I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 200: Newbies Meet

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After leaving the Tower, Jessica unconsciously walked to her adoptive sister's apartment, where she broke in and raided the place for booze.

When her sister came home from work, she was welcomed by a drunkard occupying her couch, surrounded by empty beer cans while drinking from a large vodka bottle.

[Insert picture of Trish Walker/Hellcat here]

"Jessica?" Trish asks in shock. "Where have you been?!"

Although Kilgrave used to force Jessica to lie to Trisha, after he was hit by the bus and she walked off, Jessica cut all contact with her adoptive sister.

It's been almost six months since they've talked or seen one another.

"He's dead..." Jessica utters in a drunken haze, raising her glass bottle high in the air in triumph.

"Who's dead?" She asks in confusion. "Is this about that guy you've been seeing? Mister Perfect?"

Not only was she forced to lie, but Jessica was also made to tell extravagant stories about the man she 'loved'.

"Uhh, don't call him that." Jessica says in disgust. "I might throw up otherwise."

"Bad break up, huh?" Trish says since she knew nothing about Kilgrave.

"Sure, whatever." Jessica says as she didn't want to tell her sister about all of the horrible things that happened.

"There's other fish in the sea." Trish comments, eliciting a groan from her drunken sister. "What?"

"Don't say that either." Jessica says as she immediately thought of Loki's annoying face.

Trish just looked at her wayward sister in confusion as she took off her jacket and hung it up.

"Well, let me get a glass and I'll join you."


The next day, Matt and Foggy rushed over to the Avengers tower, bright and early.

Well, it was Foggy who was in a rush as he dragged his best friend and business partner along behind him.

"I can't believe you had to ask me whether we should accept Spider-Man as a client." Foggy looked back at Matt as they arrived at the entrance of the building. "This is a no brainer!"

Foggy had no idea why his friend seemed so reluctant in the first place. This was the Avengers they were talking about.

If there was a level above A-list celebrities and powerful politicians, it would contain the Avengers with Spider-Man seated at the top of the pyramid.

Even if it was just Spider-Man asking to become a client, then Foggy would sell his soul to make it happen, yet Matt had the whole group offered up to him on a silver platter.

"Really, you should have just agreed instantly." Foggy says with a shake of his head. "What if they reached out to other firms?"

"I doubt that." Matt says, knowing Spider-Mans motive behind all of this.

Sadly, he couldn't tell Foggy the real reason they were offered such an amazing deal.

Matt wanted to keep his loved ones safe and to accomplish that, he needs his identity to remain hidden at all costs.

"Let's just hurry!" Foggy says as he paces off toward the door with a briefcase in hand.

"..." Matt sighed as he cursed Spider-Man for offering up such good bait. 'Looks like I'm joining the Avengers.'

Tapping his cane along the ground, Matt followed behind Foggy. As he went to open the door, a woman walked up and opened the door for him.

"Thank you." Matt says with a smile as he is used to this.

When you're blind, everyone holds open doors for you and gives you a wide birth on the sidewalk, thinking he would bump into them otherwise.

"You're welcome." She says.

"Why are you holding the door for this mortal?" Another voice spoke from beside her. "Such respect should only be shown to royalty."

"Stop it! He's blind, you idiot!" She reprimands him in an instant.

"So what? He has hands, doesn't he?" Loki says with a scoff.

"I'm sorry about him." The woman says as she turns back to Matt. "He's an arrogant pr*ck."

"Don't worry about it." Matt keeps his smile up as he walks through the door, leaving the amusing couple behind.

"Matt! Over here!" Foggy yells across the lobby.

"Hello, Mr, Murdock. Please follow me to the elevators." A woman who was standing beside Foggy says dutifully.

Spider-Man seemed to have expected their arrival, which matched the confidence he held on his departure last night.

Though, before they could walk much further, the woman freezes in place.

"Ms. Jones, Mr. Odinson." She says as the same couple from before walks over. "Are you visiting Spider-Man again?"

"Yes, can you take us to the elevators again?" Jessica nods.

"And be quick about it." Loki says as he makes a shooing motion with his hand.

"Of course." The secretary-like woman nods professionally as she motions toward the elevators. "Please follow along everyone."

"You're visiting Spider-Man as well?" Foggy asks.

"Yes, you too?" Jessica asks curiously.

As they were led to the elevators, Foggy started bragging about the job offer they were given.

'Even in Midgard, lawyers are dreadfully existences...' Loki thought as he did his best to ignore the mortal's ramblings.

Arriving at the elevators, Jarvis spoke through the speakers.

"Welcome, Spider-Man is expecting you." He says as the two groups leave behind the secretary and ascend upwards together.


The ride upward was fairly quiet and awkward as neither group knew the other. It also didn't help that Loki gave the two lawyers the cold shoulder, only holding back his sharp tongue for Jessicas sake.


As the doors opened, Foggys jaw dropped as he found Spider-Man leaning against the wall, waiting for their arrival.

"You're all early." Peter says as he looks between both groups. "Better than being late, I suppose."

Peter's imposing presence seems to have intimidated Foggy, as he's currently sweating and shaking nervously.

"Can we get this over with?" Loki says impatiently, receiving an elbow to the ribs in return from Jessica.

"Sure, come on." Peter says as he walks off.


Arriving in a good-sized meeting room, Peter took a seat at the head of a large table and motioned for the others to do the same.

Loki, being the man he is, took a seat at the other end of the table, while the others merely sat on the sides.

"Since you all arrived at the same time, let's get this settled in a single meeting, shall we?" Peter says as he looks at the two lawyers. "I'm guessing that you're both here to accept my offer?"

"Yes, we would gladly work as the Avenger's exclusive law firm, right?" Foggy answers instantly as he turns to Matt and kicks him under the table.

"...Yes, we would be honored." Matt says reluctantly.

"Good, then you can draw up the papers and-" Peter was stopped mid-sentence as Foggy cracked open his briefcase and pulled out a stack of papers.

"We have everything drawn up already." Foggy says as he eagerly hands over the contract.

"Good, I'll look this over tonight." Peter says as he skims through the pages briefly.

"Of course, here's our card." Foggy handed over a business card with their contact information on it.

"Thank you." Peter says as he pockets the card. "I'll call tomorrow."

"Thank you for this opportunity!" Foggy says excitedly. "It's such an honor."

"No problem." Peter says as he motions to the door. "You can take the same elevator down. Jarvis will assist you."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis' voice appears as the doors open on their own. "This was, please."

Just as Matt was standing up to join Foggy on the way out, Peter spoke up.

"Actually, Mr. Murdock. Would you mind staying for a moment?" Peter asks though Matt knew he wasn't really asking.

"Uhh, I don't know-" Matt starts but Foggy hurriedly cuts in.

"Yes, he'd love to." Foggy says as he gives his friend a pointed stare.

"Yeah, sure." He agrees and reluctantly takes his seat once again.


Once Foggy was gone, Peter turned to Daredevil with a smirk under his mask, and Matt could see it too.

"Welcome to the Avengers, Matt." Peter says, throwing away his former polite behavior.

"Must we have this conversation with strangers present?" Daredevil asks cautiously.

"Don't worry, they won't be strangers for long." Peter says with a shrug.

"Sigh." He had no words to say.

"Oh, don't act so glum." Peter says with a shrug. "The pros of joining the Avengers far outweigh the cons."

"He's joining as well?" Jessica asks curiously. "Does he have powers too?"

"He's blind. How powerful could he be?" Loki says with a scoff.

"..." Matt didn't bother responding to Loki's taunting words.

"In your current state, Matt here can beat you into the ground with ease." Peter says to Loki.

Although Loki has many more years of experience on his belt, he doesn't specialize in hand-to-hand combat nor would he be able to keep up with Matt's enhanced senses.

"..." Loki looked at Daredevil skeptically.

"Well, let's get you two started." Peter says as he taps the table.

Instantly, the door opened, and in walked a beautiful red-headed woman in a tight black combat suit.

"Matt, Jessica, this is Natasha." Peter does introductions. "Natasha, meet Matt and Jessica, our newest recruits as well as your new students."

A/N: 1548 words :)


[🤩200 Chapters in a row! Everyday without missing a single upload. If that doesn't deserve some stones, then I don't know what does 🤷‍♂️]

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