I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 228: Sad Boi Hours

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"I think my brother is visiting..." Loki mutters as he gets up and paces out of the door.

"What? Wait!" Jessica jumped out of her chair and rushed to catch up with Loki, who was already at the elevators. "Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving before the King of pompous muscle heads can find me." Loki says as he hits the down button on the elevator and waits for it to arrive.

"Why? He's your brother." Jessica asks as the elevator doors open.

"No, he isn't." Loki argues and he steps into the elevator and hits the button for the ground floor.

"Yes, he is." Jessica argues back as she follows him inside. "I'm adopted too, but my sister is still my sister. I don't know everything about your family, but you shouldn't write them off like this."

"That's exactly right." Loki turns to Jessica as the doors close, locking them inside alone. "You know nothing so keep your mouth shut."

"..." Silence fills the small space as the two of them glare into each other's eyes.

"Wait..." Jessica says in confusion as she turns to look at the doors.

"What about keeping your mouth shut didn't you understand?" Loki scoffs as he leans against the wall.

"We're going up, you idiot." She informs him with a vindictive smirk on her face.

"Huh?" Loki grunted as he looked above the door and saw the displayed number climbing higher and higher.

"Looks like we're meeting your brother after all." Jessica says, enjoying the look on Loki's face.

"!" Loki hopped into action and started spamming the buttons, hoping to redirect the elevator back downward somehow.


After a few moments of failing to redirect the elevator, Loki watched in horror as the elevator doors opened, revealing a smirking Thor on the other side.

"Brother!" Thor exclaims as he pulls Loki out of the elevator and into a big hug.

"Get off of me..." Loki says as he struggles to escape Thor's grasp.

"That's the scowl I've been missing." Thor smiles warmly as Loki pulled away.

"Why are you here?" Loki asks, looking at his brother as if he were a nuisance. "Shouldn't you be sitting on your throne, enjoying the perks of sovereignty?"

"Eh, being a King has its pros and cons." Thor says with a shrug as he reaches out to place a hand on Loki's shoulder. "But enough about me. How have you been brother?"

"Fine." Loki answers simply as he steps back into the elevator and hits the button for the ground floor for a second time. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Sadly for him, the elevator didn't respond, remaining open and unmoving.

"..." After waiting for a few moments, Loki's glare turned to Peter, who stood behind Thor, leaning against the wall casually. "This is your doing, isn't it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Peter feigns ignorance as Jessica walks up to Thor.

"So, you're Loki's brother..." She says as she eyes him up and down. "You don't seem that bad."

"Well, I wouldn't trust much of what comes out of my Dear Brother's mouth. He tends to make himself out to be the victim." Thor says rather eloquently.

"What?" Loki asks incredulously. "Don't presume to know how I think. You may burst a blood vessel."

Loki glares at Thor for a moment before shooing him away.

"If your plans were to see me, then be on your way. I have no need for you." Loki says dismissively.

"Nah, mother is handling everything for me today, so I'm free all day." Thor says with a smirk. "Speaking of our mother, she told me to give you this."

Thor hands over a sealed letter, which had Loki's name written in cursive on the front.

"Tell your mother that I'm not interested." Loki says as he makes no move to take the letter. "I was never her son, nor was I your brother."

"Do you see what I mean now?" Thor turns to Jessica with a look that said 'I told you so'.

"Yeah, I think I am." She nods as she looks back at Loki in confusion. "Loki, stop acting like a petulant child and take the letter from your mother! I'm sure she's been worried sick."

"..." Rolling his eyes, Loki ignores Jessica and looks to Peter once again. "Either you let me go or I will make your life a living hell. I may be powerless at the moment, but I assure you, that won't stop me."

"Sigh, you're no fun, Loki." Peter mutters as he looks at a nearby security camera. "Jarvis, let him go."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers as the elevator doors close, leaving Peter, Thor, and Jessica in the hallway.

"Loki has changed..." Thor says with a fond smile, surprising Peter and Jessica, who didn't know Loki as well as him.

"He seems the same to me." Peter says in confusion.

"The Loki I know wouldn't run away so easily. He would stay and annoy me to no end with quips and insults." Thor says as he looked down at his mother's letter and sighs. "I just hope that he'll continue to change for the better."

"I can take the letter to him, if you want." Jessica says as she reaches out to take it.

"Sure, I don't know how mother would react if I came back with the letter, so this may be for the best." Thor says as he handed it over.

"Don't worry, he'll read it." Jessica says as she hits down on the elevator, ready to go after Loki.

Just as it opened again, Thor called out to her.

"Lady Jess." Thor says, stopping her in her tracks. "Try to be patient with Loki. He has always boasted about being the smarter brother, but when it comes to love, he's an absolute idiot."

"?" Jessica was shocked by Thor's words of advice.

Thankfully for her, the elevator doors swiftly closed, cutting the conversation short and leaving Thor and Peter alone in the hallway.

"Well, that was entertaining, but Clint is probably waiting." Peter says as he walks off. "Come on."


Shaking off Thor's words, Jessica rushed to catch up to Loki, who she found walking down a crowded sidewalk with a deep scowl haunting his face.

"Hey, Pr*ck!" Jessica called out as she rushed over and grabbed him by the neck.

"Huh?!" Loki grunted as he was lifted off of the ground by a single hand and thrown into a dark alley.

Holding his neck and coughing, Loki sat up off the ground and found a very familiar woman standing in front of him with her hand on her hip.

"Why must you act like an animal?" Loki says as he glares up at her.

"Shut up and read your letter." Jessica says as she holds it out to him

"Why do you care so much?" Loki asks, but before she could answer, a taunting smile appears on his face. "What? Does poor little Jessica want to live vicariously through me? Maybe experience some motherly love?"

Jessica's mother died alongside the rest of her family when she was younger, and Loki knew this.

"You really are a spoiled little sh*t, aren't you?" Jessica uttered in frustration. "You have a mother who loves you... I would kill for that. My mother is long dead and the adoptive one I got afterward was a vindictive b•tch. You should appreciate what you have while it lasts instead of acting like some coddled teenage girl."

Ignoring the wide eyes of Loki, who had no words to argue back, Jessica tore Friggas letter open and read it aloud.

'If he isn't going to read it, then I'll force him to listen.' Jessica thought as she spoke. "Dear, Loki. During your time away, I have done nothing but worry. I know some punishment is needed for what you've done, but this may have been a bit much. Though, maybe I'm wrong. After all, your father would always say that I spoil you and Thor too much..."

"...I just wish that you could come home already. Everything feels so empty without you here causing trouble." As Jessica read more and more, Loki's eyes began to water. "I've always tried my best to be a good mother, but recently I've started to second-guess myself. I look back on simpler times and wonder 'Did I give you enough love and attention?'."

A single tear rolled down Loki's cheek, though he quickly wiped it so no one could see.

"I know for a fact that your father didn't. He was always such a distant man, but I worry that I didn't show you just how much I truly love you. Did I say it enough? Did I hug you enough? Did I spend enough time? I can't answer these questions and that scares me." Jessica paused for a moment to wipe a few stray tears from her eyes before continuing.

Peaking over the paper, Jessica looked into the red eyes of Loki, who was doing his best to hold back tears.

"Please come home soon. I need my son back. If your brother can find his way back, then so can you. Don't keep us waiting long. It's lonely here without you. I love you, Loki. Signed, Your Mother, Frigga." Jessica lowers the paper and looks Loki in the eyes. "Wow, it must be so horrible having such a loving family. I couldn't even imagine it."

"..." Loki doesn't reply as he stared off into the distance.

Without another word, Jessica throws the letter in Loki's face and storms off.


Looking down, tears fell from Loki's eyes as he saw his mother's letter laying in a puddle.

A/N: 1618 words

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