I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: When The Green Plum Grows Up

Bai Han and Lin Ye entered a very strange atmosphere, they were not considered friends, but Lin Ye was obviously not as repulsive to Bai Han as before.

She still came very early every morning, eating two-thirds of the breakfast that Bai Han brought by herself. Going upstream, the workbook was full of problem-solving ideas and key explanations, and she was no longer needed.

Instead, Bai Han threw the exercise book to Lin Ye for her to read.

Bai Han also wanted to give her a topic to bring the distance between the two of them, but she—some of them couldn’t understand it herself, let alone explain it clearly.

However, Lin Ye is very smart, and most of them can understand it by himself. Once, Lin Ye was eating and watching, and he was so fascinated by it that he ate all the breakfast without knowing it.

Bai Han didn’t care, just put the lid of the lunch box into the drawer.

Lin Ye looked at her several times, and then at the lunch box.

Bai Han was still racking her brains and struggling with her English homework, when she noticed her inquiring eyes, she was confused: “What, what’s wrong?”

Lin Ye didn’t say anything, but from then on, every time Bai Han brought breakfast, she didn’t have any leftovers and ate cleanly.

Only the two of them can feel this subtle change. In the eyes of other students, Bai Han is still wishing to please Lin Ye, while Lin Ye loves her. Li, Leng Bingbing is worse than a stranger.

Although the classmates didn’t say it, they all laughed at Bai Han behind the scenes, saying that she was addicted to the game of rich people, people ignored her, and she still had one Hot face and cold ass. Stock.

Also laughed at Lin Ye, saying that Lin Ye didn’t know what to do, and that such fools as Bai Han were rare. If you didn’t take this opportunity to make a fortune, he was even more stupid than Bai Han.

It’s not that these words didn’t reach Bai Han’s ears, but she didn’t care about the words of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child.

In the afternoon, Bai Han was hesitant and hesitant in the last class, and Lin Ye looked at her several times.

It was these eyes that made Bai Han, who finally mustered up the courage to open his mouth, shrink back.

Lin Ye simply put down his pen: “What’s the matter?”

“Ah?” Bai Han was stunned by the question, and asked dumbly, “What?”

Lin Ye frowned and squinted at her: “What are you trying to say? It’s been a whole day, and I’ve been feeling bad for you.”

“It’s nothing.” Bai Han rubbed the corners of his clothes, while still organizing his words, he saw Lin Ye’s expression that I’ll leave first if you’re okay, and hurriedly said, “Tomorrow is mine. On your birthday, will you come to my house?”

“Aunt Li and I are the only ones in my family. The last time Aunt Li you met, there is no one else except her. Would you like to celebrate my birthday?” Bai Han looked forward with anticipation looking at her.

Lin Ye was confused at first, then turned his eyes away, and casually packed his schoolbag: “What’s my business on your birthday?”

Bai Han bit her lower lip: “Aunt Li said she would cook delicious food, and asked me to invite my friends to eat at home, but…you know, I just moved here, and my life is different. Familiar, but you are not familiar with anyone.”

Lin Ye asked, “Am I familiar with you?”

You have been to my house last time, aren’t you familiar?

I have no one else to invite except you and me.”

Bai Han asked cautiously, “You, you will come.”

Lin Ye turned his face away: “It depends on the situation, I may not have time.”

Bai Han was in a hurry, and held down her schoolbag: “No, you can come back after you’re done, I’m not in a hurry.”

Lin Ye: “I don’t know when I will have time.”

Bai Han was silent for a while, then compromised: “Then I’ll wait for you, it doesn’t matter if you come back at night, I’ll wait for you.”

After she finished speaking, she was afraid that Lin Ye would continue to find excuses to refuse, so she grabbed the schoolbag that she had packed long ago and ran out.

The calf tripped on the table and almost fell to the ground.

While running, he shouted: “Then it’s settled, I wrote the address in your notebook, if it is not convenient for you, you can call me first, and I will ask the driver to pick it up. you.”

As the wind blew into Lin Ye’s ears, Bai Han was already trotting downstairs all the way, not even a shadow could be seen.

Lin Ye stared at the direction where she disappeared like the wind, the movement of packing up the schoolbag gradually slowed down, and finally even stopped.

She suddenly flipped out the notebook, turned two pages, and saw the address that Bai Han said, her fingertips rubbed the line of crooked, insect-crawling handwriting, thoughtful.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Ye woke up to clean up and found that the woman was not there, probably because there was a business outside.

Absence means that there is no money to eat today, and Lin Ye has to solve today’s stomach problem by himself.

She was about to go to the vegetable market with the reusable bag from the kitchen. She planned to pick up some vegetable leaves thrown by others and bring them back to cook for dinner. Suddenly, Bai Han’s face flashed in her mind.

Thinking of the firm expression on the other side’s face that he would definitely wait for him, Lin Ye paused.

etc? She knew from a very young age that there was no one to rely on except herself, and no one would wait for her all the time.

She thought of the glass bead she had briefly when she was a child. The happiness at that time was undeniably true, but the loss and sadness after the loss was also something she never wanted to bear in her life. times.

If you will lose it in the end, it is better to never have it.

The corner of Lin Ye’s mouth raised a self-deprecating arc, she shook her head, packed the reusable bag, put on her school uniform and went out to the vegetable market.

She doesn’t like that kind of empty stomach, stomach cramps, like being punched several times, and like countless ants gnawing at flesh and blood. She died, so she had to rush there early.

“Lin Ye!” As soon as he walked out of the alley, there was a familiar and cheerful voice behind him, and he didn’t need to look back to know who it was.

Lin Ye paused, clenched the reusable bag in his hand tightly, turned his head slowly, and saw that familiar face, looking through the half-open car window, smiling as silly as ever, It’s annoying – but it’s like light that makes you want to get closer.

“Lin Ye! Are you going out? Where are you going? Are you free today?” Bai Han pushed the door and got out of the car, stepping on the sewage and debris under his feet and jumping in front of Lin Ye.

She is almost half as tall as Lin Ye, but because she wears small leather shoes with heels, she stands out a little.


Lin Ye squinted his eyes, suppressing the urge that was not right in his heart.

“What’s the matter with you?” Bai Han scratched his face, “Not happy? Did I delay you?”

She hurried to get out of the way: “You go, I’m just here to take a look, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to force you.”

She wanted to tell me where you were going and I sent you, but seeing the displeased look on Lin Ye’s face, she pursed her lips and didn’t dare to say it.

Bai Han opened his mouth and finally spit out three words: “I’m sorry.”

She drooped her head, and Lin Ye could even see her disappointment from the swirl of hair on the top of her head, and said in a strange way: “It’s not a very important thing, go to your house now?”

“Huh?” Bai Han widened his eyes and stared at her in disbelief.

Lin Ye lifted his eyelids: “Why, did you regret it?”

Bai Han hurriedly shook his head: “No, no, then, shall we leave now? I can do it anytime!”

She was so excited that she could not help herself, the spittle was almost sprayed on Lin Ye’s face, and hurriedly wiped her mouth in embarrassment.

Lin Ye turned his head: “I’ll go back and put something.”

Bai Han nodded obediently: “Okay.” She followed Lin Ye unconsciously, and when Lin Ye looked back at her when he went upstairs, he realized, and touched the back of his head, “Ah, I am It’s not that it’s inconvenient to go up, no, it’s fine, I’ll just wait here.”

Lin Ye looked at her obviously wronged but still pretended not to care, as if there was a kitten’s paw scratching hard in her heart, it was numb, itchy and uncomfortable, she said unconsciously: “It’s not inconvenient. Yes, if you don’t dislike it, then come up.”

Bai Han didn’t expect such a good thing, so she couldn’t help laughing: “No, how can I dislike it, then, then I’ll go up with you.” She walked gently and cautiously, For fear of guessing the wrong step and stepping heavily, Lin Ye would dislike it and lose this honor.

Lin Ye looked back, just in time to see her smiling happily with her head lowered and her lips licked.

Bai Han, what do you want to do? Where am I worthy of your attachment?

Lin Ye had something in his heart and walked very slowly, Bai Han didn’t dare to urge her, and went up the fourth floor for almost ten minutes.

This is a very old bungalow with narrow aisles and piles of debris, and there is no place for your feet at the corners.

Lin Ye stopped, took out the key to open the door, turned around and saw Bai Han standing five or six steps away, because the shoe rack was placed in the middle of the house next door, causing her house to barely Only one person can stand.

The obvious stench lingers on both ends of the nose. Lin Ye never cared about this before, but I don’t know if Bai Han’s clothes are too clean and delicate today, or the leather shoes next door are too smelly. Lin Ye felt a kind of disgust in his heart, and impulsively wanted to kick the shoe rack away and stuff the smelly leather shoes into its owner’s mouth.

Lin Ye’s face was dark, he pushed open the door with a gloomy face and walked in.

Bai Han hurriedly flashed in, for fear that Lin Ye would shut himself out.

When she saw Lin Ye’s introduction in the plot, Bai Han knew that her life was difficult and the conditions were difficult, and she also imagined her living environment, but all the things in front of her were completely beyond her imagination. .

In the living room there is only one fabric sofa that looks very old and covered with a dirty floral cover, and the springs are protruding. There is no coffee table, only a square table with peeling paint, and the table is full of small messes.

Bai Han glanced roughly and saw a few colorful square small packaging bags.

Lin Ye came out of the kitchen and saw Bai Han staring at the condoms scattered on the table, angered from his heart, he grabbed Bai Han’s arm: “What are you looking at? Woolen cloth?”

“No, didn’t you see anything?” Bai Han’s face was blank, she didn’t dare to move after she came in, for fear of accidentally hurting Lin Ye’s self-esteem, I didn’t expect to glance at it casually, It made Lin Ye angry again.

Lin Ye took a step across and completely blocked her vision: “I’m ready, go out and wait!”

“Oh, fine.” Bai Han nodded, lowered his head and left.

Lin Ye took two steps forward, looked back at the bottles and condoms on the table in disgust, and followed Bai Han out the door.

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