I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 490

Chapter 490 – Well

Chapter 490 Well

Those whose heads were switched were still awake at first, and knew who they were, but as time passed, their consciousness quickly became dull, and their speech became incoherent, and finally fell silent completely, just hanging With a strange smile, his eyes became like those red lanterns hidden deep in the alley just now, looking at them as if they were looking at dead people.


Under such circumstances, who dare not understand that these people’s bodies and minds have been completely occupied by the red lanterns, a scuffle broke out suddenly, and magical powers blasted towards these lanterns, but those red lanterns burst into laughter amidst strange laughter. They flew up one after another, some were hit by magical powers and shattered on the spot, while more red lanterns came with long and strange trails, landed directly on top of other people’s heads, and opened their mouths to swallow the other person’s head , The dove occupied the magpie’s nest, became that person’s head and continued to hang around his neck, and his facial features began to change, turning into that person’s appearance!

What was even more frightening was that more and more red lanterns flew out from the dark corners in all directions, as if they saw food, they rushed towards everyone hungry and thirsty!

Everyone’s scalps are numb. With so many red lanterns, as long as there is any negligence, the red lanterns will immediately swallow their heads. How can we prevent it?

Mu Lengyue was the first to react. She grabbed Bai Mufan beside her, and the white wings behind her shook vigorously. Taking advantage of the cold current caught in the power of Xuanbing, the surrounding red lanterns were blown crookedly, and they flew straight into the sky. :”let’s go!”

Seeing this, other people reacted one after another. Some people followed Mu Lengyue’s opening and escaped, while others relied on their own strength to break through the opening and escape from other places. It became torn apart, everyone didn’t care about each other, and only thought about running for their lives first!

Mu Lengyue flew very far, but fortunately those red lanterns only chased for a certain distance and then stopped. She observed for a while and confirmed that the red lanterns did not chase after them, and then slowly fell back to the ground.

This city is too weird and dangerous. Although it is fast and flexible enough to fly into the air, it is also easy to be spotted by those weird things in the city. So for the sake of safety, if you can walk on the ground, walk on the ground. Just now Mu Lengyue took Bai Mufan to the sky as a last resort. Fortunately, no other more terrifying things were attracted.

Mu Lengyue put Bai Mufan down. After Bai Mufan’s feet touched the ground, he immediately surveyed the surrounding environment. After confirming that there was nothing obviously abnormal, he looked at the people who escaped with the two of them, and found that there were Including Yao Meizhen from Tianhuaibao, only six people followed them, and the others got separated during the red lantern attack just now.

Bai Mufan couldn’t help but feel a little pity, the strength of that group of people is very good, especially that nun Liaochen is the strongest, who opened the complete five treasures, when the red lantern hit just now, it was thanks to her that attracted most of them. With firepower and concentration, Mu Lengyue was able to open the opening so smoothly and rush out. Now that they are scattered, it is very difficult to reunite.

Yao Meizhen’s face was also a little ugly. Among the other five people who escaped with her, only three were disciples of Tianhuai Castle, and the other two were a nun from Jietuo Nunnery, a Taoist nun from Fengxiu Palace, and the other Tianhuai The disciples of Bao didn’t need to think too much, either they had already been killed by those red lanterns, or they fled in other directions with Xue Yaxian and nun Liaochen in a hurry.

But it’s understandable. In that case, who cares whether the one he’s following is a senior sister from his own teacher? As long as he can lead himself out of death and escape from birth, he will instinctively grab it, anyway, let’s talk about living first!

She gathered herself together and looked directly at Mu Lengyue: “Your Highness, we can only rely on you now. We didn’t know where we fled when we were in a panic just now. Can you confirm with your bronze mirror?” Where is it?”

Mu Lengyue nodded slightly, took out the bronze mirror and looked at it, frowned and said: “Although this city is not like the mountain before, it directly shields my bronze mirror completely, so that the bronze mirror can’t be used, but there are many places here. It was completely shrouded in shadows, so I couldn’t see the situation inside clearly. For example, not far in front of us, there was a large area shrouded in shadows, and it seemed that some kind of force was at work.”

“Shrouded by shadows? That means there is something weird over there to make this happen.” Yao Meizhen pondered for a while, and suggested: “Why don’t we take a closer look, just observe from the edge, if there is anything valuable If you don’t have anything, go in and check it carefully, if you don’t have it, leave decisively, what do you think?”

Mu Lengyue looked at Bai Mufan, Bai Mufan thought about it, nodded to her, expressing that she thought it was okay, then Mu Lengyue said: “Okay then, let’s go over and have a look, if it’s dangerous, leave immediately .”

The two of them settled the auction. As for the other five people, three of them belonged to Tianhuaibao like Yao Meizhen, so they naturally listened to their elder sister. The other two belong to Jietuo Nunnery and Fengxiu Palace, neither of them are very strong, and they only opened one treasure. Because they were separated from their own master team, they have no idea at this time, so they can only follow Mu Lengyue and Mu Lengyue unconditionally. Yao Meizhen left together.

A group of people walked towards the shadowed location, and because the distance was not very far, they arrived there in a short time.

I saw the shadow in the bronze mirror, which turned out to be an open area like a square. And in that square, everyone saw an incomparably astonishing scene.

The square is densely packed with skeletons, but the skeletons here are all kneeling on the ground motionless, holding their hands high in an embrace, looking up at the sky, forming circles in this devout posture, the outermost The big circle encloses the small circle inside, and as the layers go deeper and deeper, the circle becomes smaller and smaller. However, the size of the skeletons kneeling on the ground is also getting bigger and bigger. In the deepest circles, they have become A giant skeleton five or six meters tall!

And in the center of the square where these skeletons worship, this is a big altar, but after countless years, that altar has been extremely dilapidated, and there is a well in the center of the altar.

Everyone was startled, a…well?

These skeletons were worshiping a well during their lifetime?

The scene in front of them couldn’t help but make everyone feel a sense of absurdity.

Everyone observed carefully, and soon made a new discovery. Yao Meizhen whispered: “These people seem to be holding some kind of ceremony, but the last moment of the ceremony seems to be destroyed by something. Look there.”

She pointed to the corner of the altar.

(end of this chapter)

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