I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 6

You thought I would meet a girl about my height (5'7), who dresses in mostly alt clothes, has dyed hair and a few tattoos, but still has a relatively cheery disposition to counter my personality the next day, after seeing Hayley's post to say 'Staying in past bad. Moving on good?' Well I'm sorry to burst your misconception filled bubble about reality (Jocelyn translation: this book, this genre) but, the next day was the same boring school day. After dinner I downloaded this game called PUBG Mobile on Marianne's request that was honestly pretty fun.

I played for about two hours after dinner. The highest I got to was eleventh place which I did not see myself getting to when I saw the cover since it looked pretty intense. A sort of groove was found after two rounds as I was getting four to five kills per match. I had a good time but I felt like it would've been funner if I played duos or squads with friends. Marianne had to do some chores after her mom came busting in her room literally five minutes into the FaceTime so I ended up playing solo. Everything worked in my favor though as I got to build up skill without getting "carried" as Marianne would say by a veteran player. I also got to see Marianne's embarrassed expression when her mom started lecturing her while the game loaded.

I realized two hours had passed when I accidentally opened my notification wall while trying to open the menu. The time read 9:15. I decided to exercise and go to sleep a little earlier than usual.

The next day I woke up and picked my outfit for the day that consisted of a black velvet sweater, dark blue flare jeans, and my black booties. I chose some gold hoop earrings, a thin gold chain necklace, and a denim purse as accessories.

Despite the cool outfit, my day was still as boring as ever until fifth period. Class was about halfway over when a slightly-tanned girl walked in the classroom. She wore an oversized red Adidas track jacket, some matching leggings, and some red low top Adidas, all paired with a black Adidas backpack.

Why are all of the Adidas sponsorships going to random Instagram models when they could be going to this girl?!

She had black midi hair, hazel eyes, and a mischievous grin that made me think the teachers probably hated her.

She had black midi hair, hazel eyes, and a mischievous grin that made me think the teachers probably hated her

The expression Mrs. Dubois made when she entered proved me right.

"Please sit down, Yuka. You're thirty minutes late." Mrs. Dubois sharply said.

Yuka conceded in a semi raspy voice "Right. I'm guessing I'm in the seat next to the blonde since it's the only one open."

"That would be correct." Mrs. Dubois affirmed, looking at her computer probably to double check.

"Well alright then." Yuka murmured while walking toward me and our lab table.

I turned around to face the front of the classroom as the sporty girl sat down on her assigned stool. I glanced over and saw how she sat. She sat halfway on the big stool with her left leg over the other, which to the average person might sound weird, but to me it was a glimmer of hope.

As soon as we went into a partner activity the Adidas wearing girl leaned over a little and whispered "So you're this 'Jocelyn' everyone's talking about?"

"Yeah. That's me." I said, a little annoyed as I was reminded of my status at this school.

"I'm Yuka! Nice to meet you." She said as she turned towards me and put her hand out for a handshake.

Pretty standard of a first meeting for the class troublemaker.

I shook her hand and replied to her greeting with "Nice to meet you, too."

"Woah. I never knew shaking hands with a living legend would feel so normal."

"If you get to know me you'll learn that I'm not as legend like as everyone makes me out to be."

"That sounded like a corny action protagonist line." The sporty girl laughed.

"You never know I could secretly be a monster hunter and be keeping it a secret."

"Noooooo. I hate urban fantasy settings."

"At least I'd be a woman lead since that genre has barely any of those."

"I wouldn't know since I don't watch movies and shows with that kind of setting. We just need more women leads in general." Yuka said changing out of her joking tone.

"For sure. Did you see Wonder Woman this summer?" I asked while changing into a more comfortable sitting position.

"I did! I saw it with some friends. We really liked it!" Yuka exclaimed with an excited expression on her face.

"Favorite scene?"

"My favorite part was when Antiope sacrificed herself for Diana. It was pretty emotional."

"Yeah I liked that part. That whole section when she was with the Amazons was my favorite part even though it wasn't for long."

"How did you feel about Steve?"

"He was so boring." I groaned.

"I know! They had a chance to make a cool Amazon the love interest but they just went with some boring army guy."

"Was he really the love interest though? That whole Antiope scene was pretty intimate." I joked.

"I wish." Yuka laughed.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you. Are you also a-" I said before I noticed Mrs. Dubois walking up to us.

Yuka looked where I was looking and whispered "Shoot! Act like you're working."

I quickly grabbed the textbook but once I attempted to read it I noticed it was upside down.

Mrs. Dubois made it to our table and sighed "I know you guys just met but please try to focus on the work until the end of class."

"Will do teach'!" Yuka declared.

Mrs. Dubois sighed again and went to check on a different group.

"We probably should do what she says." I whispered once our teacher was out of earshot.

"Yeah. Let's get working." The Adidas wearing girl said unenthused.

We definitely did not give an "A+" amount of effort but at least we finished. After the bell rang Yuka packed up and threw her backpack on her shoulder.

She looked at me with a small grin and said "See you tomorrow, Jocelyn."

"See you." I replied and put my papers into my backpack.

The sporty girl then turned around and left with the crowd of students leaving the classroom.

...What? Ok, I know what I said at the beginning. I welcome you back to the bubble. I brought snacks this time. Want a KitKat?

I finished packing up after about a minute. I was glad a nerd group stayed behind to talk to the teacher since I never like being left behind with just the teacher. I feel like their going to convince me to actually try on work or something. I left the room and then the school building in the direction of the dorms. When I was about halfway there I noticed Emma a little ahead of me. I could've walked a little faster to catch up to her but I decided to keep my current pace. Now that I had Yuka, I didn't necessarily need her as a potential friend. Of course that doesn't mean I didn't want to be friends anymore, she would just have to come to me.

But, her eyes...

I shook my head slightly and continued walking to the dorms. When I got inside I noticed Lizzy was talking to some younger looking students so I just went straight to my room.

The rest of the day was pretty typical. Youtube, dinner, PUBG Mobile, exercise, sleep except for the fact that I had to finish my math homework. I remembered I had some after my first round of PUBG. It was pretty easy since it was second week work but I was still annoyed that I had to stop what I was doing to work on it.

Besides my last period the next day was pretty standard. We started doing work with a video and Yuka entered in the middle of it. Late again.

Today she was wearing a black Adidas hoodie, black Adidas joggers, the same shoes from yesterday, and some cool silver rings. When we got to the writing activity I complimented her on them. 

"Nice rings." I whispered pointing at them.

"Thanks. I got them while visiting some family in Cali'." She said adjusting the skull one.

"Cool. You go there often."

"Hmm. Not really. The last time I went I stayed for a whole month though."

"Makes sense. It is pretty far from Michigan."

"Yeah that's the main issue. Otherwise I'd go there every weekend."

"Wow. You like it that much?" I asked, surprised.

"Totally! I love it there. It's always warm. So many beaches. And the people there are so chill! Way more interesting than people here." Yuka exclaimed.

"True. People here are pretty boring. Most of the convos I overhear revolve around school, politics, or the rivers."

"Uh yeah. There are a few cool people here though. It's just kind of rare." The sporty girl said while moving forward on her stool.

A friend group maybe?

"Makes sense."

"Mrs. Dubois is coming this way! Act like you're doing something." Yuka exclaimed, still whispering.

I looked up and saw her coming our way. I grabbed my paper swiftly and started writing what I remembered from the lesson. Our teacher walked over to us, saw us "working", nodded and walked to the next group.

"Do you have a history with Dubois? She seemed out for you yesterday." I whispered to Yuka once I saw our teacher was out of earshot.

"Not really. It's not just her. Most of the teachers act like that after last year." The Adidas wearing girl explained while frowning a little.

"What happened last year?" I asked.

"Just a school fight. That's all." Yuka said dismissively.

I decided not to ask about it. We started actually working on our assignment after that with minimal conversation.

Despite that, when the bell rang Yuka asked me to hand her my notebook in her normal peppy tone. I agreed and handed her my basic black notebook. I had a good idea what she was doing but I didn't comment on it.

It would be funny and incredibly suck-y if she wrote like "You stink! Please wear perfume." It would be a discreet way of telling me though so maybe a little less suck-y.

Yuka finished writing and handed me my notebook back. Like I originally thought a phone number sat freshly written over my crude drawing of Joffrey Lanister with x eyes.

"I have to go meet with some friends. You were fun to talk to. Text me later, ok?" Yuka said while grabbing her backpack from the ground.

"Alright, I will." I decided.

She nodded, adjusted her backpack, and walked out the door. She waved goodbye as she walked past the window.

I looked at the number in my notebook.

Romance already?! And we're only at chapter 6!?!

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