I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 10

Hunger stopped me from visiting the library at lunch. I woke up late and missed breakfast and because of it was starving all of my second to fourth periods. I wondered if this is how Shanice felt since she always complained about being hungry.

"I shrunk a couple of inches and became my straight, always hungry white friend!?!" I feel like my family would prefer Shanice-Jocelyn to Jocelyn-Jocelyn...

Anyways, after being worse than usual in my classes I finally got lunch. Let me tell you that dry hot dog that probably was just microwaved from dinner yesterday looked like heaven on a bun...I was really hungry ok.

I brought my hot dog to the normal spot under the tree and was surprised since only Aliya and Shanice stood under it.

I walked up to them and quickly learned that Yuka was in detention and Emma was (probably) at book club.

It was a bit awkward at first but we soon got into a conversation groove once we started talking about Yuka and how she barely worked. We then talked about food until the bell rang.

D E E P convos I know.

Fifth period was boring as it was just Mrs Dubois lecturing again. This meant it was 'think about random things time'.

The first thing that crossed my mind was yesterday's talk. It was really cool to know that I had a lesbian friend and possibly other gay friends here. It's something I've never had so I was semi excited for that.

Another thing I thought about was Emma. I noticed she didn't talk much in the group unless she was talked to. I knew she was shy but I honestly thought if she had friends she'd open up to them. I remembered the awkward conversation she had with Aliya yesterday and cringed.

Her shyness, her tsundere-like behavior, her info dumps, and her apology after getting her soda...Emma's kind of interesting and I feel like there's more to her too that I'm honestly pretty curious about.

At that moment, in the middle of chemistry class. I made a small vow to myself to figure Emma out.

After class, I told Yuka I'd be going home right after class saying it was because of a headache. I was a little embarrassed about going to see Emma after that whole squabble during our first hang out so I lied. Yuka didn't seem to see through it and suggested I take a nap to feel better. We said bye to each other and went our separate ways after that.

On the way there I stopped by a cork board that was by an office. Clubs and events were advertised on black and white flyers.

A Random Trivia club? Boring. A Stem club? I'm bad at science. A photography club? It'll be too crowded since it feels like every high schooler has "photographer" in their bio. A chess club? Too nerdy. A research of legendary...fish club??? That honestly seemed kind of interesting but, I feel no one would come so no.

I sighed. Besides the legendary fish club everything else was pretty basic.

As I was looking at the corkboard I heard an annoying group of popular girls talk while walking down the hallway. They stopped to look at the board.

"None of these baby clubs can compare to our tennis club. I don't know why I even bothered to look." Said one of them in a haughty way.

"T-the legendary fish club actually sounds ok..." One of them meekly said.

"Shut up Cassandra. No one asked you." Said a different girl.

They murmured to themselves for a while until the first girl instructed the group in a more authoritative tone this time "Girls. We have Student Council in a few. Let's move."

I then heard them turn and walk away, their loud voices echoing down the hallway until I assumed they turned a corner.

So, there's girls like that here. Let's hope I can avoid them.

I was surprised they just ignored me with this whole curse thing going around.

I shrugged and took my last look at the board before turning and walking towards the library.

It didn't take long to find it since my fourth period was by an exit that faced the chapel-like building.

As I left the main building the autumn breeze made itself noticeable. In front of me was a stone path that led to the library. Grass surrounded it with the occasional tree popping up here and there. This side of the school was kind of empty since there wasn't much here besides the library.

And we already know how empty that place'll be.

I walked to the library enjoying the silence as I could barely hear the rowdiness of the quad from here.

I looked up at the big brown doors. I opened them and walked inside. [ss]

The architecture still amazed me but the scenery was pretty much the same as the same old lady was scanning books and about the same amount of students were mulling about. The only difference was a group of girls on the second floor talking in hushed tones.

Looks like that's it.

I walked to the stairs, climbed up to the second floor, and walked about halfway around the balcony-like second floor. I made it to the area I assumed the book club was.

They were in a section that looked like it was meant for group reading. There were two of those white wooden tables with bookcases on the right and left of them. A big plant was in the middle of the section and behind that plant with the beautiful library interior as her backdrop stood a Sophomore with a dark green dyed bob.

Today Emma wore a cute white blouse, a pussycat bow, a white mini skirt, white thigh highs, her white converse, and her seashell necklace.

I guess she dresses up for book club.

The short girl seemed to be trying to explain a book but her audience of fellow book club members seemed uninterested.

I stayed behind the bookcase, watching as Emma explained the book with more confidence in her voice than I'd ever heard. It was still soft of course but the monotonous tone was gone, replaced with emotion as she detailed her interpretation of the book I assumed they were reading.

It was still soft of course but the monotonous tone was gone, replaced with emotion as she detailed her interpretation of the book I assumed they were reading

I was a little awed by this but then realized I knew the character she was talking about. The bell rang when it seemed like Emma was about to ramp up to get into the next chapter.

An older looking student with long black hair stood up from her bench. She said "Thank you Emma for your detailed explanation. Girls, we'll meet up again on Friday. Have a good rest of your day."

The girls packed up and said their goodbyes. Most of them ignored me on their way out but some frowned at me.

When it was just Emma I decided to enter the little reading area. When she turned around and saw me she opened her mouth in surprise.

"Jocelyn? What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"I was just in the area. Thought I would check in on the book club." I explained.

"Oh...ok" the preppy girl murmured.

A little more 'dere'...on the cold side today hm? That still feels wrong. Oh well.

"I honestly felt like if written a little differently Emma and Jane could've been enemies to lovers. There was something there." I said.

Our Emma opened her mouth again in surprise.

The sophomore regained her composure and said "Well...Emma disliked Jane since Jane was an accomplished young woman which was something Emma wanted to be recognized as."

"You're right, but Emma still respected Jane and she even thought she was pretty."

"...Give me a minute." Our Emma said.

She grabbed her book on the table and flipped to a page with a post it note in it.

"'Jane Fairfax was very elegant, remarkably elegant, and she had herself the highest value for elegance. her height was pretty...'and there's more down here'...her face - her features - there was more beauty in them all together than she had remembered; it was not regular, but it was very pleasing beauty. Her eyes, a deep grey, with dark eyelashes and eyebrows, had never been denied their praise; but the skin, which she had been used to cavil at, as wanting color, had a clearness and delicacy which really needed no fuller bloom.'" The preppy girl read eloquently.

"See! Girl really made a whole list on why her rival was beautiful. If it didn't have an enemies to lovers vibe she could've just said "Jane was very pretty"." I argued.

"Part of it is Jane Austen's writing style since I think she does that with the men too."

Men do not deserve to be described with that much detail...

"I do see your point though. It is a bit excessive for someone you're supposed to hate." Our Emma conceded.

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure there was a scene where they got stuck in a closet together. I can't remember what exactly happened but, I know it was eyebrow raising." I explained.

The short girl got pretty red after hearing that.

"T-t-they got stuck in a...closet together." She shakily said.

"I think so. In one of the later chapters i-"

Our Emma interrupted me "Do not say anything more. I don't want to be spoiled."

"Ok. Ok. You have something to look forward to now." I conceded with a smirk on my face.

"I guess I do." She said while blushing.

"I'm surprised you read Jane Austen, Jocelyn." The preppy girl said, her face now blush free.

"Yeah. I really like books from the Romantic movement, so of course I've read Jane Austen."

Maybe I should've used past tense. I haven't read for fun in forever.

It was the third time our Emma made that surprised expression. It was kind of cute.

"Really?! You like Romantic books too. We have to t-" Emma probably got the most excited I've ever seen her until she was interrupted by a phone ringing.

She took out a really old looking Android and I realized her phone was ringing.

The sophomore read the caller id in her head and her expression turned from excited to her normal unreadable straight one. She declined and put her phone back in her bag.

"I'll have to call her back...We can talk about this another day, Jocelyn. I'll see you." She said plainly.

Looks like she's back.

"See you."

Our Emma then quickly grabbed her backpack and left.

I wonder what that was about. Who knew Emma had such a cheap phone.

I shrugged and decided to walk around the library before going back to my dorm.

Hmmm I feel like I made some enemies with my uhhh "interpretation" of Jane Austen. Oh well.

Just letting you know I did look it up when I got home and there is no closet scene. I must've mixed it up with some other book I read in seventh grade.

All the gays 'Awwwww' in unision.

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