I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 28 - The second villain (9) (1)

The shock that Song Yong brought to Hang Qing was too great. For a time, Hang Qing had forgotten to fight against the villains. Just when Hang Qing was fascinated, and thought carefully about which part went wrong, the villain took the initiative to call.

Hang Qing answered the call.

At the other end, Jiang Moyang seemed to have something to say, but suddenly he held it back. Hang Qing listened to the change of breath on the other side, quietly waiting for Jiang Moyang to speak first.

“Have you … watched the news?”


“Then you saw Song Yan’s news?”

Hang Qing frowned slightly. He thought that Jiang Moyang had no interest in Song Ye, but now he was tempted by him. Jiang Moyang ran to him and asked him what he meant about Song Ye Hang Qing quite coldly said: “I saw it.”

Jiang Moyang noticed the indifference of Hang Qing, and immediately felt anxious.

“Are you going to congratulate Song Ye?” Jiang Moyang asked in a deep voice.

Hang Qing turned around. Why did the villains ask this because the villains decided to congratulate Song Ye? Then of course he is going! Now that feelings are at stake, wouldn’t it be easy for the villain to take the lead if he stepped in again? He has to stare!瞅 Do the destruction on time, not to give the protagonist a chance to germinate the seeds of affection when attacked by the villain.


The “snap” villain hung up the call relentlessly.

Hang Qing felt a little unhappy.

Although Gu Xingduan was not flattering in the last world, how well Gu Xingduan dealt with it, he came together. And Jiang Moyang’s thoughts were really incomprehensible. He just looked at him and had a little meaning to him. Jiang Moyang turned his head and showed his affection to Song Yong. Why is it so changeable? Why not let him seduce a protagonist?

Of course, Hang Qing can only think about this idea.

Hang Qing couldn’t help but call Song Ye.

“Have you signed in to a famous city?”

“Yeah.” Song Yan’s voice showed a brisk taste, as if he put down all the burdens and worries on his shoulders, “Han Han, thank you for calling and caring for me.”

Hang Qing stunned, feeling instinctively bad, Song Quan’s state is like a thorough and genuine attack goodsaybye.

Still have to wait to see Song Yan, explore his tone. Hang Qing whispered: “Congratulations.”

“I have a private banquet on the eighth, all of my friends who came to congratulate, Han Rong, are you coming?”

Hang Qing didn’t expect that Song Yan actually offered an invitation, and immediately nodded: “Okay.”

Song Yan seemed very busy, and hung up after a few words with him in a hurry. Leaving Hang Qing at this end fell into meditation … Of course, Hang Qing didn’t know at this moment, Cheng Zhou went outside the door of the apartment where he lived before and began to smash the door. Before waiting for Cheng Zhou to break in, Jiang Moyang took people. Cheng Zhou has the means, but Jiang Moyang is more rogue than him. Comparing Cheng Zhou and Jiang Moyang, one is a strong dragon, and the other is a ground snake. The strong dragon Chengzhou, which has not yet grown up, cannot really suppress Jiang Moyang.

Cheng Zhou punched Jiang Moyang angrily.

Jiang Moyang sneered, but was even more unhappy than Cheng Zhou: “None of you can see it. What kind of prestige is coming?” Jiang Moyang also felt awful. You **** didn’t take good care of your people, came to East Han Han Han, West Han Han Han, I’m not mad yet!

The two men did another childishly, and a bodyguard next to him dared not pull it.

Half an hour later, the two visited the previous hospital again.

Jiang Moyang looked up to be a bandit. Especially after the fight, the bandit was even stronger. The little nurse looked at him and dared not to start. When Jiang Moyang frowned, the little girl seemed to be scared to cry.

Cheng Zhou chuckled, and he was almost bandaging over.

Jiang Moyang stood up with a black face, and did not let the little nurse touch him again, so he walked out in such a wolflike appearance. Waiting for the car, the driver trembled and asked, “Mr. Jiang, shall we go home?”

“… No, you go back and change for Secretary Li.”

Although the driver was unknown, he did so.

Secretary Li is his confidant.

Han Yan is a star in the end, and he is still in the limelight. His little thoughts cannot let more people know, otherwise he will destroy Han Yan completely. Although Jiang Moyang also had such a ruthless and rough thought, he was forced to suppress it in the end. He likes the appearance of Han Yan more, and more like the radiant appearance of him standing on the stage. So Jiang Moyang chose to let Secretary Li follow him.

In the future, there will be more when running to Han Yan.

“Go to the last neighborhood.” As soon as Secretary Li came, Jiang Moyang immediately ordered.

Secretary Li froze, “Are you going?”


Secretary Li couldn’t help but slandered, we can’t get in … but he still drove the car to the place where he was last time.

Jiang Moyang was outstanding in appearance and even more impressive. When he came last time, he was deeply impressed by the security of the community. When Jiang Moyang’s car was near, the security guards came out and stared at Jiang Moyang. Secretary Li was stared a little bit, but turned to look at Jiang Moyang, Jiang Moyang walked very naturally, without paying attention to those people.

While walking forward, Jiang Moyang took out his cell phone to call Hang Qing.

The security guards stared at his legs tightly, wondering if he was guarding him against the tree, or whether he was expecting him to stab the tree and charge him a fine …

This time Hang Qing answered Jiang Moyang’s call.

After all, the villains can’t be aired, how to do when they go to the protagonist’s arms?

Hang Qing quickly arrived at the gate of the community to pick up Jiang Moyang.

Hang Qing’s face was obviously able to use the door card, and the doorman immediately opened the door with a smile. Jiang Moyang frowned unconsciously, and strode in. The guard also turned and tilted him. Jiang Moyang hasn’t had such a dizzy eye for many years. He didn’t know that he fell into the eyes of the doorman’s security guard. He looked like he was not a good person.

When Hang Qing saw Jiang Moyang’s appearance, he paused immediately.

“What are you …?” Rolling through the mud? Will the villains do this? Looking for innocence?

Jiang Moyang strode to Hang Qing’s side, he whispered, “Do you have medicine at home?”

“Yes, but …” But you go to the hospital with your medicine, and you can go home. What’s going on here?

As Jiang Moyang said, he reached out and embraced Hang Qing’s shoulders, leading him to go forward: “Find me some medicine.”

“what’s wrong with you?”

Jiang Moyang didn’t speak.

When Hang Qing saw his face tightened, what was the big deal? When Jiang Moyang didn’t say it, Hang Qing was not good enough to ask any more. But … did the villains really go to his house? Hang Qing was a little weird at heart. Although he has nothing to do with Jiang Moyang now, he just took a man home with him directly … I always felt that something was wrong.

Just when Hang Qing looked down and thought about what was wrong, the villain had pushed him forward.

“No, I went wrong, this is …” Hang Qing corrected.

The gloomy expression on Jiang Moyang’s face suddenly turned into a smile. He was almost half of his body pressed on Hang Qing’s body. He smiled: “Okay, I remember.”

What do you remember

Hang Qing was confused.

Outside the cell door, Secretary Li watched Jiang Moyang walk away, leaving him without a word. Secretary Li sighed, thinking of doing his duty faithfully, so sitting in the car did not dare to move, until the traffic police came and posted a ticket for him.


When Hang Qing and Jiang Moyang walked slowly to the outside of the villa, Hang Qing always felt that it had taken ten minutes. Jiang Moyang whispered, “Is there anyone else in your family?”

How did Hang Qing listen and think this tone was like a big gray wolf trying to abduct Little Red Riding Hood.

“A babysitter is here.” Hang Qing rang the doorbell.

The door opened quickly, but it wasn’t the babysitter that came out of the probe, but Liang Si, who was well-dressed. She was carrying a bag in her hand and looked like she was going out.

“Mom?” Hang Qing felt a little embarrassed, as if his early love had been caught by his parents.

Liang Si was also stunned. She looked at Hang Qing and looked at Jiang Moyang behind Hang Qing: “Hey, is this?”


Liang Si nodded, letting the road open, so that Hang Qing could help people in.

“Is this all right? Shall I stay at home?” Liang Si asked Jiang Moyang with a glance.

“It’s okay, you can go.” Hang Qing couldn’t wait for Liang Si to leave.

Liang Si didn’t force it. He smiled and nodded before leaving.

The babysitter quickly made tea and brought it in, and by the way brought the medicine chest.

Jiang Moyang whispered, “Well, do you see if I have injuries on my back?”

Hang Qing: “…”

Who the **** are you?

Hang Qing held his medicine box coldly, “Come with me.”

Jiang Moyang glanced at the expression on his face, and did not feel unhappy, but could not help but have a stronger smile. Jiang Moyang followed Hang Qing upstairs. The second room on the left is Hangqing’s bedroom.

Jiang Moyang’s heart beat fast.

After entering, Jiang Moyang was a little disappointed. Young people, like other boys, always mess up the house. The youth’s room was really clean. Jiang Moyang regretted that he could not find any trace of private items. Jiang Moyang’s thoughts could only be buried deeply in his heart.

Hang Qing put the medicine box down: “Sit.”

The room was covered with thick carpets and the nanny cleaned it very clean. So Jiang Moyang sat down straight.

Hang Qing: …

Mr. Jiang, who is dignified, actually sat on the floor as soon as he entered his house.

But … the carpet was really comfortable to sit on, and Hang Qing also sat down.

Hang Qing’s house was sunny. At this time, the sunlight outside projected into it, and the two of them covered with a layer of warm golden light.

Jiang Moyang squinted his eyes unconsciously, it was a little bit soothing, and the spirit full of anger had just calmed down now.

Hang Qing froze the hem of his suit and couldn’t manage it.

Jiang Moyang simply took off his coat.

Hang Qing: “…”

Between light and shadow, Hang Qing saw Jiang Moyang’s naked upper body without any fat, and his waist was covered with strong muscles … Hang Qing got closer, his eyes fell on Jiang Moyang’s back.

Of course, Jiang Moyang could perceive Hang Qing’s gaze, and he could even feel the breath sprayed on his back when Hang Qing was close … Jiang Mo Yang felt that a certain part of his lower body stood up quietly.

“Nothing.” Hang Qing retracted his gaze and straightened his waist, then pushed the medicine box in the direction of Jiang Moyang. “Take care of yourself.”

It was weird to have him sit in front of Jiang Moyang and give him medicine.

Jiang Moyang smiled, but said nothing. He opened the medicine chest, left his upper body naked, and started to give himself medicine.

Hang Qing yawned lazily and sat down on the sofa.

The nanny came in and put some fruit snacks.

After Jiang Moyang finished the medicine, his hands full of ointments and potions, he looked at Hang Qing: “I am thirsty.”

Ok? Hang Qing looked at him.

Jiang Moyang raised his chin and tapped twice in the direction of the fruit platter.

Hang Qing immediately understood what Jiang Moyang meant, which was waiting for him to feed. Hang Qing got up and washed his hands, came back and forkd a pear with a fork, walked to Jiang Moyang’s side, and straightened into his mouth. Jiang Moyang raised his head, trying to cooperate with this action of Hang Qing, but even so, Jiang Moyang’s mouth was still choked with a fork.

Jiang Moyang jacked his mouth, swallowed blood, and still had a smile on his face.

Hang Qing took back the fork and brought another cup of tea to Jiang Moyang: “Drink?”


Hang Qing really wasn’t very helpful. When the tea cup was tilted towards Jiang Moyang, most of the tea inside leaked out, scaring Hang Qing to straighten the tea cup. Jiang Moyang couldn’t avoid it. He was scalded by the slightly hot tea to his tongue and poured on his chest … Fortunately, Jiang Moyang could only think so.

“Is it okay?” Hang Qing grabbed the paper towel and wiped it, inadvertently rubbing his fingers across Jiang Moyang’s chest.

“It’s okay.” Jiang Moyang originally wanted to say, “You’ll be fine with one kiss.” But when it was really clear to Shang Hangqing’s clear eyes, Jiang Moyang couldn’t say anything. And when Hang Qing helped him wipe the water stains, Jiang Moyang even felt speechless. He was stiff, sitting almost upright.

As soon as Hang Qing lowered his head, he could just catch a glimpse of his raised area.

Hang Qing: ………

He didn’t do anything, and the villain was in estrus? You are in estrus, but you share my favorability!

Hang Qing threw away the paper ball in his hand: “The bathroom is over there, you go.”

Jiang Moyang walked into the bathroom.

There are towels used by Hang Qingping in the bathroom, Jiang Moyang’s gaze shuttled them … Then he looked at the opposite mirror. The mirror in the bathroom was particularly large. Has it ever reflected Hang Qing’s naked body? Just thinking about it that way makes Jiang Moyang feel burned.

Hang Qing waited for Jiang Moyang while eating fruit, but Jiang Moyang didn’t show up. Hang Qing couldn’t help but got up and walked outside the toilet door. What did Jiang Moyang do today? Isn’t it because of internal injuries that caused him to faint in the bathroom? Hang Qing raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, and suddenly heard a gasp from inside …

Hang Qing: ………

As a man, of course he knew what the breath represented.

The villains are too shameless!

Just blame himself in his bathroom!

The look on Hang Qing’s face became weird and complicated. This person wouldn’t be in a state of heat until he watched the towel he used?

“Jiang Moyang.” Hang Qing cried out politely.

“… Um.” There was a low voice inside, with an indescribable husky and **** taste.

Hang Qing felt that his neck was hot, he walked away to sit down and continued to eat his fruit. He looked at how long Jiang Moyang could last.

Hang Qing didn’t know how long he had waited. The plate of fruit on the table was eaten clean by him. Hang Qing felt that his stomach was a little hungry, and the bathroom door suddenly opened. Jiang Moyang came out from the inside, still naked on his upper body, with some drops of water hanging on it, and his figure was too sexy. Maybe he just took a bath in the bathroom next door, because Hang Qing found that he came out barefoot, and his suit pants were loosely dressed, and he looked quite unrestrained.

Hang Qing felt suddenly a little dry.

Men really have food and sex!

Before, he still felt that he was old and straight, but now he thinks that Jiang Moyang is also good.

“Are you all right?” Hang Qing asked coldly.

“I’m ready.”

“Then you leave.” Hang Qing politely ordered the passenger. The villain would climb up the pole too quickly, and as soon as he entered his house, did he dare to harm his bathroom, and would it be okay to stay? Wouldn’t it have taken two shots in two days? Too fast is bad!

Jiang Moyang froze slightly, did not expect that Hangzhou Qing would be so ruthless. But he was not angry, and even smiled. Think about it, isn’t that the temper of youth?

“Okay, I’m leaving.” Jiang Moyang put on his jacket neatly, and then he went out.

Hang Qing stared at his back, always feeling a strong afterthought. When Jiang Moyang walked out of the Han’s door completely, Hang Qing immediately turned and entered the bathroom, and there was still a little smell left in it. But it’s not annoying. Moreover, Jiang Moyang didn’t mess up the inside, just that there were more paper **** in the trash …


Hang Qing’s face sank.

What about his face towel?

… the villains steal this thing? !!

Hang Qing angrily called the nanny to clean up the fruit trays and tea cups in the house, and then went to bed with an unhappy belly. Just wait for Jiang Moyang … Gaiminger will push Jiang Moyang to the top, and then let go.

Thinking of this, Hang Qing entered the dreamland with a smile.


The name Han Yan gradually became synonymous with the new generation of singers, and some people said that he would be able to stand up with Song Yan in a few years, but no one stood out sarcastically. Hang Qing enjoyed countless pursuits and glory. The video of his playing the erhu was reprinted countlessly. However, Hang Qing Yue could n’t retreat, and fans even missed him, even some passers-by could not help but care about his recent situation.

Everyone is looking forward to Han Yan’s concert.

At this time, the press conference for Song Ji’s signing of a famous city was also successfully held.

Hang Qing watched this scene from the TV. He was surprised that the attack was not completed. The Cheng attack did not show up. Although Cheng Zhou was annoying, Hang Qing couldn’t help but sweat for him. Seeing that the protagonist who belongs to him is about to cut off his feelings!

After watching this video, Hang Qing received a call from Song Yong, who specifically reminded him not to forget to attend a private dinner tomorrow. Hang Qing certainly agreed.

The next day, Hang Qing picked up himself and was ready to go out.

Liang Si stopped him: “Well, I ask you, is that man who came that day called Jiang Moyang?”

Hang Qing nodded.

Liang Si’s face sank: “Well, you can make friends, my father and I are very happy. But people like Jiang Moyang must not be associated with it! Do you know what background this person is … … “

“I know.” Not only did I know his background, I also knew his life. I even knew when he was born and when he died.

“You know that you’re still dealing with him … Everyone outside talks about him, do you know?”

Hang Qing nodded: “I also know.” Jiang Moyang was described as an extremely terrible and cruel man outside, which is definitely the kind that can stop children crying. Perhaps Jiang Moyang is really such a person, after all, he is described in the original plot. But Hang Qing had to say that the Jiang Moyang he came into contact with was really different. From the first time, he simply dismissed cK, assigned Chen Mei, and then ate with him later. He was rescued from under Cheng Zhou’s hands. He even cooked and cooked for him. It took him many days to cook, even him. Remember the dishes you once said clearly …

It can be said that Jiang Moyang is very good all over his body. If he doesn’t like the protagonist wholeheartedly, it will be more perfect!

As for anything else, he mocked Jiang Moyang from a low profile, saying that he was cruel and hard … Hang Qing was not at all concerned. Those people have not had close contact with Jiang Moyang, and most of what they said was just their own brain-supplement conjecture.

Besides, Jiang Moyang is the target of the mission. He can not communicate with Song Yi, nor can he break off with Jiang Moyang.

So Hang Qing said very directly: “I think he’s fine, I don’t need to care about the others.”

Liang Si was stunned, but also knew that her son was stubborn. She lowered her eyes slightly, as if inadvertently saying, “You are old, and parents should not be too much control over you. If you think you can be friends, then be friends. But In addition to developing other relationships, Jiang Moyang cannot. “

What does it mean to develop other relationships?

Hang Qing raised a goosebump, and he looked at Liang Si with surprise. Does Han mother know what she’s talking about?

Liang Si coughed and said, “Since you have something, go first.”

Hang Qing nodded. As you walked out, carefully scrutinize Liang Si’s look. Did Han mother find out that her son was gay? How else would she say something like that just now?

Think of it this way, Hang Qing even felt that it was a pity that Han Yun jumped off the building in the original plot.

At that time, the reason why Father Han and Mother Han kicked him out was probably not because they knew that he and the man were mingled together. They were so annoyed that Han Ye had mingled with a husband and wife, which made them feel difficult accept.

Hang Qing shook his head secretly and didn’t think about it any more.

The car at home quickly took him to Song Yan’s residence. Song Ye Hao is also a well-known Heavenly King, and naturally lives in high-end villas in the rich area. When waiting outside the residential area, Hang Qing called Song Ye, and Song Ye greeted him in person.

As Song Yan entered the villa, Hang Qing quickly found a lot of familiar faces from the scene. Most of them were popular artists in the entertainment industry. It can be seen that although Song Yan seems indifferent, but his communication skills are not weak, his network of contacts is quite wide.

As soon as Hang Qing followed Song Yan, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

“Isn’t this Han Han?” Someone laughed and said, walking up.

Song Yan introduced Hang Qing to them with a smile.

Hang Qing responded slowly and slowly. Song Yang’s act was not secretive. He introduced himself generously to his network. How many people want to climb into this circle … I didn’t expect Song Yan to introduce him so easily.

Everyone else was tempted to listen to Hang Qing La Erhu. After all, the stars who really pull the erhu are really rare. Nowadays, under certain conditions, all have learned to dance the piano. With this spare time, it is better to learn a foreign language to pretend to do it. What kind of erhu to learn … Although there are many people who dismiss this, there are also many people who are curious about erhu. They all wanted to experience the scene and shocked the erhu tunes.

Before Hang Qing spoke, Song Yan stopped his face calmly: “What are you making?”

Song Yan took Hang Qing aside with a cold face.

Hang Qing whispered: “In fact, it doesn’t matter …”

“How can it be okay? They seem to despise you,” Song Yan frowned.

Hang Qing understood Song Yi’s meaning, but that was how he looked like he was singing. Hang Qingdan said indifferently: “What’s the matter? My dignity and glory don’t depend on them. Of course, I believe they will be respected after hearing it.”

Song Yi gave him a firm look, and then he was taken by Erhu.

Hang Qing was a little surprised: “Do you really have it here?”

Song Yong reluctantly said: “Since you played the erhu last time, many people have become interested in this instrument, and so have I. I bought it back. It seems that it is waiting for you . “

Hang Qing touched the erhu.

Song Tianwang’s use of course is good, Hang Qing is very satisfied.

At the other end.

Jiang Moyang was once again blocked outside the community.

Jiang Moyang calmly said, “I went in with Han Yan last time, don’t you remember?”

The guards and security guards were unmoved.

Jiang Moyang called Hang Qing, but he only heard a call recording over there: “Hello, I can’t answer the call now because of something …”

Jiang Moyang stomped the big tree beside him. The security guard walked up and down, “Hello, fine five thousand …”

Jiang Moyang: “…” This community also raised prices with a seat.

Secretary Li found that the look of his boss was too ugly, and he couldn’t help coming forward: “Maybe Han Shao is not at home.”

“Then where will he go?” Jiang Moyang gave a sudden meal, then turned to ask Secretary Li: “When will Song Yan’s private banquet be held?”

Secretary Li bowed her head and thought: “… today!”

Jiang Moyang’s face sank, and he immediately drove the car door and sat back: “Go to Song Ye’s home.” Jiang Moyang was too easy to get Song Ye’s address. He had already prepared for it, but he didn’t expect Song to be so fast. I started holding private parties.

Jiang Moyang easily entered the residential area. The car parked outside Song Yong’s villa. Looking out from the outside, you can see several luxury cars parked on the lawn of the villa.

Jiang Moyang smoothly entered the villa by brushing his face. There were a lot of artists in the villa. When they saw Jiang Moyang striding in, they all stumbled. But they were all human spirits, and they soon recovered their natural look and greeted Jiang Moyang freely. Some actresses look at people like Jiang Moyang, but they are still somewhat emotional, but they all know that Jiang Moyang is a ruthless and ruthless person. Many women who come to him may not be fragrant and jealous, but may be scared. Soft to the legs.

Just as several actresses hesitated, Jiang Moyang asked, “Where is Song Yan?”

One of the actresses pointed in a clumsy direction, and Jiang Moyang stopped looking at them and turned straight in that direction.

At a glance, Jiang Moyang saw Hang Qing holding Erhu and Song Yan talking.

At this time, Hang Qing did not intentionally tell everyone that he was going to start erhu. He just started to play the famous erhu song “Listening Song” while chatting with Song Yong. At the moment when the sound sounded, everyone silently whispered, and Jiang Moyang instinctively stopped.

Hang Qing and Song Yan stood on the stairs, facing the other guests below. Hang Qing looked faint, the bow of the piano moved slightly. Everyone looked up at him, first surprised by Hang Qing’s demeanor, then passively brought into the leisurely, meditation atmosphere by music. No one dared to open their mouths, no one was controlling them, but they had a feeling that if they spoke, they would feel extremely unruly.

Just as they immersed themselves unconsciously, Hang Qing quietly changed the track.

A “Ningyue” sounded, such as crying like a complaint, like resentment like admiration.

They were still immersed in the sound of music, and without being aware of the change of track, they had already been brought into a touch of sadness. Even those who are emotional have already shed tears without knowing it. The rest never shed tears, but stared at Hang Qing almost obsessively.

Jiang Moyang’s mind is extremely firm and naturally will not be affected by it. Only he stared at Hang Qing with clear eyes.

Then Jiang Moyang found that the expression on the other side’s face was indifferent. Obviously he was … they were teasing these people. Hang Qingju stood there, with a slight pride, which really made Jiang Moyang unable to open his eyes.

Jiang Moyang opened his legs and planned to go directly to Hang Qing.

He did not want to continue watching other people look obsessed with the youth.

Only Jiang Moyang had just stepped up the stairs, but Hang Qing handed the erhu to the people, and then went down the other stairs with Song Ye. They left the hall and looked in the direction of the back garden leading to the villa. Jiang Moyang could only temporarily change his course, then retreated, and then walked in that direction.

The other people in the hall gradually pulled away from their emotions, and they immediately realized that their emotions were being played by the other party, so they were led away by the other party. For them, it was really a shame … just they searched the hall and couldn’t see Hang Qing. The crowds’ emotions were suddenly discouraged … think again, it was not so irritating. It is they who ask others to pull the erhu. They really pull it, and they are fascinated. What else can they say?

Not to mention … not to mention Han’s background.

At this time, Hang Qing and Song Zheng were standing in the back garden. Neither of them had a drink, and one was holding a glass of milk, which looked ridiculous. Hang Qing was a little thirsty. Most of the banquet was fruit juice and drinks. Hang Qing didn’t have much interest, so he succumbed to now-Song Ye gave him a glass of milk.

“The concert is scheduled for August 10th?” Song Yan asked.

Hang Qing drank a few sips of milk before answering lowly.

Song Yan’s gaze turned from his mouth inadvertently. Hang Qing estimated that he touched his mouth, so he stretched his tongue and licked it, and asked, “Are you gone?”

Song Yan looked away: “It’s gone.”


“Do you want to invite any guests?”

“Guest?” Hang Qing shook his head: “None.”

Song Yan smiled: “What do you think of me?”

Hang Qing straightened up and looked at Song Yan. Song Yan’s expression did not seem to be joking. He raised this point very seriously. Hang Qing couldn’t help thinking about it. Is his relationship with Song Yan related to this step? Song Kun is a superstar of the sky, and it is not good for him to be a guest, but on the contrary, if there is Song Kun in his concert, the momentum will undoubtedly be further expanded, which is beneficial and harmless. Moreover, Song Yan’s tone seems to be half-paid.

Hang Qing’s eyes flickered and he asked, “What’s your worth? I have to see if I can afford you?”

Song Yan smiled: “No money is needed, just a word of you.”

Hang Qing always felt that this sentence sounded weird. He looked down at the ants on the ground and said, “Forget it, it doesn’t bother you too much. Your assistant must be so annoyed that I took up your announcement time.”

Song Yan said, “He has been replaced.”

“Ha?” Hang Qing felt a little incredible. The dismissive assistant who hadn’t opened the door before was fired?

“He has some relatives with me, so I kept him with me all the time, and I was thinking of having time to promote him, but I didn’t expect him to be so supportive.”

Hang Qing nodded.

“So now, do you want to invite me to be a guest?” Song Yan asked again.

Hang Qing glanced around, always feeling that Song Yan’s eyes were weird with light, as if he was looking forward to the results he said.

“Okay.” Hang Qing answered. The benefits of free home delivery.

The smile under Song Yan’s eyes was stronger, and it was very different from the time when Hang Qing first met him.

Hang Qing grumbled again and drank the milk clean. Song Yong reached out to pick up the glass in his hand: “I’ll go and pour you a glass.” Song Yong’s hand touched his hand unconsciously. Hang Qing quite uncomfortably withdrew his hand.

Song Yan held the cup in his hand, but did not move immediately. He paused and said, “I and Cheng Zhou are over.”

Hang Qing froze all over.

Is it over?

That’s your real attack! Did you just do that?

Hang Qing turned around and looked at Song Ye in disbelief.

Song Yan looked at him with his eyes narrowed slightly, and couldn’t help but chuckled.

Hang Qing: …

Song Zheng Zhengzheng said: “I have found a person who is more suitable for me.”

Hang Qing suddenly felt full of crisis. Who? Wouldn’t it be a villain?

Song Min suddenly stepped forward slightly: “Han Yun, would you like to be with me?”

Hang Qing: ………………

Did I hallucinate?


The plot of the system is completely broken, what to do!

Hang Qing stared at Song Yan, he didn’t know what was happening, which caused the protagonist to be short-circuited by his head. Although Hang Qing also felt that he was good enough. But to be precise … both of them actually suffer?

Song Zheng originally had a winning ticket, but now he looked at Hang Qing as if he was shocked, and his heart gradually became a little bit bottomless. The smile on his face receded little by little. Song Kun asked again: “Han Yun, would you like to be with me?”

Hang Qing came back from the stimulus.

He almost sorted out the whole process.

In fact, Cheng Zhou was jealous, and the Cheng family had to do a good job of snoring, and then this butterfly came out again, and it suddenly took away Song Yan’s eyes, and Song Song felt that he really liked him … in the end I think this is love!

Obviously the original story Milestone is always jealous every time you die!

Why did you finish it this time?

“I …” Hang Qing moved his lips: “Sorry, I can’t be with you.” Your correct destination is a genuine attack! I’m just a cannon fodder that has to be braided in less than a dozen episodes! I’m just here to help you get the villains!

“Why?” Song Yan couldn’t wait to ask: “We have known each other for so long, haven’t you been a little interested in me?”

Hang Qing shook his head firmly.

From the beginning, he knew that Song Kun and Cheng Zhou were a pair. Although he admired Song Kun, he felt nothing about Song Kun. Hang Qing even felt that Song Yan actually just misunderstood the appreciation feeling to like it.

“I have someone I like.” Hang Qing could only offer this classic sentence.

Song Yan just appeared with a smile

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