I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 281: 1st Trial: Bone Saw is Ready!

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"Right, so what do I have to do?" Peter asks, resigned to go through the trials.

"I don't know." Genie shrugs cluelessly.

"What do you mean 'I don't know'? Aren't you supposed to be the all-powerful Genie of the lamp?" Peter asks in a half-teasing and half-annoyed tone.

"Slave." Genie points to himself.

"Right, so can you tell me anything about the trials? Even the slightest bit of information can help." Peter asks hopefully.

"Look, kid. All I know is that every trial is different. They're never the same and seem to always conform to the Master, so it could literally be anything. You could be sent to hell and told to survive for an hour, or you could be sent to a maze and told to find your way out. The possibilities are endless." Genie explains dramatically as always.

"Okay..." Peter muttered in contemplation.

While Peter was thinking to himself, Genie conjured a pen and prepared to sign the contract but stopped midway.

"Are you sure that you don't want the third wish?" Genie asks.

If Peter doesn't use the third wish, then the lamp can never leave his possessions, keeping it out of the wrong hands and giving him ample time to study the magic that makes it work.

Of course, Genie knew this already, as he can read Peter's mind, but he just wanted to be sure.

"No thanks." Peter says as he breaks away from his thoughts.

"Whatever you say..." Genie signed the contract and tossed it back over to Peter.

Catching the contract, Peter opened a portal and stepped through for a moment, though he didn't go far.

Whipping out his phone, Peter texted his friends and family and informed them that he may be gone for a bit, as he didn't know how long these trials would last.

For all he knew, the trials could happen in an instant or take multiple months.

Though he hoped that it would be finished sooner rather than later.

Once he was finished, Peter returned to the Mirror Dimension, read the contract over one last time, and signed it as well.

Though as he did so, he made sure to fill his mind with one sentence that repeated over and over again.

'Follow the contract dutifully... Follow the contract dutifully... Follow the contract dutifully... Follow the contract dutifully... Follow the contract dutifully...' Peter's entire mind was filled with this and only this.

Of course, he did this to combat the possibility of the Genie changing his wish based on the thoughts in his mind.

Though this is just an extra bit of security, as the contract has a special clause for unintended wishes.

Peter was just being extra careful.

Easily hearing Peter's thoughts, Genie smirked for a moment before snatching the contract.

It was time to get down to business!

Snapping his fingers, the contract began to glow in a red hue, filling the mirror dimension with a light so bright that Peter was forced to shield his eyes.

"Good luck, kid."


Peter awoke to the roaring of a crowd blaring in his ears.

"Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw!"

Groggily opening his eyes, Peter found himself seated among the screaming crowd with a bottle of beer in hand.

He felt a bit tipsy which was odd as it would take a lot of alcohol to get him to this point.

Peter looked up and realized that he was in some sort of arena that was hosting a wrestling match.

"One, two, three. That's it!"

He saw the referee count as a muscle-covered leotard-wearing wrestler with long black hair pinned his overweight opponent, winning the fight.

'Bone Saw? That sounds familiar...' Peter thought as the bell rang, signifying the end of the match.

As the chubby wrestler who lost was carted out of the ring, the winner stood up and enjoyed the cheering of his many fans.

"Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw!"

Soon enough, a flashily dressed man with sunglasses and a microphone entered the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Bone Saw McGraw! For $3000, is there no one here man enough to stay in the ring for three minutes with this titan of testosterone?! Who?! I know who. The Flying Dutchman!"

"""Boo!""" The crowd didn't seem very convinced.

As the Flying Dutchman came strutting out and entered the ring, Peter tried to understand what was happening.

He felt that this situation was very familiar, though he could quite put his finger on it.

Maybe the slight buzz he was feel feeling from the beer was messing with his mind?

"Winner!" The Referee called out as Bone Saw threw his weak opponent out of the ring.

"Next victim!" Bone Saw roared toward the announcer.

"Are you ready for more?" The flashy announcer asked as Bone Saw pulled the mic toward himself.

"Bone Saw is ready!" He said his trademark catchphrase.

Pulling the microphone back, the Announcer waited for the crowd to calm down before speaking again.

"Will the next victim please enter the arena at this time?!"

The Announcer seemed to wait for some information before continuing the show.

"If he can withstand just three minutes in the cage with Bone Saw McGraw the sum of $3000 will be paid to the terrifying, the deadly, the amazing Spider-Man!"

"What?!" Peter blurted out in shock.

Just like all of the other contestants, this one walked down the runway to the ring, though his appearance was rather shabby.

He wore the worst-looking Spider-Man costume that Peter has ever seen. The colors were right, but the clothes were all normal and rather cheap to be honest.

Sweatpants, sweatshirt, Nike high tops, and a balaclava.

[Insert picture of the first Tobey Maguire spider costume here]

He looked truly pitiful.

'Is that who I think it is?' Peter thought as he watch the new contender timidly enter the ring.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" Everyone called for blood.

The crowd roared as a huge cage descended to cover the ring, trapping both competitors inside.

"Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage!" The crowd was loving it.

"Will the guards please lock the cage doors at this time?!" The Announcer called and the match was ready to begin.

"Hey listen! This is some kind of mistake. I didn't sign up for a cage match! Unlock that thing!" Peter heard the voice of the badly dressed Spider-Man and immediately knew who it was.

'That's Spider-Man...' He thought dumbly.

(A/N: People die if they are killed -Shirou Emiya)

Of course, he means Tobey Maguire Spider-Man from the original trilogy.

"Hey, freak show! You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of playtime!" Bone Saw exclaimed and the bell rang, starting the match.

'Did the trial send me to another universe, or is this an illusion?' Peter wondered as he tried to use his powers... "What the..."

Instantly, he realized that his powers weren't responding at all.

Both his Spider/Super Soldier powers and his Mystic Arts seemed unreachable. Not even the Reality Stone was responding, though that would prove this to be an alternate universe.

After all, the Infinity Stones for one Universe would be nothing more than a beautiful rock in another.

Suddenly, as Peter was panicking due to his lack of abilities, something shocking happened.

A floating text box appeared in his vision as if he were playing some sort of video game.

[1st Trial: Save Uncle Ben.

Details: An alternate version of yourself is about to lose his Uncle/Father figure to an armed carjacking. Your alternate self could have stopped this from happening, but instead chose to allow the man who would later kill his Uncle to escape due to feelings of vengeance.

Objective: Save Ben Parker from his sad fate while still showing your alternate self the error of his ways

Reward: Infinite Potential

Limitations: All powers are confiscated until the end of this trial, Slight Inebriation]

"It's been a while since I've felt this weak..." Peter sat there with an idiotic look on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the new champion, Spider-Man!" The announcer exclaimed as Bone Saw lay passed out in the middle of the ring.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man!"

The roar of the crowd knocked Peter from his shock as he watched his alternate self hold his arms up in celebration.

Before he knew it, the match came to an end.

'I don't have much time...' Peter thought as he sprung out of his seat. 'I need to find that thief...'

A/N: 1500 words

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