I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 6

After receiving a generous sum of money for worship, Ye Yu sent away in a few words the cheap apprentice who was hit hard and stayed like a chicken.

She herself waited until the rain stopped, then left the tea house with five hundred two, and went straight to a carpenter’s shop in Qingcheng.

When he arrived at the shop, the shopkeeper who greeted the guests stunned at the sight of Ye Yu, and then walked back from the counter and walked out from behind the counter to make Ye Yu work in succession–

“Master Ye-rudeness, how did you get here?”

This person’s familiarity really made Ye Yu’s expression subtle for a second, but during this second, she turned her mind, and guessed that she had probably told the shopkeeper fortune telling.

——However, she counted too many people in the past two months, and for a while, she couldn’t remember who it was.

But this does not delay Ye Yu’s live play–

“It was a fate that I could meet with the shopkeeper here. I was able to calculate that divination for you last time.”

“Fulfilled! Master Ye is a half-immortal!” The shopkeeper expressed his emotion with excitement, and then came over to lower his voice, “Thanks to Master Ye for pointing me to the gold burying place under the willow tree in my backyard, otherwise I have no capital. Opening such a large carpenter’s shop-thanks to Master Ye! “

As soon as the words fell, Ye Wuhuai’s five hundred two looked at the shopkeeper suspiciously first.

The woman would let out the golden pie that fell from the sky … It was an accident.

When being reminded by the shopkeeper at this time, Ye Yu remembered immediately.

She smiled unchanged: “What is the word of the treasurer, the place where the gold is buried is your deserved money, even if I don’t count it, that’s yours.”

“If you do n’t have Master Ye, then I don’t know how many years I can happen to dig!”

“It’s not long, it’s just two or three decades.”


“Ahaha, nothing, I’m just kidding …” Ye Yu quickly sloppy and took it.

The shopkeeper nodded again and again: “Master Ye is really funny. I don’t know if you are here today, but what are you going to do?”

“I want to order something here.”

“Made to order?” The shopkeeper looked blank.

“This order is for me to determine the style, and the carpenter in your shop will make it according to my request-the asking price can be set by the shopkeeper.”

“Oh, this is the case, it is indeed Master Ye.” The shopkeeper nodded again and again, and took the pen and paper back to the counter.

Ye Yu walked over, put 522 in her arms on the counter, took the pen and ink, sketched the lines on the paper, and finally drew a sharp room with a shutter.

The shopkeeper took a closer look, and finally asked indefinitely, “Master Ye, let us go and build a house for you?”

Ye Yu nodded, shook his head, and stretched out a hand to 520 lying quietly there. “It’s really a house, but it’s not for me, it’s for it.”

As soon as the words came out, not only the shopkeeper, even five hundred two looked up in surprise at her.

“Well, in addition to this dog house, make a deeper basin that can be used to bathe it.”


“Oh, can you make a molar rod for it here?”


“It seems impossible.” Ye Yu regretfully glanced at 521. She reached over and hugged the little black dog’s pointed mouth, thinking seriously, “So what should be used to replace the molar rod?”

Hooked chin flickered five hundred and two: “…”

I couldn’t think of the answer at one and a half, and Ye Yu wasn’t in a hurry. He turned to the still-confused shopkeeper and said, “Do it as soon as possible, you can add money. After you’re done, ask a human footman to send me to Yunshan Village Wang Wang’s At home, money is counted together-is twelve enough? “

Before the shopkeeper returned, he was taken aback by these twelve quotations and quickly waved his hand: “Where can I spend so much money, Master Ye is absolutely not. It is my honor to make something for you. — “

Ye Yu listened intently to him, and put a dozen or so silver on the counter, then held five hundred two in his arms.

She smiled and said, “No more than twelve. My baby is five hundred and two in case of illness. You can do it with care.”

Although the carpenter shopkeeper didn’t quite understand the usage of “baby”, he still understood the meaning of Ye language. He couldn’t help but glance at the little black dog held by Ye Yu in surprise, saying that it would cost five hundred and two to cure an illness—is it still a ghost beast?

Sure enough, neither man nor dog can look good these days …

One person and one dog who had already left the carpenter’s shop sneezed inadvertently.

After leaving the carpenter’s shop, Ye Yu bought some dried bacon meat to eat at noon and then hugged five hundred and started swinging around the bazaar.

After walking around a large bazaar, Ye Yu who couldn’t find the target finally died.

She was holding five hundred and two to prepare for the return journey, and she said, “Why is there no special dog feeding here?”


Five hundred and twenty-two, who had endured a whole day, finally couldn’t help it. It straightened the limbs that were already healthy after the injury, and banged its teeth with Ye Wuming.

This time in the sun, the reflection of Nathan Han was even more obvious.

Ye Yu’s eyes were swift and his hands were fast. He caught 520 who wanted to run after the show. She reached out and clasped 522 mandibles, looking around the periodontal of the creature in her arms–

“Although I haven’t raised a dog, you can’t lie to me-does the dog have teeth like you?”


Five hundred and two fiercely made a posture to bite.

Ye Yu groaned with a smile, “You dare to bite me, I’ll hang you up and sell dog meat.”

Five hundred and two raised his head, a look of disdain, but after a few seconds, it still folded its limbs and went back.

“Woo …”

When the dog’s head was turned away, five hundred and two uncomfortably made a muffled sound from his throat.

Ye Yu smiled on his face.

Maybe it was because of injuries and illnesses before the lack of energy. When 502 sobbed, they would bring the helplessness of breeding dogs.

And just now …

Ye Yu thought queerly, why the more he remembered, the more he looked like a malicious bee that suppressed his voice.

Followed her immediately and shook her head again, throwing out her unreliable thoughts–

Let’s not say that this little guy’s body is too weak compared to wolves, just say this character … Which wolf will be like a dog to sell cute and pitiful?

Temporarily relieved his suspicions, Ye Yu hummed to the song of the north and south of the river, and rushed to Yunshan Village with five hundred.

The carpenter’s shopkeeper handled the job reliably, and within a few days he sent the bathtub and dog house to Aunt Wang’s house.

Ye Yu was very satisfied with these two new pieces of furniture, but Wuliang showed great resistance.


“No, it must be washed.”

Ye Yu looked at five hundred two standing in front of himself.

Five hundred and two “whine” two times, quickly glanced at the tub full of water next to it, and immediately turned to Ye Yu vigilantly, while taking two steps back.

Leaf language akimbo.

——She found that five hundred and two have become increasingly disobedient since he was cured in Lingjuege.

Really stiff wings …

Ye Yu looked at five hundred men with a dangerous expression, and narrowed his eyes slowly.

“…” Five hundred instinctively felt the back cold. After hesitating, Xu quickly turned around and ran out of the yard to run outside.

“Yo, is it really fat?” Ye Yu sharpened his teeth and chased out.

One person and one dog started a chase in the whole Yunshan Village …

After half a joss stick.

“Huh …” Ye Yu gasped as he held up the tree at the mouth of the village.

It turns out that although she recently exercised to a certain extent by walking back and forth between Mocheng and Yunshan Village, it did not change the nature of her battle with the five residues.

She couldn’t even run a little black dog who had just recovered.

Ye Yan, who was furious, looked up, and not far off the ground, five hundred hesitantly tilted his head and looked at her.

It seemed to be judging whether she was really tired of the dog or just pretending.

When Ye Yu looked up, his expression was lagging.

After two seconds, she couldn’t help adjusting her breath, and looked intently at the five hundred and twenty-two on the ground.

——Did she run out of oxygen in her brain?

Otherwise, how could she feel that five hundred and two seemed to be a bigger number than when she had just left Wang’s mother’s house …

And the black fur seems to have grown a little, under the sun at noon at this time, from time to time against the dark light of Uzer.

Probably it was that Ye Yu ran pale at this time, and finally Wuliang was not hesitant in the distance. It opened its sturdy forelegs and hurried towards Ye Yu.

Ye Yu’s gaze slowly moved with the figure of five hundred.

It wasn’t until this time that she observed carefully that she noticed that when five hundred ran up, her front paws buckled and the speed was not reduced, but no sound came out. If she closed her eyes and turned around at this time, she would never notice the approach of five hundred and two.

…… It really doesn’t look like a dog’s lifestyle.

Ye Yu was thinking like this, five hundred and two already ran to her. He also got up and arched beside Ye Yu, who had just squatted down due to fatigue.

Despite some doubts in his heart, after spending so much time with Five hundred and two, Ye Yu subconsciously reached out his hand and scratched gently with five hundred and two.

Fifty-two narrowed his eyes happily, licked the fingertips of Xia Yeyu, and his tail shook behind him.

Ye Yu felt relieved, stood up and walked back and forth.


Well, how could a wolf be willing to be domesticated, let alone a tail.

Probably the dog of this fairy land is a bit mutated in appearance, nothing …

Ye Yu comforted himself and went away.

What she didn’t notice was that after she got up and left, the five hundred and twenty-two standing in the place seemed to suddenly take a moment, and it took a few seconds before she turned her head in disbelief and looked at her tail still shaking in mid-air .

By the time it turned back, the face was already filled with irreplaceable despair.

After half an hour, five hundred and two still soaked into Ye Yuyu’s bath soup …

It was night, and the moon was dark and windy.

Ye Yu was forced into the 522 wooden dog house forcibly, a glimmer of gloom, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

The person who appeared was a fifteen-six-year-old boy with a crown of hair and a face like Langyu. Just a glance, and knowing that within a few years, this young man is bound to grow into a scourge.

But at this time, the quasi-hazard did not return, and I did not rush to do anything else. I went to pull the tub in the yard and this dog house together.

Then the boy’s eyes swept over these two things, with extremely deep grievances.

The palm of his hand flipped into the air, and the long robe sleeves depicting gold rims slid down, exposing a slender blue flame between the palms of his slender fingers.

The teenager knew very well that with only a few thoughts, the blue flames flew up and he could burn these two things to nothing. It can also wipe out this shame of him-as a spotless demon repair in the realm of the beast, he was stuffed into a dog house and soaked for half an hour in a common bath tub …

Thinking of this, the young Yubai’s face was all flushed with red, and he lowered his lower lip, looking helplessly and intricately at the side bedroom where the woman was sleeping.

“… I really want to link up with your house.”

The teenager’s voice seemed a little dumb in the dark night.

Despite that, a few seconds later, the faint blue flame in his hand was stunned by himself.

Then the young man swung his robe sleeves, took away the tub and the dog house, and then emptied it in place, heading in the direction of the demon city and the palace, like arrows. 2k novel reading network

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