I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 258: Long Awaited ‘Talk’

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Checking the clock, Peter saw that he still had some time before he needed to return to the Guardians.

"Alright." Peter agreed as he turned to Maya and Tony. "Do you have enough Extremis for another go?"


While Tony and Maya prepared everything once again, Peter was tasked with retrieving the brainwashed super-assassin from his cell.

Since Bucky wouldn't come willingly, Peter didn't even bother talking and simply opened a portal under him, dumping him straight onto the same table Steve just occupied only moments ago.

"Ugh!" Bucky grunted as he hit the table.

Before he could fully assess the situation, the table straps tightened around his arms and legs.


The metal bindings creaked and groaned under the pressure of Bucky's enhanced strength.

"Let's fix that..." Peter says as he waves his hand.

Instantly, golden markings appeared on the metal restraints, reinforcing them to a crazy degree.

"Aagghhh!" Bucky shouted as he did his best to break out.

Sadly, the metal wasn't making any sounds anymore and wouldn't break any time soon either.

"You could have done that earlier." Peggy comments from the side as she iced her red hands.

"Sorry..." Peter says as Bucky continues to yell and scream. "Okay, that's enough."

With a snap of Peter's fingers, the room instantly becomes silent, though just by looking, everyone could see that Bucky was still screaming like a madman.

"That's useful." Steve mutters as Peggy nodded beside him.

"You won't be needing this either." Peter says as Bucky's metal arm disappeared.


Similar to Steve, Bucky went through the same process without any problems.

He even shot fire from his mouth as well.

Though one thing was different.

Just like Bubbles the monkey, Bucky's lost arm grew back in a matter of seconds, which made Steve happy, as he blames himself for everything wrong with his best friend.

Once the process was completed, Steve rushed up to Bucky's side to check on his wellbeing.

After all, there was a lot of screaming.

Although they couldn't hear it this time around, thanks to Peter's spell, everyone could still see Bucky screaming in silent agony the entire time.

"Bucky, can you hear me?" Steve asks, hoping his healed brain may help jog some memories. "Do you remember who I am?"

As Bucky groggily peered up at him, Steve felt he may have remembered something, though those thoughts were swiftly stomped out as the Winter Soldier lunged his head forward, smashing it against Steve's waiting face.

"Agh!?" Steve was knocked backward as he held his bleeding nose.

"I told you that we still need to unearth his suppressed memories. Simply healing him isn't enough." Peter says as he turns to Tony and Maya. "Scan his brain to make sure his Limbic System is actually healed."

"On it." Maya nods and gets to work.


After going through some scans, a 3D image of Bucky's brain was projected for everyone to see.

"It's healed..." Steve sighs in relief as the damage that he saw earlier was now nowhere to be seen.

"Good work everyone." Peter says as he opens a portal below Bucky, sending him tumbling back into his cell.

Seeing the worried look on Steve's face, Peter rolled his eyes.

"He's in his cell." Peter explains as pulls up the live footage, showing Bucky breathing fire at the glass of his cell, trying to escape. "See, now go and rest. You've just been through a tiring procedure."

"What about Bucky?" Steve asks, eager to help his friend.

"I need to talk to Charles about that and he doesn't like invading other people's minds, so it may take a bit." Peter explains with a sigh.

"Just let me know when Charles comes to the Tower. I'll help convince him." Steve says and receives a nod from Peter as he and Peggy leave to get some rest.

As soon as they were gone, Peter turns to Tony.

"You ready for your conversation?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, thanks for keeping Capcicle out of it." Tony says as he could tell that Peter was covering for him.

"No problem. It's the least I can do." Peter says as he opens a portal. "Meet me at Bucky's cell and I'll bring Charles to fix his memories. Once he's done, you can have Bucky all to yourself."

"Thank you." Tony says genuinely.

"Of course, just remember no killing, okay?" Peter reminds him.

At the end of the day, Peter knew that this wouldn't actually be a conversation. Tony and Bucky would fight, and hopefully, come to some sort of understanding.

And with Bucky's newfound regeneration, Tony could kick the cr*p out of him as much as he wanted without any issue.

"I know." Tony nodded as Peter stepped through the portal and disappeared.

"Tony? Are you okay?" Maya came back into the room and asks, as Tony seemed to be in a daze.

"Do we have another dose of Extremis?" He asked over his shoulder.

"Umm, yeah. Why?" Maya confirms as she checks the fridge.

Staying silent, Tony hopped into the table and was immediately strapped down.

"Give it to me."


Stepping out of the portal, Peter arrived in Professor Xavier's office, where the Professor was currently doing paperwork at his desk.

"How can I help you, Spider-Man." Charles asks as he continues to sift through papers.

"I need you to help someone with suppressed memories..." Peter says as he explains Bucky's situation.


"I see..." Charles says as he stands from his desk and looks toward Peter expectantly. "Let's go. I have a lot of work to get back to, so we might as well get this over with as quickly as possible."

Although Peter wasn't lying when he told Steve that Charles didn't like invading other people's minds, he may have misled him a little bit.

Charles has no problem invading the mind of another, as long as it's for their own good.

Luckily, a broken and brainwashed super-assassin was right up the Professor's alley.

'Sorry, Steve. But I promised Tony some alone time and you would never agree to that.'


Stepping through a portal with Charles following closely behind, Peter appeared in between Bucky and Blonsky's cells.

"Spider-Man!" Blonsky exclaimed as he rushed to the glass wall of his cell. "Can I become an Avenger now or what?"

Blonsky was very eager to leave his cell.

"?" Charles looked at Peter in confusion.

"I'll explain later." Peter says as he turns to Blonsky. "Not right now. I have a meeting with your neighbor."

"Eh?" Blonsky grunted in disappointment. "Fine but hurry it up, will you? I'm dying to see some sunlight again."

"I'll bring your situation up in the next Council meeting, I promise." Peter says as he walks over to the controls and isolated Blonsky's cell.

Instantly, his cell was muted and the glass became foggy, blocking him from seeing outside for the time being.

"Alright, sorry about that." Peter says as he and Charles turn to see Bucky shooting a stream of fire in their direction.

Thankfully, the glass separating them is extremely strong and heat resistant, so no flame that he can produce would ever work against it.

"You didn't say anything about this." Charles comments.

"The fire is new." Peter says as he turns to see a curious look on the Professor's face. "He's not a meta-human if that's what you're thinking."

"I see..." Charles nods in confusion.

"Can you do it from here, or should I put him to sleep so you can go inside?" Peter asks.

"I got it." Charles says as Bucky suddenly collapses to the floor unconscious. "Open it up."

Tapping a few buttons on the control panel, the cell swings open and Charles strolls inside.

"Let's see..." Charles mutters as he sits beside Bucky and places his hand on his forehead.

As soon as he touched Bucky's head, it was like both of them froze in time, remaining completely still for minutes at a time.

Silence filled the cell as Peter waited patiently for Charles to finish whatever he was currently doing.


Soon enough, Peter heard the sound of footsteps headed his way.

"Hey, is he-" Tony appears, looking oddly disheveled compared to before.

"Shh!" Peter shushes him and points inside the cell, where Charles was working his magic.

Taking a minute to eye him up and down, Peter could see that Tony's clothes were slightly out of place and his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat.

Not only that, but he was giving off a lot of heat as well.

'Did he think I wouldn't notice?' Peter wondered as he instantly figured out that Tony took a dose of Extremis.

Most likely in preparation for the fight to come...

As Peter was thinking this, Bucky started to whimper and shake in his sleep, as if he was having some sort of seizure.

"Uhhh..." Bucky groaned as a few stray tears rolled down his cheeks.

As this was happening, a frown formed on the professor's face and didn't leave it for the remainder of the process.

This continued for a few minutes before Bucky suddenly calmed down and slept peacefully.

"He's been through a lot..." Charles comments as he felt nothing but pity for Bucky.

"I know." Peter nods in understanding. "Is it done? Are his memories back?"

"Yes, when he wakes up, Bucky should remember everything about himself. Both good and bad." Charles clarifies as he steps out of the cell.

"Thank you." Peter says as he opens a portal. "I know you have a lot of work to do, so don't let me hold you from it any longer."

"No problem. It's times like these where I can appreciate this intrusive power of mine." Charles says as he steps through the portal and ends up back in his office.

Snapping the portal shut after saying farewell, Peter turned to Tony, who was silently staring at Bucky in contemplation.

"Go ahead." Peter says as he motions to the open cell. "I'll lock you both inside."

"..." Without uttering a single word, Tony enters the cell, which locks tightly behind him. "You can go now, Peter."

"Sure, remember-"

"No killing, I know." Tony finishes Peter's words, as he's heard them a million times already.

Walking down the hall, Peter waits until he's out of sight before turning invisible and backtracking to the cell once again.

-In the Cell-

As the cell locked itself shut and Peter walked away, Tony had no idea what he was going to do.

At first, he planned to trick Peter into allowing him the chance to kill Bucky with his own hands, but did he really want that?

'He's been through a lot...' Charles' words replay in his mind.

After learning all that Bucky has been through, and looking him up out of curiosity for his enemy, Tony couldn't help but feel pity for the man.

Though that pity soon faded when he recalled the image of his father's caved-in skull and his mother struggling for air.

"Rise and shine!" Tony exclaims as he gets a running start and kicks Bucky's head like a soccer ball.

Killing or not, Tony would decide that after showing him 1000 times the pain his parents felt in their dying moments.

"Ugh!" Bucky woke with a start as he was punted across the cell and smacked into the glass wall. '...where am I?'

Leaning against the cell wall, Bucky froze as every suppressed memory he ever had came crashing down on him.

From the happy blissful days as an oblivious child to the sickening assassinations of innocent people, Bucky remembered everything.

"What have I done..." He muttered in horror as he started shaking.

"Get up!" Tony yelled as he waited in the center of the cell. "I'm not done with you yet."

A/N: 1923 words

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