I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 508

Chapter 508 – Back To Reality

Chapter 508 Return to reality

This smithy was built very strong, and the surrounding walls were thickened with extremely hard metal. Those monsters could not break through the walls and break in. This made it enough for everyone to just guard the front door.

The craftsman left here because he had other relatives and friends in the city, so he went to rescue him or something. Otherwise, it would be safer to guard the blacksmith shop than to run out.

Bai Mufan, who was protected in the innermost place by all the girls, had some free time, and immediately continued to stare at the waning moon in the direction of the altar. Now he is the only one in the team who can ignore the spiritual pollution of evil gods and observe the battle, so this time also I can’t take the time to help everyone fight those monsters, for fear that some key information will be missed in the blink of an eye.

This invasion war lasted for a long time. The people guarding the blacksmith shop killed everyone covered in blood. Most of the blood flowed from those monsters. However, the number of monsters who invaded the city did not decrease at all. more and more.

And the sounds of fighting, resistance, shouting, etc. that could be heard from all over the city before have become less and less. This shows that a large number of practitioners who still had the strength to resist were killed by the siege and wheel battles by these monsters. The blacksmith shop is one of the few places that are still holding on to the unbreakable place.

Bai Mufan stared at the waning moon the whole time without blinking his eyes. He gradually discovered that as more and more lives died in the city, the waning moon in the sky gradually began to become rounder, bigger, and blood-colored. The moonlight in the sky also gradually brightened, which made him realize that these monsters were not simply slaughtering, but sacrificed these lives to the blood moon, so that the power of the “primordial blood moon” would be strengthened!

However, while the blood moon keeps getting rounder and bigger, the blood moon is still vibrating, and cracks are formed on the surface of the blood moon. Obviously, the Mo emperor who entered the blood moon is not a vegetarian, and is fighting with the “primordial “Blood Moon” fighting, and constantly inflicting trauma on the other party, killing even the blood moon showed signs of fragmentation!

“Who will win in the end?” Bai Mufan couldn’t help but his heart beating faster. Although he knew the answer a long time ago, they just returned to the light of history. The real desert city has been dilapidated, and the city is full of evil gods Weird magical powers and aura, but Bai Mufan still couldn’t help feeling nervous.

Because the strength of that Mo Huang far exceeded his expectations, the other party was able to enter the blood moon, which was on par with the evil **** “Original Blood Moon”, and there was even a faint tendency to gain the upper hand in the battle just now !

Judging from the shattered desert city in reality, he thought it would be a completely unilateral massacre and invasion, and the desert was broken by the evil **** “Original Blood Moon” without any resistance at all. In the end, it was included in the bag and became an evil god’s territory, but the facts surprised him, and he couldn’t help but have a bit of expectation for that Mo Huang that he shouldn’t have at all.

It took a few more breaths to pass, and finally, the crimson waning moon in the sky has been completed by 99%, and it is only a little bit away from the full moon. If it is not for the prying eyes, the details of things The aspect and observation ability have been greatly improved, otherwise Bai Mufan would not be able to distinguish the difference between the blood moon in the sky at this moment and the blood moon they saw when they first entered this world.

But in contrast, the cracks on the surface of the blood moon have also reached an extremely terrifying level. The whole blood moon is crumbling, as if it will be completely smashed by Mo Huang at any time. It spread from behind, endlessly, throughout the entire Desert City!

Obviously, the life-and-death fight between the gods on the blood moon has reached the final and most critical moment!

Bai Mufan couldn’t help holding his breath. Suddenly, everything on the blood moon returned to calm. The blood moon didn’t complete the last trace and became a real full moon, and the cracks on the surface of the blood moon didn’t increase any more, and the blood moon didn’t break.

“The winner has been decided?” Bai Mufan had just thought of this, when suddenly a blood-red sky thunder struck down from the blood moon, struck the altar with a click, and cut a deep hole on the altar. A crack continued to spread along the deep pit, drawing a crooked line, and spread to the open-air well in the center of the altar, causing one side of the open-air well to shatter!

Bai Mufan’s pupils shrunk slightly. He was very familiar with this scene, because the altar in reality left such a deep pit and weird cracks. At that time, he guessed that someone attacked the altar and destroyed the ceremony. He didn’t expect it to come like this !

Immediately afterwards, the blood moon began to twist and shrink. Bai Mufan tried his best to open his eyes wide. He could vaguely see two figures fighting inside the blood moon. Finally, one of the figures gained the upper hand. With a circle of dazzling white light erupting, the blood moon began to Suddenly landed!

Bai Mufan disregarded the white light that made his eyes start to shed tears, and tried to look over there, only to see the figure that had the upper hand suppressing the other figure to keep going down, and finally crashed into the open well!


A circle of energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye erupted, sweeping in all directions from the altar as the center, and everyone had tinnitus for a while, and the surrounding monsters stopped attacking one after another, and their bodies became unreal, flickering.

Bai Mufan raised his head and looked at the top of his head. The blood moon had obviously fallen into the open skywell just now, but at this moment another blood moon was slowly emerging above his head…and it was a full moon!

He suddenly realized that the flashback of history was about to end, and that blood moon was the real blood moon in reality, not the blood moon seen in the flashback.

Sure enough, when Bai Mufan thought of this, the scene in the city began to shatter like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water. Whether it was the monsters around, the people in the desert city who were fleeing and resisting tenaciously, or the original intact buildings, they all began to disappear. Honkai, just two or three breaths, and all of them disappeared!

Everyone stopped and looked up at the sky, only to see that the sky was dark again, and a full moon was as bright as blood, hanging there high, shining so that their faces were also stained with blood.

However, the blood on their clothes is still there, and most of them are the blood of those monsters. This shows that what happened just now was not an illusion. They fought for a long time.

The crisis was resolved, and everyone relaxed, and immediately healed and rested.

You must know that the desert city in reality is not peaceful, and it is even a hundred times more dangerous than the desert city in the light of history!

(end of this chapter)

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