I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 484

Chapter 484 – Lake

Chapter 484 Lake

Everyone made some adjustments, packed up the tent and other items, and then moved forward again.

Everyone was hurrying on their way, the atmosphere was a bit depressing. Not long ago, the danger of Guolin was still vivid in his mind. Not long after entering the mountain, he encountered a crisis of this level. Many people died, and there is still a long way to go. No one dared to say that he would be able to leave here safe and sound and reach the other side of the mountain smoothly.

Since Mu Lengyue’s copper mirror lost its effect after stepping into this mountain, they couldn’t help to detect the environment, so now they don’t know where they are going and how far they are from leaving the mountain, but at least their sense of direction is not lost From time to time, I will jump up the towering tree next to me and look at the other side of the mountain, so I am always heading in the same direction. I am not lost in this weird mountain forest. This is the only good news so far.

However, after the Guolin incident just now, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little bit of doubt about whether they can go out on this road. Even the terrain here will change quietly. I am afraid that the direction they are heading has also changed a long time ago. They are not heading to the other side of the mountain now, but are constantly going deeper into the mountain, and finally they can no longer go out…

Although everyone had some doubts and guesses about this, there was no evidence to confirm this, so they didn’t speak up, so as not to damage morale.

After passing through the fruit forest, the morale of everyone is already not very high. If there is another blow, how will they gather fighting power when the danger breaks out?

Perhaps it was because everyone’s luck began to turn around, or maybe the fruit grove they passed just now was already the most dangerous place. Although everyone encountered some situations one after another after that, most of them survived without any danger, and almost did not die. Personally, the smoothness made them feel a little unbelievable.

Before they knew it, they were already approaching the other side of the mountain. The most obvious manifestation was that the road under their feet showed a downward trend. Some people jumped up to the top of the tree to confirm their position, and they could already see the end of the tree and the far away A small black spot, that small black spot is the city that Mu Lengyue used the bronze mirror to detect earlier, it is not far away!

Everyone was a little excited, and couldn’t help speeding up their pace, but at the same time, they were more cautious. The second half of the road was so smooth, but it gave people a sense of tranquility before the storm. Perhaps the biggest and most terrifying murderous intent was just before the final exit. this section of the road.

The worries in everyone’s hearts were quickly realized. Just as they were about to leave the mountain, a lake suddenly appeared in front of them. The lake was quiet and beautiful, but under the blood-red moon above their heads, the whole lake was glowing with a strange light. Blood red, full of unknown.

The crowd stopped far away, looking at the lake with hesitant expressions, Xue Yaxian’s expression fluctuated, she gritted her teeth and said, “Let’s go around! No matter how far the detour is, it’s best not to approach this place!”

Everyone else nodded in agreement, jokingly, when they were about to leave the mountain, such a strange lake suddenly appeared in front of them, and a fool could see that something was wrong. Considering the danger of passing through the fruit forest not long ago, everyone Don’t dare to take any more risks.

The group of people immediately changed direction, and walked nearly a thousand meters to the side, and then re-determined the direction of going out of the mountain, and walked towards that side.

Ten minutes later, everyone stopped again, and everyone stared blankly ahead.

A quiet lake appeared in front of them.

The moment they saw this lake, everyone could immediately be sure… This is the lake they saw not long ago. Whether it is the shape of the lake or the distribution of trees around it, they are all exactly the same!

Actually walked back here again… Could it be that they have been spinning around in place just now?

But the people present are all powerful fighters, how could they even get their own direction wrong? So obviously there’s something wrong with this lake, and a big one at that!

This time even Bai Mufan was not calm anymore. He frowned tightly, staring at the lake in front of him, recalling the experience of walking all the way just now, and found that there was nothing wrong with them. They were indeed far away from the original lake. Where the lake is located, there is no abnormal spiritual power involved on the way. Now he has learned the lesson of Guo Lin, and now he is always watching the movement of the space between his eyebrows, and can detect any abnormal spiritual power invasion, but just now there is no .

Then there is only one possibility… The lake was affected by some kind of strange force, and it abruptly moved from its original position to their front again, blocking their way!

Everyone looked at Xue Yaxian in unison. Along the way, this Taoist nun from Fengxiu Palace has proved her ability to everyone. Although her strength may not be the strongest one present, she is undoubtedly the one with decision-making ability and overall perspective. She is the best, so everyone is used to listening to her opinions, including Di Wenyi from Tianlei Sect and Yao Meizhen from Tianhuaibao. Talk to me, neither of these men are interested in stepping up and being a leader.

Xue Yaxian’s face was livid, and she said word by word: “Let’s go around again! I don’t believe that we can’t get around this lake!”

The group of people backed away slowly, and after they could no longer see the lake, they walked towards the side again. This time they walked further and walked for several kilometers before reconfirming their direction and continuing to walk outside the mountain .

Everyone was praying in their hearts, don’t see that lake again, it’s best to leave this ghost place smoothly, but it didn’t take long for them to despair… That lake appeared in front of them again!

This time, everyone can basically be sure that they are not going the wrong way, so the lake must have moved and stood in front of them again!

Everyone was silent. At this time, Nun Chen finally spoke. She clasped her hands together, said the Buddha’s name, and said slowly: “It’s a blessing, not a disaster. A disaster can’t be avoided. Donors, it’s useless to keep running away. Right now, we can only try our best to overcome this catastrophe, and this is also the last catastrophe we must go through if we want to leave here.”

Xue Yaxian, Di Wenyi, and Yao Meizhen looked at me and I looked at you, and exchanged opinions with Mu Lengyue next to them, and finally found out that if they wanted to get out of the mountain, they seemed to have to cross this lake .

“Let’s go there.” Xue Yaxian took a deep breath, looked at the nun Liaochen who had already walked towards the lake, and immediately waved for everyone to follow.

Everyone cautiously approached the lake step by step. The lake occupies a huge area and completely blocks the road ahead. If they want to go there, they have to pass through the lake.

(end of this chapter)

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