I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 207: Juarez Cartel

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Arriving on an empty dirt road in Juarez Mexica, Peter and the current makeshift group of Defenders could see a large villa-looking compound in the distance.

"This is where we'll most likely find out some interesting information." Peter says to the group as he motions to the compound. "Compared to the Juarez Cártel, the Dogs of Hell and Kitchen Irish might as well be stray dogs and leprechauns. They are the biggest exporter of cocaine on this side of the globe, so I expect them to have better information networks, which they've hopefully used to look into the Blacksmith."

Hearing Peter's quick description, each of them looks down at the picture they were provided earlier in the day.

Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, a chubby older man with greying hair, who wore a very expensive-looking suit.

"Unless there are innocent bystanders or children inside, everyone in that villa could die for all I care." Peter says with an uncaring shrug.

After all, the Juarez Cártel are known to commit some pretty vile acts, like killing the families of snitches and police officers, or just gruesome things, like carving off people's skin while they're still alive as a punishment before death.

There's a reason why they are so infamous all around Mexico. Fear can bring any organization a lot of respect and influence.

It's safe to say that Peter didn't hold an ounce of sympathy for the criminals in that compound.

"..." Everyone just took in the view as Peter finished taking.

"What are you waiting for?" Peter asks as he makes a shooing motion toward the villa. "Get going."

As everyone was walking off, Loki turned toward Peter with a glare.

"Bossy pr*ck..." Loki huffed as he left to catch up with Jessica and the others.


Fuentes Villa, Balcony.

"Sir, I think we should seriously consider abandoning Mexico and going into hiding." A casually dressed Spanish man in a cowboy hat says seriously. "At least until we know that the Avengers have moved onto something else..."

News of the Avengers raiding the headquarters of the Dogs of Hell and Kitchen Irish reached the Juarez Cartels ear only moments ago.

"No." Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, the big boss of the cartel refused with an uncaring wave. "This isn't the United States, where those mutant clowns can do as they wish."

"Right!" A younger man, who stood at the side of Vicente exclaimed. "This is Juarez. We own this land and anyone who steps out of line will know the consequences."

As he says this, his hand goes toward his waist, where a golden desert eagle sat strapped to his hip.

"Good." Vicente smiles and places a hand on the young man's shoulder. "You have the right mindset, my son."


Just as the father and son were having a 'heartwarming' moment, a black throwing knife flew through the air and landed in the forehead of the grunt with the cowboy hat.

"What the..." Vicente mutters in shock as one of his most trusted subordinates fell to the floor, dead.

As soon as his body touched the floor, the whole compound spiraled into chaos. Gunfire filled the air and alarms started blaring, calling the whole Cartel into battle.

Across the walls of the villa fortress, Juárez Cártel members with assault rifles were being picked off one by one, as screams of pain and death grew closer and closer to the heart of the villa.

"Uhhh... dad." His son shakes him out of his stupor, pointing over his father's shoulder.

"Hello!" A beautiful woman with vibrant red hair laid out like a model on a long sunbathing chair, twirling two other matching knives between her fingers. "I'm going to need you two to wait here patiently while we clean up the surroundings."

The two men quickly shrugged off their shock, as what self-respecting Cártel man would ever fear a woman?

Especially such a stunning one like Natasha...

"You don't tell us what to do b*tch!" Vicente's son shouts haughtily as he reaches toward his crotch and grabs his family jewels. "Why don't you come over here and-"

Before he could finish his obviously sexual offer, Natasha flicked her wrist and one of the knives in her hand disappeared.

"Aaaahh!" The grotesque young man's smirk instantly disappeared as a black throwing knife pierced the back of his hand, pinning his hand to his crotch, which certainly took some damage as well.

After all, Natashas knives are quite long...

"I'm saving my chastity for god." Natasha smiles like an innocent nun. "Or is it Jesus? I can never remember...'

"Javier!" Vicente shouts in alarm as his son collapses onto the floor.

"Aaaahhh!" Javier felt excruciating pain as he tried pulling the knife out, his hand and crotch both leaking blood in the process.

"I would stop him if I were you." Natasha says as the sounds of gunfire in their surroundings slowly simmer down. "He'll only bleed out faster if the wound is unclogged."

"..." Looking down at his son, who was writhing in agony, Vicente grabbed his hand and pushed, sheathing the knife back into place.

"Aaahh!" Javier screamed as he looked at his father in betrayal. "W-why?"

"Because you'll die otherwise..." Vicente says as he looks between his son's golden pistol and the mysterious woman on his balcony.

Reaching for the gun with as much stealth as he could muster, Vicente decided to take a chance.

After all, he didn't run a trillion-dollar drug empire without winning some risky bets.


Just as he was about to grasp the desert eagle, a shadow loomed over him and a heavy military boot stomped onto his hand.

"Aaahhh!" Vicente joined his son in pain-filled screaming.

As the sickening sound of breaking bones filled the air, a hand swooped down and grabbed the golden pistol before walking off, leaving a mangled hand behind.

"Seriously? A solid gold Desert Eagle?" Frank mutters as he pops out the clip, wondering whether the bullets were of similar quality. "These guys have way too much money."

"The Cartel cocaine business is a trillion-dollar industry." Matt says as he walks in behind Frank.

"Eww!" Jessica groaned in disgust as she saw the man with a knife in his crotch and looks at Natasha questioningly.

"He was being a pig..." Natasha shrugs.

"I wish that I could do that to a lot of men back in New York..." Jessica admits as she averts her gaze.

"Women are scary creatures." Loki comments with a shake of his head, feeling sympathy for Javier's situation.

"You just figure that out?" Frank asks with a raised brow. "Didn't you say that you're a thousand-year-old god or something?"

Of course, Frank's voice carried a huge amount of sarcasm and disbelief.

"Want to find out?" Loki says challengingly as a dagger appears in his hand.

Without magic, he has had to rely on sleight of hand to have his fun.

"..." As the tension started to rise between both parties, a red and blue blur dropped down onto the balcony. "That's enough."

"Spider-Man..." Vicente grunts out as he climbs to his feet, cradling his broken hand in the process. "What do you want?"

"Straight to the point. I like that." Peter says as he walks over and takes a look at the man's emasculated son. "Well, on the bright side, he could have a thriving career as a eunuch after this."

"I said what do you want!" Vicente grasped his fists tightly as he keeps his gaze trained on Peter.

"Right, my apologies. I'm sure he'll need a hospital as soon as possible." Peter says as he takes a seat on a padded outdoor chair. "Tell me everything you know about the Blacksmith."

"..." Vicente seemed to clam up for a moment as he looked toward his son.

"Well, come on." Peter says as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. "I'm sure he won't last much longer. I mean, how far is the nearest hospital anyway?"

"The nearest hospital is 33.4 miles away, sir." Jarvis' voice echoes from Peter's phone.

"Hear that?" Peter asks, snapping Vicente from his silence. "Even if you leave now, he might not make it... Unless you have a helicopter-"


The helicopter that was parked in the courtyard below the balcony exploded with a fiery blast, sending a trail of black smoke up into the sky.

"Oops..." Frank says as he held a detonator in hand.

"..." Vicente gnashed his teeth as he stared at Peter and his group with nothing but overwhelming hatred. "Fine..."


After hearing everything Vicente had to say, Frank wore a look of pure betrayal on his face as he executed the cartel father and son with a single bullet to their heads.

"It's not possible..."

A/N: 1465 words

[just gimme da stones! I'm too lazy today.]


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