I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 212: Nidavellir

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"Actually, I came to ask for a favor, though we will be staying to enjoy some sightseeing in Asgard." Peter says as he points over to MJ's suitcase. "Silk has been excited for me to bring her here for while."

"Spectacular!" Thor's voice booms as he happily raised his arms. "I will personally show you all that my home has to offer!"

"You said something about a favor?" Frigga speaks up from the side.

"Yes, whatever it is, it shall be done." Thor nods as his mother looks toward him disapprovingly.

"Thor, how many times do I have to tell you that your words as the King of Asgard mean far more than you can imagine? Do not agree to anything before you fully understand what's going on." Frigga says seriously.

Although she didn't think Peter would take advantage of Thor, others with a more nefarious mindset would jump at the opportunity to swindle Asgard out of its countless treasures and powerful artifacts.

"Well, now that I know it can be anything..." Peter says jokingly as he starts listing off impossible demands. "...Oh, and I'll take Mjølnir back."

As he says this, Peter moves quickly and grabs the hammer off of Thor's belt, lifting it with ease.

"Huh, I guess she still likes me..." Peter says and twirls Mjolnir between his fingers as lighting crackles all around his body.

"Mjolnir isn't a she..." Thor says as he holds his hand out and called his trusty hammer back, ripping Mjolnir from Peter's grasp. "Now, what do you actually need?"

"You're so mean..." Peter playfully whines like a child. "I was finally reunited with Mjolnir and you snatch her away so suddenly."

"Sigh..." Thor heaves a calming breath before throwing his hammer back to Peter, who caught it without trouble.

"Thor!" Frigga looked for her son in disapproval.

"What? He's not going to steal it." Thor says as he looks toward Peter, who was covered in lightning again. "Now, what's this favor you need?"

"I need a referral letter or something so that the Dwarves in Nidavellir will craft me a weapon." Peter says as he plays around with Mjolnir. "Although I don't regret giving you your hammer back, as it never belonged to me in the first place, I've found that I want a weapon of my own now."

Of course, Peter was lying out of his a*s, as he didn't want anyone to know about the Infinity Stones or his plan to wield them in the future.

Even his plan for the Dwarves will hopefully keep them in the dark as well, though that will be put to the test when they see the blueprints.

"That's it?" Thor says as if it wasn't a big deal to commission a weapon from Nidavellir.

Even his mother didn't seem phased by Peter's request.

"I'll have something written up by the time your welcome feast begins!" Thor says grandly.

"Welcome feast?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, you'll find that Asgardians, like many humans in our world, love drinking, partying, and fighting." Peter says with a shrug as he tosses Mjolnir back to Thor, who was nodding along to his friend's assessment of his people.

"I take offense to that." Frigga says, knowing that this wasn't completely true. "Yes, the warriors of Asgard like fighting and drinking, but the rest of our population are a different story."

"What percentage of Asgardians are warriors?" Peter asks.

"...70%" Frigga answers reluctantly.

"If the majority of your population loves drinking and fighting, then I think that is enough to represent them as a whole." Peter says with a shrug. "It's not necessarily a bad thing though."

"..." Frigga didn't look pleased, though she knew that Peter was correct.

She only wished Asgard was a bit more refined. Partying and drinking was one thing, but the amount of duels between warriors, which the royal family has to sometimes oversee, depending on the status of the participants, is a lot.


After speaking for a while longer, Peter and MJ were whisked off by Thor, who showed them around until the feast was prepared.

MJ was awestruck for most of the tour, which was cute since she wasn't easily impressed by things like architecture.

When the time came for the feast, Peter and MJ arrived early to find the throne room filled with long tables, chairs, and decorations.

Servants ran here and there, like chickens with their heads cut off, working as fast as they could to lay out food and ale for the coming swarm of high-standing Asgardians, who would arrive within the hour.

Looking up at the table placed in front of the throne, Peter found a very familiar woman seated next to Thor.

"Dr. Foster, it's good to see you again." Peter says as he and MJ could see the two of them talking intimately with one another. 'Are they together already?'

Since Asgard never lost its Bifrost, thanks to Peter's interference in Loki's schemes, Thor wasn't trapped in Asgard and separated from Jane, like their movie counterparts were.

"My friend!" Thor bellows as he stood from his throne. "Come and join us!"


As the room began to fill, Peter talked with Jane, wondering if she was looking into the convergence yet.

The Convergence is a cosmic event that occurs every 5,000 years when all Nine Realms are placed into alignment.

This alignment causes the dimensional boundaries between each realm to become thin, resulting in various physical and hyperdimensional anomalies occurring at random.

These phenomena include shifts in gravity, spatial extrusions, and the fabric of reality potentially tearing apart.

During a Convergence in 2988 B.C., Malekith, the king of the Dark Elves sought to take advantage of the weakened boundaries between the realms to use a powerful weapon known as the Aether to revert the universe to the primordial state of darkness in which his race had once thrived.

These attempts were thwarted by the Asgardians under the command of their king, Bor.

Thor's Grandfather.

Following their crushing defeat, Malekith and the surviving Dark Elves retreated, entering a prolonged hibernation until the time of the next Convergence in 2013.

'It's already 2013...' Peter thought as he probed for information. "Other than visiting your alien boyfriend, what have you been up to? Still studying wormholes?"

Hearing Peter call them out without any care or shame, Jane blushed a bit while Thor simply laughed and reached an arm around her waist.

"Well, I was working for Shield for a while, but that didn't exactly work out. As for my recent work, that's a bit complicated..." Jane answers, unwilling to divulge her secrets.

"Are you still traveling and chasing anomalies?" Peter asks an important question.

In the movie, Jane and her crew moved to London before the Convergence took place.

"No, Selvig has been having a hard time lately, so I moved to London to look after him." Jane answers sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Peter says sympathetically. 'Didn't he go insane in the movies or something?'


After enjoying the party for a while, Peter and MJ were ready to call it a night.

As they made their way through the crowded hall, Thor ran up to Peter, smelling of alcohol and cooked meat.

"My friend!" He says with a bit of a slur as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a letter, which was sealed shut in red wax, depicting the crest of the Asgardian Royal Family. "Bring this to King Eitri and he will make whatever you wish."

"Thank you, Thor." Peter says as he carefully takes the letter and throws it into a portal for safekeeping. "If you need help with anything, just let me know and I'll be there."

"Haha! Of course!" Thor says as he lifts a nearby barrel over his head and starts drinking from it.


That night, while MJ slept and Thor partied in the throne room, Peter opened up a portal to the home of the Dwarves, Nidavellir.

Nidavellir is a neutron star, which is orbited by a multi-ringed megastructure that serves as the homeworld of the Dwarves.

Peter appeared in the lobby of a huge forge, filled with all sorts of Dwarves, who all seemed to be working on their own projects.

Some were hammering away at hot pieces of metal, while others were pouring giant vats of molten liquid into molds.

For dwarves, they all looked to be of normal height with beefy bodies, except for one of them who appeared to be a giant version of Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones.

[Insert picture of King Eitri here]

"Intruder!" One of the Dwarves called out as they all turned in Peter's direction.


A/N: 1448 words :)

[im too lazy today. Just give stones pls.]


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