I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 163: Meeting a Titan

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As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep.


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As Peter was about to leave the Flagship to deal with some money-grubbing scrappers, he was stopped by a beeping sound that suddenly went off in the control room.

"Sir, we have an incoming call." Jarvis informs, causing Peter to freeze for a moment as his eyebrow arches upwards.

"Answer it." Peter replies and looks toward the screen on the wall. "But record our conversation just in case."

"Yes, sir..." Jarvis says as a familiar voice fills the room.

"I knew you were incompetent, though I didn't know you were a traitor, Ronan." A seated Thanos appears on screen with distant stars at his back.

"I'm afraid Ronan can't come to the phone right now." Peter says as he internally freaks out about meeting the real Thanos. "Can I take a message?"

"Who are you?" Thanos asks as he looks down at Peter, who is garbed in his usual spider attire.

"I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," Peter says as if Thanos would understand that. "May I ask who's calling? I can forward your message to Ronan, but it may take a while for him to receive it."

"Are you playing with me, Boy?" Thanos tilts his head and glares at Peter through the screen.

"Yes." Peter nods and gives the purple giant a thumbs up.

"Ronan is dead, isn't he?" Thanos states and doesn't wait long enough for Peter to confirm before cursing the dead. "What a waste of resources..."

"Yeah, he left behind this cool hammer though, and for that I am thankful." Peter says as he pulls the Cosmic Rod from his back and spins it between his fingers. "Anyway, are you the mastermind or something? If that's the case, I'd like to thank you for the ships. Earth is behind when it comes to space travel, so your contribution to my growing space fleet is appreciated."

"I see, every word that comes from your mouth is tailored to anger me." Thanos says as he leans forward in his chair. "It isn't smart to anger me, Boy."

"Eh, worst case scenario, you send another army." Peter shrugs as if he didn't care at all. "I could always use more ships for my growing fleet. Unless, of course, you come here yourself?"

"I'm a bit busy at the moment, though I could give you an infinite amount of ships, for a price." Thanos offers as he leans back in his chair.

"Nah, I don't have that Tesseract thingy Ronan was after." Peter refuses instantly. "You know, I've heard a bit about you from your daughter, Nebula."

"What has my most pitiful daughter been saying?" Thanos asks with a small chuckle.

"Oh, just how all-powerful you are and all that." Peter explains as if he didn't believe her.

"You should take her advice." Thanos says threateningly.

"Eh, I think she's just scared of her abusive daddy." Peter waves off the thinly veiled threat.

"Abusive?" Thanos laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm not Child Protective Services, so I don't really care." Peter shrugs as he looks into Thanos' eyes. "You'll be dead soon enough anyway."

"HehehahaHAHA!" Peter's statement seemed to tickle the Mad Titan's funny bone. "You think you are capable of killing me? Boy, I've eradicated entire planets filled with beings stronger than you."

"That reminds me of Ronan's last words...Though we'll find out soon enough. Won't we?" Peter smirks under his mask. "Just do me a favor and send a stronger grunt next time. Ronan was just too easy to kill."

"You are either insane or ignorant beyond measure." Thanos shakes his head with an entertained smile on his face.

Before Peter could give a snarky reply, Thanos' image disappeared, as he cut the call from his end.

"Was it necessary to taunt an unknown enemy?" Jarvis asks as the call ended.

"Definitely." Peter replies with a chuckle.

Peter's bread and butter as Spider-Man is annoying the hell out of his enemies before smacking them into submission, but there was an underlying reason behind poking the bear in this situation.

After searching every ship, Peter found no signs of the mind stone, which was originally supposed to be here during the invasion of New York.

Peter hoped that angering his enemy will cause Thanos to bring out the big guns. Either he comes to Earth with the mind stone, or he sends a grunt along with it.

It was a dangerous gamble, as Peter was calling over one of the strongest beings in the universe to play, but at the end of the day, this isn't Thanos with a full infinity gauntlet.

He only has the mind stone, which is definitely dangerous, but certainly not unbeatable.

After all, Earth has possession of three infinity stones and will have another when the Dark Elves make their appearance.

Though Peter didn't plan on using any of them until he has a medium to control their overwhelming power.

'Not to mention the fact that Odin is still alive, which looked to be the reason Thanos refuses to come himself.' Peter thought that was plausible. 'He literally waited until after Ragnarok to attack Earth in the movies, so it makes sense.'

Midgard technically falls under Odins territory, and the Allfather is most likely capable of fighting Thanos on his own.

Though he is getting weaker in his old age, so Odin may be at a disadvantage these days.

At the end of the day, Peter had multiple reasons why he felt it was okay to mess with Thanos, though his actions could come to backfire on him.

Only time will tell.

"Don't forget to compile that info." Peter reminded Jarvis as he opened a portal and stepped through.


One week later.

After a week of utter chaos, Peter spent hundreds of millions of Tony's billions and collected the vast majority of Chitauri scraps.

"Jarvis, start hacking into the companies and organizations that got involved in the clean-up. I want to know whether they actually gave me everything or not." Peter orders as he sits back on Tony's couch and sipped a warm tea through his mask.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis replies affirmatively. "I'll alert you when anything of interest is found."

Every organization came to the Tower and handed over their scraps, though some would think themselves smart and stash away the good stuff.

'It's human nature.' Peter thought without a doubt. 'We're all greedy after all.'

Currently, the storage floors under the tower are packed with Chitauri ship debris, which Peter is planning to move to the Kree and Chitauri ships in the Mojave desert.

Tony was able to fly down two of the Chitauri ships, while the other three were portal'd over by Peter, as they were inoperable.

Due to the congregation of warships in the Mojave desert, Tony has a perimeter being built alongside some facilities, so they could work on their new fleet.

At this point, two of the Kree ships have been outfitted with understandable controls, which makes it possible for them to fly if needed, though they could always just have Jarvis do all of the work.

Sort of like a perfect autopilot.

As for his conversation with Thanos, every council member saw the recording and most weren't happy with Peter's taunting.

'Well, Tony gave me a thumbs up and Erik smirked, while everyone else wasn't so supportive.' Peter laughed internally.

Though they got over it fairly quickly.

After all, Thanos would have attacked again either way. He wanted the Space Stone and nothing would stop him in his quest for balance.

There is one good thing that came of them seeing the recording though. The whole council was suddenly very interested in the progress of the Super Soldier Serum.

Dealing with an alien invasion as well as threats of another on the horizon seemed to spark the need for more manpower.

After all, if they had a small army of Super Soldiers, then dealing with their newfound enemy and his armies would be far easier.

Not to mention the other empires and alien organizations out there that could come knocking at any moment.

Thanks to Jarvis cataloging the entirety of the Kree databanks, they all knew a lot more about the infinite universe than before.

"I thought the Earth had problems..." Fury commented as he read about all of the different Empires and their wars over the years.

"There's more human-like races than I thought there would be..." Tony said as he went over the information.

"Yeah, most aliens seem to be humanoid but add in a random characteristic. Like blue skin or some sort of accenting feature." Peter nodded as he came to the same conclusion.

"We could reach out to one of the more respectable Empires and ally ourselves with them?" Charles offers an idea.

"I doubt any Empire would want to ally with us, as they would be making an enemy out of Thanos, but we can try."

A/N: 1490 words :)

[DONT FORGET MY STONES!🤰🏼I have two children to raise, after all.🤰🏿]

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