I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 185: Traps All Around

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As Peter went over his old AI project, he found that he was fairly close to completing it. All that he needed to do was build a fairly beefy server room, where the AI would be stored during the early stages of its life.

Peter made his AI a bit more complicated than Jarvis, as he wanted it to be better in every single way possible.

In doing so, the AI will not start off as an all-knowing adult helper, like Jarvis. It would start off as a child with very little intelligence and learn about the world through Peter, though it would age far quicker than the average human.

Of course, Peter wouldn't be babysitting his AI for too long.

Based on his calculations, the AI would be up to Jarvis' level and maturity within just a few months, but unlike Jarvis, his AI would continue to grow in intelligence and computing power even after that.

'I need some crazy servers for this.' Peter thought as he texted Pepper and put in an order for Stark Industries' best equipment. "Where should I put it though?"

He would need a lot of space, power, and cooling for this whole project, which mostly wouldn't be a problem.

Power and cooling can be easily taken care of with the mystic arts. Space was the only thing that worried Peter, as his house wasn't exactly the biggest.

He could have bought a larger home, but it seemed like a waste of space and money at the time.

'I could use my penthouse at the tower?' Peter thought as he never used that place, to begin with. 'Though I would need to put some protections up just in case...'

After coming to this conclusion, Peter told Pepper to deliver his order to his penthouse in the tower and hopped into bed for the night.


When Peter returned to the tower on the following day, his materials hadn't been delivered yet, but he did receive a nice lengthy report on the interrogation of the pilots that tried to bomb the tower yesterday.

Flipping through and reading quickly, Peter saw the locations of a few hidden bases as well as some other useful information, like security, defenses, and the number of known soldiers.

"Fury works quickly." Peter praised as he finished reading the report.

Sending out a few texts, Peter summoned a couple of groups to the tower.

The X-men minus Charles as he was busy, Sabertooth, MJ in her Silk suit, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and lastly the super soldier couple, Steve and Peggy.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for everyone to arrive, as Peter opened portals for them to speed things along.

"What's the situation?" Steve asks as everybody stood across from Peter's desk, wondering why they were called.

"Fury got some information out of the pilots that attacked the tower yesterday." Peter says as he handed over a list of locations to Steve. "I want you to lead this group and assault these facilities."

"Are you sure?" Steve asks hesitantly, as the last operation he ran ended with him frozen for over 70 years.

"Yes, are you Captain America or not?" Peter asks with a taunting tone. "I thought I was dealing with a decorated war hero. Where's the confidence that you had when facing Hydra and the Nazis?"

"..." Steve grew more determined with every goading word, grabbed the paper, and walked out of the room.

"Good pep talk." Peggy smirks in amusement as she followed Steve out.

"Make sure to write a report afterward!" Peter yelled as he turned to the remaining people in the room. "What are you waiting for? Follow them."

"Me too?" MJ asked in confusion as everyone else left the room.

"Yeah, you wanted to join the big leagues, right?" Peter asks and received a nod in return. "Good, then you better get going. Remember to be safe and follow Steve and Peggy's lead. They have the most experience in these kinds of situations."

"Yes, sir." She says with a mock salute.

"Save that kind of talk for the bedroom." Peter says with a smirk under his mask.

"Don't talk about that here!" MJ exclaims as she runs off to join the group.

When they all left, Peter opened the file on his desk and saw one remaining location, which he didn't give to Steve. It was the last known location of Killian himself and the most guarded facility of them all.

"I doubt he's there anymore, but I might as well check." Peter muttered as he opened a portal and stepped through.

Arriving at the front of a wide-open bunker door, Peter peaked inside and found nothing but darkness.

"This definitely isn't a trap..." Peter muttered sarcastically as he stepped inside nonetheless.

Maneuvering through the barren dimly lit hallways, Peter could tell that the people that once occupied this place left in a hurry. Everything was a mess and it seemed that only the most crucial materials were taken, while everything else was left behind.

After a minute of searching, Peter found Killian's office, which was surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the facility.

As he stepped inside, a nearby TV turned on and the image of a smug-looking Aldrich Killian appeared.

"Welcome!" He smiles with open arms. "Whoever you may be, though I truly hope that a certain Stark is among you."

Suddenly, a ten-second countdown appeared beside Killian on the screen, and Peter instantly knew what was happening.

"The old self-destruct, huh?" Peter muttered as he waved his hand and opened a portal.

"If you survive this, I'm sure that I'll see you real soon..." Killian smiled as the timer neared zero.

With a leisurely pace, Peter stepped through the portal and closed it just in time.

Appearing on a nearby hillside, Peter looked to the right as the grass that was only a few kilometers away started to shake and collapse downwards.

The ground beneath his feet shook like a powerful earthquake as smoke rose from the large crater that soon formed in place of the former underground AIM base.

Thankfully, the base was out in the middle of nowhere, so he wouldn't have to deal with any cleanup.

"I better warn Steve..." Peter muttered as he whipped out his phone and sent out a few texts. "Though they have Nightcrawler, so a situation like this should be easily dealt with."

Receiving some replies, Peter returned back to the tower, where he found his penthouse filled with all sorts of materials needed to start off his AI.

"Might as well get to work." Peter sighs and starts unboxing everything.


Hours later, Peter was buried in towering wracks filled with servers, processors, and other components, which filled the whole penthouse.

At this point, the setup was complete and all that was needed were the enchantments, for cooling and power as well as the protection of the room itself.

'I don't need anyone playing with my baby and creating another Ultron because of their stupidity.' Peter wouldn't allow anyone but himself to use his AI.

At least until he knew for sure that it was stable and loyal to himself. After all, Peter would be practically raising the thing for the next few months.

Only an hour ago, Steve and his team returned and handed in their reports.

This was the first of many missions that would be led by Steve in preparation for his ascension to Director of the Avengers.

It would take some time for him to settle into a leading position and gain the approval of the whole council, but after many more successful missions like these, he should have no problems.

When they returned, Peter took a small break to eat a late lunch with MJ and go over Steve's reports, which were suspiciously written in Peggy's handwriting.

'Steve takes after Tony more than he would like to admit...' Peter thought with a shake of his head.

They ran into a similar situation that Peter had to deal with, where some sort of trap was put in place for whoever came knocking.

'They sure move quickly.' Peter thought as he read over the report. 'But it's not that impressive when you factor in the fact that all of his subordinates are enhanced.'

"Peter, should I join the Avengers?" MJ asked as Peter finished going over the last report.

"Umm, do you want to?" He asks.

He didn't want her involved originally, but after her first mission with her father, Peter felt like he couldn't just keep hiding her away forever.

At the end of the day, she could only deal with so many cats stuck in trees or purse snatchers before she snapped.

"I mean, as long as you're here..." MJ states as she looks away in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'll bring it up to the council and we'll officially make you an Avenger." Peter agrees as MJ shoots out of her chair and jumps into his lap, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you!" She practically squealed.

"No problem, just don't tell Ned yet. He already feels left out." Peter says, feeling bad for his best friend.

Ned would join them soon enough, though he needed to hone his skills a bit more before that could happen.

It was only a matter of time.

A/N: 1559 words


[😒I see that threats are the only option here, so here it is...😠If you don't hand over your stones, like a good little📖reader, I'll cut down my word count on the next 5 chapters by 500 words🔫 Your move, Punk🤠]

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