I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 161

Chapter 160: Happy World

On the day we met, Du Ruanlan said that he had something to do and went out first, while Bai Han did not go out until the date was almost up.

After all, she is telling the truth, it’s a nearby cafe, not far.

Just as Bai Han stepped into the cafe, a five- or six-year-old girl appeared out of nowhere, hugged Bai Han’s leg, and cried, “Mom, Mother.”

“!” Children, please don’t recognize relatives, I’m just about to get married, what’s the matter with such a big daughter suddenly appearing, my family heard it and thought I was cheating marriage.

But Bai Han didn’t dare to push her away. After all, the little guy’s skin is tender and tender, and it’s like juice will come out when you touch it a little, and it hurts again.

Hanging her hands slightly in the air, she asked at a loss: “Little girl, I’m not your mother, did you admit the wrong person?”

Bai Han wanted to cry but had no tears, did he feel that he was so fat that he was so mammy?

Just as she was about to pull the child’s hand and get her out of her arms, a cold and emotionless electromechanical voice suddenly came out of her head: “Hello host, I am The system that was bound to your previous mission was entrusted by someone to tell you something, because your words, deeds, and actions are being monitored by others. In desperation, you can only choose this method to numb the other party. Don’t be surprised, it’s even better not to show other emotions…”

Bai Han suddenly froze.

The little girl tugged at the corner of her clothes, Bai Han stumbled and lowered his head.

The voice in my head continued: “Don’t be stunned, take me out and help me find my mother.”

The little girl took her hand and pulled out: “Mom, my mother is lost, I can’t find my mother, can my sister help me find my mother?”

The little girl was so strong that she was pulled out.

“Okay, okay.” Bai Han looked around without a trace, but didn’t see the so-called surveillance person, but followed her out, “Where is your mother? You don’t remember. Remember mom’s phone number?”

Little girl: “I know the address of my house. Sister, take a taxi and take me home.”

If it was an adult, Bai Han would immediately choose to call the police.

But the other party is a child, and she can speak in her mind. Even if she calls the police, I am afraid that she will not be able to stop it, so she simply agrees: “Okay.”

He hailed a taxi. After getting in the car, the driver asked where he was going. The little girl gave an address. Bai Han sounded familiar, but couldn’t remember where it was.

The little girl was very familiar with her micro-expressions, and before she asked, she said, “It’s where you work, but we’re not going to the company, but in the back alley.”

The more I hear it, the more I feel like a kidnapped child – an older unmarried girl, she won’t sell it to the valley.

The little girl rolled her eyes at her: “Apart from the blind, who—” The words that followed were swallowed abruptly.

Bai Han knew what she meant, waved her hands and said with a smile, “It’s okay, I know you’re joking, it’s okay.”

But in fact, my heart is still very uncomfortable, but I really care, it seems that I can’t afford to play too much.

This feeling seemed familiar, I skipped it in my heart, Bai Han deliberately ignored the discomfort, and said again: “The alley behind the company? You…”

“The company is not safe, but only by being close to the company can I guarantee that you will receive a complete memory and not be hurt.” Since getting in the car, the little girl’s face has no expression anymore. With his hands on his legs, he is sitting upright, staring in front of him, like a robot.

Bai Han couldn’t hold back and poked her small shoulder: “I haven’t asked who you are yet? Who asked you to come?”

The little girl turned her head and stared at her for a long while: “Every task requires system assistance, do you remember?”

“I know this clause.” Bai Han said honestly, “But I have amnesia, tasks, systems, and other related things.”

“I am your system.” The little girl said.

“Ah?” Bai Han heard the words, the first reaction was that the child was joking, after all, she is a living person, how could it be a piece of illusory data, “Don’t make trouble, as a data , how did it appear in front of me? Could it be that everything now is my illusion?”

The little girl glanced at her and turned her head away.

Bai Han: “…” With such a meaningful look, it always feels strange.

She just leaned back when the little girl’s mechanical voice suddenly sounded in her head.

Playing with the applause, that’s why the data came to you in human form.”

She said, covering Bai Han’s legs with her hands.

Bai Han bowed his head, only to see that the little hand suddenly turned into green data, gradually transparent and illusory, startling her, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover the little girl’s hand, then looked at it with a guilty conscience glanced at the driver.

Fortunately, the driver drove seriously and didn’t pay attention to them at all.

Bai Han lowered his voice: “Alright, alright, I believe it, you hurry back to normal.”

“Recovered,” said the little girl.

Bai Han stared at her dubiously for a while, then carefully removed her hand, and she saw that the little hand had returned to its natural state, so she removed it.

Bai Han glanced at the driver again, unable to hold back, leaned over and continued to ask, “Hey, I said, what do you mean when you say…playing with applause? What’s the situation?”

“Do you want to know?” the little girl asked.

“I…” The word “I…” was already on his lips, but Bai Han was hesitant, and he couldn’t say it for a while.

The little girl said sharply: “Actually, you already have guesses in your heart, and you know that you guessed 100% right. You just don’t want to break the peaceful, peaceful and beautiful life now.”

“!” Bai Han had to suspect that she was not a system, but a roundworm in her stomach.

You are used to Du Ruanlan by your side.”

“If you two are just friends now and let you start dating Du Ruanlan again, you will definitely feel troublesome, but since you woke up, you have always regarded Du Ruanlan as your own The other half gets along, and the two of you live together, 70% to 80% of the time, even if you don’t need to change it on purpose, you’re naturally tired of being together, so you accepted her without any resistance, right?”

The little girl frowned: “Of course, I’m not very proficient in the use of human language, if the expression is not clear, just listen to it, you know what it means. ”

Bai Han: “…”

She grabbed her pants and wiped the sweat from her palms: “I want to know.”

Little girl: “Then get off, I’ll take you to find out the truth.”

It turned out that the car had stopped at some point, and further ahead was the familiar high-rise building that I saw that day, Bai Han hesitated, opened the door and got out of the car, turned around and took the little girl’s hand : “Let’s go.”

There is a small teahouse at the end of the alley. The little girl took her directly to a small box on the second floor. After entering, she did not delay for a moment: “Du Ruanlan is very sensitive, I don’t have much time.”

Bai Han nodded: “Okay, do you need me to cooperate?”

“No, I will hypnotize you. After you fall asleep, you will have a big dream. The dream is full of your previous memories.” The little girl asked her to sit on the reclining chair, ” I’ll probably sleep for a while and find a comfortable position.” She herself took a small blanket from somewhere and put it on Bai Han’s body.

She watched Bai Han pull the blanket over and asked her with a trusting expression, “Aren’t you afraid that I’m a liar?”

Bai Han tilted his head: “Then are you?”

The little girl turned her face away: “Your security awareness is too weak, if I were a bad person, you would be dead now.”

After a pause, she added: “I’m not, I won’t hurt you, I’ll never hurt you.”

Bai Han squeezed the blanket and laughed, “I’m not a fool, I see you familiar and kind, so I’m here with you, if it’s someone else, don’t say five or six years old , even three or four years old, I wouldn’t trust it so much.”

I don’t know if I was wrong, Bai Han found that the little girl’s two were a little red, she was surprised, and was about to make a joke, but the little girl immediately turned around: “Okay, Without further ado, I’m going to start.”

Bai Han nodded regretfully: “Okay, then you can start.”

The little girl looked at Bai Han, who was in a light mood and didn’t know what kind of storm she was going to face, she raised her hand, but she shrank again before touching Bai Han’s face. Go back: “Close your eyes.”

Bai Han closed his eyes.

The little girl looked at her trembling eyelashes, and was about to rub her fingertips, but her face suddenly changed, she immediately retracted her hand, and got down to business.

Three minutes later, Bai Han fell into a deep sleep, his eyes were closed, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

And just before she fell asleep for less than a minute, the box door was slammed open, Du Ruanlan rushed in from the door, the high heels stepped on the wooden floor and made a muffled sound , She looked at the little girl coldly, as if she was looking at a dead person.

The moment he caught sight of Bai Han, Du Ruanlan’s eyes jumped, and he was about to pass immediately.

The little girl stopped in front of Bai Han, but she also knew that she and Du Ruanlan were very different in strength, and it was absolutely impossible to stop her, she symbolically opened her arms and said slowly: “I’m going up After the lock, if you forcibly wake her up, it may be Bai Han who wakes up, or it may be a fool…”

“You!” Du Ruanlan was furious, but before she could get angry, the little girl said again, “Be louder, as long as you are not afraid of waking her up.”

This sentence is like a spell, and Du Ruanlan is a monkey wearing a tight spell, and his movements are immediately reduced, but his eyes are like knives, and he can’t wait to stab the system directly.

The system sat down next to Bai Han, her hands were short and her legs were short, her feet were hanging in the air, swaying gently: “You shouldn’t hide it from her, if you really like her, you should use The way she likes it, not forcibly imprisoning her around her.”

“So what do you want to say? Let me leave and you will protect her?” Du Ruanlan’s eyes were cloudy, and she looked at her with red eyes that were almost dripping blood.

System: “I never asked for…”

“Heh.” Du Ruanlan sneered, “You don’t expect, the last world you interfere with us? She is a typical avoidant attachment, escaping from intimacy, but in that world, we are dependent on each other. Family, it is an intimate relationship that she can’t avoid even if she runs away. She will definitely believe that I love her when they get along day and night, but all of this has been destroyed by you! If you hadn’t interfered, my relationship with her would not have been at all. It’s going to be so bad, you…”

“Me?” The system scoffed, “You know that you’ve done too much? Otherwise, why would you imitate me?”

“We are getting married soon, what do you want?” Du Ruanlan asked in exasperation.

“Marriage?” The system glanced at Bai Han, who was still sleeping, and his voice became cold, “Fake marriage.”

Du Ruanlan is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, her hair exploded: “As long as she is happy!”

“She had an unfortunate childhood and suffered too much verbal violence in school. She was alone and had to face with a smile. Even though she grew up, she was still not confident and could not believe anyone I will love her, and I will love her forever. I will erase her memory and delete her lack of self-confidence. What’s wrong with her? She loves me, and I love her too. What’s wrong with our marriage?” Du Ruan Lanyi He grabbed the system’s neck with one hand, lifted the person from the stool, and scolded angrily, “Why do you interfere in our affairs!”

The system was pinched with bruises all over her face, her short legs fluttered vigorously, and she pulled Du Ruanlan’s arm with her hands, and said with difficulty: “Cough, cough, she has autonomy, cough, cough, choose s right…”

Du Ruanlan exerted her strength, and the system suddenly turned into dense green data, which gradually dissipated.

Only she and the hypnotized Bai Han were left in the box.

Du Ruanlan looked down at her, tears could no longer be held back, big drops came out of her eyes, she raised her hand and stroked Bai Han’s cheek: “Why, don’t you say you don’t care, why still To get back your old memory, did I make you unhappy? Didn’t I tell me if I was unhappy and let me change it? You, do you, don’t want me anymore?”

Du Ruanlan’s feet softened and she fell to the ground. She leaned on Bai Han’s side, tilted her head and fixedly looked at Bai Han’s face, as if one more glance would earn her a second.

“I already know what was wrong, and I am trying to correct it. I’m sorry, you wake up, can you give me another chance?”

The author has something to say: yes, I appear again, hahahaha!

No more today, see you next time!

Bai Han: When I wake up, I will blow your dog’s head!

Now you know who Jacques is!

System: You thought I was offline, but I didn’t!

It’s almost over, let’s write a sweet quick wear next book.

Sweet from beginning to end, okay?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of small foam;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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