I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 180: Father & Daughter’s Day Out

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Following behind her father, MJ did her best to keep her mouth shut. She knew that he picked her for a reason and was annoyed with Peter for agreeing to all of this.

"Do you have any abilities that I should know about?" Fury asks as he sends out some texts to gather a few more team members. "Other than the ones your boyfriend has, I mean."

"Not really, no." MJ answers curtly and doesn't bother speaking any further.

"Alright..." Fury practically grunts as he stashed his phone away. "Let's go."

"Is it just us?" MJ asks.

"No, the rest of the team will meet us at the first location." Fury says as they step into an elevator, which closes and shoots down to the garage floor below the building.


The car ride to the first location was awkward, to say the least. Fury wasn't much of a talker, to begin with, but his silence felt even more uncomfortable than normal because of MJ's predicament.

She had this unexplainable feeling that he knew who she was, or at least that he had a hunch, but wasn't saying anything for some odd reason.

"How did you meet Spider-Man?" Fury asks, which only strengthened her suspicions.

"..." MJ didn't know what to say, so she kept quiet and just looked out of the window.

"He gave you your powers, correct?" Fury kept fishing for information.

'Maybe he doesn't know?' MJ thought as he kept asking questions related to her powers and relationship with Peter.

As they arrived at an AIM facility in downtown New York, MJ was starting to doubt herself. For all she knew, Fury knew or he didn't, but If he did then he hid it extraordinarily well.

When Fury pulled up across the street and parked the car, the backdoors immediately opened, and in came both Black Widow and Hawkeye, who took a seat behind them.

"We've scouted the building and found an abnormal amount of security." Natasha informs them.

"From armed guards to cameras and motion scanners. This place has it all and a lot of it." Clint goes on to explain.

"Then they must be hiding something..." MJ says as she momentarily forgets about her secret identity troubles and enters hero mode.

"Yeah, but what?" Fury asks rhetorically as he opens the door and steps out. "Silk, let's go and say hello."

Stepping out of the car followed by MJ, Fury turns his attention to the two sitting in the backseat.

"You two sneak in while we distract them. Snoop around and get me some information. You know the drill." Fury says as he strolls across the street with a fairly popular superhero at his back.

Needless to say, they drew attention to themselves almost immediately. Fury looked like the bald main character of an action movie with his trench coat and pistol holster underneath, while MJ was all over the news since her debut.

As soon as the guards noticed their arrival, they called it out on their radios and set a perimeter, drawing their guns preemptively just in case.

"This is a restricted area! I'm going to have to ask you to walk the other way..." one guard calls out as they all aim in the father and daughter's direction.

"No." Fury says as he struts over, unafraid of the guns being pointed in his direction. "This building and everyone inside is now under investigation for terrorism. Lower your weapons and comply."

"Under investigation by who?" One of them who seemed to be in charge asks.

"..." Fury reaches into his trench coat, which spooked the guards as they got ready to fire. "It's my badge..."

Hearing this, they held their fire as Fury pulled a black leather badge from his coat pocket, which held an ID card with his name and picture.

[AVENGERS: Nicholas Fury]

"Avengers?!" One of the guards asks in confusion and fright, though the man in charge merely grimaced at the ID.

Through the corner of Fury's eye, he could see the skin on that mans clenched fist brighten, similar to the videos that Peter had shown them earlier.

Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by MJ either.

"Look, this will all go much better if you all just surrender to our investigation. That way no one has to get hurt." MJ tries to defuse the situation, as she had a feeling that a fight was about to break out.

"We can't allow you inside without a warrant. Leave now." The guard with the glowing hand orders gruffly.

"We don't need a warrant. The Avengers operate above any government. We could raid the white house and no one could do a damn thing about it." Fury explains, ready to grab his high-caliber pistols at any moment. "Now surrender, or else."

The guard didn't bother talking any further as his body began to glow from under his skin.

"Fire!" He commanded as a stream of fire launched out of his mouth and toward the two intruders.

As a hail of automatic bullets came flying their way, Fury and MJ acted quickly, dodging the rifle fire and actual fire that came soon after as well.

"Is he the one causing the explosions?" MJ asks as she chains web shots, flinging herself in all sorts of directions in order to keep out of harm's way.

"Could be..." Fury gives her an abrupt two-word answer, as he was too busy putting his new super soldier body to work, dodging, dipping, and diving away from bullets and dragon's breath.

Just as they came to a possible conclusion, the automatic sliding doors of the building opened, and out walked five other men, who were all glowing in the same fashion as the head guard.

"Nope, there's more!" MJ yelled as a combined stream of dragon's breath came flying in their direction.

"You think?" Fury asks sarcastically as he gets the hell out of the way.

"Aaaahhhhh!" Horrible screams could be heard, as the glowing guards uncaringly burned every other guard between them and the intruders.

As fire engulfed the entrance to the building, the normal guards couldn't take the heat and burn brightly before falling over, dead. The smell of cooked meat filled the open air as charred carcasses' were left sizzling on the ground.

Only the Extremis-enhanced lead guard was unharmed, as his body is used to the extreme heat and can heal at a moment's notice.

"Ewww, this is disgusting." MJ whined as she covered her nose, blocking the barbecue smell from getting in. "I think I'm going to puke."

"I've seen and smelled worse." Fury says as he draws two large caliber revolvers from underneath his coat. "Get your head in the game."

*bang bang bang...*

Without waiting for a reply from MJ, Fury took aim and started firing his revolvers akimbo style. The first shot landed directly on the original guard's forehead, dropping his body to the ground like a puppet without strings.

Seeing this, MJ jumped into action next and engaged the five fire-breathing newcomers. Landing in front of them, she winds her arm back and smashes a fist into the closest ones face, sending him flying back into the building.

Smelling something burning, MJ looked down and saw smoke rising from her hand, where her fist collided with the man's face.

"Is his whole body burning hot?" MJ asks as she pats out the smoke on her fist while dodging another round of dragon breath from the remaining four Extremis users.

"What the..." Fury mutters in shock as the man he shot in the head sat back up like the Undertaker.

He watched as the large hole in the center of the man's forehead burned brightly and closed back up, leaving no scars or marks behind whatsoever.

He was completely healed.

"Are these guys fire zombies?" MJ asks as she saw this happen as well. "How are we supposed to beat them, if they can just keep getting back up like nothing happened?"

Without giving the guy a chance to even get back to his feet, Fury walks over and shoots him for a second-time execution style. As the second bullet drilled into his head, Fury pulled out a black tube-shaped metal object.

Clicking a button with his thumb, a purple energy blade shot out of the metal tube, creating a sword.

"Is that a lightsaber?" MJ asks excitedly, as she is a fan of Star Wars.

"No, it's an energy blade from the Kree ships." Fury shakes his head.

"You just explained what a lightsaber is..." MJ says as Fury takes his new blade and swipes it at the neck of the downed man, severing his head from his shoulders.

"Let's see if you can still heal without a head." Fury comments as he kicks the man's severed head away from his body, so that it couldn't reattach.

Watching in silence, even the other four Extremis users wanted to know the outcome of Fury's little experiment, as it could mean life and death for them.

Seconds later, the head and body of the beheaded man started to glow uncontrollably. Fire shot out of the separated neck slices, as his skin began to smolder and crack.

"That doesn't look good!" MJ exclaimed as she swung away, pulling her father alongside her.

Suddenly, a big fiery explosion, like the ones from the recent Mandarin bombings, went off and engulfed the front entrance of the building.


A/N: 1581 words :)


[You are trapped in a giant baby's crib. A nearby TV starts playing never ending Baby Shark 🦈 compilations on the highest volume. This continues for hours, days, weeks, and months🕰 You want it to stop? 🔶Pay the stones!🔶]

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