I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 157: Firepower

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep.


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"Translating foreign alien coding and language... 1%... 2%... 3%... 4%... 25%... 50%... 75%... 100%!" Jarvis' kept them updated through the speakers of the ship.

"Good job, buddy." Tony says as he pats the wall of the ship proudly.

"Anything we should know?" Peter asks Jarvis.

"Yes, I now have full control over all twenty Kree warships. I can control each of them from the Flagship." Jarvis answers.

"Well, at least the mess Tony made didn't affect the ship much..." Peter says as he turns a quick glare at the man in question.

"What? We would have replaced the controls anyway. They were all labeled in whatever language the Kree write in." Tony says with a shrug.

"That is not all." Jarvis says as the remaining monitors in the room play a recording from the databanks.

"How much longer until we arrive?" Security footage of Ronan and Nebula speaking appears on the screen.

'Nebula is here?' Peter confirmed his earlier suspicions. 'Did she die in the battle?'

Peter would have remembered seeing her with the prisoners, as he was the one that was in charge of that.

"37 hours. Though we can half that if we increase speed and leave behind the slow Chitauri ships." Nebula answers as she glares hatefully at Ronan.

"Hmm, do it." Ronan commands.

"What?" Nebula asks.

"Increase every ship's speed to maximum." Ronan turns and walks to the door, passing Nebula along the way. "Half of our army will arrive late, but that won't change the outcome."

The screen goes black as the video ends.

"He's right, it didn't change the outcome." Tony says with an air of confidence. "We still would have won either way."

"Jarvis, I'm guessing that odd language was a message from the Chitauri? How far away are they?" Peter asks.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers respectfully and dutifully. "The message from earlier can be roughly translated to a report on their arrival time. We have around an hour and a half until twenty Chitauri warships arrive."

"Okay, do our new ships have any firepower?" Peter asks as a wide smile blooms on Tony's face.

"Hehe, I like the way you think, Web-Head." Tony laughs excitedly.

"Yes, each of the Kree ships is outfitted with hundreds of missiles as well as a couple of high-powered beam weapons. When it comes to defense, there's a kinetic shield that can be activated during combat. Though, the shields will drain the power of each ship fairly quickly." Jarvis explains everything he learned about the ships.

Peter doesn't say anything as he and Tony turn to look at each other, smiling like two maniacs.

"Alright, Tony. You work on our battle strategy with Jarvis." Peter says as he opens a portal to the Tower. "I'll go and gather our forces, just in case."

As Peter was walking into the portal, he turned around and looks back for a moment.

"Jarvis, where is that woman from the video? I don't remember seeing her among the dead or the prisoners." Peter asks with one foot inside the ship and another in the Tower.

"One moment..." Jarvis says as he searches the ships databanks. "She and a few Kree were sent down to Earth to investigate the whereabouts of the Tesseract."

"She didn't return?" Peter asks.

"No, sir." Jarvis answers swiftly.

"Okay, if she does return, can you trap her in the ship? I want her alive." Peter says, receiving a knowing smile from Tony.

"I thought you had a girlfriend?" Tony says with his infuriating smirk. "Though I understand the appeal of a sexy blue alien."

"Not everything is about sex, you old perv." Peter says, happy that he can finally use Tony's age against him.

After all, if he made age jokes before, Tony would have known Peter was younger than he portrays himself.

"At least I'm not a middle schooler!" Tony yells back as the portal closes, leaving him and Jarvis alone on the ship. "So, tell me more about these high-powered beam weapons..."


Arriving in the tower, Peter checked his phone and found a bunch of missed calls and messages from different members of the Avengers.

"Jarvis, where is Fury?" Peter asks as Jarvis is integrated with the entire Tower.

"He and many other Avengers member are currently having a strategy meeting..." Jarvis says and gives Peter the location.


Walking into one of the large meeting rooms, Peter felt a bout of deja vu come over him, as every member was here once again.

"Let me guess..." Peter says as he waltzed into the room, instantly drawing everyone's attention. "You guys learned about the second army headed our way?"

"You're late!" Fury says angrily.

"We've known about this for hours..." Natasha says with a roll of her eyes.

"Good for you." Peter says as he waves his hand and creates a portal to the ship. "We have a bit more than an hour before they arrive so let's go."

"We haven't decided on a plan yet." Charles says from his wheelchair.

"Tony and I already have that covered." Peter reveals as he gestures to the portal. "If you don't want to miss the fireworks, then come on."

Sighing in annoyance, Fury was the first to step through the portal, followed by everyone else. Stepping in behind them, Peter closes the portal.

"Stark, what's the plan?" Steve asks as he and everyone else freezes at the mess that was once a prestine control room.

Just as Tony was about to answer, a soft alarm went off, filling the control room.

"Sir, a shuttle is docking onto the flagship." Jarvis' informs them as the alarms stop.

"Is it the woman from the video?" Peter asks, ignoring the curious glances from those that just arrived.

"Yes, sir. Would you like me to lock them in the shuttle?" Jarvis asks dutifully.

"Yeah, just make sure they can't detach from the ship either." Peter answers with a nod.

"Done." Jarvis says after only a second. "Shuttle locked in place."

"What's going on?" Nightcrawler voices everyone else's thoughts.

"I'll explain later." Peter says as walked to the door. "Jarvis, lead me to the shuttle."

"Yes, sir."


As their shuttle docked on Ronan's flagship, Nebula clicked her tongue in annoyance. Looking over at the dead body laying motionless on the side, she rolled her eyes hatefully.

'I tell them to take care of the body and these idiots bring it with us...' Nebula thought with a disgruntled sigh as a decaying smell filled the small shuttle.

The shuttle shook as a loud clang was heard, locking the shuttle to the much larger ship.

Preparing herself for what's to come, Nebula stood up and hit a button next to the sliding doors. Instantly, a red light appears under the button and the door doesn't budge.

"What the..." Nebula mutters as she taps the button once again.


The door stays sealed shut, leaving them trapped in the tiny shuttle with a decaying carcass.

"Open the damn door already!" One of the Kree yells toward Nebula.

"...what do you think I've been doing?" She turned to glare at the idiot behind her.

"Move out of the way." Another says as he pushes forward and hits the same button to no avail. "It's locked..."

"No sh*t." Nebula says as she pushes forward. "Let me see what I can do."

Suddenly, Nebulas hand turns into a sort of alien multipurpose tool, which she uses to take the panel beside the door apart, revealing the many wires hidden underneath.

Just as she was about to start messing with the doors controls, it suddenly swung open on its own.

"Huh? You did it?" A Kree asks in surprise.

"No, I didn't." She admits and looks out the door.

"Hello." A foreign voice says.

Peter stood outside the door in his blue and red spider suit, waving toward the newly arrived aliens. Held in his right hand was the hammer that once belonged to Ronan the Accuser.

"That doesn't belong to you!" One of the Kree noticed the hammer and points his gun menacingly.

"Well, it does now." Peter says with a shrug. "The old owner won't be needing it anymore after all."

They seemed to understand what Peter meant, as the more hotheaded Kree started firing at him.

With a quick swipe of the hammer, Peter shot some kinetic force at the incoming laser bolts, knocking them to the side with ease.

"You, step to the side." Peter motions for Nebula to get out of the way.

"..." Deciding to trust her instincts, which were currently screaming at her to listen to this stranger, Nebula exited the shuttle and stood at the side, leaving the remaining Kree inside.

"Thanks. Jarvis, do it." Peter says and the doors to the shuttle swiftly snap shut. "Open the airlock."


In the shuttle.

As the Kree were getting ready to shoot the door open once again, the second pair of doors behind them opened, sucking them into the cold vacuum of space.


From a nearby window, Nebula watched as the dead bodies of the Kree that she spent the day with floated out into space.

'What happened while I was gone?'

A/N: 1531 words :)


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