I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 245: Laura Kinney

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-X-23's POV-

Ever since X-23 was born, she lived underground, kept like a caged animal as all sorts of tests and experiments were performed on her.

Using the DNA of Wolverine, Dr. Martin Sutter headed the project to implant X-23's mother with a meta-human child, though she never met her mother.

X-23's earliest memory is the day that one of the female scientists unlocked her cell and rushed her out of the facility under the cover of darkness.

She could still remember how infinitely excited she was to see the outside world for the first time. The sky, trees, dirt, grass, and the smell of fresh air were an absolute shock to someone who lived their entire life trapped in a windowless bunker.

Sadly, their little trip outside of the facility didn't last long, as seconds after their departure, alarms sounded and men with guns came chasing after them.

As they drove down the dirt path away from the bunker, two blacked-out Escalades blocked the path and before X-23 knew what was happening, an expertly shot bullet tore through the windshield and hit the scientist in the chest.

Instantly, the woman lost control of the car and crashed into some nearby bushes.

After the crash, X-23 turned to see the scientist coughing blood and looking in her direction with feelings of both regret and love.

"Your name... is Laura Kinney..." The woman coughed out as she smiled weakly. "I'm so sorry-"

Before she could finish talking, a man in uniform walked up to the driver's side window, pulled out his pistol, and put a single bullet in her head.

As X-23 watched this happen, she noticed a badge on the woman's white lab coat with a name labeled under her smiling picture.

[Sarah Kinney]

"Mom?" X-23 muttered in disbelief as she looked up to see the life drain from her bloody mother's face.


After that day, the security around X-23 was upgraded, though that wasn't all.

The experiments that she was forced to undergo turned much crueler as well.

It was as if her mother's presence kept the more sadistic scientists at bay, and without her there, they started to run wild.

They did everything from cutting her skin and beating her black and blue, to making her drink acid and infecting her with horrible diseases, all in hopes of finding the secret of her immense regeneration ability.

Of course, as she was a subject of the Weapon X program, they also began her training as a killer, hoping to turn her into a beast that would slaughter anyone at the slightest instruction.


Four years passed since the death of her mother, and X-23's life has been nothing but loneliness and pain.

One day, while Laura, as she liked to call herself in private, was sitting alone in her dark cell, alarms started to sound as men and woman rushed back and forth in the hallway.

Seconds after the alarm went off, Laura was dragged from her cell in a hurry and thrown into a car.

Although she had no idea what was happening, the gunfire and explosions that filled the air told her something big was going down.

Though thanks to her increased security and a secret backdoor exit, Laura was evacuated before any intruders could get to her.

This would be the second time that she saw the outside world...

Using this as an opportunity, Laura put all of the skills her captors taught her to to use and killed every guard that left with her, including Dr. Sutter, who took the same evacuation path.

Luckily, they left so quickly that no one remembered to restrain her in any way whatsoever.

It was the first time that Laura wet her claws with blood, killing for the very first time.

She was 8 years old at the time, though she didn't cry or even think on it much.

With her newfound freedom, Laura rushed into the forest and ran until her legs couldn't run anymore.

Laura had no idea where to go, but she knew that she needed to get as far away as possible if she wanted to keep her newfound freedom


Two weeks passed as Laura lived in the forest like an animal, using her claws to hunt for food, which she would eat raw, and drink from a clean stream that she found on her second day in the wilderness.

As the days passed, Laura soon found that she enjoyed the life of an animal far more than life in a cage, living at the whims of others.

She could eat and drink whenever she wanted. Go wherever she pleased. Sleep whenever the need arises, and even use the bathroom without anyone watching.

Life was good...

Though it didn't last very long.

Sadly, freedom isn't easily obtained but it is easily taken away.

Near the end of her third week in the wild, a man with a metal arm and face mask appeared.

At first, she could smell and hear his arrival, though since it was only one person, Laura decided to simply kill him.

After all, he entered her territory.

Of course, when this plan was put into action, Laura instantly found out that her visitor wasn't some normal human.

No, this was the Winter Soldier.

After a short fight, Laura was beaten unconscious and her coveted freedom was stripped from her yet again.

When she woke up on the following day, what greeted her was nothing but metal bars and men in lab coats.

Instantly, she broke down into tears.

'Why can't they just leave me alone...' Laura thought sadly.


Just like before, the experiments started up again, though it was like these people didn't know much about her, so they repeated almost every experiment she ever went through at the old bunker.

Of course, Laura didn't make it easy for them.

Acting like a wild tiger, she would pounce and kill anyone that tried to approach her cage.

In the months she stayed at this new prison, Laura killed a total of 7 people.

3 guards and 4 scientists.

It got so bad that they had to put up a sign to make sure everyone knew not to approach her cell, and use tranquilizer darts every time she was needed in the lab.

Though one day, a bald man with a shiny head arrived, knocking every one of her captors down with a single glance.

Though that wasn't all.

Seconds later, a big golden portal opened up and a masked man in a spidery costume stepped out.

They talked for a moment before another portal opened out of nowhere.

"Alright, I'll get them out of here." The spidery man said. "You can go to the next location..."

As the bald man left through the portal, the masked spider guy said some words before ripping open her cell door like it was made of paper.

Feeling threatened, Laura pounced out of her open cage and slashed her bony claws at him, as she did whenever anyone came near her.

As if he were dealing with a toddler, the masked guy countered her attack with ease and stood there as she screamed and clawed at him, not doing a single speck of damage in the process.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." He said reassuringly as she came to realize how futile her struggle was and gave up.

'Compared to this guy, the metal arm idiot was a pushover...' Laura thought as her built-up adrenaline disappeared and she toppled over.

The last thing that Laura could remember was the smell of the invincible man, who took her into his arms before she could hit the floor.

-Flashback End-

-Peter's POV-

After dropping off all of the meta-humans at Xaviers School for gifted children, Peter returned to the mission at hand.

'I wonder how Hydra got their hands on X-23?' Peter thought.

Peter knew that Wolverine's daughter was created in an attempt to redo the Weapon X program, which Wolverine escaped from.

'Was Hydra involved with that program as well?' Peter questioned as he worked his way through a hostile Shield base. 'Or did my involvement with Meta-humans somehow change her life's trajectory?'

Saving these questions for later, Peter concentrated on the problem in front of him.


One by one, Peter captured base after base, while simultaneously shuttling Avengers back and forth over and over.

Some bases surrendered easily after either a brief conversation or a show of force, and others went into full battle mode.

Peter found it amusing how the people you wouldn't expect always wound up being Hydra agents.

In one building, Peter found a sweet old librarian, who kept track of some physical records for that base.

At first, she seemed about as kind and loving as a grandmother could get, though the second she realized what Peter was there for, she pulled out an assault rifle from behind her desk and started spraying.

'Hydra really is everywhere...'

Of course, not all bases were as simple as capturing everyone inside.

Some of them needed a bit of extra care, like the base he found X-23 in.

Out of the 93 bases, around 20 of them held some sort of captives, which weren't approved by Fury.

Meta-human or otherwise, though they were mostly meta-humans, who seemed to be used for experimentation and possible indoctrination into Hydra.

Speaking of meta-human indoctrination...

"Hail Hydra!" A man whose body was covered in flames screamed fanatically as he jutted his hand forward, shooting beams of fire in Peter's direction.

A/N: 1618 words



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