I’m really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!)

28 – Yes, this is actually danmei

Hooookay, this chapter is... well, it's actually kind of foreshadowing a bit for what's coming up next in At the Water's Edge. It's not necessary to read all of the Tales of the Jade Road to understand what is going on in one story, but it does provide a heck of a lot of lore.

I'm hoping I'm really not the Saviour! will be the next of my stories to get a new cover. We'll see!

They descended Hau Dzek, hopping from rock to rock down its steep side. Chan Bik had proudly offered to carry Cheng Baak-hap down on her back, and she kept pace well as they moved lower and lower between mists and ferns.

The streets of Ming Yuet were narrow and crammed with an extraordinary array of things. People, pets, washing, junk stores with towering piles of objects that seemed ready to tip over, plants, lanterns, food stalls... The four disciples seemed have grown several more heads to look around at everything. Gong Lau Yan looked immensely satisfied as she strode proudly before them. People greeted her as she passed.

“Lady Gong!”

“Royal Princess, I have a new dessert you should try!”

“Princess Gong, where have you been?

“There are so many beautiful people here,” Chan Bik said, a little wonderingly and a little shyly, peeking at the delicate man in shining white robes that Gong Lau Yan was now speaking to.

“Well, that's like because there are a lot of non-human people here,” Gou Dzing pointed out.

“Eh? Really?”

Gaam Yuk Ying's eyes flickered around them briefly. “I would say around thirty percent.”

“How can you tell?”

Gou Dzing tapped under his left eye. “Sight arts, Can Si-mui. Although not perfect, I can see to some extent things that are hidden. As for Yuk Ying, the Reflective Arts School's Sword Eyes can cut through illusions, am I right?”


“Ah, I'm looking forward to activating my Third Daan-tin,” Chan Bik sighed, as Gong Lau Yan farewelled the people she was talking to.

“Is that so? Enjoy how things are for a little while longer.”

“You make it sound like reaching Third Daan-tin is a terrible ordeal.”

“It can be,” Gaam Yuk Ying said.

“You both reached it so easily though!”

“Easy? Perhaps it was quick for me, but it's changed the direction of my life,” Gou Dzing laughed.

“You met me after I reached Third Daan-tin,” Gaam Yuk Ying reminded her.

“Ugh... Ah, what's that there...?”

The three older disciples watched her rush after Gong Lau Yan, asking questions. The Grandmaster, following up the rear inobstrusively, urged them onwards.

“Does no one here know who you are, Grandmaster?” Cheng Baak-hap asked.

“I like to keep quiet. I'll have people bothering me constantly if they knew who I was, and really, all I want is a peaceful life.” She drew a contemplative puff from her pipe. “Being involved with mortal affairs becomes... tiring, after all these years.”

“But you're still getting involved in the situation now.”

“The actions of the demons won't simply end with mortals. We have to act before the situation becomes worse.” Her honey-brown eyes fell on Gou Dzing.


She shook her head. “No, I shouldn't be so hard on you. You're still so young and naive, despite your spiritual and martial achievements. How could you know this situation with Teem Djeung Baak would turn out like this? So long as you learn from this, let's not say any more on the topic.”

Two palaces stood on the largest of the islands that shimmered through the mist, out on the grey sea. With body-lightening arts, they glided across the bridge that connected the island to the mainland, the glow of hundreds of lanterns guiding them onwards.

At last, they climbing a wide set of stairs, hewn directly from the rock of the island. Every step was flanked by a set of stone creatures – loong, si dzi, phoenix – and then they reached the top and saw the two people waiting for them.

One was a man, in striking black and yellow robes with a high embroidered collar, wide sleeves, and a long hemline that brushed the ground. He had soft eyebrows, heavy eyelids and unusually full lips, and his long dark hair was bound in an ornate golden crown on the top of his head.

The other was a woman, in a slim robe of black with a long blue underskirt, her hair hidden in a large blue cloth headdress with long tassels and chains of bronze that rang faintly as she moved. The black robe was intricately embroidered with shining blue and bronze threads. Her tall, slender frame and her grin looked very familiar.

“Dze-dze!” Gong Lau Yan bowed to the women energetically.

“Ming Dzu.” Wong Tang raised her chin and gave the same grin back.

The four disciples and Maan Dzi King bowed respectfully low.

“Greeting Your Divine Majesty Gong Ming Dzu. Greeting Your Earthly Majesty Dzu Dziu Ming.”

So this was the human regent of Dzu. He swept forwards to inspect them with a small smile.

“Stand so I can see you more clearly.” He looked to Gaam Yuk Ying first. “Lord Gaam Bing's disciple, is it?”

“Lord Gaam Bing's Direct Disciple, Gaam Yuk Ying.”

“Third Daan-tin Adept. Good. Please spar with me during your stay, Young Master Gaam.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Is this your disciple, Divine Empress?” the Regent asked, examining Gou Dzing. “Also reached the Third Daan-tin, a Novice?”

Wong Tang sighed.

“Gou Dzing, Your Majesty. I am very much lacking,” Gou Dzing groaned.

“Don't tease your disciple too much, Divine Empress,” said the Regent smilingly. He turned to Chan Bik. “What a strong Fire affinity! You must be the young woman who will hopefully become Lady Ling Gwong's disciple.”

“C-Chan Bik, Your Majesty!”

“Ha, no need to be so nervous. And this is... the strategist?”

“Cheng Baak-hap, Your Majesty.”

“Clear eyes, good attitude. Let's talk some more later.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“We'll talk inside,” Gong Ming Dzu said, turning from where she had been greeting her family. “Dziu Ming has been on his feet all day. We don't want the King of Dzu to fall over.”

“Am I some doddering old man? I could stand for a week and be fine, Ming Dzu. Who was the one who got so excited about the seeding of the Dai Yue star anise that she went out to harvest it for a whole day and got sunstroke?”

“Don't listen to him! He's been drinking honey beer all day!”

“I had one sip! Divine Empress, defend my honour!”

“Stop squabbling, the pair of you.” Wong Tang hit them both on their foreheads with a chopping hand. “Like children, good grief. You've always been like this.”

For a moment it looked like Gong Ming Dzu and Dzu Dziu Ming were about to start sneakily kicking each other, but then their eyes fell on Gong Lau Yan.

“Hey, don't start looking at me!”

“Inside. Everyone,” the Grandmaster ordered. The four disciples stared as the two regents scuttled away inside like naughty children.

The building they entered appeared to be a kind of common palace. Through the gaps between buildings could be seen two more palace complexes, one of dark wood and shining brass and bronze, the other made of granite with golden decorations. However, the group stopped at a large hall where a long table had been laid out with food. Gaam Yuk Ying's stomach grumbled audibly.

“Your Majesty?” A young woman approached them from behind, bowing gracefully when they turned.

“Lady Mun Gong. How are you?”

“Well, thank you.” The small woman came a little closer, her dark grey eyes falling softly on them all. Judging by the vibrant red and detailed embroidery of her clothing, a short, wide-sleeved robe over a long straight skirt, she seemed to be nobility. The disciples bowed to her.

“No, please. I should be bowing to you. You are the disciples of the Ng Dzeung, are you not? You've come to assist us.”

“Only these two are disciples of the Ng Dzeung, Lady,” Cheng Baak-hap explained. “Although hopefully soon, there will be a third.” She gave Chan Bik a proud smile.

“I see...” Although polite and gentle, Mun Gong seemed a little distracted. “Your Majesty... may I request an audience with you, later?” Her voice trembled very faintly.

Strangely, the King's jaw clenched for a moment, then released. To any normal person watching, they would have missed the movement, but surrounded by cultivators and divine loong, everyone saw it.

Everyone also politely pretended not to have noticed.

“Very well, Lady Mun. We will meet later Hour of the Pig.”

“Your Majesty.” Mun Gong bowed to everyone and withdrew.

Following this exchange, dinner was oddly subdued. Gong Ming Dzu rudely poked Dzu Dziu Ming with her chopsticks. “Stop pulling that face, Ah Ming. Why are you being like this? Just ask Siu Gong to marry you already.”

He glared stiffly in response. “What nonsense are you spouting? Lady Mun Gong is engaged to marry the Second Prince of Cheon.”

“So? Use your kingly privileges.” Gong Ming Dzu chewed on a slice of young bamboo, looking unimpressed.

“Yeah, Ming Go-go,” Gong Lau Yan chipped in. “Girls love it when you sweep dramatically in and-”

Maan Dzi King coughed icily. The hall immediately became uncomfortably quiet again.

Gaam Yuk Ying, unbothered by social niceties, stood and bowed. “Thank you for the meal.”

“If we may, we would like to retire for the night,” Gou Dzing added with his own bow. “We've had little rest for the past few days. I ask your understanding.”

“Of course, of course,” the King agreed, nodding to them. “I'll have the servants take you to your rooms.”

The four disciples hurried from the hall gratefully. They were brought by a cheerful young servant to a set of sumptuous quarters, five rooms laid out around a central common area. After he had retired, Gou Dzing collapsed on a floor cushion with a sigh. “Ugh, that was awkward.”

“What a strange king,” Cheng Baak-hap observed, sinking down too. “It's unusual to see someone in such a position with such a high level of righteousness. Any other ruler would have come in and taken her for himself.”

“Why is Maan Dzi King like that?” Chan Bik added, throwing herself down onto the cushions violently. “Do you think she's obsessed with Gong Lau Yan?”

“It seems that way, doesn't it? Everything we've seen so far seems to suggest something happened between them, and now Maan Dzi King is bitter about it. What do you think, Yuk Ying?”


“That settles it.”

“Don't draw your own conclusions just because your boyfriend says so!”

“Why not?”

“I'm going to bed,” Chan Bik groaned.

“Wait, come with me first. I want to talk to you about something...” Cheng Baak-hap pulled Chan Bik towards one of the rooms, casting a suspicious look at the young men. “Without these troublemakers overhearing.”


When the young women had disappeared, Gou Dzing jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Should we have a look?”

They entered one of the rooms, examining the simply but elegantly decorated interior, the huge bed, the shining wood floors.

“What do you think Cheng Si-mui wants to say to Chan Si-mui?” Gou Dzing asked casually. His mind had wandered back to the thoughts she had voiced a few days prior. Gaam Yuk Ying gave him a piercing look.

“What? I mean... don't you have any thoughts...?” Like how big the bed is?

“... about?”

A moment later, Gou Dzing had pulled him down onto the bed. Gou Dzing pulled his lips away from Gaam Yuk Ying's.

“I'm... Did I surprise you? Sorry, Yuk Ying. I just... Can I touch you?” His hand cradled Gaam Yuk Ying's face and drifted down his neck. “Is it...? I'll stop.”

He had felt Gaam Yuk Ying freeze at the touch of his hand. Gou Dzing pulled back awkwardly, but Gaam Yuk Ying grabbed his face.

"Kissing... is okay." He didn't raise his eyes. "Sorry."

"Don't push yourself."

"I'm not."

"What's going on?"

"It's not you."


Gaam Yuk Ying just shook his head. Gou Dzing rolled over onto his back with a sigh.

"Yuk Ying... I've got to be honest. It's a bit... hard for me. You keep putting up this wall, and I'm not saying that's wrong, I just don't understand, and it's making me uncomfortable. I feel like a bad guy."

"You're not."

"I still feel uneasy. Can you really not tell me?"

He felt his boyfriend's fingers interlace with his own. The fingers felt very cold.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked softly.


"… Did you?"

No response. Not only were Gaam Yuk Ying's hands cold, they also seemed to be trembling slightly.

"So you think you've done something wrong. Are you scared I wouldn't forgive you for it?"

There was no denying it, those hands really were trembling now.

"We don't have to talk about it now. I won't pressure you to answer yet. But I've like to hear from you soon, okay? I'm just... anxious." Gou Dzing folded Gaam Yuk Ying into his embrace. He felt him nod. A moment later, the silvery eyes were looking directly up at him.

"Ha... Can I kiss you?"

"Yes. Please."

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