I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 15 – Arc 3: A Hot Girl Bought me Little Caesars


Arc 3: A Hot Girl Bought me Little Caesars

Chapter 15

Gwen saved my life. I know it sounds dramatic but I definitely felt like I was in danger during the "altercation". With this in mind, I can confidently open this chapter with that statement.

Now, the gir-woman (she's 19 and actually acts like it) who saved me six months ago wanted to hangout. Tomorrow.

Or at least that's what Marianne was telling me. We were in one of our 2 hour texting sessions that night.

M: I'm telling the truth. She wants to hangout

J: Hmmm

J: ig I believe u

M: Great!

J: But why did she contact you? I don't remember you guys talking last year

M: We had history together

M: There was this group project so we exchanged numbers

J: Oh that makes sense

M: We play pubg!

J: wat

J: She's a gamer!?!

M: Yea

M: She's pretty good too

M: I'm still better than her tho *cool glasses emoji*

J: Idk if Gwen ac plays I feel like shed be insanely good

J: Cause she's good at everything yk

M: Yea

M: We'll have to look at our kill counts next time we play *eyes staring emoji*

M: Oh btw do u think she's gonna do it

*5 minutes pass*

J: Back went to bathroom

J: the*

J: Wydm

*2 minutes pass*

M: You don't take your phone with you to the bathroom?

J: No. that's gross

M: *Straight faced emoji*

M: Anyway I was talking about Hayley do u think she's rlly gonna delete her account?

M: Cause I sent you the post earlier today but you only sent an 'ok' back

*2 minutes passed as I contemplated on the post I stared for at least fifteen minutes.*

J: No

J: I don't think she will

M: maybe it's just her trying to copy you again

M: But u technically did't delete u just left

J: Yea

M: Anyways, back to gwen

M: Do you want hangout tomorrow or not?

J: Tmr?

*15 seconds pass*

J: Well...sure

J: I'll just have to figure out how to sneak out

M: Right boarding school

J: Dw I have connections

M: lmao

M: I'll tell her then

J: I can tell her. Can you send me her number?

M: She told me not to

J: y

M: Idk i didnt ask

J: Weird

M: A little

J: What time did she want to meet?

M: Noon

J: where

M: The little caesars by that old gas station

M: on the same street as Ronda's

J: Ik it

J: I'll be there

M: Alr! I'll let her know

J: Good

I put my phone down on the bed.

Who would know how to sneak out? Hmmm. Yuka!

I grabbed my phone I had just put down and sent a text to Yuka.

J: Hey

Y: Yo

J: Do you know how to sneak out the school?

Y: Yeah ik how

Y: you could just get ur parents to come down and sign something tho

J: That's not going to work

*she types for awhile*

Y: I get that. I won't ask

Y: When do you want to leave?

J: tmr

Y: This is kinda late notice for tmr *crying emoji*

J: Yeah ik

J: Plans just came up

Y: Luckily, I'm not doing anything tmr so I can get u out

J: Thanks

Y: Np! When do u have to leave

*I calculated in my head for a little*

J: 11

J: am

Y: Alr then. meet me in front of the school at 10:50

J: Got it

I set my phone down beside me hoping it'll be the last time I touch it that night. I stared at my dorm's ceiling until my phone buzzed again.

I picked it up and groaned.

M: So how are you going to sneak out tmr


I woke up late the next morning and it was all Marianne's fault. This meant I had to rush to get ready. The outfit I hastily picked out consisted of my black velvet sweater, my black distressed skinny jeans, my black booties, and my jean pochette. I didn't have time to put on accessories so I just grabbed my black necklace and shoved it in my pochette as I was leaving. I hoped that no one would be around the downhill path to the school so I could put it on then. Of course, with my luck a lot of girls were on the hill today. Some sat on the grass and some sat on blankets as they talked with each other. With the assortment of autumn vegetation as their backdrop, it was actually quite nice and serene. I didn't know how I didn't notice last weekend.

I wondered if Emma would want to sit out here on a weekend like this. We could save some of the insanely dry sandwiches from dinner the night before and take some "illegal" snacks from Shanice's stash. After getting food we'd come out here, lay out a cute blanket (Emma's. I do not own one...At least here.) and sit on it. We then would have the most intellectual debate about the totally real lesbian undertones in a certain Jane Austen book while our microwaved sandwiches got cold in our hands.

That would be nice

That would be nice. Really nice actually.


Anyways! I continued down the path and thought about my upcoming reunion with Gwen. I couldn't message her beforehand and the meeting place wasn't super populous. Normally I wouldn't meet someone on these suspicious terms but Gwen was Gwen. I somewhat trusted her and I felt like it would be uncharacteristic of her to try something. Plus, I was curious. Why does she want to meet? Does she want me to pay her back for saving me? Whatever the reason, I guess I would figure it out in a couple of hours.

As I made it to the bottom of the hill I spotted Yuka standing by the door to the school. She was wearing an oversized red Adidas jacket, some black Adidas leggings, and some black sneakers I assumed were also Adidas.

The sporty girl was on her phone. I could've yelled out to her but I didn't feel like competing with the chatter coming from behind me. I just decided to walk up to her normally. She looked up when I made it to where she was standing.

She greeted me while putting her phone in her jacket pocket. "What's up, Jocelyn."

"Hey, Yuka. How's it going?"

"I'm good right now. I'm excited to..." She leaned in and whispered the rest "...sneak you out."

Yuka leaned back and gave me her mischievous grin.

What did I get myself into...

"We're not doing anything too illegal right?" I asked using a weary tone.

Normally, I wouldn't care but if I got caught and arrested while here my mother would take me out and "homeschool" me so fast.

"No, no. Nothing like that. We're just making use of a loophole." She explained.

I conceded "I guess, that's fine. What's the loophole?"

"You'll see. We just have to go to the office." She said as she pointed towards the school.

I shrugged and Yuka led me to the office that was across from the entrance. The inside was simple and minimalist like most of the school. The walls were painted white with a blue stripe in the middle. Coraline Miller's Girl School was spelled in big blue letters on the wall to our left. On the floor the tiles were white and blue instead of the white and tan tiles that were in the halls. In front of us there was a large reception desk with three computers that only looked slightly newer than the ones in the computer lab. Behind it were six small desks and three rooms in the very back. The room in the middle was significantly bigger and had a door which made me think it was probably a higher-up's personal office.

The main office was pretty lifeless with very little decoration besides a corkboard on the right and the occasional family photo. No one seemed to be working today. The silence that seemed to add to the blandness of the room was disrupted by the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. A raspy voice cursed loudly. I realized all this noise was coming from the room in the back left corner.

Yuka grinned and motioned for me to follow her. We slowly made our way to the room. Rustling and groaning could be heard from inside. I assumed whatever fell was being picked up.

In the room was a woman sitting at a small desk that looked more lively than the whole office combined. "Lively" was one way to put it as I definitely didn't agree with the decor choice.

Her desk was filled with the bane of my existence...Pop figures. Ever since Marianne ingrained their existence in my mind they've been popping up everywhere. I've seen at least five in the past two weeks. Even when I first arrived at the dorms there was a Dumbo Pop Figure box on the bench.

Marianne must be telepathically summoning them because she knows they annoy me!

I knew Dumbo. I didn't know any of these characters. Though, I had to admit the one with the two buns closest to the women's computer was kind of cute.

The woman looked up from her computer when we made it to the entrance. She gave us a grin that looked familiar. She had a nose piercing and was wearing a striped long sleeve under a black band tee. She had pale skin and short black hair that went down to her chin. The choppiness of her hair was also familiar...

I quickly looked at Yuka and back at the office worker.

Yuka's mom is going to sneak us out!?!

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