraid of Jiang Moyang, so he said nothing at the end.

Hang Qing was dumbfounded.

Just … just cancelled?

Did Jiang Moyang not keep his cash cow? And Song Yong did not show his unyieldingness? Two people did not hit Mars with Mars, and the firewood was on fire?

Hang Qing’s little finger ticked excitedly.

That would be great!

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