I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 160: Metal Rain

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After the destruction of the Chitauri fleet, Peter waited in the Flagship alongside Tony, Magneto, and Nebula, who didn't know what to do with herself after betraying her father.

Only an hour ago, her life revolved around doing her daddy's bidding, but now that's all gone. On top of that, theirs this small feeling of dread for Thanos' reaction towards her choice.

A little over an hour after the battle, Erik was well-rested once again and started gathering the scraps of the Chitauri ship. With Jarvis' help, he was able to load up all of the scraps into the cargo bays of each Kree ship.

As for the five remaining ships, which were slightly damaged from the battle, Peter and Tony took a portal over to check them over. Based on how odd they looked from the outside, they were both sure that the controls would most likely be far more confusing than the Kree ships.

Starting with the least damaged ship, Peter opened a portal and tested for oxygen, which the ship thankfully still had.

"Thank god..." Peter mutters as he steps through followed by Tony, who was still armed in his Iron Man suit.

"Out of all of the remaining ships, I bet this is the only one with air." Tony says as the others had more major hull damage to account for.

"Well, we'll see." Peter says as they traverse the ship.


Within minutes, the two found countless toppled-over bodies of the surviving Chitauri soldiers.

[Insert picture of Chitauri here]

Each of them was still alive and breathing, though they seemed to be in some sort of coma.

"Is it like a hive mind?" Tony guesses as he looks over the ugly aliens.

"Yeah, I think they became brain-dead after we destroyed that command ship." Peter says as he taps one with his foot. "Do you think they could wake up if another command ship comes in range?"

"Hmm, maybe?" Tony didn't know for sure.

"Should we kill them then?" Peter asks, getting an odd look from Tony. "You know, in case another command ship comes. They could cause quite a bit of trouble. Not to mention the fact that our detainment floor is already packed with Smurfs... Besides, these guys are creepy."

"..." Looking down at the monstrous-looking aliens, Tony couldn't help but agree. "They do remind me of a horror movie monster, though we should keep a certain amount alive for testing. Who knows, we might be able to find a weakness that can be exploited on our next encounter."

"Sounds good to me..." Peter agreed as they continued exploring the ship.

Soon enough, they found something that shocked Tony and reminded Peter of the attack on New York from the movie.

In some sort of onboard hangar, ten colossal fish/bug looking behemoths laid on the floor, like dead fish out of water.

Although they seemed to be living beings, which were the size of large skyscrapers, they looked to be weaponized so that they can house hundreds of Chitauri soldiers and their skiffs.

Chitauri Leviathans.

Also known as Chitauri Dragons. The Leviathans are a race of bio-mechanically engineered Acanti-Starshark hybrids produced by the Chitauri to act as sort of large scale flying mount.

"What the hell are these!" Tony says excitedly as he runs around the Leviathans like a kid in a candy store.

"Looks like some sort of weaponized space whale or something." Peter says, actually not knowing much about them, other than the fact that they destroyed a lot of buildings in the movie.

"I don't even know where I would begin with these things..." Tony says as he wants to dissect one of them, but doing so would be extremely difficult due to their size.

"Let's figure that out when we're back on earth." Peter says as they continue their search and finally find what appeared to be the control room.

"This is far worse than the Kree ships..." Tony mutters in confusion.

There were no screens, buttons, or obvious controls of any kind. Everything was far more... alien.

"Well, let's get Nebula. She'll hopefully know how any of this works."


In a suburban home, a balding middle-aged white man sat on his couch with a beer in hand and a recorded football game playing on the flatscreen TV.

[Insert picture of Adrian Toomes (the Vulture) here]

As he was watching the game in silence, sipping his beer on occasion, a beautiful black woman walks over and hugs him from behind.

"It's getting late. Liz is already asleep." She says after planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I just want to finish the game and I'll head off to bed." Adrian replies as he doesn't take his eyes off the TV.

"Okay, but don't be too long. You have to be up for work in about seven hours." She says and receives a tired groan in return. "Don't groan at me. I have work tomorrow too."

"Sorry, I just wish that I had more time to relax sometimes." He says with a sigh.

"Don't we all." His wife says as she kisses him on the cheek once again and leaves the room.


"Fcking Jets." Adrian cursed as he switched off the TV. "Couldn't score even if their worthless lives depended on it."

Almost an hour after his wife left, Adrian's team of choice lost spectacularly, driving him into the worst mood possible.

What made it even worse is the fact that he would have to wake up for work in six hours, leaving him little room to sleep as long as he'd prefer.

'She's always right...' He thought, pertaining to his lovely wife.

Just as he was about to head upstairs and call it a day, the night sky lit up through the back windows, drawing his attention.

Walking over to the windows leading to the moderately sized backyard, Adrian saw a mesmerizing scene of what looked like a shining meteor shower.

A cluster of what seemed to be hundreds of meteors fell from the sky, though they burned in an ominous purple light, which was an odd sight to see.

"Did I drink too much?" He thought but quickly threw that idea away, as he only had a few normal-sized cans.

Taking in the sight of countless shooting stars, Adrian was lost in thought as only minutes later the sound of loud banging filled the whole neighborhood.

As car alarms and other sounds of destruction filled his ears, Adrian saw a couple of these 'meteors' fall and impact his backyard.

"What the..." He mutters as more meteors fall and impact his neighbor's houses.

Instead of burning up in the atmosphere of the earth, as meteors usually do, whatever was falling from the sky was coming down completely intact and bringing destruction with it.

As sounds resembling some extreme version of a hail storm filled his surroundings, every house in the neighborhood, including his own, was damaged to different extents, depending on the owner's luck.

By this point, Adrian's wife and daughter, Liz had woken up screaming and ran down the stairs.

"Dad!" Liz yelled as she saw her father at the bottom of the stairs looking out of the window. "Get away from the window!"

Acting quickly, she pulls her father from the window just in time for a long and sharp metal shard to shatter it and impale the wood floor where he once stood.

"..." Staring at the spear-like metal that could have killed him, Adrian turned to his daughter with a thankful look. "How'd you know?"

"Something similar happened to the window upstairs." She says.

"Enough talking!" His wife yells and opens a nearby door. "Everyone in the basement, now!"


After spending the night in the basement together, waiting out the odd catastrophe that was happening outside, Adrian's cell phone started ringing.

"Uh, hello?" He answers as his family listens in out of boredom.

"Is this Adrian Toomes with Best Salvage?" A woman asks from the other side of the call.

Bestman Salvage is a clean-up crew owned by Adrian that holds a contract to salvage any incidents occurring in New York City.

"Yeah, is this about last night?" He answers, both happy and annoyed at the same time.

Happy, as he would be making a lot of money off of this incident, which his business was in dire need of, and annoyed, as it would be a lot of work in the coming days based on what he saw last night.

He hadn't even slept yet...

"Yes, the mayor is calling in every salvage crew to clean up last night's incident..."

A/N: 1444 words


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