I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 205: Defenders Assemble!

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As the Castle family was settling into their new apartment, Peter ordered the interrogation of every captured gang member, starting with those who seemed to be charge.

Of course, he already went through their cars, phones, wallets, and other belongings, though this only confirmed their gang affiliations, which Peter already knew.

"Jarvis, find me the leaders of each gang. Mexican Cartel, Dogs of Hell, and Kitchen Irish." Peter says as he entered his office and took a seat. "Feel free to hack into any government records as well."

Although Peter has been fighting crime all over this city for almost three years, he always left the investigation work for the police.

He knew all of the major groups, though their inner workings weren't something that Peter ever cared much about.

'The police can handle it...' Peter always thought as he would usually leave evidence behind for them to follow.


Not long after asking, Jarvis started rapidly firing off information.

"Sir, I've compiled the necessary details..." Jarvis spoke as pictures and maps appeared on his computer screen. "The Dogs of Hell are a biker gang with chapters in both Nevada and New York. Jimmy "The Bear" is the leader of the Dogs of Hell based here in New York City. They tend to gather at the Dogs of Hell bar."

"Next, The Kitchen Irish is a mobster group, led by a man named Nesbitt. Their headquarters is the Burren Club, a restaurant in Hell's Kitchen."

"Lastly, the Mexican Cartel, also known as the Juarez Cartel, is a drug cartel based in Juarez, Mexico, mainly focusing on cocaine export to the United States of America. Their leader, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes lives in a heavily guarded compound in Juarez. They are the only group that isn't based in the City." Jarvis finished his information dump.

Going over everything on screen, Peter sits back and thinks for a moment.

"Send all of this to my phone." Peter orders as he walks to the door, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket.

"Sent, sir."


Walking down to the gym, as he knew that Frank was there, taking his anger out on the equipment, Peter decided to delegate some work to the new recruits.

Thankfully, almost every piece of equipment is enhanced to Peter's standards, so it was impossible for Frank to break anything.

"Yo!" Peter calls out as he walks in, though no one seemed to notice his arrival.

In the center of the gym was a reinforced boxing ring that Steve and Logan tended to use for sparing.

Stood around the ring, Natasha, Jessica, and Loki watched as Daredevil and Punisher fought with boxing gloves on each of their hands.

Though it wasn't really much of a fight, as Matt's enhanced senses made it impossible for Frank to land any sort of hit on him.

"Ugh..." Frank grunted as he swung a fist forward, aiming for his opponent's solar plexus.

Of course, Matt sidestepped the attack with ease and responded in turn, sending a matching attack to Frank's unguarded ribs, which landed perfectly and knocked him off of his feet.

"..." Frank remained silent in defeat as he felt pain in every organ of his body.

"And that's what happens when we underestimate our opponent." Natasha entered teacher mode as she lectured Jessica.

"I admit, he's quite the skilled warrior, for a cripple..." Loki comments from the side.

"Thanks, I think?" Matt says unsurely as he reaches a hand out to his fallen opponent. "You okay?"

"Yeah..." Frank says as he ignores Matt's outstretched hand and picks himself up off of the floor.

"Don't be such a sore loser, Frank." Peter says as everyone turns, finally noticing his presence. "In fact, you should get used to losing, as it'll be almost impossible to find a weaker opponent here."

"Spidey, what are you doing here?" Natasha asks as Frank leaned on the ropes and sulked.

"Well, I thought that I'd invite all of you on a little field trip." Peter says with open arms, though no one looked as excited as he expected.

"Where to?" Matt asks as he hops out of the ring.

"Well..." Peter says as he turns to Frank. "We have a few gang leaders to visit. Would you like to join us, Frank? After all, this pertains to the attack on your family."

"Am I allowed to leave this prison?" He answers with a heavy bit of dissatisfaction.

"With my supervision, yes." Peter nods.

"Then I'm in." Frank nods as he slips out of the ring.

"Good..." Peter says as he looks at Black Widow. "Natasha, please outfit everyone with whatever they'll need and meet me in my office when you're ready to head out."

"Sir, Yes sir." She says mockingly as Peter walks off.


An hour passed and the group was brought to Peter's office. Each of them were suited up and armed with whatever they asked for.

Jessica wore a body suit that matched Natashas without a single weapon, as her strength was enough.

Frank wound up dressed as a true marine, ready for war with his assault rifle and a plethora of other weaponry.

Matt wore black hooded tactical gear, which made him look almost like a modern assassin's creed character. Across his back was a black katana, while all sorts of knives were strapped along his body as well.

On top of all of their new gear, each of them wore masks, which would keep their identity safe.

Loki, on the other hand, wore the same clothes as usual, though he was armed to the teeth with a machine gun across his back, two pistols holstered under his jacket, and multiple knives hidden across his body.

Without his powers, Loki only had his body to use as a weapon, but his injury in Central Park the other day taught him a valuable lesson.

He needed mortal weapons.

"Loki, will you be joining us?" Peter asks, as he didn't expect the pompous prince to offer any assistance.

"Yes..." Loki answers in a challenging tone. "Is that a problem?"

"No, your always welcome." Peter was more than happy to have Loki around, as it would be easier to keep track of any of his mischief.

Not only that, but Peter could do his best to turn Loki to their side. A friendly Loki would be a huge asset to the Avengers, after all.

"Alright, our first target is a man named Nesbitt." Peter says as the man's photo appears on screen. "We need to capture him alive, so memorize his appearance now."


After giving them some time to familiarize themselves with the target, Peter waved his hand and opened a portal.

Stepping through to a rooftop in Hell's Kitchen, followed by Natasha and her group of ducklings, Peter motioned towards the restaurant across the street.

"He's in there." Peter says as he takes a seat at the edge of the building. "Go get him. Natasha's in charge. Follow her orders or there will be consequences."

"You won't be joining us?" Natasha asks.

"Nah, the newbies need the experience." Peter says with a shrug.

"..." Loki scowled and tightened his fists unhappily.

Although he wanted to tag along in the first place, hearing Peter treat him like some sort of lackey was infuriating.

"Alright, let's go." Natasha calls out as she parkours down the building's fire escape.


The group watched for a moment, as she descended the building with the grace of a master gymnast.

"You heard her." Peter's voice snaps them out of it. "Get moving."


-Burren Club-

"I said pack faster, you bumbling idiots!" A bald Irishman in a fancy suit yells angrily as he paces back and forth across the room.

All around the him, men in lesser suits were boxing up all sorts of weapons and large stacks of cash.

Ever since Spider-Man captured his men, Nesbitt was stuck with a choice. Either stay and fight a losing battle or pack up and return to Ireland with his tail between his legs.

Of course, he chose the latter option.

After all, Spider-Man and the Avenger wasn't something an ordinary Mob of criminals could deal with.

'I knew the risks...' Nesbitt thought as he recalled the deal he made a few days ago.

In exchange for an ungodly amount of firepower, Nesbitt agreed to kill a marine and his family, which wasn't exactly risky on its own.

What made the plan risky, was the fact that it would take place in New York City, the home of the Avengers.

Earths mightiest heroes.

Sadly for him, the plan failed spectacularly and now it was time to hit the road before his captured men could rat him out to Spider-Man.

"Sir, we're ready to go." A man calls out, but before anyone could reply, the windows broke open as multiple masked figures leaped inside.

"What the f*ck!?" A man with a thick Irish accent exclaims.

The intruders didn't waste a single second as they took aim at the shocked group of Irishmen and opened fire, filling the building with the sound of gunfire.

A/N: 1516 words :)




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