I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 238: Family Weakness

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As soon as he realized who the little boy running around his house actually was, Peter walked off in shock and hopped into the shower, leaving the woman in his life confused by his odd behavior.

'Either he's some lookalike with the same name, which isn't very likely, or that kid is the real Miles Morales...' Peter thought as the hot water poured over his body.

The question was would this Miles get spider-related powers or not?

Just the fact that he is Miles Morales makes it highly likely that he'll be bestowed some sort of powers sooner or later.

'I wonder what he would call himself...' Peter thought as he finished up in the shower and got dressed in some clean clothes.

Since Peter's alive and has no plans of dying anytime soon, Miles wouldn't be able to take up the Spider-Man mantle, leaving him no choice but to pick a different name.

Leaving the bathroom, Peter went to his room and tiredly crawled into bed, thinking about what to do about his daughter's newest friend.

"I win!" Peter heard Lily yelling and laugh from the living room.

'I'll just leave the kid alone. If he gets some spider-related powers, then I'll help him out. Otherwise, I'll just treat him normally.' Peter thought as he drifted off to sleep, tired from traveling across the world and casting so many spells.


Arriving in New York City by nightfall, Bucky started surveillance on the Avengers Tower, waiting for Fury to make an appearance.

Based on the information in the file, he knew that Fury spent most of his time in the Tower, where he even had a penthouse apartment to spend his nights.

Sitting snugly across the street in a window on the lower floors of a skyscraper, the Winter Soldier peered through a sniper's scope at the main entrance of the Avengers Tower.

Hours passed as all sorts of people came and left, but not a single one of the matched the description of his target.

'This is pointless...' Bucky thought as he packed up and left the building.

The sniper plan was worth a try, but Fury was far too experienced to simply walk out into his cross heir.

'He most likely takes some sort of hidden exit...' He thought as he opened Fury's file in in the car and thought of his next move.

Flipping through Nick Fury's file, Bucky found an interesting piece of information.

Known family...

The file detailed a secret wife and daughter, whom Fury hid from everyone but his most trusted agents, who guard the two women on occasion.

The only reason Hydra knew about Grace and MJ was thanks to one of their plants, who happened to be good friends with one of Fury's most trusted agents.

After a few drinks among friends, the secret was uttered in a hushed whisper and by the next day, Hydra was informed of Nicholas Fury's best-kept secret.

His family.

With plan A ending in failure, Bucky formulated his plan B as he drove to an address listed in the file.


Arriving at his destination in the middle of the night, Bucky found a small home in a mediocre neighborhood.

Driving passed the house, Bucky didn't even bother looking at it as he searched for any possible guards put in place by Fury.

'1... 2... 3...' Bucky internally counted each group of Shield agents in the vicinity of the house.

Not passing through again, as it would spook the agents on guard, Bucky parked a few blocks away and exited his car with a silenced pistol in hand.

Blending into the darkness, Bucky used the nearby houses, fences, and shrubbery to sneakily make his way to each set of guards.

With the expertise of a grandmaster assassin, the Winter Soldier silently slaughtered each group of Shield Guards before finally focusing on his main destination.

The house of Grace Watson, Fury's secret wife.

Leaving a surveillance van, two cars, and a house of dead Shield agents behind, Bucky strolled up to the house and rang the doorbell.

"Hello-" Grace answered in confusion, as she didn't know why anyone would visit her so late at night.

Though that confusion instantly turned to shock and fear as the barrel of a silenced pistol appeared in her face.

"Inside now." Bucky commanded as Grace stepped back in disbelief, welcoming the infamous Winter Soldier into her home. "Give me your cell phone."

Closing the door behind him, Bucky held his free hand out expectantly.

Although Grace has the power of Captain America, she didn't have any training or experience in things like this, so her reaction to having a gun in her face is just like any other normal person's.


"H-Here" Grace rushes to hand over her phone.

Snatching the phone, Bucky opened the camera and took a picture.

"Sit." Bucky orders as he waves toward the couch with his gun.

Gladly taking a seat, as it gave her the opportunity to make some space between herself and the armed invader, Grace watched cautiously as Bucky fiddled with her phone.

Once he was done, the Winter Soldier sat silently across from her with his pistol on his lap, waiting patiently.

'Thankfully, MJ is staying at Peters.' Grace thought in relief.

Though, if she were here, MJ could probably capture Bucky and disarm the situation fairly quickly.

Of course, as a mother Grace didn't care about that. To her, as long as her daughter was out of harm's way, then she would be relieved.


As Fury sat in his office in the Tower going over all sorts of mission reports, his phone buzzed and lit up on the table.

"?" Fury was surprised to see who was texting him so later at night. "Grace never texts at this time..."

Opening the message, Fury's face instantly hardens as he glares down at his phone.

The message was an invitation to come over alongside a picture of his wife with the barrel of a silenced pistol in her face.

Without wasting a single second, Fury opened his desk drawer and pulled out a large caliber pistol before heading to the door with a p*ssed-off look on his face.


As soon as Grace felt threatened when she answered the door, Peter was jolted awake by an odd feeling.

Staring around the room in confusion, Peter sat up as he wondered what was going on.

After a few seconds, coordinates appeared in Peter's mind as he fully realized what was going on.

'The spell activated?'


As he pulled up and parked in his driveway, Fury rushed out of the car with a Desert Eagle in hand, ready to put some big holes in whoever dared threaten his family.


Kicking in the front door, Fury held his pistol at the ready as he strode inside like a trained professional.

Immediately, he came face to face with the Winter Soldier, who already had his gun pointed at Fury's wife.

"Nick!" Grace exclaimed happily.

"What do you want?" Fury asked as he ignored his lovely wife for the moment.

Of course, Bucky wore his trademark Winter Soldier face mask, making it impossible for anyone to identify him.

Fury may be able to recognize him from Steve's file, though the mask would have to go first.

"A life for a life." The Winter Soldier states as he keeps his pistol trained on Grace. "In exchange for sparing her life, you will give up your own."

Dealing with a man like Fury is a difficult thing, but when you know a person's weakness, everything becomes 100x easier.

"Shoot her." A new voice appears in the room, and everyone turns to see Spider-Man leaning against a nearby wall as if he was there the entire time.

"No! Don't shoot her!" Fury yells as he turns his glare to Peter.

"Why not?" Peter asks as he ignores Fury and looks at the masked gunman. "What's the matter, Bucky? Don't have it in you to kill her?"

When Peter arrived, he didn't think that it would be the Winter Soldier who activated Graces protection, but he wouldn't complain about it.

"?!" Bucky's eyes go wide as he heard his real name after so many years.

"What's the matter, Sergeant Barnes?" Peter asks as he could see the conflict appear in Bucky's movement. "Feeling off? Maybe it's the brainwashing you've been through. Why don't you lay down and take a nice nap?"

"Shut up!" Bucky yelled as he grabbed his aching head.

Though in doing so, he stopped aiming at Grace.

"!" Taking the opportunity, Fury took aim and was about to fire his weapon but...

Sadly for him, Peter acted first and ripped the pistol from his hand with an expertly shot web.

"?" Realizing what almost happened, Bucky snapped out of his odd state, took aim at his captive, and pulled the trigger multiple times.

"No!" Fury yelled in horror as he rushed forward.

Swiftly appearing in front of his wife, Fury shields her body with his own as he looks for any wounds that needed treating.

Luckily for him, Bucky emptied his entire clip into Grace, leaving no more bulled for his actual target.

"H-He shot me..." Grace mutters in shock.

"Oh relax..." Peter comments as he walks over to Bucky. "Sleep."

With a single word, the Winter Soldier fell completely unconscious in his chair.

"What the f*ck did you do!" Fury yells furiously at Peter, as he fussed over his wife.

"She isn't hurt." Peter says as he gestures to the pile of flattened bullets in Grace's lap. "Stop freaking out."

"Huh?" Fury grunted as he calmed down and realized that his wife was perfectly fine. "How?"

Of course, the protection that Peter placed on all of his loved ones didn't just inform him when they were in danger, it also placed a barrier over their body, which could easily handle pistol fire.

Peter was never worried for Grace's safety to begin with.

"Magic." Peter answers with a smirk under his mask. "You're welcome by the way."

A/N: 1684 words


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