I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 495

Chapter 495 – Sort Out

Chapter 495 Sort out the clues

Bai Mufan, Bai Ruoyan, and Bai Ruoli, the parties concerned, were exchanging information, while others around them were at a loss. They had never experienced the incident on the ancient ship, so they had no idea what the three siblings were talking about.

Chu Xiuyuan coughed lightly: “Xiao Li, do you mind explaining the situation to us in detail?”

Bai Ruoli glanced at the people around her, her gaze was mainly on Yao Meizhen and other disciples of Tianhuai Castle and Fengxiu Palace. Back then on the ancient ship, the three sects targeted Daxia to death. Xia’s students died at the hands of the disciples of the three sects, but more of the three sects died.

She hesitated for a while, and finally, in order to keep the overall situation in mind, she told the story of the crazy woman they met on the ancient ship who was suspected to be the last criminal.

Now in this world, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope. Deliberately concealing this information will not do them any good.

“So that’s the case, and there is such a thing.” Chu Xiuyuan pondered for a while, and said: “Your guesses are probably correct. This Emperor Mo, the ruler of the ancient ship criminals, ordered The one who made the ancient ship move exists. And this city, this world, is probably the hometown of those ancient ship criminals. The ancient ship that crashed in the demon world started from here, far away from home, following the instructions of His Majesty Mo Huang. The order to go to a certain place, to do a certain thing, but was attacked halfway, and all of them were killed… No, there was only one person left, but he was also crazy.”

Speaking of this, she looked up and looked around, frowned and said: “When we first entered this world, the completely dilapidated and decayed city we saw should be the real appearance of this city. The general The boat knocked down the gods of the Demon Realm, and after thinking about it, he also launched an attack on this world. In the end, His Majesty Mo Huang couldn’t hold on under the pressure, and the entire city was destroyed. Even this world fell into that world. Under the control of an evil god.”

Zhou Susu was also thinking about it, and then said: “But the problem is, after the disappearance of the blood moon, the whole city came back to life strangely, and all the people who should have died a long time ago have all been resurrected, it looks like A living person is not an illusion. This strange phenomenon is still a mystery to us. Perhaps we must solve this mystery before we can return to the real “reality”, or just like the round of blood Just like when the blood moon disappeared, just wait for time to pass, and when the blood moon resurfaces, the world will return to its original state, and the latter should be more likely.”

Bai Ruoli understood, and said: “In short, we should try our best not to cause trouble now, and don’t deliberately change anything, because we have not really entered history, but are in some unknown strange state, as long as we silently Just wait, and the images will fade of themselves, and we’ll be back in the ruined city we were before.”

Everyone nodded thoughtfully. There are no fools here. As the clues become clearer, they gradually understand their current situation, and they are no longer full of confusion and fear.

Another teacher who met Chu Xiuyuan halfway said: “But this also has an advantage. In reality, the real city is full of dangers, and since we are outsiders, we have absolutely no idea what happened here. You know, the reappearance of history now will help us to understand all kinds of things about this city, and when the blood moon resurfaces, we will be able to obtain important information purposefully.”

Several people continued to speak, and combined everyone’s information, they deduced the next action plan, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed.

Until this time, Yao Meizhen, who had been deliberately lowering her sense of existence, coughed lightly, and said curiously: “Speaking of which, how did you get on good terms with that Mo Huang Majesty? When we were arrested and brought here, we thought we would Being locked up in prison, that bearded man would let us go so simply, so you should be the ones speaking for us, right?”

Hearing this, Chu Xiuyuan smiled and said: “This incident, in fact, this incident is also a coincidence. At that time when the blood moon was covered, our group of people happened to be exploring a mansion, so we reappeared in the light of history. At that time, we easily met the high-ranking official in that mansion, and using our advanced understanding of the divine channel and exercises of our time, we quickly gained the trust of that high-ranking official, and met that high-ranking official under the recommendation of the other party. His Majesty the Emperor Mo. That Emperor Mo is very interested in our Taoism and cultivation techniques, and we know all about it, so we won the favor of the Emperor Mo, and we were able to save you when we were in the palace just now .”

“So that’s the case, thank you so much.” Yao Meizhen understood slightly, and Bai Mufan and Mu Lengyue next to him also resolved their doubts.

In fact, it is true that the divine passage and exercises are constantly improving and improving, and the time when the city was destroyed is probably not far from the time when the ancient ship fell, and it is thousands of years ago. long time.

For such a long time, practitioners in the past have long outdated their understanding of the method of divine passage. Therefore, practitioners today only need to say a little bit of knowledge that belongs to common sense, and it will be carried in the pockets of people thousands of years ago like a treasure. . If you think about it this way, it is normal for Chu Xiuyuan and others to become the guests of His Majesty Mo Huang relying on their advanced understanding of the divine channel method. You must know that this is a world where practitioners are supreme, regardless of men and women, people Everyone is seeking the way.

Everyone was almost done discussing. They traveled long distances to this city, and experienced a series of extremely dangerous and fierce battles on the way. Now they all feel physically and mentally exhausted, so they took advantage of this rare peace and planned to take a good rest.

There are a lot of palaces here, and everyone can be allocated a room individually. However, many facilities are relatively backward and do not have the convenience of modern society, but it can be regarded as experiencing the life of ancient people.

As a big man, Bai Mufan didn’t have so many pretentious demands. When he came to his room, he simply washed his body with clean water, then changed into the clean clothes prepared by the maid in advance, and looked at the glass mirror in the room. After taking a photo, a handsome young man in white clothes with red lips and white teeth appeared in the mirror, and he nodded in satisfaction, not bad.

Except that the hair is a bit short, changing into this outfit is completely like an ancient person, and his temperament and appearance can perfectly control the clothes. If he is adding a folding fan in his hand and shaking it, it will be that Kind of like the Pian Pianjia son in the TV series.

(end of this chapter)

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