I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 8

Chapter 7: When The Green Plum Grows Up

“Miss, you are back. If you don’t come back, I will call Mr. and Mrs.” Bai Han went out, and Aunt Li regretted it.

She was so worried, she put on a dress and waited at the door, saw a car coming from a distance, and hurriedly greeted her.

A heavy coat was draped over Bai Han’s body, Bai Han brushed away Aunt Li’s hand and pulled down the coat to cover Lin Ye.

She just stood in the rain and opened the door for the bodyguard holding Lin Ye.

The rain flowed down the bangs into the eyes, Bai Han wiped it indiscriminately: “Be careful, don’t bump into her.”

When Aunt Li saw this, her face changed, and she quickly moved the umbrella to her side: “Miss, you are all soaked, hurry into the room, Dr. Zhang has been waiting, don’t worry. Don’t catch a cold.”

Bai Han was worried about Lin Ye, and didn’t listen to what she said at all.

“It was cold like a popsicle just now, but now it’s burning like a stove.” I accidentally touched Lin Ye’s arm just now, and it was hot and hot.

Bai Han was frightened and kept mumbling to relieve the tension.

She trotted and followed behind the bodyguard. She didn’t have time to change her shoes after entering the door, and hurried upstairs: “Send it to my room.”

Aunt Li quickly took out the prepared white towel and handed it to Bai Han: “Doctor Zhang has been waiting on the second floor, hurry up and let him have a look, miss, why are your hands so cold? What if I catch a cold?”

Bai Han’s heart is not good. There is a special medical room at home, which is similar to the normal emergency room in the hospital.

The bodyguards are very familiar with each other and go up holding Lin Ye.

Bai Han grabbed the white towel, and didn’t remember to wipe the sweat dripping from his forehead. He dragged his weak legs and gritted his teeth and followed him upstairs.

“Xiaohan? Why is it raining? Hurry, sit down and I’ll take a look.” As soon as Dr. Zhang took her hand, his face changed suddenly, “It’s so cold, did you go out? Wear thick clothes? What’s the matter? You don’t know your physical condition is not good and you can’t stand such a toss.”

Bai Han grabbed his hand with his backhand and dragged him to the hospital bed: “Doctor Zhang, look at her, she has a serious burn and is in a coma.”

“No, I have to show you first.” Dr. Zhang pushed her shoulders back and sat on one of the stools, “Do you remember what I told you last time? What about the medicine? , are you eating, and how much is left?”

“Leave me alone, I’m fine, I’m taking medicine, Aunt Li has supervision, you go first, show her first.” He stood up and was almost knocked over by the doctor, “She’s burned into a coma. If you don’t take a look, there will be an accident.”

Bai Han struggled, but Doctor Zhang couldn’t hold back, so he had no choice but to compromise: “Okay, don’t get excited, and your heart will feel uncomfortable later, I’ll show her , Show her, you kid can’t be excited, so what’s the hurry?”

“Strict, serious?” Lin Ye on the hospital bed had a pale face, and his lips and **** had faded. The **** forehead was gone, and it was dry as if it had not rained a drop in hundreds of years. In the Gobi Desert, the peeled ones will **** when they are touched a little.

“Don’t worry, it’s not as serious as you think, hang up the water first, and it will be fine in the morning to cool down a little.” Doctor Zhang made a detailed examination, “But what’s going on? What happened? With such a weak body, if this dragged into pneumonia, something really happened.”

Doctor Zhang held her arm: “What’s the matter, are you uncomfortable, why are your clothes still damp, your hands are so cold, hurry up, change your clothes first and I’ll check it for you Down.”

“I, I’m fine.” Bai Han opened his mouth to speak, and later realized that his voice was hoarse and dry, extremely unpleasant.

The throat hurts like being cut, the brain is dizzy, the dizziness in front of him, the body is shaking, Bai Han relaxes to realize how uncomfortable he is.

“I’m going to change clothes first.” The soaked clothes were sticking tightly to her body, she turned and walked to the bathroom, but her feet seemed to be stepping on cotton, and she couldn’t pay attention to the ground.

The wrist was suddenly pulled, Bai Han thought it was Doctor Zhang, and tried to say that he would come back after changing his clothes.

In hindsight, her wrists were so hot that she turned her head and saw Lin Ye frowning tightly and sleeping very unsteadily.

“Lin Ye?” Bai Han was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and threw himself on the edge of the bed, “Are you awake? Are you all right?”

Bai Han roared so hard that his voice changed. His head was dizzy from the shock of his own vocal cords, and he almost planted his head on Lin Ye’s top-heavy body.

But Lin Ye didn’t open his eyes, but the expression on his face became more and more terrifying. trembling.

“Xiaohan, why don’t you change your clothes? If you wear them again, you will catch a cold.” Dr. Zhang washed his hands and came out, and found that Bai Han was still half-squatting by the bed at home in wet clothes. Help her change it yourself.

Bai Han hesitated for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the ground without turning her head: “Doctor Zhang, Aunt Li has cleaned up the next room, you can go and rest, but tonight you are tired. , I will trouble you if anything happens.”

Doctor Zhang frowned: “What about you?”

Bai Han’s grasped hand rested on the edge of the bed and moved uncomfortably. He noticed that Lin Ye’s grip was getting tighter, and he didn’t dare to move immediately.

“When you go out, call Aunt Li and ask her to help me get some clean clothes and a cup of cold spirit. I will sleep here tonight.”

“Sleep here?” Doctor Zhang was first surprised, then angry, “Are you looking like you’re going to sleep? You don’t want to die? Bai Han, don’t you know your own physical condition? Can you stay up all night? Don’t change your clothes, don’t bother me if you don’t want to live.”

“I’m fine.” Bai Han glanced at her tightly gripped hand by Lin Ye, and thought that she was already like this. Wouldn’t it be like leaving her alone again? Come on, what is it called to warm people’s hearts?

Besides, this is the first time Lin Ye needs herself, and if she misses it, she will never give herself a chance to get close to her.

Bai Han didn’t dare to pull forward a little now, for fear that Lin Ye would misunderstand that he didn’t want to be pulled by her.

Doctor Zhang looked at her for a long time, then turned to leave.

“Wait!” Bai Han stopped him.

“What’s wrong? Want me to show you?”

“Well… Doctor Zhang, forget that I don’t need clothes, so don’t let Aunt Li come in. If she asks you, you can say that you have seen it for me, I have taken medicine fell asleep.”

“…Bai Han, I said you are going too far, you…”

“Dr. Zhang, she is really important to me. When she wakes up, I will definitely do a comprehensive examination, really.” Bai Han is pleading and guaranteeing, and finally grinds Dr. Zhang agreed to her.

She let out a sigh of relief, looked at Lin Ye who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and sighed: “Fortunately, it’s me, if this is really Bai Han, I have to be tossed to death by you.”

Bai Han was grabbed by her hand and couldn’t move, so she could only twist her body hard to touch the remote control of the bedside table, turned on the air conditioner, and the hot air blew against her for a long time, and her icy body was completely cold. gradually warmed up.

Bai Han looked at Lin Ye, her eyes gradually blurred, her head hurt a little, and her crossed legs were even more uncomfortable. His head lay on the bed and continued to look at Lin Ye.

Time passed by minute by minute, and her eyelids drooped little by little. After an unknown amount of time, Bai Han fell into a deep sleep.

Raising his head sharply, he met Lin Ye’s pale face and those dark eyes.

“You, are you awake?” Bai Han opened his mouth, but found that his throat was dry and sore, his throat was so hoarse, and his voice could not come out.

Lin Ye stared at her without speaking.

Bai Han didn’t expect her to talk back to her, she raised her hand, only to realize that her hand was still being held by Lin Ye, and for a while, the two of them looked at each other silently, It was Bai Han who couldn’t hold back the embarrassment first, withdrew his already numb and unconscious hand, and shook it vigorously, then reached over and touched her forehead.

“It’s not as high as last night, the doctor said it’s good to cool down.” Bai Han smiled at her, but didn’t get a response from Lin Ye, so he touched his nose, propped up on the bed, and wanted to stand up.

As soon as her legs went soft, she knelt back again.

Sitting on the ground all night, the lower body is wood.

The blanket on her body slipped on the ground, Bai Han picked it up, only to realize that in addition to the cover, she was sitting on a small long-haired carpet, no wonder it felt not as hard as last night, Probably Dr. Zhang got it for himself when he came in to change Lin Ye’s drip.

Bai Han put one hand on his shoulder and swayed the other hand gently, quietly peeking at Lin Ye: “Wait a minute, I’ll find a doctor to show you.”

To talk to Lin Ye, you must have the self-consciousness of a one-man show. She didn’t wait for Lin Ye to answer, nor did she leave the room, she took out her mobile phone and called Dr. Zhang next door: “Doctor Zhang, I My friend is awake, come and have a look.”

“Ah, are you up yet? I didn’t see what time it is. Would you like to come over as soon as possible?” After Bai Han finished speaking, he remembered that this early morning was a dream come true. Sorry to apologize.

System: “…” If I really feel sorry, I should say that you are free to come over instead of coming as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Doctor Zhang knocked on the door quickly and came in, but instead of seeing Lin Ye, he frowned at Bai Hanhong’s abnormal face: “Xiaohan, you shouldn’t have You are still sitting on the ground, if your parents know about it…”

“It’s alright, as long as you don’t say it, they won’t know.” Bai Han glanced at Lin Ye with a guilty conscience, and quickly changed the subject, “Hurry up and show her, right? All right?”

She was afraid of putting pressure on Lin Ye, so she didn’t say anything, she just kept pinching her nose, trying to suppress her cough.

Dr. Zhang was no match for her, and once again had no choice but to compromise, and went to check Lin Ye first.

Lin Ye who woke up was different from the one she was in a coma. She was like a wounded hedgehog, vigilantly erecting thorns all over her body.

Although she did not resist, Doctor Zhang sensed the deepest resistance in her heart before she even got close, and looked back at Bai Han.

Bai Han looked puzzled: “What, what’s wrong?”

Dr. Zhang pulled Bai Han aside, turned to look at Lin Ye, bit her ear and said, “Are you sure this is your friend, how do I think…” She has everything to me and you What about hostility?

Bai Han has long been accustomed to Lin Ye’s ignorance and rejection, and pushed Dr. Zhang over: “Yes, yes, cough, cough, you can take a look.”

Her palms were hot, and the hot Doctor Zhang frowned, hesitating to speak.

“It’s not a big problem, it’s just that my body is a little weak, and I’ll just take good care of it.” Dr. Zhang dragged Bai Han aside, “It’s you, your face is very bad, stop making trouble. .”

“Hmm–cough-cough-cough.” Before Bai Han could finish a sentence, his throat was stuffed with chicken feathers, itchy and uncomfortable. Like a blow, there was a dull pain.

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