I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 548

Chapter 548 – Mysterious Existence

Chapter 548 Mysterious Existence

Bing Jingru and the others were shocked by this news. They never expected that the god’s lifespan would come to an end.

Breaking through to the realm of gods, the lifespan will break through the limit of mortals, and live the same life as the heavens and the earth. As long as there is no accident, unless the birth and death of the entire universe comes, these gods will not die because of their lifespan, but Forever young and full of vitality, this is also an important indicator to distinguish gods from mortals.

And if the lifespan of the gods has come to an end, then this group of gods cannot be called gods anymore, they are just a group of more powerful mortals, and there is no essential difference between them.

If this is the case, the four of Bing Jingru can imagine the fear and panic that those gods felt when they felt that their life spans were coming to an end. After enjoying the benefits of endless life spans, let them This group of gods would absolutely not be able to bear returning to the state of being threatened by Shouyuan when they were mortals.

“But having said that, I didn’t expect that the people in Jietuo Nunnery were also afraid of death, so they came here together.” A master of the demon race looked at the Buddhist practitioners in the hall with great interest, and joked.

“Amitabha, the poor nun doesn’t care about the issue of longevity. Whether it’s a mortal or a god, life has a beginning and an end, which is the correct way of reincarnation. The previous appearance, in the eyes of the poor nun, is deformed. The gods have no lifespan. However, there will be people constantly cultivating into the realm of gods and breaking the limit of longevity. As a result, the number of gods will increase, which will eventually cause an increasing burden on this universe. And now the lifespan of gods is also limited. At the end of the day, it’s better this way.”

The phantom of the old Bodhisattva in the main hall spoke, her face was calm, and she said slowly: “The main reason why the poor nun came here is because I can’t communicate with the existence of the Buddhist world recently. In any case, I can’t sense the existence of the Buddhist world, and I can’t go to the Buddhist world to exchange Dharma experience with many people of the same way. However, there happened to be a voice guiding the poor nun to come here to find the answer, so the poor nun brought his disciples together. gone.”

Hearing this, the expressions of the others became tense. After a moment of silence in the hall, a man with a strong human race said in a low voice: “I can’t sense the existence of the gods in heaven through the gate of God.”

“Me too, the gods of heaven behind the gate of God disappeared, this is a situation that has never happened before.”

“The same is true for the demon gods of our demon world. I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen in the heavenly court and the Buddhist world?”

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and when everyone communicated, they immediately smelled a conspiracy.

Shouyuan has reached the end, and the three gods’ habitats of heaven, Buddha world, and demon world have lost their senses. This is definitely a big change that can affect countless people in future generations!

“If this situation continues without improvement, then our descendants will never be able to cultivate to the divine realm one day.” Someone said with a worried face, which is why many of them came to this small town , although some people have become afraid of death because of the endless life, but there are also people who have taken life and death lightly. They came here more for the future of future generations.

Because according to their estimates, if the closed world behind the door continues without improvement, sooner or later, the descendants of their world will reach the realm of God’s Gate, Demon’s Gate or Sea of Bitterness. , will not be able to break through this last threshold, complete this important life transition and baptism, and step into the realm of gods because they cannot rely on the power of the heavens, the Buddha world, and the devil world!

When that day comes, there will be no gods in the whole world. As long as everyone in the hall imagines the coming of that day, they will feel a shudder!

In fact, the ominous premonition of this group of people has also been confirmed. It is true that there will be no strong people in the divine realm in later generations. The lack caused this, but later on, even if a talented person like Bing Jingru came out, without skills, he forced a gap in the door of God with his strength, but because he saw the God Looking at the picture behind the door, he stopped his hands after glimpsing some kind of terrifying truth, and he has never tried to continue to knock on the door of God.

“Speaking of which, is that voice credible?” Someone asked with doubts and vigilance.

“That voice did appear very strange. When we just encountered a crisis, that voice suddenly appeared, bewitching our group of people to gather in this place, saying that there is a solution to the end of God’s lifespan, and we can no longer sense it. The means of the world, this timing is too precise, as if everything is in the calculation of the other party.” Another person said in a deep voice.

“However, that voice is indeed very capable. The other party did not know what tricks they used. It really made me feel the feeling of longevity. Although it was only for a moment, it still made me believe in the other party.” Serrin’s minister murmured.

A strong demon from the demon realm also nodded, and said slowly: “That voice also made me sense the existence of the upper realm through that demon gate again. The demon gods of the upper realm are still there, but for some reason, I can no longer communicate with those demon gods. Similarly, this induction is only temporary, and it will be closed soon. Without the help of that voice, I cannot sense the existence of the upper world with my own strength. But to To solve this problem forever would require me to come here myself, and that’s why I’m here.”

“No matter how many people there are, in short, it is estimated that all the god-level powerhouses in the human world and the demon world have received the instructions of that voice, and they all gathered here for various reasons and purposes. Shouldn’t that voice show up? “A demon **** from the demon world said impatiently.

Everyone couldn’t help but looked around, looking for the existence of that voice, but no matter how they searched, it seemed that they were the only people here, and they were all familiar faces. There are so many god-level powerhouses in this world. stranger.

“I have been here, but you can’t see it.” A voice suddenly sounded from the hall.

Many god-level powerhouses were taken aback. They followed the prestige and found the sound. They saw a blurry figure rising from the center of the hall. This figure seemed to be surrounded by various indescribable forces Shrouded in darkness, people can’t see the true face at all.

“Who are you?!” Serrin’s empress asked.

(end of this chapter)

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