I’m Pregnant With a Wealthy Old Man’s Child

Chapter 7

Chapter 6 Quarrel [minor repair]

If there is someone else in front of him, Bai Guangjian will definitely reprimand him without mercy.

He hates others most in his life for establishing happiness on his pain, and his insomnia and hair loss over the years have caused him to worry too much about food and food, and his quality of life has dropped sharply.

Whenever anyone joked with him in this regard, he couldn’t wait to go up and go desperately.

But is the person in front of him the object of his desperation?

If Zu Qi has any shortcomings in this place, I am afraid that Xue Jue will not make his life better even if it is for the child in Zu Qi’s stomach.

Recalling Xue Jue’s face with alienation in his indifference, no matter how angry Bai Guangjian was, he had to forcibly suppress the anger that had surged to the throat.

Isn’t it just being teased as a fool? There won’t be a piece of meat missing, what’s the big deal.

Bai Guangjian comforted himself in this way and calmed down anyway. He twitched his mouth and barely squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. At the same time, he took the wild chrysanthemum in Zuqi’s hand: “Is it all you need to put on the bed? ”

“You can also put it under the pillow. The closer it is to you, the more obvious the effect.” Zu Qi replied.

Bai Guangjian nodded, and put Xiaoyeju into the small pocket of his jacket. Then he thought that it was not good to take other people’s things, so he took out his wallet and drew five banknotes to Zuqi.

“Thank you, I bought this little wild flower from you. I don’t know if five hundred yuan is enough.”

“Enough.” Zu Qi took the money naturally and folded it into his pocket.

He hadn’t planned to give the wild chrysanthemum to Bai Guangjian. Although he personally believed that the value of a wild chrysanthemum was far more than five hundred, the wild chrysanthemum has not been promoted and has no reputation, so it can only be sold cheaply.

After doing a business, Zu Qi did not intend to continue staying. Before leaving, he also instructed Bai Guangjian: “If you still need it in the future, please come directly to me to buy it, because you are a regular customer. , I can give you a 10% discount.”

“…” Bai Guangjian really thought about the five hundred yuan that had been pitted just now, and couldn’t help but fall into a weird silence.

Zu Qi left with Xiaoya, and Bai Guangjian, who was alone, was fishing until 12 o’clock at noon, then he carried the fish caught in the bucket and walked back.

In the afternoon, Bai Guangjian still had a lot of work waiting to be dealt with. When he raised his head from his desk, time passed hurriedly until seven o’clock in the evening.

After dinner, he went to the lake for two night runs, and then Bai Guangjian returned to the room to take a shower, then lay down on the bed and began to brew sleepiness.

The previous work was piled up like a mountain and he couldn’t finish it at all. Bai Guangjian developed the habit of working overtime and staying up late. Now all business is on the right track. He finally has time to take a breath and take a good rest, but finds that good sleep quality is long gone. He left.

It has been almost a month since Bai Guangjian went to bed at nine o’clock every night, but he still kept his eyes open until dawn.

This is still the case tonight, even if he took two sleeping pills, he felt refreshed, and he could even go to the workbench to fight for another three hundred rounds.

Bai Guangjian felt anguished and wanted to let the hotel staff knock him out with a stick. He tossed over and over and couldn’t sleep, thinking about many things in a mess.

Soon, his thoughts drifted to the wild chrysanthemum inexplicably.

Bai Guangjian got up and walked into the bathroom, picked up the clothes he wore today from the laundry basket, took out the squashed wild chrysanthemum from his pocket, and a scent of fragrance penetrated into his nose with the air.

After the ghost messenger took the wild chrysanthemum and lay back on the bed, Bai Guangjian couldn’t help laughing at himself.

Others fooled him with anything, but he took it seriously. If a single flower can cure insomnia, can some domestic doctors be laid off?

It was even a loss that he bought the flower for five hundred yuan, and he was really tortured by insomnia and hair loss.

If you meet that person next time, you’d better stay away, you can’t afford to hide.

Bai Guangjian threw the wild chrysanthemum to the ground and lay down on his back to stare at the ceiling in a daze. At this moment, he suddenly smelled a strong fragrance of flowers.

It seems to be the fragrance of that wild chrysanthemum.

Bai Guangjian has never caught a cold with these smells, so he thought of getting up and picking up the wild chrysanthemum and throwing it into the trash can not far away. He didn’t know that he had just propped up his upper body before sitting up, and he felt heavy tiredness falling down like a mountain. .

Bai Guangjian was suspicious, lay back groggy, and fell asleep with even breathing within a few seconds.

I slept more comfortably in this sleep. At noon the next day, when Bai Guangjian woke up dazedly in the bed, he was completely dumbfounded.

It wasn’t until his head gradually became sober, and his afterthought reacted, the expression of ecstasy instantly occupied the whole face.


He actually fell asleep!

And from nine o’clock in the evening to 12:30 noon the next day, there was no sign of awakening in the middle!

If he hadn’t met Zu Qi yesterday morning, Bai Guangjian would have thought it was a sleeping pill and the result of his months of hard work, but thinking of the wild chrysanthemum, Bai Guangjian had somehow recovered some sanity.

He hurriedly got out of bed to look for the wild chrysanthemum that had been thrown on the ground, but found a cloud of bright yellow powder.

With Ye Ju’s sleep aid, Zu Qi slept for a good night’s rest.

During lunch, Zuqi specifically called to Xiaoya and told her: “If Mr. Bai comes to see me, you will say that I am unwell and it is inconvenient to see people.”

Xiaoya was a little nervous when she heard that, she hurriedly looked at Zu Qi, and asked carefully: “Ma’am, what’s wrong with you? I’ll see a doctor for you.”

Zu Qi glanced at Xiaoya helplessly, and said angrily and funny: “Do you think I feel uncomfortable? People who are unwell can still drink three bowls of rice porridge in one go?”

Zu Qi’s skin is pale, and his brows are slightly frowned. When he is stern, he looks full of heroic spirit, but the peach eyes seem to contain autumn waves, even when he stares at him, he can’t be scared.

“I see.” Xiaoya stuck out her tongue secretly, “Then you are going to stay in the room for a day? That’s too boring, why don’t we go to other places to stroll, the doctor said that more walking is good for the child.”

Zuqi touched his abdomen unconsciously, holding a silver fork in his other hand and stirring the pasta on the plate for a while. He narrowed his eyes and smiled like a sly fox.

“With such a good weather today, I certainly won’t waste time here.”

Then he asked Xiaoya to go to the closet to pick up a set of beach clothes with exaggerated styles and colors. These clothes were bought online in advance and bought in the largest size. They just covered the pregnant belly, but they didn’t look very beautiful.

Xiaoya obviously couldn’t appreciate such gorgeous and tacky costumes, and stared at Zu Qi several times and hesitated, stopped and hesitated.

However, Zu Qi didn’t use these clothes to decorate himself. Naturally, he felt that the uglier the better, and it would be better to break through Xue Jue’s tolerance limit.

After telling Xiaoya to deal with Bo Guangjian who might be coming, Zu Qi put on his hat and walked slowly to Xue Jue’s room.

In less than twenty minutes, he found the way in his memory and came to Xue Jue’s door.

There was no more people waiting outside this time. He stepped forward and knocked on the door twice, and soon Xue Jue’s assistant came to open the door.

“Mr. Zu.” The assistant nodded to Zu Qi coldly and said hello, “Mr. Xue is working inside.”

Zu Qi responded, then waved his hand to signal the assistant to go out first.

The assistant hesitated for a while, seeing Zu Qi’s firm attitude, or silently retreated.

Zu Qi came to the study in a light car and opened the door gently to see Xue Jue burying his head in front of the computer, with his long fingers flying on the keyboard.

It is said that men who work hard are the most attractive. Zu Qi cannot deny that Xue Jue at this time is more attractive than the description in the novel.

“Xiao Zhao.” Xue Jue suddenly said without looking up, “Give me the contract on the coffee table.”

Zu Qi picked up the contract and walked over the huge desk to Xue Jue’s side, and handed it over without saying a word.

Xue Jue still didn’t realize that the assistant had changed. He stared at the data on the computer screen and reached out to accept the contract, but Zu Qi turned his wrist to avoid him.

“Xiao Zhao!” Xue Jue looked over in annoyance, and the next second he looked at Zu Qi with a smile.

“Hi!” Zu Qi waved to Xue Jue holding the contract, with a mean smile on his face, “I am worried that you will be too lonely and empty and cold to be alone, so I will come to accompany you.”

Xue Jue’s brows were tied directly into a knot, his gaze slid from Zu Qi’s smiling face to his body in colorful clothes, and his gaze suddenly drenched.

At this moment, Zu Qi even thought that Xue Jue was going to swallow him alive.

“I didn’t ask Steward Zhang to tell you that you are not allowed to wear such fancy clothes in the future. Why do you like to face me so much!” Xue Jue said coldly, and the disgust in his eyes gradually piled up.

Zu Qi saw it in his eyes and joy in his heart. He bent down and put the contract in front of Xue Jue. He didn’t care much and said: “What you think is your business, how I wear it is mine. We have nothing to do with each other.”

“It’s so irrelevant.” Xue Jue was so angry that his voice was trembling. He got up and grabbed Zu Qi’s wrist, gritted his teeth and approached, with layers of cold light in his eyes, “Don’t forget that you are still standing on my feet. On the territory of the Xue family, half of the Xue family’s blood bleeds from the child in your belly. How do you say that we are not related to each other?”

Zu Qi paled by Xue Jue’s compelling aura. He leaned back unconsciously and forced a smile: “Since you don’t want to be irrelevant, then learn to adapt to my lifestyle.”

Xue Jue laughed angrily: “Adapt to you?”

Zu Qi nodded solemnly, and then counted with his fingers: “I don’t like people around you smoking and drinking and going to nightclubs. I don’t like you always being arrogant towards me. I don’t like you imprisoning me as a prisoner… ”

With every word, Xue Jue’s expression turned cold.

At the end, Zu Qi laughed and poked Xue Jue’s chest with his other hand, and then said every word: “But I don’t like others pointing fingers at me.”

When the words fell, Xue Jue’s face matched the black coal.

The smile on Zu Qi’s face continued to increase, and he slowly pulled out the wrist held by Xue Jue, and raised an eyebrow provocatively: “Do you think you can do it?”

Xue Jue took a couple of breaths, staring at Zu Qi incredulously, as if he couldn’t believe what he had heard.

Only a few days later, Zu Qi, who had previously cringed and smiled flatteringly, has become so eloquent. It’s a pity not to use this mouth to talk about cross talk.

good, very good…

“Zu Qi, I haven’t seen you for two months, but your skills are getting better.” Xue Jue almost squeezed a word from his teeth.

Zu Qi is still a hippie smiling face, and his words are not surprising and endless: “I think you like to be **** with me, don’t you like to be **** with me? Then I can only come according to my request. I prefer obedient people.”

Speaking of Zuqi, he still wanted to pat Xue Jue’s shoulder, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was grabbed by the opponent.

“I want you to know whether I am adapting to you or you adapting to me.”

The alarm bell in Zu Qi’s heart was loud. Before he could react, he was picked up by Xue Jue. He was shocked. His whole body was suspended in the air. Only Xue Jue’s hands were the support. He held his stomach with both hands and did not dare to move until he was caught. Take it into a dimly lit room next door.

Xue Jue put him on the bed.

Zu Qi was so frightened by Xue Jue’s abnormal behavior that he couldn’t even take care of his face. She wanted to run when she got up from the bed with her hands and feet.

It’s a pity that he didn’t have time to get out of bed, and he felt black in front of him. He raised his eyes and saw that Xue Jue’s tall body directly blocked his way, and the fierce aura that came out was pricked like a needle.

Zu Qi second counseled: “Brother, don’t do this…”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a stab, and Xue Jue tore his jacket in half easily.

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