I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 104

Chapter 103: Twin

Her words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Bai Han’s heart hard.

“You, what did you say?” Bai Han was full of horror, she didn’t react for a while, and after a long while, she put her hands on the bed and wanted to sit up.


But the other party looked indifferent and expressionless, looking at her as if looking at a stranger.

No, better than strangers.

She said she was the real Du Ninglan, who was the person who lived with her for decades?

Is it Du Jieqing?

How come?

Not waiting for Bai Han to think clearly, the icy metallic luster flashed in front of her eyes, just when the tip of the sword was about to stab her in the back, Bai Han shoved Du Ninglan’s shoulder away, a The carp stood up angrily, and opened his arms to block in front of her as much as he could.

The eyes of the person on her body flickered, looking at her in surprise, as if she didn’t expect Bai Han to block the sword for her.

But what Bai Han did was simply superfluous to her.

Do you think it’s the Du Ninglan who can only be bullied at will and not even qualified to compete for his loved one decades ago?”

Bai Han’s pupils suddenly dilated, but he still couldn’t believe it, and asked tremblingly, “You, are you really A Lan?”

She subconsciously looked at “Du Ninglan”, who had lived with her for decades, and said with difficulty: “What about you, who are you?” She already had an answer in her heart, but she I don’t want to believe it, let alone believe it.

Du Jieqing? ”

Du Ninglan pinched her chin and forced her to look at herself: “Why this expression?”

She patted Bai Han’s cheek and sneered: “Defiled by me? Do you feel sorry for Du Jieqing? But, dear Master?” Ning Lan called out, always feeling a little more wicked.

Especially Bai Han looked at the black mist that continued to overflow from Du Ninglan’s body, she suddenly remembered the original plot, the villain accidentally fell into the abyss after being tortured by inhuman cruelty , Luckily he didn’t die in the end, but he fell into the devil’s way, and has since embarked on a cold-blooded ruthlessness. The way to kill the Quartet and destroy the world.

She immediately believed what the person in front of her said that she was Du Ninglan, but what she didn’t understand was that it was Du Ninglan who was living with her at the beginning, how could she suddenly become Du Jieqing, when did it change? Why didn’t anyone remind him that he was wrong, Du Jieqing didn’t say anything, why didn’t Du Ninglan come to him?

burst open.

It was all too unexpected, she didn’t know what to say, or even what kind of expression to show to be reasonable.

Bai Han looked at Du Jieqing and wanted to ask her why she lied to him, but she seemed to have lost her language ability, she just stared at her, but couldn’t say a word.

Du Jieqing’s attack stopped, looking at Bai Han, his lips moved, but he didn’t speak.

Seeing the two “brows”, the smile on Du Ninglan’s face gradually disappeared, she threw Bai Han away, stood up, raised her hand, a black heavy metal knife Appearing out of thin air, he slashed towards Du Jieqing.

Du Ninglan, who was incapable of holding a chicken before, now faces Du Jieqing like an eagle catching a chicken, and she can easily suppress the opponent.

She did not subdue the opponent at once, but slashed left and right, teasing Du Jieqing like a whack-a-mole.

At the same time, Bai Han was surprised, and at the same time, she subconsciously tried to protect the person beside her who had been with her for decades. A dull pain on her forehead pulled her back to her senses.

Bai Han bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, the sweet smell of blood filled her whole mouth, she lay on the ground and shouted loudly: “Don’t, stop beating, stop!”

“Xiaohan!” In a trance, Bai Han heard Du Jieqing shout, and in a trance saw that she wanted to come over with a panicked face, but was stopped by Du Ruanlan.

blood spilled out.

A strong palm wind hit him head-on, Du Jieqing was overturned, flipped somersaults in the air and finally fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and reluctantly raised his head, a pair of dark eyes were vicious Staring at Du Ninglan.

Unfortunately, Du Ninglan didn’t care at all, she even smiled contemptuously with the corners of her lips hooked, and mocked: “So this is the rare genius in the world of self-cultivation, it seems that the world of self-cultivation is true If it is lost, it is better to destroy it.”

Du Ninglan’s two words so easily uttered completely shocked Bai Han. She couldn’t believe her ears and looked at Du Ninglan with round eyes. The two eyes can’t wait to turn into scanners, and they can measure Du Ninglan’s current force value by scanning them.

“Don’t!” Seeing that the big knife almost slashed at Du Jieqing, Bai Han’s pupils shrank, subconsciously flew up, and pressed Du Jieqing firmly under him.

“Bang—” The pale yellow energy shield shattered and dissipated into countless light spots.

At the moment when the energy shield shattered, Bai Han’s chest felt a pain, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, mixed with bits of minced meat on the ground.

Du Jieqing hugged Bai Han, who was completely unsupportable, and let out a shrill scream, her eyes full of anger stared at Bai Han, her gums were bleeding, and she said word by word: ” Du Ninglan, she is Bai Han, she is the master who saved you and took in you, but you actually took action against her, you are not human anymore?!”

Du Ninglan stared at the pool of blood on the ground for a while, then came back to her senses and snorted: “Master? Save me? She saved me once, but later What? She kicked me down another abyss without mercy!”

Du Jieqing held Bai Han, who was dying, and kept trying to transmit his spiritual power, but Bai Han’s body was like an iron wall, and he couldn’t send any spiritual power.

Du Jieqing raised her face abruptly, and her eyes cut like a knife to Du Ninglan, who was hugging her chest to watch the fun, gritted her teeth and said, “You are crazy, do you know that there is something wrong with her spiritual power, If something goes wrong, you won’t have time to regret it!”

Du Ninglan asked back: “Why should I regret it?” Her expression sank instantly, staring at Bai Han in Du Jieqing’s arms, her eyes stern, as if she was about to unload Bai Han. Like eight yuan, she wept blood every word, and said with hatred, “Why should I regret it?”

“In the past few decades, you have been in harmony, harmony, love and love, and you have been the envy of everyone in the heaven and the earth. What about me? Do you know how much I suffered in order to survive? , how many sins have you suffered?” Du Ninglan took a deep breath and tried to calm down her tumbling breath, but there was still a strong sense of resentment in her words, “Where was she when I fell into the abyss, I was chased by monsters Kill, what was she doing when she was about to be eaten? I was invaded by demonic energy, and I was insane. Every moment was painful, and when she was dying, she…” Du Ninglan suddenly looked at Du Jieqing, the corners of her lips. With a cool smile, “She is flirting with you, even going to the clouds and rain together!”

“At that time, why didn’t she think of me, why didn’t she come to save me?” Du Ninglan’s voice was cold, as if she wanted to vent all her dissatisfaction over the years, “Yes, you are right. Yes, she saved me and took me in, but it was just like saving a kitten and puppy, and it may be discarded at any time. If that’s the case, I have no right to blame her. But why! Why did she want to Lie to me! Gave me hope, but also disappoints me, even makes me despair!”

“Do you know why I can climb out of the abyss?” Du Ninglan suddenly flashed in front of Du Jieqing, chuckled, and said, “I was already dead, but I’m not reconciled, I I couldn’t swallow this breath, I kept on living, even if every single bone in my body was broken, I still didn’t give up. Every day I climbed with my bare hands on the cliff full of poisonous killing vines and even monsters, enduring it. Invaded by demonic energy, every flesh and blood is like being bitten by insects and ants, just to come to you!”

“I want revenge! I want to end that joke with my own hands!”

Du Ninglan became more and more excited the more she spoke, until later, the awe-inspiring saber intent surrounded the three of them with black energy, and slashed the faces of Du Jieqing and Bai Han with slender bloodstains.

The pain on Bai Han’s face intensified, while Du Jieqing slowly calmed down, hugged Bai Han tightly in his arms, and stared at her defensively.

Du Ninglan seemed to be stimulated by her calm behavior, or the intimacy of the two of them showing love even when they were dying, her eyes were dark, and she suddenly grabbed Bai Han’s The collar, forcibly dragged the person out of Du Jieqing’s arms.

“What are you doing!” Du Jieqing immediately reached out to grab her, but she had already exhausted her strength and could not stand up. Du Ninglan slapped her to the ground and coughed heavily.

Rapidly flying against the wind, with a muffled bang, Du Jieqing was slammed to the ground, and then a black shadow fell, she subconsciously opened her arms and hugged Bai Han who fell with it full of.

But it was this huge gravitational potential energy that made her cough more and more, as if she wanted to cough out her entire lung.

At this time, Bai Han was shaken violently, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyelids moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

She stared blankly at the familiar scene, a series of violent coughs came from her ears, turned her head and looked at Du Jieqing for a long while, focusing between her dilated pupils.

Looking like she finally remembered what happened just now, Bai Han immediately turned her head, and sure enough, she met Du Ninglan who was grinning at her. She pursed her lips and grabbed Du Jieqing’s wrist first. , repairing the riddled internal organs for her.

But the magic energy in her body, like a knife, attacked and irritated Du Jieqing’s fragile tendons again and again.

Bai Han’s cultivation had a problem in the first place, and at this time, even 1% of the normal utility could not be exerted.

Trembling slightly, unable to exert any strength at all.

Du Jieqing quickly stopped coughing, and immediately realized what Bai Han was doing, with a look of pain in his eyes, he was about to grab her hand to stop her.

It’s just that she is passively accepting Bai Han’s gift now, she can’t stop actively, she can only stare at Bai Han, whose vitality is getting weaker and weaker, with red eyes, helpless and desperate.

Just when Du Jieqing thought he was going to absorb all of Bai Han’s vitality, suddenly a powerful force separated the two, Bai Han fell to the ground, his face was pale, and the whole People are like dehydrated flowers, thin and dry, wrinkled together, curled up on the ground, looking at the size of the body is a size smaller.

Du Jieqing was thrown out and fell heavily on the ground.

Compared to just now, the serious injury in her body has almost healed, and the blush on her face has even returned. This fall is completely insignificant to her.

The moment she landed, Du Jieqing got up nimbly, and immediately rushed over to check Bai Han’s situation, but as soon as she stood up, she was covered by an invisible cover, barely able to stand, but Can’t move half a minute.

“Du Ninglan, let me out!” Du Jieqing slapped the hood vigorously, staring at Bai Han, who was as fragile as paper hovering in the wind and rain, “Xiao Han, Are you alright, Xiaohan!”

She shouted piercingly, but Bai Han seemed to completely block the sound of the outside world and lay there quietly, not even twitching his eyelids.

Du Ninglan paced up to Bai Han, raised her hand, and put her four fingers on her wrist.

The pulse is weak and slow, and you can’t even feel the beat of life for a long time.

If it wasn’t for Du Ninglan who could still feel Bai Han’s faint qi and blood, he would have misunderstood that this person had run out of fuel and died completely.

“You let her go, what are you going to do to her!” At the moment of Du Ninglan’s action, Du Jieqing raised a heart in her throat, she deeply understood the current Du Ninglan Even though he still loves Bai Han, his deep love is accompanied by an unmeasurable deep hatred.

She didn’t lie, she really wanted to kill Bai Han herself.

But if she was so easy to die, how could Du Ninglan be worthy of the psychological and physical torture she suffered over the years.

She wants to save Bai Han’s life, torture her slowly, make her suffer, pay the price for her mistakes, and make her regret it – knowing that the original choice was not only wrong, but also ridiculous.

Compared with herself, what is Du Jieqing? !

Only herself is her best choice.

Thinking of this, Du Ninglan suddenly smiled, she grinned at Du Jieqing, revealing her white teeth, and asked, “Do you want to save her? If you deny it, I will kill her immediately. got her!”

Du Jieqing stopped and looked at her.

Du Ninglan suddenly picked up the knife and fell.

“Stop!” Du Jieqing burst out with a cracking cry that almost cut through the sky. She was so frightened that she lost all her energy, panting and looking at Bai Han’s neck. The big knife, which was less than a centimeter, watched in horror as a strand of black hair fell down because of the sharp blade, and was blown away by the wind.

She glared at Du Ninglan: “You, you actually…”

Du Ninglan looked at her amusingly, and asked again: “One last time, do you want to save?”

Du Jieqing did not hesitate: “Save her! Let her go, you can let me do anything!”

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