I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 272: Jack in the Box

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🧞‍♂️Give me your best wishes here alongside a Genie GIF🧞‍♀️

"Father!?" Proxima ignored Drax's taunt as well as her severed arm, which was still gushing blood everywhere, and rushed into the blast zone.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Rocket yelled as he and everyone else turned their weaponry in her direction.

Instantly, a dense hail of colorful blaster bolts shot toward Proxima's open back, though she never turned back nor did she even tried to dodge.

Her father's safety was her and the Black Orders' top priority, after all.

"Ugh!" Proxima grunted as her back was pelted with blast after blast, trudging her way to her father's position.

"This lady is nuts..." Rocket commented as another one of his shots hit her on the shoulder.


"Petty tricks..." Thanos muttered as the smoke cleared, revealing his slightly disheveled form.

"F-Father..." Proxima smiled weakly as she fell at his feet, continuing to leak blood everywhere.

Although the explosion was powerful, it only left the Mad Titan with a few spots of black soot on his body and some torn clothes, making Proxima dying efforts absolutely meaningless.

His body didn't seem to have the slightest scratch anywhere, which was impressive because the area around him showed just how powerful that explosion really was.

Thanos stood in a 10 feet deep crater where the street once was. While the buildings around him, which were practically untouched only moments ago, have completely collapsed from the shockwave.

"?" Thanos curiously peered down at the Orb in his hand, completely ignoring his dead daughter's body.

"I wouldn't open that if I were you." Peter warned.

Of course, the Mad Titan didn't heed his warning.

Ripping it open with his bare hands, Thanos expected to see the bright light of a purple Infinity Stone...

As the Orb separated in the middle, a spring-loaded jack-in-the-box clown popped out. 🤡

Thanos didn't even flinch as he turned to look at Peter with a humorless glare.

"The games end-" Thanos spoke though he was interrupted by a wet surprise.


A black liquid shot out of the mouth hole on the clowns head, spraying the Mad Titans face.

A few sprays even landed in his eyes, nose, and mouth.

"!?" Thanos quickly threw the Orb aside and started wiping his face. "What is this..."

As he looked down at his hands, which were now covered in a black substance, Thanos could feel his strength slowly leaving his body.

And as his strength went, the pain started to kick in.

Starting from his mouth, nose, and eyes, an excruciating burning shot through his entire body, unlike anything he's ever felt before.

Peter watched in interest as Thanos' skin turned pale and his veins began to show, turning a deep black in the process.

"I told you not to open it..." Peter said in an 'I told you so' sort of manner.

"What did you do!?" Thanos screamed.

His former calm and collected persona disappeared completely.

"When we sold off the Power Stone to the Collector, I asked for something on top of the normal payment." Peter lies, as he doesn't want Thanos to know too much.

"Wait-" Drax was about to correct him when Quill reached over and covered his mouth in a hurry.

"That right there is called The Poison." Peter reveals as Thanos' eyes widen in realization. "Apparently, it's the strongest poison in the entire Universe. I was only able to get a little bit of it from Tivan before he ran off with his new purple pet rock, but it looks like it was enough."

As Peter was speaking, Thanos began to stagger in place.

"This is not over..." He muttered in torment before turning to run away, leaping over a large distance like the Hulk.

"Are we going after him?" Quill asks as Peter remained unmoving.

"Nah, there's no antidote for The Poison and I'd rather not get any of it on me in the scuffle." Peter says he points to the few drops of poison on the floor, which were melting through the metal street upon contact.

Just punching Thanos in the face right now could transfer the poison to Peter, so the best bet would be to let Thanos escape and die on his own.

"So he's a dead man walking?" Quill asks.

"Maybe..." Peter says cryptically.

"What do you mean maybe?" Rocket asks in confusion.

"Thanos is a very well-connected and powerful man. If he could hold out for long enough, then I have no doubt that he could get an antidote made." Peter explains with a shrug. "It all depends on how long he can last."

Silence filled the street as everyone hoped Thanos would have a swift death. Otherwise, they would have a very angry space warlord on their tail soon enough.

"They're leaving." Yondu said as he and everyone else watched the Chitauri retreat out of the city and fly off in a hurry.

"Good, you guys sweep the city for any leftovers, while I finish packing our spoils." Peter orders as he strolls back inside.

"I got some men that need taking care of." Yondu says as he gestures to his fallen clansmen.

At the start of this, Yondu had around 40 Ravagers in his clan.

Now, he has about 20.

A handful died when the invasion started and the rest were killed off by Proxima, who now lay dead in a puddle of her own blood.

"We'll join you once we're done." Yondu nodded toward Quill as he and his men gathered their fallen brethren and walked off.

"Alright, let's make this quick. I want to get back to the ship and take a long nap after this." Quill said tiredly as he, Drax, and Rocket started their search of the city, killing any and all of the Chitauri stragglers.


As Thanos rushed into his ship and flew off, the effects of the poison had already started to worsen.

Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, high temperature, chills, headache, irritability, though that could be chalked up to his recent loss against Spider-Man, difficulty breathing, skin rash, blurred vision, mental confusion, etc.

Name a symptom and Thanos was currently experiencing it to an extreme degree.

The few Chitauri soldiers who rushed to help him instantly died upon contact with the black poison that coated much of their leaders body.

"G-Get Ebony Maw..." The Mad Titan ordered before collapsing into a coma.


"Rest in peace." Peter saluted as he opened a portal under the Collector's dead body, sending him straight to the nearest Sun. "And thanks for all of the cool stuff. Especially the Genies lamp."

With Tivan's body gone and his collection empty, Peter hoped that Thanos would believe his lies from earlier.

After all, The Collector is supposedly as old as the universe itself, so it's safe to say that he would be able to hide from the Mad Titan fairly easily.

'With this, Thanos will hopefully keep underestimating me.' Peter thought as he got back to work cleaning out the Collectors museum.

'I should probably kill that mind-controlling snake...'


"Tony, what's so important that I have to rush here during a meeting with three generals?" A dark-skinned man in a military uniform came storming into Tony's Lab. "And who the hell is that?"

Rhodes turned to the green-skinned woman who was leaning on a car in the corner.

"That's our navigator." Tony says excitedly as he grabs a thin glowing object and slaps it on his friend's chest.

"W-What are you doing?" Rhodes asked as he looked down at the arc reactor attached to him.

"It's a present." Tony says as he taps the reactor like a button.

Instantly, waves of metal shoot out of the reactor and covers Rhodes' body completely, forming an all-black War Machine armor set.

[Insert picture of War Machine Mark VII here]

Gamora watched on with an impressed look on her face.

For a non-spacefaring planet like Earth, weaponry of this caliber was completely unheard of.

"Is this what I think it is?!" Rhodes shouted from inside the suit.

"Yup, I thought that since we're going to explore space together, you and Pepper would need your own suits." Tony says as the sound of high heels clacking could be heard.

"I get one too?" Pepper asks with her arms crossed as she stood in the doorway, admiring Rhodes' new armor.

"Wait, did you say space?!" Rhodes kept screaming.

"You know, you don't have to yell. The helmet will project your voice to us." Tony explains.

"Oh, sorry..." Rhodes practically whispered this time around.

"We're going to space?" Pepper asks as she eyes a triangular-shaped arc reactor next to Tony. "Who's going to run your company?"

"Happy and Jarvis will have it covered." Tony says as he walks up to her with the Arc reactor in hand. "Come on... Don't you want to see what's out there? Visit an alien planet or two? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Pepper seemed to hesitate for a moment before grabbing the reactor from Tony's hand.

"So, how does this thing work?" She asked as Tony smirked in victory. "Just put it on like this..."

Tapping her chest just like before, Pepper was covered in a blue and silver form-fitting Iron Man armor.

[Insert picture of Mark XLIX Iron Man armor here]

"Looking good." Tony commented as he tapped his own chest.

Once again, metal waves rushed out of the reactor and covered his body in his updated red and gold Iron Man suit.

[Insert picture of Tony's endgame suit here]

"Can I have one of those as well?" Gamora asks.

"""No.""" Three voices deny her all at the same time.


A/N: 1615 words

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎or I'll🤮Puke🤮in your face🚨


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