I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 – The World Has Changed

Chapter 500 The world has changed

Bing Jingru had expected that the ancient ship would leave.

Since the aborigines on the ancient ship are still alive, they can only be regarded as temporarily borrowing the ship for use. Even if they take the helm, they are far from being the owners. As long as the other party wants to, they can take back the ancient Control of the ship, so she is also very open.

It’s better to say that the ancient boat didn’t leave until today, it’s considered that they have made a lot of money in the summer, why should they feel unwilling? Let’s go and leave, it can be regarded as returning the property to the original owner. These people came here uninvited, and they thought it was an ownerless thing, so they took the place of others.

Bing Jingru remembered something again, and couldn’t help frowning slightly: “By the way, black mist emerged from the important cities of various big countries in the human world two days ago, and many warriors disappeared during this period, including Ruoli. The sudden departure of the ancient ship has something to do with it?”

“The other thing is the Blood Moon Sect…”

Thinking of this, Bing Jingru recalled the strange altars left over when he and the old Bodhisattva went to explore Siyuan Valley. The diary-shaped keepsake is exactly the same!

Blood Moon…Cthulhu…

“I still need to talk to the old Bodhisattva about this matter. In addition, she helped me guard the human world and prevent some people from attacking Da Xia. I also need to thank her.” Bing Jingru frowned, and for a long time Only then stretched out, he turned around and left here with the Taiyun sword on his back.

It seems that there is an invisible big hand, which is quietly reaching out to his own world. This is a harbinger of storms to come, and she must be prepared in advance, a catastrophe that will devastate lives may be about to strike…

Half a day later.

The human world, Jietuo nunnery.

As early as thousands of years ago, the Jietuo nunnery moved to the vicinity of an entrance and exit of the Moran mountain range. The old Bodhisattva at that time said that as long as the Moran mountain range existed for a day, the Jietuo nunnery would not leave for a day, and the evil of the Moran mountain range would be suppressed forever. This entrance makes it impossible for creatures from the demon world to come to the human world through this entrance!

Now that old Bodhisattva is long gone, but generations of old Bodhisattvas have kept this promise, and never had the idea of moving away from the Moran Mountains.

There are twenty heavens in the Jietuo Nunnery, one level is higher than the next level. The deeper the understanding of Buddhism, the more refined the soul, and every time the cultivation level improves, one can naturally enter the higher level of heavens.

Countless nuns recite Buddhist scriptures day and night, and the power of Dharma emanates from their words through their hearts and beliefs, covering the entire Jietuo Nunnery, covering the Jietuo Nunnery with a faint golden halo, like a piece of pure land!

There are still people living around the Jietuo Nunnery. They are Buddhist believers with quintessential beliefs. They will go up the mountain every once in a while and enter the bottom layer of the heavens to offer incense and pray for peace.

These people are not afraid that there will be monsters and monsters running out from the other side of the Demon Soil Mountain Range. There are countless experts in Jietuo Nunnery and Jietuo Nunnery suppressing the entrance and exit, and monsters and demonic energy cannot come out at all.

At this moment, the old Bodhisattva is sitting on the 19th floor of the Tisha Heaven Realm, sitting on the lotus throne, silently comprehending the Dharma. Behind her head was shrouded in an incomparably pure halo, with a majestic appearance, and a circle of Buddhist disciples sat around, all of whom were comprehending the Dharma.

Today, there is no one in the Great Brahma Heaven on the twentieth floor. In this age when the road to becoming a **** is cut off, even if you have fully realized the Great Brahma Heaven Realm of Buddhism, you cannot become a true Buddha. Therefore, according to the rules of Jietuo Nunnery, the old Bodhisattva cannot Those who enter the highest 20th floor of the heavens can only be in the 19th floor of the Tisha Heavenly Realm.

At this moment, among the Buddhist disciples below, two people suddenly showed strange expressions on their faces, opened their eyes, and opened their mouths just as they were about to say something, their faces suddenly turned livid, and then livid turned deep purple, and finally With a loud cry, blood spewed out from the seven orifices, his aura quickly withered, and his face became more and more weird. The Buddha nature in his body did not exist, but there was a trace of evil, as if polluted!

The whole process took place in just a few breaths. The other disciples around discovered the anomaly, and it was too late to lend a helping hand. All of them were sweating profusely, when suddenly a soft Buddha light was cast, covering the two who had an anomaly. It was the old Bodhisattva who made the move.

The aura of the two men immediately stabilized and recovered, and the abnormalities on their bodies were also removed, but they became a little weak, and their realm dropped two or three layers.

The two disciples slowed down slightly, put their palms together and bowed slightly to the old Bodhisattva who was sitting on the lotus throne to help, and then they were supported by the senior sisters and sisters next to them to rest.

After the two people left, someone looked worried: “This is already the eighth incident in the past two months.”

Another person answered: “Yeah, in the past two months after studying Buddhism, I always feel a little inexplicably uneasy, as if some evil thing is causing trouble, trying to infiltrate my heart, trying to pollute my Buddha nature. The two junior sisters just now must have failed to keep the Lingtai clear and bright, and were overwhelmed by that evil spirit.”

Another person sighed: “Fortunately, this time I was by the old Bodhisattva’s side. If it was like the previous few times, when I was in my own room and realized the Buddha’s teachings, there was a sudden change, and it was too late to save me. When I found out, it would have been… oh .”

“If this continues, how can we meditate and comprehend Buddhism?” Others also sighed again and again, frowning.

The old Bodhisattva spoke: “Quiet.”

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and many Buddhist disciples looked at the old Bodhisattva.

The old Bodhisattva was silent for a moment, and said: “The world has changed, and another force that does not belong to our world is infiltrating in, trying to pollute the whole world. And the Buddhism that we have studied, attaches the most importance to the cultivation of the state of mind, so it is the easiest Feel the existence of that external force, and be affected by that force during cultivation.”

Hearing this, the disciples under the seat were shocked, and one of them asked tentatively: “External power? Did it infiltrate from the demon world?”

The old Bodhisattva shook his head slightly and pointed to the top of his head: “It’s not the devil world, but the world outside.”

Everyone fell silent suddenly, and they were a little shocked by various speculations in their hearts.

“Is there a solution?” asked one person.

The old Bodhisattva said: “In the near future, I will start to transform the Jietuo Nunnery, and try to isolate that force from my Jietuo Nunnery, but it will take some time, as short as three or two months, and as long as a year or a half. During the period, you still need to overcome difficulties and pay more attention to the situation of other fellow students.”

Everyone didn’t say anything more, that’s all they could do.

At this time, a nun hurried in from the outside and said, “Old Bodhisattva, the Bing Sword God of Daxia, please see me!”

(end of this chapter)

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