I’m Obviously Lowering My Favorability, Why Am I Being Chased By the Heroine?

Chapter 331

Chapter 331:

Chen An asked with some doubts.

It is very rare for Xiao Ruoshui to be so busy. Nine times out of ten, he has encountered something important.

“The task given by the family, hey, Chen An, if you have nothing to do, help me here.”

Xiao Ruoshui then raised his head and glanced at him, as if he saw some labor force.

“Brother Xiao, you’re busy, I’ll go first.”

As soon as Chen An heard it, where did he talk about the loyalty of the rivers and lakes, he hurriedly left.

As a demon king of chaos, he is not interested in these door-to-door things.

Xiao Ruoshui was not at all surprised that he turned away directly, and turned his attention to the document on the computer again.

“Xia Shiyun, I didn’t expect to meet you so quickly, let me see your abilities.”

Xiao Ruoshui seemed to be talking to himself.

This is a task given by the family, and it can be said that it is a contest for the younger generation.

I also want to open an antique shop in that newly opened antique street.

Although the family did not say it explicitly, he knew what it meant.

The two can develop peacefully, never interact with each other, or they can compete for development, with one weak and the other strong.

As for Xiao Ruoshui, as the future heir of the Xiao family, it is naturally impossible to shake hands with his opponent.

Then it had to be suppressed.

He investigated the antique shop over Xia Shiyun’s side, and the result almost made him laugh out loud.

The things Xia Shiyun bought recently were all bought together with Su Hao.

As for Su Hao’s eyesight…

Hehe, it can be seen from the words of those antique street bigwigs that this is an out-and-out piece of shit.

Blindly choose a pass, how many genuine products can there be?

It seems that this is a godsend opportunity, as long as you have the upper hand at the beginning, everything else will be much easier.

The other party kept a pile of junk antiques, what about Xiao Ruoshui himself?

Not only has a batch of reasonably acceptable antiques been kept, but everything has been calculated.

From contacts to resources, to asking big bosses to act as trustees, everything is ready.

Even if the opponent’s various methods are similar to his, he has already taken advantage of antiques.

After all, the antiques he was looking for were not very good, but they were genuine antiques.

In contrast, the pile of fakes in Xia Shiyun’s store is a devastating blow to a store.

This time, the advantage is on me!

It didn’t take long for Xiao Ruoshui’s shop to open.

Under the influence of the banknote ability, he built a very good storefront and arranged many luxurious decorations.

But these are not advantages, because Xia Shiyun also has them, and even there are several similar shops on this antique street.

The facade can only allow customers to take a few more glances. Whether it really works or not has to look at the things inside.

Xiao Ruoshui didn’t take the position in person. If such a win-win situation took the initiative to pass, he would appear impetuous.

He sat quietly in the company, quite like a wise man who was strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

However, his mobile phone window was constantly flashing, and his most trusted subordinates reported some news to him from time to time.

The opening morning was very stable, and several major customers came on the same day.

It even sold a piece of porcelain from the Qing Dynasty, with a net profit of 50,000, which was really a good start.

If it weren’t for the reason that it just opened, the net profit could reach about 200,000.

Authentic antiques are like this, they are not open for three years, and they are open for three years.

In the afternoon, his able-bodied general called directly.

“What’s the matter, is there a big client coming?”

Xiao Ruoshui smiled faintly, as if everything was under control.

“Master Xiao, the big thing is bad. Now the antique shop opened by Xia Shiyun is completely popular!”

There was a flustered voice over the phone.


Xiao Ruoshui’s voice was full of confusion, and some doubted whether there was something wrong with his ears.

“The Xia family has invited well-known masters for special appraisal. I heard that those masters were reluctant to go at first.”

“As a result, I can’t drive it away until now, and there are several rich people who help, and they sold a lot of things almost in an instant.”

“And those antiques are still quite cheap, they are selling at a loss!”

The able-bodied general said a lot of words, and Xiao Ruoshui was shocked when he heard it.

“How is it possible, where did they find the precious antiques!”

He asked subconsciously.

Then, Xiao Ruoshui thought of those antiques that Xia Shiyun brought back.

No, absolutely impossible, it must have been the Xia family who secretly bought a batch of antiques and only brought them out now!

What a sinister method!

“Master Xiao, those things that were considered garbage before have suddenly become treasures.”

“Many people who sold antiques to Xia Shiyun cried and cried in regret at the door, and their eyes were all red.”

“Those masters don’t know if they received the money or not, but they praised it again and again, and some even started to ask for the price.”

The able-bodied man continued.

Xiao Ruoshui only felt a tightness in his chest, and he almost vomited blood.

Where is the young master of the Su family who is taking advantage of him? He clearly has golden eyes!

After Chen An got the news, he was also dumbfounded.

He was resting next to a tea shop in Antique Street, ready to rush to the scene at the right time to laugh at him.

As a result, he saw such a scene.

A few masters who usually don’t help people with identification quarreled over a few antiques.

A group of people outside couldn’t squeeze in at the door.

Many collectors are eagerly waiting, hoping to get in and make a good fortune.

This made Chen An, who wanted to find a chance to laugh at Su Hao, quite uncomfortable.

The clown was me.

Xia Shiyun was very busy in the store at this time.

She looked at the red-faced appraiser who was arguing about an antique vintage, and sighed slightly in her heart.

She was not surprised by the success, after all, Xia Shiyun was also familiar with Su Hao’s character.

Then do not agree, or agree to complete it seriously.

However, although it was successful, Xia Shiyun always felt that it was boring.

The younger brother has paved the way for everything, which is equivalent to opening the lid of the brewed wine and sending it over, attracting countless drunkards.

This made Xia Shiyun feel that she was lying down and winning, which was really boring.

And, doing this is a matter of kindness.

Xia Shiyun’s heart is extremely tangled, how should she reward her?

Su Hao naturally didn’t know what happened here.

After practicing the piano with Cao Zijin, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he still pretended to be nothing on the surface, he seemed to feel a fire burning in his chest.

This feeling is like eating something that shouldn’t be eaten, and now the body is reacting.

So he hurried home without having lunch.

When he got home, Su Hao felt a little uncomfortable.

I always feel that my body is very hot, as if I have endless energy to fight out.

“Sophia, hurry up!”

Su Hao hurriedly shouted at the killer maid.

“What’s the matter, master, ah, what’s wrong with you, why does your skin look so red?”

Sophia was stunned for a moment, and then saw the strangeness of Su Hao’s bullying, with a little worry in her eyes.

“Don’t worry about it, just fight with me!”

Su Hao felt really uncomfortable, and felt that he wanted to smash something to vent.

However, smashing things is a bit of an itch, and it’s not very useful at all. It is better to vent this energy by fighting in pairs.

“it is good.”

Although Sophia didn’t know why, she did as she was told.

The two of them soon fought in a room.

After Su Hao fought with her for a while, his body strength suddenly reached a peak.

He only felt a blur in front of him, and finally couldn’t bear the power that appeared from nowhere, and passed out directly.

Sophia hurriedly came behind Su Hao and resisted his body, with undisguised worry in her eyes.

Her slender hand was placed on Su Hao’s wrist, wanting to check his condition.

But after a general inspection, nothing was found.

But the killer’s instinct told her that the change was beneficial.

What is the reason, let’s wait until Su Hao wakes up.

Su Hao slowly opened his eyes from the coma, he only felt a kind of ease of being reborn.

This feeling, like the rusted machine being re-oiled, is extremely smooth.

Then, he sensed the situation around him.

There was a hazy mist all around, and he was also soaked in the water.

A pair of soft little hands roamed constantly on his body, and he seemed to be pressing down on something soft.

This feels really weird.

“Master, did you eat something to wash the essence and cut the marrow, but you have been shedding your skin just now.”

Sophia’s incomparably meek voice sounded behind him.

“No… um, I seem to have eaten something.”

Su Hao suddenly remembered the half candy that Mu Qinghan put into his mouth.

Could it be that it is that thing?

“Master, I just felt the flow of energy in your body when you were in a coma.”

“Now, your strength has reached the peak of Qi Jin.”

Su Feiyan gently massaged Su Hao’s body again.

Su Hao looked at his hand, and the skin that was originally white was now as white as a baby.

Such skin is enough to make most women envy and men envy.

It really looks more and more like a white face.

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