I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 151: War!

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"Need any help?" Steve asks as he and Peggy stroll into the room.

"Yeah, feel like kicking some blue alien a*s?" Peter responds excitedly.

"Are they really alien? I mean they could be metahumans, right? Like James..." He asks in confusion as he points to Logan.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Logan yells gruffly from across the room. "I don't have those memories anymore."

"You two know each other?" Peter asks as he was out of the loop.

"Yeah, he was a member of the Howling Commandos, James Howlett. He, Bucky, and I fought against Hydra and the Nazis together." Steve pauses for a moment as he remembers the sad loss of his best friend, Bucky.

Peggy senses his dampening mood and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder, which seemed to snap Steve out of his funk.

"James was the only man in my unit that could keep up with me. I thought that it was just amazing genetics and training at the time, but now I know he's a metahuman." Steve says as he smiles over at Logan, who grunts and looks the other way.

"I see..." Peter says as he looks over at Logan and chuckles to himself. "Well, don't worry about Logan. He may seem all gruff and uncaring, but he's a big softy on the inside. He'll warm up to you soon enough. Just keep pestering him and he'll give up."

Hearing this, Logan couldn't help but sigh in annoyance.

"I'll keep that in mind." Steve says with some renewed vigor.

"Please don't..." Logan mutters to himself, but those with enhanced hearing picked it up clearly.

Especially, Steve who flashed a big smile at his old friend's attitude.

"You may not remember, but you haven't changed." He says as he looks at Peter. "So, they are aliens, right?"

"Yep, our satellites picked up their arrival." Peter explains as he continues, stopping Steve from asking another question. "And before you ask, no we don't have the object they're looking for..."

After quickly bringing the two love birds up to speed, Peggys nods her head and speaks up.

"Yeah, we should attack as quickly as possible." Peggy agreed with Peter's reasoning.

"I'm usually not for throwing the first punch, but I agree as well." Steve follows after his lover. "Besides, as you said, containing all fighting outside the planet will save countless lives."


With the extra nudge from Peggy and Steve, the whole room came to an agreement. They would attack as quickly as possible.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Tony asks.

"Hmm..." Peter took a moment to think as almost everyone in the room turned their gaze to him. "Tony, get me the exact coordinates of their ships."

"On it!" He says as he swipes at the table in front of him, causing a holographic keyboard and screen to appear in front of him

As Tony was typing away, Peter turned to Magneto.

"Based on the fact that their ships are most likely made of metal, your powers will be invaluable in this mission." Peter says as Magneto, who nods in agreement. "Though, I'm thinking of sidelining you for this mission."

"Why?" Erik asks in confusion.

"Well, I don't want the Avenger's new spaceships to be ruined..." Peter says offhandedly.

Instantly, Tony stops typing and turned his head with a crazy smile forming on his face. Though he wasn't the only one, a few others looked interested in Peter's words as well.

Especially, Beast and Banner.

"You are brilliant!" Tony exclaimed as all sorts of thoughts started forming in his head. "We would need to take at least one of them apart for studying! Not to mention the fuel. What if they run on some sort of alien diesel? We'll have to find out what they use..."

"Ahem!" Steve clears his throat, stopping Tony from continuing his rant. "As much as the thought of exploring space is exciting. Can we please focus on neutralizing the threat before anything else?"

"You're right. Tony back to work." Peter nods in agreement. "Just remember that the faster you get the coordinates, the faster we can acquire our new toys."

"Yes, sir!" Tony gives a mock salute and gets right back at it.

Though he seems to be typing a bit faster than before.

"I can contain my power from destroying their ships. There's no reason for me to stay behind." Magneto explains as he wants to participate in the war.

"That would be very appreciated." Peter nodded towards him and turns to Banner. "Sadly, you won't be able to join this mission."

"I wasn't planning to." Banner scoffs with a self deprecating smile. "Not only would Hulk destroy those ships, I run the chance of being sucked into the cold vacuum of space. No thanks."

Before anyone could reply, Tony jumps out of his seat.

"Got it!" He exclaims as the coordinates appear on the screen for everyone to see.

Twenty different coordinates. All of them for each ship in orbit around the planet.

"Okay, suit up everyone!" Peter yells to the surrounding Avengers. "We're leaving in 20 minutes."

"Um, I don't have any combat gear." Steve says to Peter as everyone was rushing out of the door to get ready.

"Neither do I." Peggy speaks up next.

"Follow me."


Leading the loving young couple to Tony's lab, Peter invites them in to find the man himself doing some last-minute checks on his Iron Man armor.

"Huh?" Tony picks up his head to see some uninvited visitors. "What are they doing here?"

"They need their equipment." Peter says cryptically.

"Oh, yeah..."

Immediately, a look of realization appeared on Tony's face as he gets up and walks to an empty wall across the room.

"?" Steve and Peggy watched in confusion as Tong tapped the wall.

Suddenly, it opened up to reveal matching his and hers dark blue Captain America-themed suits.

"Wow..." Steve muttered as he still wasn't used to the futuristic technology of today's age.

Though he was also awed by the cool suits as well.

"Now I know what your thinking!" Tony says excitedly as he taps the wall again. "What about Captain America's trusty shield?"

Once again, the wall opened a bit more, revealing the captain's red, white, and, blue pristine disk-shaped shield.

"How?" Steve asks in confusion. "I thought the metal your father used was beyond rare."

"Oh, it is." Tony nodded in agreement as he points to the Peter. "Spidey stole your old shield from your room and we reforged it."

"..." Steve turned and gave Peter an accusing look.

"What?" Peter says a bit defensively. "It was just taking up space broken at the back of your closet. Besides, now you have a perfectly functioning shield."

"And for the lovely lady..." Tony smiles toward Peggy and gestures to the two pistols below the shield.

Two matching Matt Black Dessert Eagles.

"We tried to make you a shield too, but Vibranium is hard to find, even for me." Tony says as she walks over and takes the guns.

"Thanks, I'm more used to guns anyway." Peggy says as she looks down at her new weapons.

Without her recent power-up, handing akimbo desert eagles would be impossible. After all, they are one of the highest caliber pistols you can buy. The kick would be too much for a normal human to manage.

But not anymore.

"Umm..." Steve looks around a little embarrassedly. "Is there a place that we could change?"


In a tiny transport ship, Nebula and a small Kree recon squad stealthily launched off of Ronan's Flagship and descended to the blue and green planet below.

Ronan the Accuser watches the ship depart with a cruel smile on his face.

He knew that sending her down to the planet was nothing but a wild goose chase. Nebula would find nothing and simply waste her time.

Even she knew that.

Without the tesseracts energy signature to follow, it would take an army to scour the planet to accomplish.

"Sir, is it wise to treat the daughter of Thanos like this?" One of Ronan's grunts asks worriedly.

After all, Thanos wasn't a being that anyone could offend.

"Heh, even Thanos doesn't respect her." Ronan says with a small laugh. "Why should I?"


As Nebulas recon ship left the Flagship, three golden portals opened on three separate Kree ships.

As portal number one opened, Professor X rolled on in alongside Nightcrawler, Storm, Beast, and Hawkeye. Each X-men were dressed in black tactical gear with a yellow X on their chest.

On a separate ship, Portal number two opened, and out strolled a confident Magneto, followed by Victor, Logan, Mystique, and Natasha.

They all wore black tactical gear, though Logan's had the trademark yellow X on his.

"Why am I stuck with you?" Logan muttered, annoyed at his team placement.

"Shut up." Victor barks back angrily.

Finally, on the flagship at the head of all twenty Kree warships, the last portal opened, and out walked Peter followed by Tony, Fury, Steve, and Peggy.

Steve and Peggy dawned their newly gifted suits, while Fury wore the same trench coat he always does. Tony was, of course, armed in his newest Iron Man suit.

The Mark VII. (Insert picture)

"Team two and three, do you read me?" Peter tapped his ear and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Loud and clear." Charles answers back.

"Yes." Erik follows soon after.

"Good, let the war begin."

A/N: 1578 words


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