I’m really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!)

14 – This story is now a school drama

A day at the Mount Faa Sect usually went like this:

The disciples would rise at the hour of the rabbit1The hour of the rabbit is 5 to 7am. to meditate for half an hour. Following this, they would warm up their bodies through hing-gung2輕功 (hing1 gung1) - 'lightness arts', refers to the practice of cultivators being able to lighten their bodies to move in ways such as running on water, jumping in midair or stepping on falling leaves. practice and a ten lei jog, before preparing for breakfast in the last quarter of the rabbit hour. Following breakfast, they would tidy the school, starting with the common areas before moving to the dormitories. Mornings were devoted to physical education, with disciples split up under different tutors according to their skill levels.

After lunch, disciples took lesson in intellectual pursuits, this time divided by topic of interest. Medicinal arts, diplomacy and public relations, logistics, and creative arts were all provided through each school's own unique lens. Finally, after dinner, the disciples would undertake cultivation practice until bed time at the central hour of the pig3The hour of the pig is 9 - 11pm, with the 'central' referring to the time around 10pm.. The only variations to this schedule occurred every eighth day, when the disciples had a day free to rest, or if some large event was happening or some important visitor present.

A day at Mount Faa with Gaam Juk Jing, previously Sek Gon, present went like this:

His bed would be empty before anyone else had risen, but nobody knew where he had gone. He was always the first in line for breakfast, and when it was his turn for cooking duty, the only thing he has trusted with was slicing certain foods, since he had a tendency to start munching on anything that could be eaten raw. Then he would disappear again before physical education classes started. It was usually at this point that Gou Zing would be summoned from the Mountain School to track him down and bring him back. They had tried to get him to teach some classes, but given that his dialogue consisted of:

1. "...";

2. "No." (with no further explanation forthcoming); or

3. An absolute onslaught of words that had the listener begging him to stop;

it seemed that perhaps teaching was not an area that he excelled in, despite his skills and Gou Zing's optimism.

Depending on how long it took to track him down, Gaam Juk Jing would either be pressed into service by one of the other disciples of the Reflective Arts School to provide demonstrations of various techniques, or, if lunch was over (and he never skipped lunch), Gou Zing would sit him down in the Discipline Hall and make him practice writing. After dinner, he would usually disappear again, unless Gou Zing took him on a patrol or Can Bik sneaked over to visit everyone.

A day at Mount Faa with Gaam Juk Jing present, and Gou Zing absent, because with the Grandmaster travelling, he was the face of the Way of the Mountain School, and the Jade Exorcist, so of course he had to deal with matters large and small that demanded his attention, went like this:

Gaam Juk Jing was only seen at mealtimes, and was otherwise elusive as quicksilver. No one could find him.

The day after the bestowing of Gaam Juk Jing's new name, the party disbanded.

Gaam Bing had already disappeared by the time the sun rose the next day. He left behind a lot of empty wine bottles and a message with the Grandmaster: "Tell my silly disciple that if he insists on keeping that sword, at least get it tidied up. It's a disgrace."

And then the Grandmaster left herself, no doubt with some plan forming in her mind as to how to retrieve Ling Gwong.

Gou Zing had enough time to direct the smithy to carefully, and sparing no expense, repair Gaam Juk Jing's sword, before he too was off, replacing the Grandmaster at a sect conference.

At first the mastersmith raised an eyebrow at the grubby blade, and handed it to one of his disciples to clean and sharpen.

The disciple returned a few minutes later. The sword had sliced the horn off an anvil like hot metal through snow, without any sign of damage to blade.

The mastersmith raised an eyebrow again and took a closer look.

The sword was forged from no material he recognised, a metal that could not be heated by the smithy furnace, that stayed sharp enough to slice through chunks of steel without dulling or chipping, that was light and well-balanced in the hand. There was nothing to be done here. Humbled, the mastersmith carefully removed the worn and peeling hilt, carefully replaced it with a proper jade hilt provided by the Gou Family themselves, and carefully polished the whole thing until everyone begged him to sheathe it to save their eyes from blindness.

Then he presented it back to Gaam Juk Jing. Carefully.

The young man drew the sword, examined the blade (everyone in the vicinity covered their eyes), resheathed it, examined the new hilt.

Made an ambiguous noise.

"Y... young master... could I ask, what kind of metal is this blade made of? Does this magnificent sword have a name?"

Gaam Juk Jing thought.

The smiths waited.

"Lo Fu Ngaa4老父牙 or 老虎牙 (lo5 fu2 ngaa4) - It's not entirely clear which Gaam Juk Jing is referring to here. The first name means 'old Master/father tooth', the second means 'old tiger tooth'. Either way, they're both the truth.." With that efficient reply, he left.

"... What kind of name is that? He didn't even answer my other question!"

With all the demands on his time, Gou Zing was only able to finally return to Mount Faa after three months.

The days were shortening as the seasons began to wind down into autumn once more, faster in the high mountains than elsewhere across the land. Already a few leaves were beginning to turn, sparks of yellow and red amongst the green. Soon, the whole mountain would be on fire with autumn leaves. Gou Zing thought of little Can Bik and laughed.

"Si hing?" The small group of disciples who had travelled with him on this last excursion looked quizzically at him.

"I'm tired. Let's go and rest."

A small welcoming committee was gathered in a large clearing that formed the gateway to the five schools. Members of each were in attendance; Gou Zing greeted Zeng Baak-hap, nodded to Can Bik where she stood behind the Fire Master (She looks unwell, he thought), and his eyes drifted involuntarily towards the Reflective Arts School.

No Sek Gon.

No, that wasn't right. He was Gaam Juk Jing now.

"Um..." Gou Zing tried to keep his voice low and unconcerned. "Where's Gaam Juk Jing?"

The problem with being around cultivators is that, no matter how casually or quietly you try to do something, their sense of hearing was too good.

Almost everyone in that clearing gave a deep sigh. Gou Zing flinched.

"What? What happened?"

"Nothing really, si hing. He just... we can't keep him involved in the doings of the sect. When you're not around, he only appears at mealtimes."

"There was that one time he was sick and he stayed in bed for a couple of days."

"Ah, his stomach?" Gou Zing interrupted.

"We're not sure. Only Can si mui even managed to get a glimpse of him. He looked pale, she said."

Can Bik nodded mutely in agreement.

Gou Zing frowned, making a mental note to find her later. "So I take it no one knows where he is?"

"Why not wait until lunch? I'm sure he'll appear," the Fire Master finally spoke up, archly. He turned on his heel. "It is good to see that you have returned in one piece, Jade Exorcist. We will be going now." He strode away, his disciples trailing behind him.

Gou Zing turned to Zeng Baak-hap, gesturing for her to come with him away from the others. There were many knowing looks and stifled smiles, and the rest of the welcoming party broke up. Both Gou Zing and Zeng Baak-hap sighed.

"What's happening with Bik si mui?"

"It's that jerk of a master! He's too careless to teach the junior disciples properly, and it's stressing her out! Luckily she has innate talent, but she has such a drive to prove herself and be the best that it's driving her crazy," Zeng Baak-hap huffed, her narrow eyes almost closed to slits with fury.

"Eh? What's got you so angry, Zeng si mui?"

"It's not right!"

"Sure, but, to see you angry to this extent... are you-"

"What about you? What's with you asking for Gaam Juk Jing as soon as you get back? Could you get any more obvious?"

"That-! I... No, no one noticed. Didn't you see just now-"

"Are you blushing? The great Jade Exorcist, blushing? Something happened, didn't it~? Oh my, what have you two been up to...?"

"I didn't do anything! It was Sek Gon who ki-"



"You've already got to that stage?! I haven't even told Bik Bik how cute her freckles are!"

"Bik Bik?"

"Don't laugh!"

"H-How can I no- Huh? Ah Go- I mean, Gaam si hing?"

Gaam Juk Jing sat on a large boulder nearby, one foot on his opposite knee, an elbow on the foot, and his head in his hand. Overall, he looked supremely disinterested.

"Did you come to welcome me back?" Gou Zing bounded delightedly over to him.

Zeng Baak-hap snorted with disgust. "Ugh, I'll see you later."

"Okay, okay. Well?"

"Mm." Gaam Juk Jing's hooded eyes lifted a little to meet Gou Zing's. He suddenly pulled down one of Gou Zing's lower eyelids and peered closely.

"Uh... Gaam si hing, what are you doing?"

"... Gold."

"Oh, yes, right. I'm getting closer to attaining Dragon Eyes. I'll be on the same level as you soon!"

Gaam Juk Jing smirked momentarily, as if he thought this was highly unlikely. Gou Zing had to hold himself back at the sight of that little smile. "Hey, Gaam si hing?"

"... hm?"

"Why... did you, um, kiss me, before? I'm asking because I want to make sure I understand your intentions."

"... Felt like it."

"Gaam si hing, don't be so economical with your answers. You know I'm okay with you saying everything you think."

"... Really. I... felt like it. I... wanted to."

"Do you like me?"

"I guess."

"Would you hate if I kissed you back?"

"... I don't think so."

"May I?"

Gaam Juk Jing considered him carefully. His silver eyes no longer looked disinterested. They were thoughtful. "Okay."

With great care, Gou Zing rose up on his knees, and placed a light, lingering kiss on Gaam Juk Jing's lips. They hovered close for a moment, sharing breaths. "You always look so bored, Gaam si hing. But right now, I think you're enjoying yourself." Gou Zing kissed him briefly again, then dropped his head wearily on the other man's lap. "Ugh, there's so much to do. I wish I could stay here a bit longer, but I've got to write my report about the sect conference... and Can si mui is really not looking well... Gaam si hing, do you know what's going on with her?"

"... She said I didn't need to interfere this time."

"You spoke to her about the Fire Master, then?"

"I... after what happened last time, I thought I should ask her if she needed me to fight him but she said that she wanted to deal with it by herself and I shouldn't interfere and neither should Zeng Baak-hap so we've just been teaching her what we can every now and then-"

"Sorry to interrupt - you and Zeng si mui have been training her? I'm glad that you are, but it's a problem that she's not being schooled through her attribute arts... I wish I could help Master to negotiate Lady Ling Gwong's release. I can't wait to see how Can si mui takes off when she gets proper instruction."

"Our team, yes?"

"That's right. Hey, have you seen anyone promising in the Still Heart and Gales of Battle Schools?"


"Oh. That's a pity. I would have liked it - a team of us, heading out to fight demons... Although, that's not really right either, is it?" He settled a little more comfortably, and wonderingly felt Gaam Juk Jing's hand begin to stroke his hair. "Haha... Juk Jing, you're actually really affectionate, aren't you?"

A small gust of wind tossed a rain of yellowing leaves around them. Gaam Juk Jing picked them out of Gou Zing's hair.

"I saw a lot of them, while I was travelling. Demons, I mean. Most of them were aggressive and fought us... I had to kill a few of them, even though I tried to - Ah, they didn't understand what I was saying, and the look in their eyes. Juk Jing, they were ready to die. But... did I do the right thing? Have you ever thought about that?"

"... Yes."

"Did you think you did the right thing?"

"... in that moment, yes."

"I suppose that's it, right. We can only do what we can in the moment. Even if we look back, and see a better path in looking back... We can only rely on our selves and knowledge in the present."

The repetitive motion of Gaam Juk Jing's hand stroking his hair was soothing.

"They looked so skinny. If only we could just... talk."

"Doesn't always help."

"Maybe." Gou Zing pushed himself back up again, bringing his face closer to Gaam Juk Jing's with a smile. "But you also know that sometimes, it does."

“Hey! Gou si hing? Gaam si hing? Where are you?” Can Bik's voice came faintly along the mountain paths.

Gou Zing sighed and sat up. “We're over here! Come on, Juk Jing, let's-”

His words were cut short by a pair of lips on his. Gaam Juk Jing drew back, nodded, and moved away in the direction of Can Bik's voice.

Gou Zing pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes, sighed again, and followed.

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