I’m Not an Evil God! Novel

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: A New Part-time Job!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

It was only a moment before James heard another knock on the door behind him.

He said helplessly, “Elise, didn’t I say that I can handle this?”

“But—but I really want to help…”

Eilis sounded a little aggrieved.

James was an ordinary poor man. Apart from working hard every day, he had no friends. Thus, it was natural that no one would visit him.

Even Mrs. Kullis was afraid that James would damage the house and affect the mood of the next tenant.

If not, she would not have visited him either.

Thus, Elise was unable to resist the boredom and could only go back to the room to see if she could be of any help.

After all, it was less scary to deal with the corpses of chaos creatures than it was to be bored.


“Sigh, alright. Since you really want to help, come in.”

With James’s affirmation, the young girl excitedly came in.

However, the moment she entered, she saw the internal organs and corpses of all kinds of chaos creatures. Then, her face immediately turned pale from shock and she retreated.

However, her small hands were glued to the door, refusing to leave.

James found it amusing to see her afraid yet expectant once again.

“Don’t worry!”

“They’re already corpses, so they won’t do anything. You’re safe!”


Upon hearing James’s words, only then did Elise walk in slowly.

It took her a while to get used to the corpses before she dared to ask James a question.

“W-what are these?”

Although she recognised most of the items, the sacrificial offerings were strange things after all.

Thus, she could only ask James about the things she did not recognise.

James introduced the various strange offerings in the room to her.

There were chaos creatures, strange books, and ominous items, among other things.

“The sacrificial offerings those cultists offer are mostly divided into several categories.”

“The first category of sacrificial offerings is the body parts of various strange creatures, such as eyeballs, fangs, internal organs, and so on. They are all from chaos creatures. Although I don’t recognise some of them, they should all be similar.”

“The second category includes books and scrolls with strange powers. I don’t really understand the contents of them, but I can train my mental strength very well if I insist on reading them.”

“The third category consists of some items with an ominous aura!”

As he introduced the items to Elise, James also tended to various tasks at the same time.

As he spoke, he had already dealt with all the corpses of the monsters for today.

Then, he took out a strange book and opened a random page for the young girl to read.

He, who had already been trained, was naturally unaffected.

However, Elise, who was reading this kind of book for the first time, felt a great sense of pressure.

“This… this feels so stifling!”

The young girl didn’t dare to look at the book anymore. She grabbed her aching head and spoke with great pain.

James smiled.

“It’s like this when you read the book for the first time. Once you read the books more, you will no longer have a headache. This is quite useful for enhancing mental strength.”

With that, he closed the strange book. Then, he carefully took out something that he did not know how to describe.

The item exuded an ominous aura.

It made people feel uneasy upon looking at it.

James smiled when he saw that the young girl was gradually becoming restless following the appearance of the item and put the item back.

“These ominous items should have some use, but I just don’t know what their functions are for now.”

In fact, James had searched the city’s library but had not been able to find the source of these things.


Furthermore, he was cautious and did not ask anyone.

After all, asking someone without knowing what the books were could bring about unknown risks.

“However, even though I don’t know the functions and source of most things here, some things will definitely be useful.”

As he spoke, he took out a black sword.


There were beautiful and mysterious patterns drawn with green magic brush on it.

Although he did not know what its function was, he could tell at a glance that it was a sword.

And since it was a sword, it must be a weapon.

Thus, it could be used against monsters.

He just didn’t know how effective it would be.

Other than the black sword, there was also a round platinum shield.

The head of an unknown monster was embedded in the middle of the shield.

Other than that, there was also a pair of black bracers that were covered in scales.

James placed the three items that seemed like weapons on the table and looked at Elise expectantly.

“How is it? Do you recognise them?”

As a member of the village that worshipped the Evil Gods, perhaps Elise would know the origins and functions of these things.

“I don’t recognise them!” Elise shook her head, as if she was also frustrated that she did not recognise them.

James wasn’t disappointed when he heard her words.

After all, he wasn’t expecting much.

Then, he excitedly picked up the sword and spoke to Elise as if he were showing off.

“Look, Elise. If you look closely, the green patterns on this sword will glow slightly when I hold it.”


Elise looked over curiously.

When Elise saw the pattern light up, she suddenly remembered that she had read about it in a book before.

Swords engraved with magic patterns seemed to be “treasure”-leveled items!

Suddenly, she remembered something else. Then, she hurriedly looked up at James and shouted.

“Mr. James, put it down! This is a sign that magic will be released!”

Just as she finished speaking, a blinding white light engulfed them.


In an instant, it was as if the entire hut had been attacked by a tornado.

The corpses of the various chaos creatures had been chopped into pieces. Meanwhile, the already tattered walls had even been pierced through, allowing sunlight to sneak in.

Fortunately, nothing happened to James and Ellis.

“Phew, Mr. James, this sword is too dangerous. It’s better not to use it in the future!”

Eilis said with some trepidation.

“Yeah.” James nodded in deep agreement.

Looking at the damaged hut and the mess on the floor, James and Elise began to clean up together.


The days that followed were as calm as water.

Their days were very peaceful. However, there was just one bad thing…

Their daily expenses had increased significantly.


For this relatively poor family, this was not a small matter.

Therefore, James could only take on this special job besides his job in the tavern.

That was…

Gathering special herbs.

Just like those ominous items, the special herbs contained extraordinary powers.

But it was precisely because of this that the price of special herbs had always been very high.

It was just that the danger of collecting special herbs matched their price.

However, with the eggs of the Giant Chaos Wolf, these dangers did not pose much of a threat to James.

Recently, he had accepted another new mission as well.

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