I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 240: Reveal

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When the car was parked, Peter hopped out and retrieved the unconscious Winter Soldier from the trunk.

"So..." Peter spoke as he followed Fury into an elevator with Bucky over his shoulder. "I didn't p*ss you off enough that you'll reveal my identity, right?"

"..." Fury didn't say a word, which only worried Peter even more, but when he finally spoke, it wasn't the answer he was hoping for. "What did you do to Grace? She's a lot stronger than I remember."

"I'll tell you if you promise to keep my secret." Peter offers, though Fury didn't respond at all this time. 'He's f*cking with me...'

'I'll just ask Grace...' Fury thought.

Although Peter knew that Fury was returning the favor from all of Peter's prior actions, he couldn't help but wonder whether he would cross the line.

After all, it's all fun and games until secret identities are blown...


Before Peter could say anything else, the elevator doors opened to the detainment floor.

"Come on, let's find him a good cell." Fury says, enjoying the power he has now.


After a moment of thought, Peter decided that he wouldn't feed into Fury's revenge and just trust that his fellow councilman and friend wouldn't screw him over.

After a short walk, Fury walked up to a control panel and started opening a nearby cell.

"These cells aren't good enough." Peter shook his head and kept walking deeper into the prison as these cells were far too weak for a super soldier like Bucky.

"Is it because of his arm?" Fury asks as he wondered what Peter knew about their captive.

"Do you know who we captured?" Peter asks Fury as they pass all sorts of security checks to get to a more fortified portion of the prison.

"No idea, but I'm guessing that you do." Fury says as he remembered Peter calling their prisoner Bucky when he was awake earlier.

"I'll explain once he's in his cell." Peter says as they walk up to an extremely fortified cell with a familiar man inside, drinking a cup of tea in what could only be described as the best prison cell anyone could ask for.

He has a whole living room with a TV, a kitchen with working appliances, a bathroom with running water, and a bedroom, which also had a TV. There was even a wifi signal.

Truly an introverts dream, though everything couldn't be perfect.

Although it was just like any other apartment outside of prison, the walls were sadly made of glass, allowing the security cameras as well as anyone that passes by to see everything happening inside.

Including the bathroom.

"Spider-Man, it's been a while since you've visited me personally." The man spoke in surprise with his English accent.

"I may not visit, Blonsky, but I read each and every status report on you." Peter says as he walks over to a control panel and opens the cell directly across from the Abomination. "Who do you think allowed you to have your entire apartment? How's the WiFi signal, any good?"

"It's good enough to pass the time so thanks, I suppose." Blonsky says as he watches Peter lay an unconscious and masked man in the cell across from his. "Who's my new roommate?"

"Maybe he'll tell you when he wakes up?" Peter gave a non-answer as he waved his hand over Bucky's limp body.

Instantly, his mask disappeared and his clothes were replaced with an inmate's uniform that matched Blonsky's. Everything that was on him seconds earlier appeared in a box next to Fury, except for his metal arm.

Peter left his arm alone for two reasons.

One, even if he hammered away with it for hundreds of years, Bucky wouldn't be able to break out of his cell, and two, leaving the guy armless just seemed cruel and unnecessary.

"I didn't know Spider-Man could do magic..." Blonsky said in wonder as he watched it all with his very own eyes. "Well, I didn't know anyone could do magic..."

"We all learn something new every day." Peter says as he walks out of Bucky's cell and locks it up tightly with the push of a button. "So, Blonsky. I've actually been meaning to come talk to you."

"Really? Am I being released on good behavior?" He asks jokingly.

"Maybe..." Peter says, shocking both Fury and the Abomination.

"What do you mean 'maybe'?" Blonsky asks rather eagerly.

"Well, as I said, I've been reading every single one of your status reports, or should I say progress reports." Peter says as he picked up the box with Bucky's stuff. "Your psychologist seems to think that your extreme aggression and destructive behavior was due to the Abomination part of you, which you seem to have under control these days."

"Yes, it wasn't easy but with a little soul searching and hours upon hours of therapy, the need to destroy everything in sight just faded away." Blonsky says as he walked away from his precious furniture and electronics. "Want to see?"

Before anyone could reply, Blonsky quickly morphed into a familiar hulking humanoid lizard-like monster.

"See?" Blonsky said in a slightly distorted tone. "I'm in complete control."

As he says this, Blonsky began to shrink and turn back into his human self, though his clothes were ripped to shreds, leaving him completely naked.

"Sorry, I can't exactly fix this part." Blonsky covers his dangly bits with his hands.

"Here." Peter waves his hand and a new set of clothes appeared on him.

"That magic of yours is amazing..." Blonsky looks down at his new clothes in interest before turning back to Peter. "So, do I pass the test?"

"The first one." Peter says cryptically as he turns and walks off with Fury following behind.

"Hey?! What else do I have to do?!" Blonsky yelled as he rushed to the glass of his sell. "Wait! Come back!"


As Peter and Fury took the elevator up to the council chambers, Fury spoke up.

"You plan on recruiting the Abomination?" Fury asks, sounding both interested and hesitant.

"No, I plan to recruit Emil Blonsky." Peter replies matter-of-factly. "You saw him. Unlike Banner, who's afraid of his own shadow and refuses to leave his lab, Blonsky actually learned control."

Banner has done nothing but try to 'cure' himself since he joined the Avengers, though technically he's not an agent, but a scientist they hired, so he didn't have to go through the training like everyone else.

Even Peter's small hints about how he should handle the Hulk are mostly ignored in favor of concocting serums to, hopefully, kill the green beast inside of himself.

"Although I agree with you, he could be playing us." Fury said cautiously.

"Which is why the only way he'll ever leave that cell is with a few precautions in place, though we can talk about this at another time. It's not like he's going anywhere."


Arriving at the council chambers, Peter sets Bucky's belongings down.

"Jarvis, let Steve, Peggy, and Tony know that they're needed here urgently." Peter spoke to the air.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers dutifully.

"?" Fury looked confused as Peter only called a certain group of people instead of the council as he suspected.

"Just wait and you'll see." Peter tells him as he curiously looks through Bucky's belongings.


The first people to arrive were Steve and Peggy, who rushed over thinking it had something to do with Hydra.

Of course, Peter refused to speak without Tony, who was late as always.

"Ugh... What could possibly be so urgent that I need to wake up at 3 in the morning?" Tony asks as he grumpily walks in with his pajamas on.

"Alright, he's here. What's this about?" Steve asks eagerly.

"Fury, tell us about the myth of the Winter Soldier." Peter starts off the conversation.

Instantly, a look of realization appeared on Fury's face.

"He's the boogeyman of every operative around the world. A master assassin that is said to be responsible for all sorts of high-level assassinations, including JFK." Fury explains.

"But he's not real." Peggy speaks up as she knew all about the stories from her time as the Director of Shield. "The Winter Soldier is just the guy you blame when you don't know who really did it."

"Wrong." Peter says with a shake of his head. "The Winter Soldier is real and he's currently in the cell next to Abomination."

"Okay, this is great that you caught the nightmare of all Shield Agents, but I need my beauty sleep so..." Tony says as he turns and starts walking to the door.

"He killed your parents, Tony." Peter reveals, stopping his friend in his tracks.

"No, my parents were killed in a car accident." Tony denied as he turned to look Peter straight in the eyes.

"No, they weren't." Fury says, shocking everyone in the room.

The only one in the room who wasn't surprised by this reveal was Peggy, who still had high-level Shield clearance at the time.

"We covered it up as an accident, but Howard and you're mother were killed, there's surveillance video of it." Fury explains further.

"..." Tony didn't know what to say. "Why?"

"They had vials of super soldier serum with them and Hydra wanted it." Peter answers.

"So, the Winter Soldier is a Hydra agent?" Steve joins the conversation.

"Yes and no." Peter says confusingly.

"What does that mean?" Peggy asks.

"Jarvis put the security camera footage for our newest prisoner on the big screen." Peter says as a live video of Bucky sleeping face up in his cell appears.

Immediately, Steve rushes up to the screen to get a better look as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"The Winter Soldier may be a Hydra agent, but he's also a member of the Howling Commandos."

A/N: 1660 words


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