I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 4

The walk back to the dorms was silent since it seemed like both me and Emma were deep in thought. Emma broke the silence when I opened the huge gate to the dorm causing her to murmur "Thanks"

We walked through the gate and I closed it behind me. The gate made a loud screeching noise as it closed. I turned to face the dorms and was greeted by the eyes of a group of girls that looked like they dressed according to fall Tumblr.

After a few seconds they looked away and continued their conversation. Me and Emma walked to the entrance of the dorm and entered. I noticed that Lizzy was still gone as we walked past her desk.

Hopefully she's not captured in the rat king's castle cause I am not in the mood to get hit with 7 different "the dorm supervisors in another castle!"

We walked through our dorm. I noticed the stares now that I knew they weren't just fascinated by the new girls' beauty.

We had just made it to my room when Emma said "See you around," with little emotion.

I turned around to look at her which caused her to raise her eyebrows.

"See you." I said using last night's tone unconsciously.

After hearing this Emma turned around and walked towards the elevator. I watched her until she hit the button.

She was...interesting.

I then took my keys out of my pochette, unlocked my door and walked in.

I looked around my room and decided to prepare for tomorrow. I took off my booties and put them near my door. I picked up my Calvin Klein backpack on the ground and got out the stuff I wouldn't need for tomorrow. This included Gucci perfume, a Roku stick with it's controller, a WiFi router, my makeup bag, some hangars, pads, Tylenol, and a few more dorm essentials. I tried to put all the items in an organized fashion around the room. I felt like I was doing a pretty good job until I realized the old TV couldn't connect to a HDMI.

I cursed. Looks like I'll just have to do with a 5-inch screen. I walked back to my backpack and got my silver iPhone 7 Plus out. I let it turn on as I took off my jacket and hung it in my closet. I grabbed my phone and flopped on the bed. I turned to my right and looked at my screen background which was this cool piece of art with a bunch of pink octagons, the octagon in the middle having a white and gold flower in it.

A little basic I know, but it's not like I have a girlfriend at the moment...

I shook my head and tried to not think of the last girl I gave the privilege of being on my lock screen. I tapped in my pass code and unlocked my phone. I noticed a couple of text notifs and clicked the green icon. I opened it to see texts from my mother and texts from Marianne, the only school friend who stuck with me post the "altercation".

I ignored my mother's text per usual and clicked on Marianne's conversation. A blonde girl in a suit from some fighting game was her profile picture.

Marianne's text read "Good luck on your first day of school :) You got this girl!"

God, can she just become my mom already? She'd be a much better fit than Mrs. Armani.

I texted back. "Thanks, mom."

Here's how the rest of the convo went.

M: Wydm. I am soooo not Maria knowing all the times you've described her.

J: I wasn't comparing her to u just that text you sent earlier gave me a mom vibe

M: Alr ig

J: Can we change subjects? yk I hate talking about them

M: Sure! How was your first day at the dorm?

J: Ok. Im treated like an oddity here too cause of some legend

M: *sad face emoji*

M: U gonna be ok there?

J: Yea ill manage

M: Are you sure? You left here for the same reason minus the legend part

J: Yea its whatever. I could care less what people think of me atp

M: Why don't u just come back then?

J: You know y

M: But...

M: Yeah ik

J: You know what else sucks. My roku doesn't connect to my dorm's tv

M: Lol you never even finished 13 reasons why

J: Yea DON'T spoil

M: But your fav


M: jk jk. I would never

J: Good

M: I gtg. Mom's calling me for lunch

J: Don't burn your tongue

M: It won't happen again! Bye!

J: Bye

I closed the messaging app, opened Bloons Tower Defense 4 and started playing while thinking about the convo I just had with Marianne.

Marianne was cool. She was my only friend at that time but we had just been friends for so long that it was really easy to talk to her about anything. Now best friends, that was a commitment I didn't want to make. I'm more comfortable calling us good friends.

Don't worry historians are not paying Miss Author here to write that. We are legit just good friends.

The highest I got in BTD 4 was probably level 43 since that's when a good amount of ceramics start to come in. Those were a major pain to deal with. It was probably my fifth attempt when I fell asleep.

I didn't dream anything so, I honestly wasn't that pissed when the dinner bell rang loudly waking me up from my epic Bloons Tower Defense induced slumber.

"It will be dinner time at Coraline Millers Girl's School in two hours. Please make sure to bring your student ID and to arrive at the cafeteria in a timely fashion since dinner is only served for two hours." The robotic sounding lady said over the loudspeaker.

Why would the school do this? Just alert me when dinner is ready like a normal perso-. School? I guess it was the first day so it was probably in place to prevent confusion.

I got up knowing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again since I was so awake. I had 2 hours to kill and no Roku and no Instagram.

I groaned. I've been so bored without Instagram. I didn't even realize how much time I was spending on it until I was getting ready to uninstall it. I just decided to check the daily amount of time spent out of curiosity and it was a whole five hours.

So, maybe it's good for me that I deleted it....still bored tho. I looked at my phone home screen in frustration. I clicked on Youtube and ended up watching random JennaMarbles videos until the two hours passed.

The dinner bell rang but this time there was no message. I got out of bed, put on my jacket, my pochette and my booties and left my room locking the door behind me.

I left my school map at home so I followed the masses as we left the dorm. While walking I realized that Emma never even showed me the cafeteria on our tour.

Maybe she forgot or maybe she just assumed I would keep a school map with me at all times.

The tsundere makes the wrong assumptions sometimes.

I guess I blend in pretty well when in big crowds because I only got a couple of questioning glances on the way down to the school.

I guess I blend in pretty well when in big crowds because I only got a couple of questioning glances on the way down to the school

I looked up before we entered the L shaped building. Just from going to Michigan schools all my life I already had an assumption on what was in the building. All of the classrooms, the gym/auditorium, the school office, and the cafeteria.

I was right, as there was a directory on the wall that featured all of those things across from the entrance that I noticed as soon as I walked in.

The huge crowd seemed to dissipate as I walked in so I just walked to the cafeteria without the influence of other students. The school's interior wasn't special. Dingy tan tile flooring, white cement looking walls, and blue doors that probably either led to a classroom or an office. Cork boards filled with papers I didn't feel like reading were besides most of them.

I made it to the double doors of the cafeteria after a couple of minutes of walking. I entered and held the door for the two girls behind me. One of them walked past me while the other said thank you, keeping her head down while doing it.

Great. At my old school this usually meant the girl had a crush on me and was just too shy to do anything. Here it seems like they're just trying to keep their eyes from falling out because of this stupid curse. This is going to be rough...

The cafeteria was pretty standard. The tile was the same as the hallway except for the fact that they added blue tiles in a checkerboard pattern. The walls looked the same as well with a few school logos painted on the middle of each wall. The school logo was a navy blue heart with a cross in the middle which honestly looked kind of cool despite me not being religious.

I walked to my left since that's where the line to get food seemed to be. Once I stepped in line I glanced to my right at all of the long white painted tables filled with girls around my age. There wasn't a whole lot of diversity in style and in race but it's what I expected. Michigan will still be Michigan even in 2017.

A couple of minutes and a couple of stares later I was at the front of the line. I could now clearly see the food and who was serving it.

Let me start with the food. It was a sad looking burger with a puny piece of beef and some squished buns. The sides were old looking mac and cheese and some normal looking Tree Top applesauce. It at least looked edible compared to our second option, which was just some mystery soup where the base looked like a mix of river water and toilet water.

All of this was on a white table with an awning over it in huge metal pans that were manned by two old ladies in cook uniforms who both looked like they just wanted to go home. The girl in front of me got a bowl filled with soup handed to her (why did she choose to suffer) and walked over to the utensil section which meant I was up. I walked up to the table and pointed at the burger instinctively. The old lady stared at me for a minute and then silently put my food on a compost tray. She then put the tray by the pan.

I picked it up and looked at the old lady "Thanks."

I then walked towards the utensils. I grabbed a plastic spoon, a plastic fork, and some napkins. I turned around hoping to find a table with a few loners sitting at it. There were none as it seemed like everyone was either in a big group or was eating with someone. I cursed in my head and walked to the table closest to the doors as I couldn't see it all the way from where I was standing. There weren't any loners but there was at least more space than the other tables.

I sat down on the side closest to the door that faced the rest of the cafeteria. I ate in silence starting with the least appetizing dish, the mac and cheese. Usually this wouldn't be the case as thanks to Marianne's mom and Kraft boxed mac and cheese I knew just how good the appetizer could be.

A little PDA (Is that right? I feel like it's not) for other loners: Always have headphones on you!

I checked my pochette but mine weren't there. Probably still in my suitcase.

I sighed and finished the rest of my meal in silence. I stood up and walked over to the trashcan to toss out my plastic silverware and compost tray. A group of girls were standing close to the trash can. When they noticed me approaching they awkwardly shuffled to sit back down at the tables.

Some people really believe in the supernatural I guess.

I threw the dirty tray away and left to head back to the dorm.

More groups seemed to be out now all standing around looking like they were enjoying themselves before tomorrow.

I made it to the dorm without a word only to be greeted by a familiar face when I opened the door.

"Hey, Jocelyn! How was the tour?" Lizzy said loudly, looking up from her papers.

I walked up to the desk so Lizzy could hear me over the noise of the common area since I didn't feel like talking loudly.

Lizzy was wearing the same cardigan as yesterday but had on a black t-shirt, some blue jeans, and black loafers today.

"It was ok. The school looked bigger in the flyer." I admitted.

"Yeah. We get that a lot. It's just to attract more students." The dorm supervisor explained, looking a little annoyed.

"It's all in the angles huh."

Lizzy laughed. "Yeah, it is."

I looked at the door and then back at Lizzy. "I better get going. I have to prepare for tomorrow." I decided while adjusting my pochette strap.

"You should. Good luck! You'll do great!" Lizzy claimed.

"Thanks." I said and walked through the door on the left.

I didn't hate talking to Lizzy, I just felt a bit embarrassed about it. "The hot blonde has no friends so she has to talk to the staff." Someone could say.

It made me feel like I was wearing a loner badge.

On the way to my room I noticed there were less students in the halls. I just chalked it up to either still eating or hanging out.

I opened my door to a semi dark room as the sun was beginning to set. I flipped on the overhead light, layed down and watched Belinda Selene videos until about 10 pm. Once it turned ten I changed into my Lululemon jumpsuit and put on on a 30 minute aerobics exercise video in my Watch Later. I exercised for about 5 minutes which was when I figured out I was too tired to do the exercises properly. I closed Youtube and changed into my blue plaid Ralph Lauren pajama set.

I then got out my outfit for tomorrow and laid it on my bed to see it all together. My outfit was a navy blue Tommy Hilfiger cardigan, a black dress shirt, a black Louis Vuitton belt, some high-rise navy blue pants, and some all black converse.

My first day fit will tell everyone I'm a lesbian. It also looks good which is a plus!

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