I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 7 - The first villain (7)

Until the car stopped steadily downstairs in Hangjia, Hangqing hadn’t been able to return. He had been trying to call the system, but there was no movement in his mind, and even the system sounds of the villain in advance had completely disappeared.

“Are you coming to the swimming pool tomorrow? May I teach you a new posture?” Mu Ze turned and asked with a smile.

Hang Qing heard something wrong in his tone.

At this moment, Hang Qing also finally had time to remember the strange performance of Mu Ze these days. When Mu Ze contacted him in the swimming pool, he seemed to stick his body unconsciously … Hang Qing pretended not to know anything and looked away: “Well, say it tomorrow. Su Rui is still in the swimming pool You remember to take her back later, a girl, it is not safe to go home alone. “

If the male protagonist is really meaningless to the female protagonist, then he can only rely on him to promote it.

Mu Ze said lightly: “Yes.” It sounded like a low-pitched tone.

Hang Qing frowned, this development is not right … This does not say that the male lead is bisexual! Hang Qing quickly opened the door, and Mu Ze grabbed his wrist as he was about to get out of the car: “Call me tomorrow when you come.”

Hang Qing’s eyes dropped slightly, and he glanced at his hand. After being aware of the unhappiness of Hang Qing, Mu Ze slowly took back his hand and whispered, “Tomorrow I will catch the pervert who put garbage in your cabinet.”

When Muze talked about garbage and metamorphosis, the bite words were obviously heavier, and even his momentum was sinking.

Hang Qing was not happy at all.

Over …

The male lead is more crooked, oh no, it’s more curved.

Hang Qing nodded, without giving Mu Ze half a word, turned around and walked towards the home. But the gaze behind him remained lingering.

System … How is this fun?

In the next few days, Hang Qing did not go to the swimming pool. Of course, Mu Ze was not called. If Mu Ze feels that he is a good one, and then Su Rui comforts him, then the two gradually develop a relationship, and then let him alone to seduce the villain, then it would be better …

Hang Qing made an appointment with Tang Jiang, and flew to Beijing to visit his training base the next day.

Hang Qinghuai, carrying the aura that the female lead can only have, successfully entered the contract and entered the national team. Of course, there must be two or three cannon fodder questions about his existence. He thinks that a person who has never won a prize and has not even participated in the provincial games, how can he enter the national team? In the case of Tang Jiang’s public opinion, the cannon fodder saw Hang Qing even more unpleasant.

Hang Qing was desperate.

Isn’t this the standard protagonist road?

If he goes on like this, he should face his cannon fodder and reach the pinnacle of his life.

The system did not respond, and the inexplicable villain’s favorability that had been inexplicably soared suddenly stuck at the 60-point passing line, and has never risen again.

Once again knocking off the phone call from Mu Ze, Hang Qing entered the locker room and prepared to change his swimming trunks. There are two seniors of the national team in the locker room, and they glanced at Hang Qing coldly. Ignoring their discomfort, Hang Qing went straight to open the closet.


Flowers and letters fell out.

Hang Qing instinctively took a step back, and the whole person was a little hesitant. Why do these things still appear here? The two places are thousands of kilometers apart! Who else can come here? Hang Qing suddenly felt a headache.

Behind him, someone sneered and said, “I stuffed it in and used it for fans? It hasn’t been swept yet. What is it?”

Hang Qing ignored them. He stuffed both the flower and the letter into the trash can and turned around and asked, “Is there a surveillance video in the locker room?”

The person behind was stiffened, and reluctantly put away the mocking expression on his face, saying, “Yes.”

“Okay, I know.” Hang Qing walked out after speaking.

Someone licked his lips: “The **** is kinda …”

Hang Qing suddenly felt tight.

What the **** is this abnormal world? What about Mary Su romance?

Waiting for the locker room, before Hang Qing warmed up, two people came over there. One tall and one short. The dwarf Hang Qing was familiar. These days have been dealing with each other. That’s Tang Jiang.

After they got closer, Hang Qing found that the other was also very familiar.

That’s Gu Xingduan.

No matter where he is, Gu Xingduan will always wear a high-definition suit, but looking at him so handsome and serious, Hang Qing only thought of the words “dress and beast”.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Before coming to Tang Jiang, Gu Xingduan reached out and grasped Hang Qing’s hand, his palm pressed against the back of Hang Qing’s hand, and the hot heat touched Hang Qing With cold skin, Hang Qing hit an excitement unconsciously.

Hang Qing then remembered that he was really unprofessional.

For so long, he didn’t even call Gu Xingduan on the phone! This will get you to the villain?撩 Get a ghost!

Gu Xingduan glanced up and down: “Ready to launch?”

Hang Qing nodded.

“Go then …” Gu Xingduan released his hand and pushed him towards the pool.

Tang Jiang didn’t even care to interject, and watched as Hang Qing was pushed away. Many other athletes noticed this scene by the pool and looked at Hang Qing one after another. If he changed his life, he might still be nervous. But after dying once, and staying in the system space for so long, Hang Qing had no pain or itch for these eyes.

He knows that the villains like to watch people swim. Although Hang Qing doesn’t know where the villain’s obsession comes from … but he is responsible for satisfaction.

The water splashed, and Hang Qing had already entered the water.

Someone quietly set up the phone.

The man kept glancing around in case he was noticed.

When Hang Qing got out of the water, the man quickly put away his mobile phone.

Hang Qing swam through the water and felt very comfortable all over. He faintly felt that some people on the shore looked at themselves. But these are all irrelevant people … So Hang Qing held the wall of the pond and looked up to see the line side first.

Gu Xingduan was standing by the pool. He bowed his waist slightly, took a large towel from Tang Jiang, and covered Hang Qing with a towel. He seemed to enjoy this movement. The temperature softened, and the temperature of the fundus became warm.

It’s just such an awkward posture.

Hang Qing always felt that he was about to push himself into the water.

Hang Qing grabbed his sleeve and pulled up by the pool. Of course, the beauty and ugliness of the pose can’t be taken care of … This villain is not because the posture of my buttocks is a little ugly, so I’m blacklisted?

Just thinking about it, Gu Xingduan embraced him with a large towel, pulled it up from the ground, and then half-carried it in his arms.

This large court …

Hang Qing hesitated to give him a kick, Tang Jiang suddenly came over: “It’s good! You can come to me to get the training plan later.” After finishing, Tang Jiang looked to Gu Xingduan: “Gu Zong? “

Gu Xingduan rubbed Hangzhou Qing’s back twice with a towel.

A tingling sensation crawled up the tailbone.

Hang Qing stepped back uncomfortably.

Gu Xingduan let go, and said with a smile, “Let’s talk over it.”

“Good.” Tang Jiang took Gu Xingduan to the other side. But Gu Xingduan walked, and suddenly turned his head, his eyes were deep, as if to remove Hang Qing. Hang Qing don’t look away. Only other athletes gathered around him: “Hang Qing, have you never participated in a competition before?”

Someone in the corner didn’t even take a sneak peek at the video, and hurriedly uploaded it to the client.

He stared at Hang Qing for a long time.

How can such a person enter the national team? Is Tang Jiang blind? He even favored him! The man sneered and closed Weibo. Wait, there will be a good show tomorrow. Everyone will know that Tang Jiang actually stuffed a useless person in! The person who came just now is Mr. Gu? It’s because of this back office that this talent is stuffed in.

Ha ha.

Hang Qing changed his swimming trunks and went to the monitoring room. The people in the monitoring room also knew that he was brought by Tang Jiang, knowing that Hang Qing wanted to watch the monitoring, so he opened it generously. But at first glance, Hang Qing clearly noticed that the video was cut. However, Hang Qing did not give up, and repeated the video several times, and finally he found an uncut part from the video.

It was a pair of hands, resting on the door.

Slender and strong, with clear bones.

Nothing else is clear.

Hang Qing always felt that the hands looked a little familiar, and he was sure they were a pair of men’s hands.

Hang Qing took out his mobile phone and took a picture, and then thanked the people in the monitoring room and went out. After going out, Hang Qing saw Gu Xingduan. Gu Xingduan stood there alone, with a tall but inexplicable yin smell.

“Mr. Gu?” Hang Qing spoke out.

Gu Xingduan turned around and walked quickly to his side: “Come out?”

Hang Qing glanced at him doubtfully.

“Someone posted your video on the Internet just now.” Gu Xingduan’s voice even suddenly became dark.

“What video?” Hang Qing didn’t care. He estimated that most of the national team were dissatisfied with him, so he took a video of him and wanted to surf the Internet. While he was not even a little known, let his reputation go bad.

Gu Xingduan handed his cell phone to Hang Qing.

The phone’s black body contrasts sharply with fair fingers.

Hang Qing meal.

These hands …

How it looks like in the video!

But because the video was a bit fuzzy, Hang Qing wasn’t sure.

Hang Qing looked down and took the phone casually.

@ 刘 豪: I did not expect such a thing in the team, I have never won a prize before, huh, can I join the team? Come in for rice?

Hang Qing blinked, as expected.

He clicked on the video.

The picture shook for a while, and then fixed on the young man’s **** action. The picture stalled here, and then continued down. The young man in the picture raised his hand and took off the t-shirt, revealing his chest, mermaid line … the picture shook slightly again, and the young man cut a small white and beautifully curved chin into the lens.

That’s right, this is him!

This is when he changes clothes in the locker room!

Shouldn’t this man be accusing him of poor technique by showing him swimming videos? But the video of him undressing? ? ?

It was like a small movie.

Is this person mentally retarded?

Hang Qingdian opened a comment.

“Is the owner of the poker mad?” “What the **** do you put in your mother’s po? This is what you put in your team? You don’t like others, just put people **** video? Pervert!” “… I I want to say that the people in the video are pretty good. “” Seeing hard … “” I already respect you. “

Hang Qing: ………

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