I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 230: Body Formation

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Another month passed and Peter spent almost all of his time invested in building Lily's body.

By this point, Peter had every bit of bone, organ, tendon, muscle, skin, and vein ready and waiting. He even had a pre-measured amount of things like blood, fat, and flesh.

Looking at his collection of body parts, Peter couldn't help but feel like some sort of serial killer.

'If someone walked in on me right now, they would certainly see me as some deranged lunatic...' Peter thought with a shake of his head.


Since he didn't want to make Lily into some sort of zombie Frankenstein monster, Peter returned to the library of Kamar-Taj and poured through book after book, looking for a way to combine every he had into a singular perfect body.

Though sadly, not a single book in the normal sections had what he was looking for.

'Did she remove any books related to human experimentation?' Peter wondered as it seemed like something the Ancient One would do.

Since the normal side of the library didn't have what he needed, Peter checked the restricted section next.

Although he is supposed to ask his teacher before taking any books from this particular section, she wasn't currently available, so Peter simply lied to the librarian.

"Do you have permission from the Ancient One?" An elderly man asks from behind his desk.

"Of course." Peter says as he leaves the man to his crossword puzzle and starts perusing the locked-up books.

Being a student of the Ancient One has many perks, but the best one of all is the fact that everyone takes Peter's word for his teachers.

If he was anyone else, the elderly librarian would have thrown him out and asked the Ancient One for confirmation, yet Peter gets a pass in situations like this.

The librarian didn't even stand from his chair let alone bother himself with whatever Peter was up to.


As Peter looked through the much more dangerous section of the library, he instantly found three books related to human experimentation.

One book was about using dead animals to give humans animalistic properties, while another wrote about healing the body with human sacrifice.

'No wonder these are locked up...' Peter thought in disgust as he saw a page depicting a human-pig variant, which looked about as ugly and monstrous as it could possibly be. 'I'm definitely staying far away from that book.'


After looking through the restricted section for almost an hour, Peter found two books that should be able to help him.

The first one is a book about reattaching lost limbs through, once again, human sacrifice, while the other is similar but pertains more to organ transplants.

Using those two books, Peter would have to build his own spell to, hopefully, put Lily's body together in an instant.

Of course, without the human sacrifice portion.

Taking the books, Peter signed them out under his name and left as usual.

'The Ancient One would probably find out about this soon enough...' Peter thought, knowing that he would get a stern talking to when his teacher returned from whatever dimension she ran off to.

-Flashback End-

With the right books in his possession, Peter spent the whole month making the ingredients for his daughter's body, while also crafting a complicated new spell.

Thankfully, he had some experience in spell crafting, so it didn't take that long before he had everything made and ready as he wanted.

Turning his back to the serial killer's wall of body parts, Peter picked up a fresh-looking book and opened it up to a certain page, where he found his newest spell.

The body formation spell.

A diagram was drawn, showing the structure of the spell circle, as well as the ingredients needed and their placement.

Below all of that was a long paragraph, written in a mix of multiple dead languages, which he would use as a chant for the spell.

The book itself is Peter's own personal spell book, detailing every spell he has ever made just in case he were to forget them.

Though, the main reason was that he liked the idea of having his own spell book.

'It's finally time...' Peter thought as he started setting everything up.


That night, blood and body parts filled the floors of Peter's lab in an intricate design, which really made the place look like a gruesome crime scene.

The only things that stood out among the flesh and blood were the forged bones and a brain-shaped piece of tech, which would take the place of Lily's actual brain, as he needed to download her consciousness somehow.

Though that wasn't the only reason.

With a normal human brain, Lily would be held back by light years compared to a machine brain, like this one, which was made with the combined tech from both of the Kree and Chitauri ships.

The current human technology just wouldn't cut it for something like this, so Peter had to try something different.

Hence the alien tech brain.

"Okay..." Peter muttered with a small sigh. "Let's hope nothing goes wrong."

As Peter spoke, he took out his spell book and started chanting in an unknown language.

Instantly, a complicated golden spell circle drew itself in front of him, before expanding to cover the intricately placed body parts.

Soon enough, the giant spell circle lowered down onto the ingredients, getting brighter and brighter as it descended.

When the room was covered in a blinding light, Peter finished chanting and covered his eyes.

As the magical flash bang settled down and disappeared, Peter opened his eyes to find the naked body of a 10-year-old girl on the floor.

She had dark black hair and a skin tone that was only a few shades lighter than her Mother, though one thing drew Peter's attention immediately.

'Are those organic web shooters?' Peter caught sight of the small holes on the bodies wrists, matching the same holes on Peter and MJ's bodies.

Although she lay there lifelessly, Peter could see the rise and fall of her diaphragm, showing that she was alive and breathing.

"She needs some clothes..." Peter broke from his stupor and waved his hand, conjuring some casual clothes onto his daughter's body.

[Insert picture of Lily here. The best one will get a like from me, making her appearance official]

With her body made, Peter needed to run some tests, so he picked the body up princess-style and carried it over to a table.

Setting her down, Peter turned her head to the side and found an access port at the back, which he unlocked with his fingerprint and plugged a long cable into.

Tapping a few buttons on his keyboard, Lily's body shot up off of the table and started to move robotically.

"Motor functions seem to be working properly..." Peter muttered as he hit another button, which sent Lily's body into action again.


After spending the whole night sleeplessly testing his daughter's body for any errors or mistakes, Peter finally finished everything by lunchtime on the following day.

"No problems whatsoever..." Peter muttered with a relieved sigh.

Lily's body was perfect.

It didn't have any diseases, disabilities, tumors, or any functional issues whatsoever.

Opening a portal to his penthouse, Peter was excited to tell Lily the good news but...

"...Thunderstruck, thunderstruck. Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck, thunderstruck. Yeah, yeah, yeah, said, yeah, it's alright, we're doin' fine!" Loud music was blasted in the penthouse.

As Peter stepped inside, he found Tony holding the mouse to Lily's terminal and singing into it like a microphone, though no one would be able to hear his voice over the deafening sounds of AC/DC.

Walking over to the computer, Peter hit the space bar, which paused the song.

"Thunderstruck! Yeah yeah yeah!" Tony continued to sing even after the music stopped.

"Uncle Tony? What happened to the music?" Lily asked as Peter wasn't in frame for her to see.

"Huh?" Tony finally noticed that the music was gone. "Peter?"

"Dad?" Lily asked.

"Yep, I see that you're teaching my daughter about rock and roll." Peter says as he takes a seat in front of the camera. "Hello, sweetie."

"Dad, why did you stop the music?" Lily asked, sounding not so happy about it.

"You tell him." Tony adds fuel to the fire for his own amusement. "Your father just doesn't respect the classics."

"Oh, forgive me." Peter says as he pretends to be apologetic. "I just finished your body, but if you'd rather listen to music with your clown of an Uncle, then I won't bother you."

Without another word, Peter gets up and walks slowly toward his portal.


A/N: 1459 words :)

🔆Insert best dancing gif here. The winner is the one that gets the most likes.🔆


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