I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 202: Revealing Some Magic

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"...and lastly, this is one of the apartment floors." Natasha finished the tour by showing Matt and Jessica the apartments. "As members, both of you are allowed to move in. Most of them are empty at the moment as well."

"How much is the rent?" Jessica asks as she doesn't have a lot of money.

In fact, she's barely above the poverty level in yearly income.

Although Matt is a lawyer, he was in a similar situation to Jessica. Though he has some money saved up from his time at his old firm.

"It's free." Peter says from behind.

"Seriously?" Jessica asks as they walk through one of the apartments. "All of this is free?"

"Yes, Tony and I made sure that every Avenger would have a place to stay, though we may have gone a bit overboard..." Peter says as he admired the lavish apartment.

"You should see the penthouses for the council members." Natasha says, remembering the first time that she saw Fury's apartment. "They're ten times bigger than this."

"Damn..." Jessica mutters as she spins, admiring the large open apartment. "Do you help with moving as well?"

"Sure." Although she wasn't serious, Peter answers with a nod as he opened a portal to her apartment.

"Is that?" She points to the portal in shock.

"Yeah, just pick an apartment and I'll open a portal for you to move." Peter nods.

"How do you know where I live?" Jessica asks suspiciously, but before Peter could answer, her phone started going off. "Hold that thought."

Whipping out her phone, Jessica saw who was calling and sighed as she answered.

"What?" She asked as the sound of gunfire and screams of pain and panic came from the other end.

"?" Peter and Matt overheard everything as they listened in.

"Get that Spider to my location. These mortals are crazy." Loki says in a pained tone.

"Loki? Are you okay?" Jessica asks as she heard his strained voice.

While the two were talking, Peter turned his attention elsewhere.

"Jarvis, track Loki's location." He orders.

"No need, sir." Jarvis says as live images from surveillance cameras in some sort of fairground appeared on the TV. "It seems as though a gang war is being fought in Central Park."

"That's... odd." Peter mutters as he remembered the backstory to the Punisher Netflix show. 'Is this the attack on Frank and his family?'

Peter wasn't completely sure as his recollection of the MCU TV shows wasn't as good as the movies, though he was fairly certain.

"Okay, I'm heading out." Peter says as he opens a portal and leaps through.

As soon as the portal opened, the sound of deafening automatic gunfire filled the room.

Hesitating for just a moment, as they didn't have anything to hide their faces, Jessica and Matt second-guessed themselves before rushing to follow him through, but sadly, the portal snapped shut just before they could get in.


Leaping through the portal, Peter quickly assessed the situation. All around, people were screaming and running as gunfire from all sides of the fairground converged inwards.

Countless innocent people seemed to have taken stray bullets, as they littered the ground groaning and moaning in pain.

A small portion of these people have already died as well.

"Let's end this quickly." Peter mutters as he didn't want to lose any more victims.

With a wave of his hand, Peter conjured a spell circle, which quickly morphed into a golden dome that covered the entire fair, except for the gunmen, who were left outside the dome.

"What the..." A random goon said as he and others started unloading on the barrier.

Sadly for them, their bullets didn't penetrate or break the barrier, but they did bounce back and started slaughtering the men around them at random.

"Hold your fire!" Someone yelled and soon everyone stopped shooting.

As the surviving gunmen looked at the barrier in shock, some of them rushed to help those that were hit and load them into the cars.

"Let's get out of here." At least one person from each group said similar words. "I wasn't paid enough to deal with this..."

When they all were getting ready to drive off, as the police would be arriving soon enough anyway, they noticed an odd golden color coming from behind them as well.

"Sh*t!" Many of them cursed as they found a matching barrier blocking their escape.


Some tried to ram the barriers with their cars, but their efforts were useless. It was like running headfirst into a brick wall. The only thing that was destroyed was their cars.


As the barriers went up and the gunfire stopped, everyone inside the fair finally noticed Peter's presence.

"Spider-Man?!" A child yelled, which started a chain reaction, as everyone started calling his name and begging him for help.

Soon enough, the whole fair was filled with screams for help for those that were injured.

"QUIET!" Peter bellowed and everyone shut up in an instant. "Those that aren't hurt, get moving. I want everyone that's injured in front of me as quickly as possible."

They hesitated for just a second before people started moving with purpose, rushing all across the fair to find any gunshot victims.

Within seconds of his order, the first person was brought before him. It was a 7-year-old girl who was riddled with bullet holes.

Her parents were nowhere to be seen either.

Holding his hand out, Peter conjured a spell circle that vanished the bullets inside her body and closed her wounds in an instant. Even her Internal injuries were fixed in seconds.

"Next!" Peter called out, but no one moved.

Everyone was too shocked by what they saw. They all knew Spider-Man and his powers, but they didn't know he could heal people with such ease.

"I said NEXT!" Peter yelled like a drill sergeant. "We don't have time to spare. Move!"

Instantly, the shocked crowd took the girl away and another took her place.


This continued for a few minutes as countless half-dead gunshot victims, from the elderly to children down to the age of 4, were brought forward and healed over and over.

Although Peter wouldn't be able to recognize Frank Castle's family, as they weren't shown much in the show, he was able to spot the man himself.

'He looks just like the actor...' Peter thought as a barely conscious Punisher was brought up alongside a woman and two young children.

All of them were in far worse shape than anyone else that was brought forward. Each member of the castle family had at least 8 bullet holes littering their body.

Whereas Frank himself has more than 15 bloody holes in his chest and stomach.

'Make sense. He and his family are the targets for this whole attack, after all.' Peter thought as Frank was dropped before him.

"Wait..." Frank spoke through strained breaths. "My family... Save my family... first..."

As he spoke, he pointed at the woman and two children, who were currently in the queue behind him.

Frank has no idea what was happening, as his mind was borderline delusional from the loss of blood, but he knew enough upon seeing Spider-Man.

"Alright." Peter agreed easily as he stepped over Frank's body and started working his magic on the Castle family.

As Peter's golden magic enveloped his dying family, Frank's vision slowly turned black as he drifted off into unconsciousness.


After treating every living person in the fair, Peter could hear the sound of police sirens coming toward the area.

"Wait here!" Peter called out to the crowd of survivors, as he ran off and opened a portal away from view. 'Healing and barrier making isn't a big deal, but I'd like to keep my portals a secret from the public.'

Obviously, it wasn't much of a secret, as Shield and some other organizations already know about the portals, but Peter could only try his best to keep it away from the rest of the world for as long as possible.

Opening a portal, Peter appeared on a tree above the trapped gunmen and looked down at the blood-stained floor and injured bad guys.

'Did they start shooting each other?' Peter wondered as he jumped down, landing boot first on an armed biker's face.

"It's the Spider! Open fire!" Another biker yelled as Peter planted his now unconscious friend's head into the grass.

Although he yelled for them to shoot, everyone seems to have learned their lesson from earlier. After all, shooting with the barriers so close is far too dangerous.

"What's the matter? Out of bullets?" Peter asks as he rushes forward and starts beating the sh*t out of each biker one by one.

"I said shoot, you idiots!" The man that was throwing out orders before says as he pulls his trigger.

Stepping to the side, Peter easily dodged the entire clip of bullets that came his way.

Instantly, every biker that had a good head on their shoulders dived down onto the grassy floor.

As all of the bullets ricocheted off of the outer barrier and toward the inner barrier, they began to zigzag back and forth. Some of them impacted the cars while others hit some friendly bikers, sending them out of commission for the rest of the fight.

Though one of the strays dug itself into the head of the idiot that shot them in the first place, killing him in an instant.

"Huh... Now I know why you weren't shooting."

A/N: 1592 words :)



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