I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child

Chapter 105

Chapter 104 Jealous

Zu Qi thought that Tang Moning was going to the bathroom or leaving something, but saw him standing still, and then raised his hand, opening his mouth to speak fluent English.

Tang Mourning’s voice is very crisp, a typical juvenile voice, between the youthfulness of adolescents and the steadyness of adults, with a bit of obvious shyness.

“Brother Qi, can you understand what he said?” Xiao Dengzi scratched his head and leaned over to ask.

As a programmer, Zu Qi barely passed CET-6, and he could only hear clearly what Tang Moning had just expressed.

“He said that he liked the films directed by Wen very much, and would like to play the roles in them if he had the opportunity, and also said some of his personal views and understanding of those films.”

All in all, I just want to show my presence in front of Director Wen.

Although this method may arouse public anger, after all, it is stepping on the time cost of others to get ahead, but if the director on the stage just eats this set, maybe Tang Mourning can win the opportunity for himself to stand up.

Obviously Tang Molining had done enough preparations before. Not only could he talk in full view, but also let Director Wen’s expression go from the initial surprise to the later anger to the present appreciation in just a few minutes. Changed the bad impression of him.

I have to admit that Director Wen likes this set very much.

Little Dengzi watched his words and looked at his expressions, and quietly said to Zu Qi: “It seems that Director Wen has a very good impression of him. He was as serious as he was just now, and now he is smiling like a flower.”

At the end, Xiao Dengzi looked around at the people around him, and added, “It’s just that his behavior may make everyone unhappy. There are still a few celebrities and queens sitting in front of us, a big coffee shop like that. He didn’t speak, but he jumped up first.”

As the saying goes, the shot goes out of nowhere, and Tang Moning’s actions may allow him to be excluded from the company in the future.

But from another aspect, Tang Molining still has something to gain, at least it has got the attention of Director Wen.

Zu Qi and Xiao Dengzi whispered for a while, and Tang Moning in front of him also completed the speech he had prepared long ago. Director Wen followed Tang Moning’s words and said a few more words before continuing where he was interrupted. Continue to speak.

Forty minutes later, just at 12 noon, the training on how to act was over, and the audience left.

Of course, many people came to the stage to strike up a conversation with Director Wen. Most of them were first-line and second-line actors with a certain status and famous works in the circle. As a result, Tang Mourning in the middle seemed too non-existent.

However, Tang Moning himself was very upbeat. At the beginning of the scene, he brushed his face at Director Wen. At this time, he shook in front of Director Wen and was spotted by Director Wen sharply.

When Zu Qi left the conference hall, he glanced back and saw Tang Moning standing in front of Director Wen with a flowery smile, his mouth opened and he said something, Director Wen listened very seriously.

Next to him is a bunch of first- and second-line actors who can only stare.

“Hey…” Xiao Dengzi sighed, “Tang Moning really has the means.”

Zu Qi nodded and was noncommittal. Tang Molin’s previous behaviors were so impulsive and reckless that he always thought that the other party’s EQ and social experience were not sufficient.

It now appears that Tang Moning must have some strength to succeed Shi Hao and Chen Meixin.

Zu Qi and Xiao Deng Zi returned to Duan Kai’s office.

They waited for about half an hour, before seeing Duan Kai coming back, they went to the company cafeteria upstairs to have lunch, and in the afternoon they went to the appointed place to meet the director of the new play.

Duan Kai’s new play for Zuqi is a TV series, and he still plays the male role model who loves the heroine but can’t ask for it.

The main reason why this script can be selected by Duan Kai is that the character is novel, the plot is compact and the climax is repeated, which is very interesting, and the male role model that Zu Qi will play is very in line with the standards of the current girls in choosing a mate-always boyfriend power Overburdened, for the heroine at all costs against everyone.

In comparison, sometimes the male lead who neglects and misunderstands the female lead for work is a bit scumbag. In addition, the male lead is a certain first-line big coffee starring, then Zu Qi may be able to catch up with the heat. .

Duan Kai thought about it for a long time, but after Zu Qi listened to him, there was a long silence.

…I’m afraid he will be scolded by Cheng Xiang again at that time.

The opening time of the new play is set in mid-July, just after Zu Qi and Xue Jue’s wedding, and during this time he can run the fruit forest and prepare for the wedding with peace of mind.

At this time, Zu Qi was full of plans and arrangements for the next period of time. He had no idea or expected that rumors about him had been flying all over the company.

It was not until two days later that Zu Qi went to the company to look for Duan Kai again, only to vaguely realize that the eyes of the people around him looked different.

Zu Qi immediately thought of the fact that Mr. Wang bought the photos and recordings for 50,000 yuan a while ago. Maybe Mr. Wang said something…

Thinking of this, Zu Qi’s heart became more and more nervous. He was busy taking the elevator to Duan Kai’s office, but on the way he met a few seniors who had been in the company before.

These seniors are two or three years ahead of Zuqi’s company, and they take both singing and acting routes. Their hairstyles and dresses are very biased towards the style of beautiful men. When they are in the same frame as Zu Qi, who is wearing a thick down jacket and wrapped in a hat, there are Feeling out of place.

Zu Qi looked at them, then looked down at himself.

Then fell into a long silence…

I have to admit that among the small fresh meats recognized by netizens, he is very careless about his appearance.

However, the focus of the seniors was not on each other’s clothes. They mysteriously took Zuqi to the corner, surrounded him in a ball, and asked gossiping: “I heard you are a relative of President Wang?”

Zu Qi was dumbfounded: “What?”

Other people saw Zu Qi’s reaction only when he was pretending to be stupid. It was also a group of people clapping Zu Qi’s shoulder happily, as if they were complaining: “You are too uninteresting, and you don’t tell us about such important things. , And we need to know from others.”

“No…” Zu Qi finally caught the opportunity to speak, and said blankly, “Where do you know that I am a relative of President Wang? Why don’t I know…”

“Hey, this is the end of the matter, so don’t pretend.” Someone said, “Now it spreads throughout the company. Didn’t you and Mr. Wang come to the company together that morning? Unexpectedly, you hid it deep enough before.”

“Yes.” Another person continued, “You also followed Mr. Wang into his special elevator. You must know that Mr. Wang is so precious to his expensive elevator, and he is not allowed to enter unless he is a heavyweight guest. ”

Others laughed hippiely: “That’s a noble status symbol of President Wang, how can you tolerate others getting involved?”

Zu Qi: “…”

Now he finally understood. Dare to love that everyone saw him and Mr. Wang get close all morning, and thought they had died because of their relatives.

The imagination of these people really makes Zu Qi dumbfounded.

Zu Qi explained for a while, but it was a pity that the brothers couldn’t listen to what he said, and they kept making Zu Qi this buddy not loyal enough, and when he had relatives, Mr. Wang would forget them brothers.

Zu Qi, who couldn’t argue with anything, simply chose to be silent.

After complaining for ten minutes, the seniors gradually got into the subject. One of them hesitated and said: “It’s true that this Saturday is Xiao Yu’s birthday. We plan to hold a party for Xiao Yu and invite colleagues. Have fun with friends…”

Halfway through, the person paused slightly, and the person next to him continued: “President Wang is also on our invitation list, but we don’t know how to speak to Mr. Wang, and we don’t know if Mr. Wang will agree.”

It turned out to be for Mr. Wang.

With his toes, Zu Qi could guess that Mr. Wang would not agree. There are so many artists in the company, including young celebrities and queens who have emerged in the past two years, and few people can get Mr. Wang.

“You can tell Mr. Wang directly, maybe he has time.” Zu Qi said tactfully.

The man was shocked, turned his head and looked at his companion, then licked his lips and said in a bit embarrassed manner: “I feel that what we are going to say is not appropriate. We can’t say a few words to Mr. Wang, but if it is Mr. Wang’s relatives. It’s different…”

Faced with the eager gazes of a group of people, Zu Qi looked embarrassed. He couldn’t even pretend to be stupid. After thinking for a moment, he decided to say directly: “I don’t have any relations with Mr. Wang. If you want to find someone to connect If you do, the wrong person will be found.”

Zu Qi was expressionless when he spoke, and his tone was polite and cold, and he stunned these people on the spot.

It took a long time for them to react slowly, and suddenly everyone’s face was a little bit awkward.

“You should do me a favor? We owe you personal feelings. If you need our help in the future, we will definitely take action.” They promised.

Zuqi said: “It’s not that I don’t help, it’s that I can’t help at all.”

They still didn’t believe it, they had been begging for nothing for a long time, and seeing that Zu Qi was unmoved from start to finish, they suddenly became angry.

“Just forget if you don’t help, I’m really blind, and now I can see clearly that you are this kind of person.” The headed man’s face was blue, and he wanted to get angry but didn’t dare to really offend Zu Qi, so Yin and Yang said strangely, “I knew it earlier. I won’t ask you to talk about this, wasting effort.”

Zu Qi looked coldly at the complaining faces in front of him, suddenly lost his patience with their ink marks, turned around without saying a word, and then walked away without looking back.

I didn’t know that as soon as he returned to the corridor, he ran into President Wang coming from Duan Kai’s office.

“Xiao Qi.” Mr. Wang greeted him warmly, and even his name changed. He speeded up and walked to Zu Qi, “I just went to find you and didn’t find anyone. Where did you go?”

Zu Qi said vaguely: “I went to the bathroom, is there anything Mr. Wang is looking for with me?”

“Now your schedule is so full, you can’t do a lot of things yourself. I plan to find two more assistants for you, a work assistant and a life assistant. Will you come and see with me?” Mr. Wang asked.

Originally, Zu Qi was ready to be scolded by President Wang for the photos and recordings, but he didn’t expect that President Wang was talking about something else, and suddenly he couldn’t turn his head.

At this time, Mr. Wang pointed to the back of Zu Qi and shouted sharply: “A few over there, come here.”

Before Zuqi could react, the few people who were shouted ran over. It was just a few small meats who asked Zuqi to do things but did not become angry. They thought that there was always something important about Wang, everyone. There was joy and hope in his eyes.

“President Wang, are you looking for us?”

“Go to the Personnel Department and call those new assistant candidates to Duan Kai’s office. Remember to ask them to be clever. Don’t call them if they seem dull and dull.” Chief Wang ordered.

“Huh?” Those people were dumbfounded.

“Ah what?” Mr. Wang frowned, his mouth tightened, completely devoid of the kindness and kindness he had when confronted Zu Qi just now, “Is it because I didn’t speak clearly enough or you don’t understand people?”

Seeing that Mr. Wang was about to explode, those people did not dare to delay, and ran away after rushing to respond.

“That Zuqi is too much, we only let him go to Mr. Wang to say a good thing or two, and not want to eat him, do you need to refuse so simply?”

“Anyway, I don’t believe that he has nothing to do with Mr. Wang, even if he is not a relative, there are other implications.”

“You said…” The little fresh meat named Tao He deliberately stretched his tone, and the corners of his mouth evoked a malicious smile. “Zu Qi and Wang are not always in that kind of relationship? Otherwise, why does Wang always care about Zu Qi so much? ?”

Others thought about it, and suddenly felt that it was possible.

Several people came to the personnel department while chatting. They relayed Mr. Wang’s words to the girl in the personnel department. They saw that girl called the manager, and then the manager carefully selected four people from a group of young people who had just passed the initial test. Go upstairs.

Tao He felt strange, so he asked the girl in the personnel department: “Sister Shan’s assistant is gone?”

Liu Huishan is recognized as the most unlucky person in the entire company. She has been in a state of lack of assistants for many years. Last time she met Xiao Dengzi as a suitable person, but it was Zuqi’s.

“Sister Shan found an assistant hundreds of years ago.” The girl smiled, “Zu Qi has too few assistants, and Mr. Wang is going to recruit two more for him.”

Tao He was startled, jealous and unwilling like two entwined poisonous snakes, and instantly climbed into his heart: “Why? So many of us have only one assistant, why can he be special? The company system is not good. Are treatments allocated according to rank?”

The girl smiled softly: “You have to ask Mr. Wang to know the answer to this question.”

“…” Tao He was speechless.

Others became more angry as they thought about it, and couldn’t help complaining on the spot.

There were not many people in the office, only one girl was there. The girl was obviously used to seeing this kind of thing, and continued to work at the computer without changing her face, as if she couldn’t hear their voices.

Tao He and the others felt boring after talking for a while, and they greeted each other to leave the office area of ​​the personnel department. Before stepping out of the glass door, they saw a person with conspicuous purple hair walking outside.

Don Mourning.

Tao He glanced at Tang Moning and didn’t say a word. Since Tang Moning and Shi Hao went out of that stall, few people in the company dared to get close to him anymore, except for reputation issues. People stabbed in the back.

I heard that Tang Molining has recently changed his style and stopped following the obedient boy route. Instead, he put aside the burden of idols and changed to the path of power. Even his exaggerated purple hair was dyed for the new play.

It has to be said that Tang Moning has a high level of appearance, and dyeing his hair in such a ghostly look is very beautiful. No wonder some fans still follow him desperately.

The thoughts in Tao He’s mind turned a few turns, and then he was calm. He planned to pretend not to see anything, and walked past Tang Moning.

When they passed by, Don Mourning suddenly stopped.

“Tao He.” Tang Moning’s voice was low, it seemed that only the two of them could hear him, “You go to the bathroom on this floor and wait for me.”

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